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Sylvia Van Velzer (IslandVoice)

Joined 16 years ago from Hawaii

  • 78
  • 524
  • 403
  • 0

    A Mermaids Tale from the Sea

    13 years ago

    Anna diving and loving it! I'm the mom who went ballistic because her daughter had 'underworld' ties. Well, of course I'm referring to sea predators and the 'dangerous' world of diving. It begun the day her daddy decided to take his baby girl for...

  • A Dry Spell

    A Dry Spell

    13 years ago

    3 Yellow Hibiscus-from our garden WOW! I can't believe it! I've been 'Hubbing' with you guys this long? Do i know all 500 plus of you who follow me? I should probably ask, do YOU know ME? A little bit perhaps? We do 'read' (and mis-read) each other...

  • The Digital Art Revolution

    The Digital Art Revolution

    12 years ago

    Digital art is not real art? Purported by my daughter's friend, and i felt slighted. What an ignoramus, i thought! But, then again i realized, she was among many who had no clue what it meant to create art with today's new high tech tools, and...

  • An Artist's Psyche

    An Artist's Psyche

    13 years ago

    Who or what is an artist? Why makes us paint? What do artist feel or think when they create their work of art?

  • The Gravity of Human Depravity

    The Gravity of Human Depravity

    13 years ago

    We haven't moved planet have we? This is still the same earth humans like us are suppose to enjoy, subdue and rule, as our domain, and home, right? But, why does it feel more and more like we are among creatures of darkness, extremely dangerous and...

  • Playing Religion

    Playing Religion

    13 years ago

    "Measure not men by Sundays, without regarding what they do all the week after." - Thomas Fuller If you consider yourself a religious person, you may want to braise yourself for a rough ride ahead. This is one blog i have considered writing for a...

  • Friends of Worth

    Friends of Worth

    12 years ago

    At our worst can come the utmost best. She was 'grace undeserved', 'unconditional love manifest', the epitome of the best of the best of friendships. I, to this day don't have a clue why she cared the way she did, except to believe the miraculous,...

  • Stop The Insanity!

    Stop The Insanity!

    12 years ago

    Mental illness is very real to me. I lost one of my brothers to suicide. There is nothing 'painless' about it, as one popular song goes. It's been many years, but i still feel the loss of one so dear to me. He was a gentle spirit, sweet and kind. I...

  • Digital Art on Giclee

    Digital Art on Giclee

    13 years ago

    My Bowl of Fruits on Giclee So, you think you can paint? No, i didn't. I never thought i could, or ever would. My life's been thrust all over the place, by every circumstance, folly and mistake. Woe is me? No way! I owe up to everything. Maybe,...

  • Life Matters, Really!

    Life Matters, Really!

    12 years ago

    Why be saddled with this thing called life expectancy? Of what relevance to an individual is such a statistic? Am I to concern myself with an allotment of days I never had and was never promised? Must I check off each day of my life as if I am...

  • Shanghai Impressions

    Shanghai Impressions

    14 years ago

    Alfred Eisenstaedt said, "I enjoy traveling and recording far-away places and people with my camera. But I also find it wonderfully rewarding to see what I can discover outside my own window. And i take heed of St. Augustine's words when he said...

  • Romancing Rodin

    Romancing Rodin

    13 years ago

  • Nuggets from Ted

    Nuggets from Ted

    14 years ago

    Go ahead, salivate at the good fortune of Ted Williams and his bagloads of job offers, with no less than a major movie contract with Jack Nicholson in it. Of course there will be books as well. Well, good for Mr Williams! I wonder what his spitters...

  • What Colors Tell Us

    What Colors Tell Us

    12 years ago

    My wall colors "Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to...

  • It's A Wonderful Virtual World

    It's A Wonderful Virtual World

    14 years ago

    Good Morning G! Now imagine all these. I am sharing hot cocos, and getting an inside scoop on Hollywood from Gina. I like that she holds her own as a celebrity, but i like it more that she's well grounded and loves family, like i do mine. Then i...

