why do many religious people shun athiests?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    why do many religious people shun athiests?

    many will state that a real christian doesn't do that but your wrong. why not just accept people for who they are regardless of the fact that god isn't real to them?

  2. Faithful Daughter profile image79
    Faithful Daughterposted 13 years ago

    I'm a Christian and I accept you for who you are. I am not your judge. I have many athiest friends and love them just the same. They respect me and I respect them and that is what is all about... respect for one another. Do not blame all Christians, just the few that do not follow Christ's teachings. I don't blame all atheists either just the few that bash Christians. I feel that people just have bad attitudes and we all need to respect each other's opinions and beliefs.

  3. Right On Time profile image61
    Right On Timeposted 13 years ago

    "we all need to respect each other's opinions and beliefs".


  4. tenordj profile image65
    tenordjposted 13 years ago

    I personally dont shun athiests. I have friends who are athiests. I am a Christian man, but I respect each persons right to be a free moral agent. I have seen it work both ways though, because I have seen athiests snub Christians too. Even though I don't agree with your beliefs, doesn't mean I have to look down upon you. Its not my position to judge anyone.

  5. SteppingForward profile image60
    SteppingForwardposted 13 years ago

    I believe that if any Christians "shun" atheists they may still be growing as a Christian and are fearful of the devil and believe he could work through said atheists.
    I personally am a "Christian" and the word “atheists” confuses me. I'm not sure how I feel about labeling anyone including myself. I belief in God and try my best to achieve what I am meant to here on earth through him. Loving all and spreading love.
    My opinion is that, many live their lives for themselves and in that are transformed and manipulated into being who their lives made them instead of being who they are made to be, so then their lives would influence others.

  6. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 13 years ago

    As an atheist I have many Christians telling me I will burn in hell (that's so very Christian of them) but many Christians also think it's their duty to pray for my soul.  Others couldn't care less what I believe.

    I think many Christians are so lacking in their own belief they need to have constant confirmation from others that their  beliefs are valid and just don't want anyone who doesn't share their beliefs around them.  And that includes other faiths as well... such as Pagan, Wicca, Islam, Sikh and Hindu or even Satanism etc.

  7. Merlin Fraser profile image59
    Merlin Fraserposted 13 years ago

    Who knows for sure, perhaps they think it's catching !

      Worked for me, when I was attempting to get my head around some fairly heavy theology versus science stuff a wise man told me,  "Now, just leave God out of the equation and see if it still works."

      Recently Steven Hawking made the same remark when he was explaining the formation of the entire Universe, there is no need for God in the equation.

    Compared to that, what we have here on this tiny planet is peanuts.

      Try it for yourself, you'll be amazed when it works, so maybe it is catching !

  8. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    because they are passing judgment wich is wrong everyone has the right to beleave what they want

  9. Freeway Flyer profile image82
    Freeway Flyerposted 13 years ago

    I don't know if most religious people shun atheists. But in some religious belief systems, the key to salvation is proper belief. If someone comes to the wrong theological conclusions, then they face eternal peril. So it is difficult to simply "live and let live" when you view the world in this way. You either feel obligated to convert people to your way of thinking, or you stay away from those who could potentially drag you down with them.

    I am OK with atheists because I do not claim to know the answers to the great theological questions. In my view, the answers are ultimately unknowable. What matters to me is how people behave, not their theological conclusions. A person's self-professed beliefs don't matter very much anyway. So often, people who claim to believe the same stuff live entirely different lives.


  10. C.V.Rajan profile image60
    C.V.Rajanposted 13 years ago

    Tit for tat! Why do atheists shun theists?  Same reason!

  11. ttrash profile image60
    ttrashposted 13 years ago

    it's a question of respect. Just as some religious people shun atheists, some atheists are just as unfair to Christians and many other religions. If there isn't a mutual respect, there will continue to be a ridiculous line drawn between the two.

  12. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 13 years ago

    Theists are frightened to death that if the smallest crack starts in their house of glass it will all come down. They can't answer the questions that atheist raise when they are asked.
    Remember that they also fear such things as fantasy movies like Harry Potter.
    They realize that when they hold up their great books of "truth" they are blown away by facts and by science that they can't make any logical argument to challenge.
    But it is the atheists who are, for the most part, indifferent to their beliefs that really frightens them. In poles of every religion around the world atheist are the most feared. They have other religions vowing to kill them and their families, yet they fear most those who don't care.


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