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Sioux Ramos (emohealer)

Joined 15 years ago from South Carolina

  • 27
  • 501
  • 277
  • Surrender for Peace

    Surrender for Peace

    8 years ago

    Peace can come about only through surrender Whether it is war or life in general, whether we are talking about solely a mortal existence or an eternal existence. While enlisted in the Gulf War I ...

  • Cold Laser and Quantum Laser Therapy Using Frequencies

    Cold Laser and Quantum Laser Therapy Using Frequencies

    14 years ago

    We have all heard of what is referred to as "Hot Lasers" for performing surgeries with amazing new technology, but what is a "Cold Laser"? Cold Lasers have been around for many years, being used in many countries around the world. This is not new...

  • Healing With Energy Techniques

    Healing With Energy Techniques

    8 years ago

    Energy healing is used to treat all aspects of our energy anatomy in addition to our physical anatomy. We have all learned at least a little bit about our physical anatomy, but there is a lesser known part of our anatomy that is not as easily...

  • Essential Oil and Herbal First Aid Kit

    Essential Oil and Herbal First Aid Kit

    12 years ago

    With so many herbs and the diverse information out there how do we choose what is right for us and how do we know if it is working? This is not designed to be a full listing of what anyone needs to treat disorders and disease, This is literally a...

  • Loss of A Constant Companion

    Loss of A Constant Companion

    12 years ago

    A constant companion, whether it is with a person a place or a thing, becomes a habit. Something becomes a habit when it is repeated over and over. A habit becomes our "comfort zone". When something or someone we have become habitual with is gone or...

  • Thyroid Issues - What - Why - Recovery

    Thyroid Issues - What - Why - Recovery

    11 years ago

    But not for me! Does this mean anything to you? it didn't for me until recently I experienced thyroid storm. I took a journey through my sub-conscious, a deep dark place of denial. A place where I discovered I believed in all of the wonderful...

  • Sacrifice To Get What You Want

    Sacrifice To Get What You Want

    12 years ago

    The real question is what are we willing to give up, in order to receive what we desire? Is it really a trade off? The answer is yes! A magnet cannot have opposite polarities on the same side. One side is positive, the other side is negative, and it...

  • Happiness, Pleasure And Joy

    Happiness, Pleasure And Joy

    15 years ago

    Happiness, pleasure and joy, three similar yet not the same much sought after experiences. How similar are they? What is the difference or is there really a difference? Most important is what is the source to provide these beautiful aspects in life?...

  • Math  Marriage And Relationships

    Math Marriage And Relationships

    15 years ago

    Marriage and Relationships go together that makes two things in common. What about the third, does math really have anything to do with marriage and relationships? Only if you have learned the mathematics of 1 + 1 = 3.  No, I am not talking about...

  • The Energy Of Emotions

    The Energy Of Emotions

    13 years ago

     Emotion or breaking it down to E-motion......."E" is the switch, the start button, the knob, the  key.  "E" is the thing that turns things on and off, as wells as opening and closing things.  "E" is the "cause" in the cause and effect model ...

  • What Would Jesus Be Live?

    What Would Jesus Be Live?

    15 years ago

    I observe belief pathways, healing and the energy systems they both flow on, wondering what they would look like all repaired and running smoothly. I then reflect on my opportunities to observe and participate in new life/birth, and death...

  • 40

    Exercises To Expand Your Mind Body Soul Experiences

    11 years ago

    Did I say exercises? Well I assure you this is not about jumping jacks, push ups or sit ups, those days ended years ago for me. Exercise has a wide variety of meanings, in this instance it refers to: "Something performed or practiced in order to...

  • Learning To Snow Ski

    Learning To Snow Ski

    15 years ago

    I learned to snow ski in Austria while stationed in Germany in the late 80's. Snow skiing turned out to be one of the most exhilarating sports. I enjoyed it immensely and highly recommend it to any one who has considered giving it a try. Snow...