  • Christmas Bags of Hope

    Christmas Bags of Hope

    14 years ago

    For it is in giving that we receive- Francis of Assisi Many of life's precious gifts are birthed. Christmas is grace demonstrated with the babe Jesus born in a lowly manger. There are traditions carved by time, cultures, religious beliefs, and by...

  • What about Marriage

    What about Marriage

    14 years ago

    Let's see now, you are either married, unmarried, considering marriage, or what my husband describes in bewtix, not sure about going into the 'unknown' with someone. If you are single, practicing celibacy, a skeptic and think marriage sucks, this...

  • Moms Are Not Created Equal

    Moms Are Not Created Equal

    12 years ago

    As Helen Steiner says: A mother... "is patient and forgiving, when all others are forsaking, And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking . . . It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns, And it glows with all ...

  • Who's Cheating Who

    Who's Cheating Who

    14 years ago

    "Cheats live in darkness and thrive on lies. Nothing good comes out of them"-mequote There are many kinds of cheats, from bigtime to smalltime. It is common to men, women, children, rich, poor, ugly, beautiful, every race and every color. No one...

  • Regrettable Regrets

    Regrettable Regrets

    12 years ago

    "Regret is defined as "to feel sorry, disappointed, or distressed about, or to remember with a feeling of loss or sorrow; mourn. It has the broadest range, from mere disappointment to a painful sense of dissatisfaction or self-reproach, as over...

  • Overwhelmed By Hate

    Overwhelmed By Hate

    15 years ago

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to love, and a time to hate- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. To hate means to detest, abhor, execrate, abominate, loathe, scorn, despise, to have an aversion toward,...

  • Miracles I Believe

    Miracles I Believe

    12 years ago

    I liked attending Sunday school as a little girl, and listening to stories, with picture illustrations, about Jesus. But i liked fairy tales too, like Snow White, Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk. I remember how my young gullible mind...

  • Love Love Love!

    Love Love Love!

    12 years ago

    John Keats said: I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion - I have shudder'd at it. I shudder no more. I could be martyr'd for my religion. Love is my religion, and I could die for that. I could die for you.". And does...

  • Doggone Quotes

    Doggone Quotes

    11 years ago

    In loving memory of all our dogs that are now in dog heaven: Lovely, Silver, Vanilla. Winter, Bosley, Prince, Atlas, Valentine, Sandra Dee, Azabache, Oprah, etc etc Gene Hill said: He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears...

  • The Folly of Gossip

    The Folly of Gossip

    15 years ago

    Don't Give Your Ear “With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor” -Prov. 11:9 I just feel this is a necessary hub for me to write. I know someone who still loves gossiping about me, and i am just praying she gets over it. She thinks...

  • Resilience


    13 years ago

    Rainbow in Mililani "The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists"-Japanese Proverb MayoClinic defines resilience as "the ability to adapt well to stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy." How is it that some people do better...

  • Manila, A Mix Bag

    Manila, A Mix Bag

    13 years ago

    Like a favorite 'mix trail', Manila is a lot like a delightful bag filled with nuts, chips and fruits, and there's enough of the sweet, salty and spicy to keep one coming back for more. Rudyard Kipling said: Our hearts where they rocked our...

  • Thanksgiving, Beyond a Holiday

    Thanksgiving, Beyond a Holiday

    14 years ago

    Nowadays, thanksgiving has become a mere “holiday”, when folks including you and me, take off, get a break, see friends and family, and gather for a turkey dinner. Many of us look forward to the celebration, for various reasons. Nothing wrong...

  • Find Your Soulmate

    Find Your Soulmate

    13 years ago

    Do I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you? ~Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella How shallow is it that I watch celebrities? Oh, but who cares! I love arts, and the artist, in all forms....

  • Forgiving Is Liberating

    Forgiving Is Liberating

    15 years ago

    I never knew real freedom until i learned to forgive. I didn't understand the liberating power of forgiveness until i came to a crossroad in my life, and i realized, i had to let go of unforgiveness that had held my soul captive for so long. How i...

  • Shall We Lol?

    Shall We Lol?

    13 years ago

    So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter. ~Gordon W. Allport This world does not laugh enough. BUT! And just because i am a hopeless romantic, or the type who never loses hope on...

