Do you read the labels on food products before you buy them?

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  1. onceuponatime66 profile image59
    onceuponatime66posted 14 years ago

    Do you read the labels on food products before you buy them?

  2. joanecollins profile image54
    joanecollinsposted 14 years ago

    Yes, in fact I do read them. Because I have kids, I make sure the foods I buy don't have transfat and I also look for low sugar and salt content.



  3. Surf Echo profile image60
    Surf Echoposted 14 years ago

    I almost always read product labels. I give various degrees of scrutiny depending upon what it is. Basically, first I scan to see if there are more chemical componds then food ingredients. This is especially true when it is a snack food my kids have thrust into my hands or shopping cart.  For myself I usually check the fat and sodium levels because I have been shocked on more than one occasion to find loads of hidden fat and sodium in food I assumed were very healthy. I do not go overboard but I do try to be aware of what is going into my mouth and the mouths of my kids. The only way to know it to look.

  4. glutathionetips profile image59
    glutathionetipsposted 14 years ago

    I am probably the opposite of the other two hubbers. Probably because of my age I would have to say i rarely read the labels. Even though I worked in the organic section at the grocery store for 2.5 years before I became self employed I would have to say no even though I probably should.

  5. RocketCityWriter profile image73
    RocketCityWriterposted 14 years ago

    Yep, pretty much every time when it's something I've never had before. Typically, I don't stray away from stuff that I've found in the past, but that can get a little boring. When not organic, I look for the minimal amount of ingredients in combination with a low number of multisyllabic chemical compounds, preferably none. If the product includes the main ingredient and only a couple other natural ingredients it's good in my book. I typically don't read nutrition facts on the foods I buy except for maybe checking the sodium level because food is sold so salty in the states. Remember, you get out what you put in!

  6. FloBe profile image65
    FloBeposted 14 years ago

    Most of the time I do read labels, even in junk food! If I find a junk food that is a healthier choice I won't feel so bad buying it now and then. I definitely read the label on those products we use daily--if I don't understand the ingredients I try not to buy the product. I want to know what is going into our body. And, I also have an allergy to onions so I have to make sure it is not one of the ingredients.

  7. Multiflavour profile image60
    Multiflavourposted 14 years ago

    yes I read labels for products that are new to me. I don't look much at the nutritional value but I pay attention to the provenience, if it is written something about the way product was grown (i.e organic) and the ingredients.

    I generally don't look at it for products I usually buy and are familiar to me.

  8. joleenruffin profile image61
    joleenruffinposted 14 years ago

    definitely. I check for certain ingredients and look at calories, carb, protein and fat grams.

  9. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    No it's always in small print and a waste of time to read. I eat what I like when I like and as much as I like and I don't worry.

  10. Brupie profile image67
    Brupieposted 14 years ago

    I read most labels, but usually not for nutritional reasons.  I just want to know the ingredients.  I do a lot of reverse engineering in the kitchen and if say a TV dinner looks vaguely appealing, I look at what the manufactured version contains, then try to find a similar recipe and wing it.

  11. dragonlady1967 profile image68
    dragonlady1967posted 14 years ago

    Bad me....but no I don't any longer.  I guess because the chronic illness I have, it really doesn't matter what I eat. Diet changes won't help at all.  People don't realize how great they have it when they can eat anything.  I am not so lucky. So label reading doesn't really help.

  12. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 14 years ago

    Yes, I do........for many years now.............

  13. lindacee profile image90
    lindaceeposted 14 years ago

    Yes, I do read the labels for nutritional information. It's amazing how unhealthy some food products are -- even the ones labeled "light" or "low fat". It is always good to check the calories, fat and sodium content on all food products -- even the ones marketed as healthy.


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