  • They Are Only Practicing, Why Do We Expect A Miracle

    They Are Only Practicing, Why Do We Expect A Miracle

    15 years ago

    Practicing medicine, Practicing law, Practicing religion. These are all areas of practice, the licenses issued says the individuals are licensed to practice. No need to write a long description of what practice is, it's what we do when we want to...

  • Upgrade Gratitude Get Appreciation

    Upgrade Gratitude Get Appreciation

    15 years ago

    Gratitude is a very popular subject especially in relation to the Law Of Attraction. Gratitude is said to be one of the greatest emotions and expressions for attracting and manifesting more of what we want in our lives. There are gratitude books...

  • Speaking The Language Of Unconditional Love

    Speaking The Language Of Unconditional Love

    15 years ago

    The quest for unconditional love surpasses even the quest for the Holy Grail, From the beginning of time, from the first breath taken, this is what all of mankind seeks. Infants and toddlers give it without realizing, but soon, very early on the...

  • It's Not What You Do, It's Why

    It's Not What You Do, It's Why

    12 years ago

    We do, do, do , do , do......always looking for an end result. We never do anything without an end result in mind. Doing is our what, the end result is the why. A what is a tangible thing that can be seen, or touched and can be proven that something...

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    What Does It Mean Being Balanced and Centered In Our Lives?

    12 years ago

    We are constantly hearing about being balanced and sometimes centered is added in as well. What does it mean to be balanced? There are so many images that come to mind about what it is to be balanced. There is so much advise on how to accomplish and...

  • Overcoming Addiction, Obesity,Mental Illness and more

    Overcoming Addiction, Obesity,Mental Illness and more

    12 years ago

    These three things are the most widespread disorders that exist and almost every other medical condition is blamed on the existence of one or more of these factors They are all considered personal choices and hereditary based. Marketing makes...

  • The Power of One:  What did Hitler, Hussein and the Devil Have in Common?

    The Power of One: What did Hitler, Hussein and the Devil Have in Common?

    13 years ago

    Hitler, Hussein, and The Devil are all accredited with horrific deeds on a massive scale. What if we take another look and realize that their true common ground is that they personally never did anything at all? They were all nothing more than...

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    Ear Candling Or Ear Coning

    15 years ago

    Ear candling is a modern form of ancient ear coning techniques. Ear coning has been attributed to many different ancient and extinct societies to include Mayans, Aztecs, Atlantis, Native Americans, and Egypt to list a few. Originally Ear Coning...

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    How To Install Tile The Basics

    14 years ago

    Laying tile can range from simple to quite complex. With a few simple tips however, it has the possibilites of being a do-it-yourself project. Tile has longer durability, increases the vaule of your home, is allergen free with easy clean-up and...

  • Energy Healing:  What It Is, Benefits, and Methods

    Energy Healing: What It Is, Benefits, and Methods

    15 years ago

    Energy is something we can feel, but cannot touch.  Energy is a powerful force as real as everything we can touch and see, and hear. Energy is all around us. It is the cause behind every effect we experience. All energy, no matter the source,...

  • The Gift The Man I Called Dad Gave Me

    The Gift The Man I Called Dad Gave Me

    15 years ago

    He was not the man who brought me into this world, he married my mom when I was 2, he was the only man I knew growing up as dad though. It was not his temperament or style to compliment or encourage. He was not highly educated but he knew everything...

  • How to Change An Attitude or Perspective

    How to Change An Attitude or Perspective

    15 years ago

    How many times each day do each of us hear or say that someone needs an "attitude adjustment" or something similar? An attitude is really a physical display of a perspective. The real issue is the perspective and by changing the perspective the...

  • Water The Ultimate Energy Source - H2O

    Water The Ultimate Energy Source - H2O

    12 years ago

    The health benefits of water goes far beyond the scope of just drinking water. I hope to broaden your perspective and open a window to a new view of water in our lives. Discovering the true category and class of water and experiencing the energy...

  • How to Make children's wooden toy blocks

    How to Make children's wooden toy blocks

    12 years ago

    Making children's wood toy blocks is very simple and inexpensive, they provide hours of fun without batteries for children as well as color learning and color vibration therapy. Making children's blocks can be be very profitable and they make great...


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