  • Brocaded Koi

    Brocaded Koi

    12 years ago

    Artsyl Koi Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. ~Rachel Carson Brocade is 'a class of richly decorative shuttle woven fabrics, often made in colored silks and with or without gold and...

  • Christmas  Glee Tree

    Christmas Glee Tree

    14 years ago

    If i remember right, it was Nat King Cole who sung....."O Christmas tree! O Christmas Tree! Much pleasure thou can'st give me; O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! Much pleasure thou can'st give me; How often has the Christmas tree, afforded me the...

  • Aging, but not passe'

    Aging, but not passe'

    12 years ago

    Jacqueline Bisset & Catherine Daneuve The baby boomers seem to get it right, and the women are different from their parents and grandparents. They have seen their elderly parents suffer and lose their independence and want to avoid the same fate....

  • Pivot, Lipton & Me

    Pivot, Lipton & Me

    15 years ago

    The Interview It is very difficult to generalise. Everyone's adventure is original- Bernard Pivot James Lipton is such a fabulous host, interviewer, i have found myself, occasionally wishing it was me he was conversing with. It must be that I...

  • Waimanalo's Turquoise Waters

    Waimanalo's Turquoise Waters

    15 years ago

    Umbrella Woman Sunbathers Azure 1 Asure 2 Azure 3 Nature is my medicine. -Sara Moss-Wolfe It could have something to do with the fact that turquoise is a favorite gem and color. I have a need to go to a place to relax and the sea does that...

  • Our Little Artist

    Our Little Artist

    13 years ago

  • Colocasia Esculenta or Simply Taro.

    Colocasia Esculenta or Simply Taro.

    13 years ago

    Photo Digital Art Green and heartshaped, means love, life, giving...perhaps a healing, so does nature speak to us? In Hawaii, the extraordinary value of Taro is manifest in its numerous important roles: as a staple food, as a figure of legend...

  • Redefined at 50

    Redefined at 50

    13 years ago

    Let me quote in part Jules Feiffer, "At sixteen I was stupid, confused and indecisive. At twenty-five I was wise, self-confident, prepossessing and assertive. At forty-five I am stupid, confused, insecure and indecisive... " Nobody grows old...

  • Exciting North Shore

    Exciting North Shore

    15 years ago

    NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4 NS 5 NS 6 Hawaii is wonderful all year round, but winter (approximately November to January) is probably the most exciting time to come to the Islands. Most especially if you are looking for that big 'wow' in your trip. As...

  • Kona Hawaii

    Kona Hawaii

    12 years ago

    Sunset in Kona It's no surprise that Kona and Kohala have become the playground for the rich and famous, but that's really a 'secret'. But, since nobody can refuse celebrity gossip, here's one you don't want to miss. In the last ten years, the...

  • The Impact of Christian Music

    The Impact of Christian Music

    15 years ago

    Contemporary Christian worship band MercyMe has been singing for the Lord for over 13 years. Their album "Almost There" brought on the hit "I Can Only Imagine," which, despite mentioning "Jesus" throughout its lyrics, infiltrated mainstream radio...

  • Waikiki Hawaii-The Grand Appeal

    Waikiki Hawaii-The Grand Appeal

    13 years ago

    Hawaii is not called 'paradise' and rainbow state for nothing. It is considered the wedding capital of the world, and one of the most romantic tour destinations. More than 20,000 marriages are performed annually on the islands, to include ours. The...

  • A Mother's Gem Daughter

    A Mother's Gem Daughter

    12 years ago

    Suddenly, through birthing a daughter, a woman finds herself face to face not only with an infant, a little girl, a woman-to-be, but also with her own unresolved conflicts from the past and her hopes and dreams for the future-Elizabeth Debold and...

  • A Horse Romance

    A Horse Romance

    13 years ago

    HGY Herman Sr The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire. -Sharon Ralls Lemon A Special Tribute: One of my life's blessing is knowing my horse loving, horse...

