If God is the Universal Mind, yet science has proved that one day the Universe w

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  1. keepitnatural profile image61
    keepitnaturalposted 13 years ago

    If God is the Universal Mind, yet science has proved that one day the Universe will die, does this..

    mean that one day God will die too? What next? Will God's spirit, that we all are a part of move into a higher existence beyond that which we could ever imagine..?

  2. Jangaplanet profile image60
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    The material world might disapear, but conciousness won't. So if one day , when the universe dies, the awareness will live forever. Perhaps a new universe will be born. This is only my personal opinion.

  3. callumevans profile image60
    callumevansposted 13 years ago

    I think most believers would say that God is outside of the universe, whilst still being a part of it (i.e God is eternal). So if the universe did end, then God would be fine.

    Also, as far as I know the universe wouldn't vanish if it ended; it would either end in a heat death (any life would die), or there would be a 'big crunch', but then it would only become infinitely small -- not completely absent. I think God, if he exists, would be fine if he's a part of the universe.

    Humanity, on the other hand, would be buggered.

  4. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 13 years ago

    fact and you can look though all of history. if there's no money there's no science, but the world and universe was always here for it all from God and God is beyond what ever man can imagine. great thing God made it easy for man but we not smart enough to see it or know it.

  5. ptosis profile image72
    ptosisposted 13 years ago


    Heat death of the universe =  total entropy then gravity  will once again contract the universe over eons for another big-bang?

    Kabbala says that unity with God.

    http://relijournal.com/christianity/why … the-world/

  6. Kamalesh050 profile image68
    Kamalesh050posted 13 years ago

    This  Universe will die one day and a new Universe will be born as and when God wants to.  God will never die.  He is inside the universe, outside the universe, He is beyond our imagination.

  7. ii3rittles profile image85
    ii3rittlesposted 13 years ago

    From what I read in the bible, this earth, that we live on, wont be destroyed. Just the surface. God and Lucifer's war will take place on and around the earth. God will destroy everything on it wth flames and fire. He will then decend heaven unto the earth and those that are in heaven with live once again on the earth, but it will be a it use to be, like it was when Adam and Eve were here, before sin. Animals will not kill one another, their will be no sadness or sin, just joy and eternal peace!

  8. luxoccasus profile image60
    luxoccasusposted 13 years ago

    Science has theorized and predicted much. It states that matter can not be created or destroyed only transformed. In this happening something new will take place of what we now call the universe. As for God ..God is beyond our understanding and knowledge and always will be. We can at best see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to God.So I say the universe will be transformed and God will make out of it what he will. That is my best guess....

  9. Freethinker79 profile image59
    Freethinker79posted 13 years ago

    If the universe dies that means that it was born. As in the big bang. Otherwise why would God create the universe just to destroy it? That would be suicide.

  10. Shahid Bukhari profile image61
    Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years ago

    The Mind ... Is God's Gift to Humankind ... The Repertoire, of Definitive Concepts ... Defining The Perfect ... of Creation ... in Our Awareness ... we Relate, with our Reality, with our Mind ...

    Thus, the Mind enables us, to Relate, with the Existent ... Totality, Existent in Two States of Formal Creation ... The Ideal and the Physical States of Creation.

    Without such a "definer" ... we would be blind ... we might only see the Physical ... or the Ideal ... and treat our blind perceptions as the Reality of Self-Existent Forms ...

    Because, we Recognize, the Existent Totality of Creation, with, God's Granted, Definitive Ideals ... Ideally Defining, the Perfect ... The Created Forms ...

    God, Is ... The Creator, of Human Mind ... the Human's Universal Awareness ... in Being.

    God, is not the limited, to the Universal Consciousness, of the Human ... Mind.

  11. chasemillis profile image69
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    This question has irrelevent parts to it. You cannot compare two things like God and the universe because for one - God is outside of space and time. This means that He is not bound by space and time, therefore if the Universe dies, God is essentially unaffected because God is greater than the universe. He didn't create something greater than Himself, that wouldn't make sense.
       Another way to think about it is that God sees time as a giant snapshot of what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. He can act in time, but He is not constricted or confined by time or the universe.

  12. FaceThe Facts profile image59
    FaceThe Factsposted 13 years ago

    science has not proven the universe will die. in fact they havnt even accounted for its age, nor its edge. never mind its death

  13. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    From my knowledge I am inclined to agree with Face The Facts. A lot of theory, maybe only postulates, but finality alone has yet to be proven - in my opinion. remember to have fun, fun, fun

  14. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    What are you talking about?   God has already said that life on earth will end...............yet, because science might agree, you wish to dimiss God?  The ONE who told you this from the beginning?

    PS.......God does not bill Himself as the "universal mind", but as "the Creator".  If you think you are fooling Him, you are kidding yourself.

  15. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 13 years ago

    God is not the universe, is greater than the universe, and anyway there are infinite universes.  People tend to think egotistically.  "If a tree fell in the forest and nobody was around, would it make a sound?"  It's egotistical to think we're all that matters, and everything revolves around us.

  16. LeeWalls profile image61
    LeeWallsposted 13 years ago

    Jehovah God is the Alpha and the Omega. He didn't have a beginning and won't have an end. I'm so sick of science proving this and that and then coming up with another thing.

    Who do you believe, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, or imperfect men?

  17. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 13 years ago

    Everything is part of God but God is so much more than the Universe and the 3rd dimension.

  18. IanRichardson profile image60
    IanRichardsonposted 13 years ago

    In the same way that everything we see in nature dies and then is replaced by something new, the universe will go the same way. The end of the universe we see now does not imply that there will not be a new universe to replace it. Even science is getting closer to proving this through the latest thoughts from quantum physics.


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