  • Ice Crystal Cathedral

    Ice Crystal Cathedral

    15 years ago

    It occurs to me now that I have never seen the ice-storm put upon canvas, and have not heard that any painter has tried to do it. I wonder why that is. Is it that paint cannot counterfeit the intense blaze of a sun-flooded jewel?-Mark Twain My...

  • A Little Honeymoon

    A Little Honeymoon

    13 years ago

    The essence of pleasure is spontaneity -Germaine Greer It wasn't our first, and we didn't have the luxury of time. But, our honeymoon, as brief and spontaneous. would prove to be the sweetest, and most memorable. But, we are hopeless romantics,...

  • Fashionable Flip Flops

    Fashionable Flip Flops

    12 years ago

    Island Lil Girl There are political flip floppers, and there are Flip Flops you wear on your feet. One is better than the other, and this is about the better other. Ok, we're just having some fun. Flip-flops used to be very basic type of footwear...

  • Say Chess!

    Say Chess!

    14 years ago

    We so love the game of chess. But we can't say it loves us back, at least not the way we want it. It is a relentless challenger, and like an elusive lover, she keeps us fascinated and on our toes. Do you know that chess is the oldest skill game in...

  • A Good Son

    A Good Son

    13 years ago

    Sweet Lorraine, from her son's lens I love and admire many women. I have been blessed, and touched by some of the most beautiful female souls ever to come in one's life. It gives me extreme joy to celebrate and find opportunities to pay tribute to...

  • Monet's Brush, My Mouse

    Monet's Brush, My Mouse

    13 years ago

    Sargent, John Singer- Monet Painting at the Edge of a Wood. The portrait was painted in the spring of 1888 at Giverny “My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.” Claude Monet. He goes on to say that everything he had earned had gone into his...

  • Sea of My Inspiration

    Sea of My Inspiration

    12 years ago

    Waimanalo Beach, Hawaii "A person should go out on the water on a fine day to a small distance from a beautiful coast, if he would see Nature really smile.- Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827 ...

  • Sunsets of My Heart

    Sunsets of My Heart

    12 years ago

    "Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do". ~Michel de Montaigne "They may as well have called the sun a ball of flaming joy." ~Star Richés I don't think there is anyone that has lived, and who is...

  • Photos and Quotes

    Photos and Quotes

    12 years ago

    There are many popular inspirational quotes and there are many I particularly like. For sometime now, i have found myself posting these in my Facebook, Twitter and other websites. Many have followed suit, which is great. What's the purpose? I think...

  • She Calls Me Grammy

    She Calls Me Grammy

    13 years ago

    On her 3rd birthday If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first. ~Lois Wyse My grandmother from my mom's side passed on when i was a baby, so i never really knew her. My grandma from my dad's side lived...

  • Floral Collages

    Floral Collages

    12 years ago

    Earth laughs in flowers. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Island Flora "Flowers are beautiful hieroglyphics of nature, with which she indicates how much she loves us". Wolfgang von Goethe I'll take a single wild flower anytime, given with affection. My...

  • 12

    Loving The Imperfect Dad

    10 years ago

    My father was perfect for me, and I am who i am because of the unconditional love he gave me. I owe him a lot, and i will always honor him.

  • The Love of Money

    The Love of Money

    15 years ago

    There' s a saying, "Do not value money for any more nor any less than its worth; it is a good servant but a bad master"-Alexandre Dumas Last night we picked a Netflix movie to watch online, a documentary about the Enron scandal, entitled."The...

  • A Brave Battle With Miscarriages

    A Brave Battle With Miscarriages

    15 years ago

    It's one thing to agree 'life's not fair; but another to actually live through it's hellish reality. Just when I thought i had already experienced the worse and begun to accept heaven's dealings and portion, came the 'perfect storm'. I don't think i...

  • Woman, Covet Not

    Woman, Covet Not

    13 years ago

    We are ever striving after what is forbidden, and coveting what is denied us.-Publius Ovidius Naso · Covetous men (women) are fools, miserable wretches, buzzards, madmen who live by themselves, in perpetual slavery, fear, suspicion, sorrow,...

  • Lives Liberated by Art

    Lives Liberated by Art

    15 years ago

    I'm just another voice crying out for those who are helpless to change theirs. In the Philippines, and in Manila alone, a city of the privileged and the poor, thousands live in shanties or on the streets. There are1.5 million street children, a...

  • The Susan Boyle Phenomena

    The Susan Boyle Phenomena

    15 years ago

    I first got the news from Twitter, and i jumped to the site where a YouTube video entitled "A Star is Born" was waiting to be 'clicked'. There she was, a modestly dressed lady, looking like a school teacher and not at all the 'star material' which...

  • Getting It Right In Remarriage

    Getting It Right In Remarriage

    15 years ago

    Marriages fail for many reasons. When two people can't work out their conflict and live in the same roof anymore despite all efforts to save it, then it's over. The couple must live with the consequences of the divorce or separation. When there are...

  • Strength In Quietness

    Strength In Quietness

    14 years ago

    Aloness "We live in a very tense society. We are pulled apart... and we all need to learn how to pull ourselves together.... I think that at least part of the answer lies in solitude." ~Helen Hayes QUIET PLEASE!!! There's just too much noise and...

  • What To Do After A Break-up

    What To Do After A Break-up

    15 years ago

    Hardwood Trails One is lucky to live long enough in this world and never suffer a hearbreak. Now that i'm much older, i can say that many of the heartaches i went through were actually good for me. No, i didn't think so at the time they were of...

  • Why Be Grateful

    Why Be Grateful

    15 years ago

    "Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the...

  • My Friend Adversity

    My Friend Adversity

    12 years ago

    You've unmasked, you're an ally, my toughest teacher yet My Friend, Adversity by Sylvia van Velzer Mother of dread, how many times i've prayed you away. Bearer of bad news, party pooper, my worse nightmare Unpredictable, tenacious, a no...

  • You Have to Love the Beautiful YOU

    You Have to Love the Beautiful YOU

    13 years ago

    Beautiful Andy We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies -Roderick Thorp, Rainbow Drive Yes, i believe in 'narcissism'. It upsets me when i see a beautiful and talented...

  • The Fear of Change

    The Fear of Change

    13 years ago

    All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France I still remember the time when my husband had asked me to help...

  • An Artist's Dilemma

    An Artist's Dilemma

    13 years ago

    I knew an artist who was part of a group called the "Starving artists". He would come to us many times, pushing his oil paintings so he could feed his family. I thought of him as very gifted, but sadly, as good as he was, he barely made money to...

  • The Coffee Seduction

    The Coffee Seduction

    12 years ago

    Coffee Facts: • Coffee drinkers are more likely to feel coffee is healthy, with 49% saying that as opposed to 36% of non-drinkers. • Sixty one percent said that coffee improves their mental focus versus 48% of non-drinkers and 59% of coffee...

  • The Beauty of Easter

    The Beauty of Easter

    12 years ago

    Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, "Christ is risen," but "I shall rise." ~Phillips Brooks Yes, there is something, and someone that will always make...

  • Abstract Art

    Abstract Art

    13 years ago

  • Women In Business

    Women In Business

    13 years ago

    Honolulu Expo with Young Biz Ladies Anything men can do, we women can do better. Ummmm, probably not all the time. I do know wives who make more money than their hubbies, and it's not a bad thing. As long as there is understanding and respect...

  • Dream Easter Wedding

    Dream Easter Wedding

    12 years ago

    I once dreamt of one day marrying a handsome prince in a fairytale like wedding, somewhere in a land of breathtaking beauty. But, then, don't most young girls do and somewhere, somehow forget or dismiss it as mere childish notion? I don't think i...

  • When A Loved One Dies

    When A Loved One Dies

    15 years ago

    A Bridge Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.  ~Socrates Death can be sudden and unexpected, or it can be painfully slow. Either way, it happens, it's traumatic and life changing. The first death i experienced was that of my...

  • I Love Us

    I Love Us

    14 years ago

    Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and...

  • The Art of Self Discovery

    The Art of Self Discovery

    13 years ago

    ArtMask If you aren't sure who you are, you might as well work on who you want to be.~Robert Brault I look at a child, in all innocence, like that of a clean canvas ready to be painted on. There's the first stage when it is pristine, then...


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