Can people be boiled down to two basic categories?

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  1. Elefanza profile image68
    Elefanzaposted 13 years ago

    Can people be boiled down to two basic categories?

    I heard a comment and I'm curious to know what other people think about it. A man told me about someone who was taught to profile people and his friend said that people were either builders or destroyers. Do you think that comment is valid? Why or why not?

  2. wytegarillaz profile image60
    wytegarillazposted 13 years ago

    No I know people you coul'dnt call them either one of them . With 144,000 diferent personalities in the world there will be a lot more of a mix out there .

  3. someonewhoknows profile image72
    someonewhoknowsposted 13 years ago


    The lenders do both by lending for both purposes.
    They don't discriminate between building and destroying.

  4. Wayne Brown profile image79
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    I don't think that is accurately possible. For example, I believe that out on the magnetic poles of love there are extremes at the north/south and east/poles.  At the north there is a woman who wants to fall in love with a man like her daddy.  At the south is a man who wants to fall in love with a woman like his mother. at the east is woman who wants love and distance and at the west is a man who wants to smother someone in love.  These are polar opposites who should never marry. As you twist around the dial in one direction or the other, you get a mix of these forces which become more dominant as you approach that pole and less dominant as you leave it.  On that basis, it would be difficult classify those people who desire love in just two categories. The same would be true in other circumstances. The buckets are just too large to say that the things in it are alike. WB

  5. peterxdunn profile image60
    peterxdunnposted 13 years ago

    We are all 'builders and destroyers'. Nobody is one thing - one personality - all their lives. People change with the times and out of necessity. Nothing is ever just black or white.

    Ask yourself this question. If an individual's sole purpose was to simply observe other people - and evaluate whether those people could be categorized as 'builders' or destroyers' - what does that make the individual? Is his/her behavior constructive or destructive?

  6. Misty39 profile image60
    Misty39posted 13 years ago

    I agree....Your question was rather short with out explaining very much but I'm guessing the possibility is true & correct.You can either build up or tear down,that too can be a neg.or the light of things at hand.

  7. Jarn profile image61
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    Yes. Sweeney Todd said it best: There's the one staying put in his proper place and the second with his foot in the other one's face.

  8. ThunderKeys profile image63
    ThunderKeysposted 13 years ago

    .....water and carbon.....I

  9. kkemper1 profile image60
    kkemper1posted 13 years ago

    only cannibals boil people
    i hope you mean "considered"

  10. Gyldenboy profile image64
    Gyldenboyposted 13 years ago

    I do believe there's truth to the statement.

    Yes, there's many personalities out there. But, this categorization has little to do with that. It has to do with behavior. What you lean more towards. Healthy behavior and unhealthy behavior.

    Your probably not going to care about personality, if someone exhibits the need to steal in front of you. But, your probably going to care that their exhibiting that behavior in front of you. That sort of behavior, I would consider to be a destroyer type.

    Builders, walk the path of creation. It's healthy desires, traits, and actions. Could be made sense of like this. The desire to help others. Bring a smile to someone's face. Create things.  Care about others. Try to better their own lives in a positive way. Try to better the lives of others. Plant crop, for harvest. May feel empathy and/or sympathy.  Etc. It can be any or all of those things.

    Destroyers,  could be interpreted as unhealthy desires, traits, and actions. Such as the need to inflict harm to any of these examples: one's self, animals, and/or people. Trying to damage someone else's relationship. Vandalize objects and property. Embrace hate, over acceptance. Apathetic and irresponsible. Mislead people, in order to cheat them. Self destruction. And etc. It's not that the destroyers are necessarily evil, it's just the type of behavior they embrace. It's essentially destructive to the individual and others.

    Those, are more the extremes on the scale of builder and destroyer. In my opinion, I barely scratched the surface on this topic. I think yin and yang can even apply to this. Because, builders can sometimes be destructive. Just as vice versa happens with destroyers. But, they revert back to the behavioral pattern they embrace most in life.

    This method of categorizing is obviously not perfect. But, it helps identify potential threats and allies. Which is important.

    People can change, but that's another topic entirely.

  11. profile image53
    skincareharvestposted 13 years ago

    Well after further thought, that is an understatement. People are much to complicated to think of them as two categories. The mind is ever changing, some chose to grow to a society standard and others tend to sit and ponder and have no will to grow they are either content or lose will power. Then there are those if given a chance would offer society something of a benefit but because of current living standards can't help but fail when they try. We can point fingers and say you are bad and you are good but in the end it did nothing to help the situation.

  12. grexley profile image60
    grexleyposted 13 years ago

    Yes people can be boiled down to two categories.  If you want to go with builders and destroyers, that's better then nothing.

    But keep in mind that you will profile yourself in the same terms you profile other people.  You will now see yourself as a builder or a destroyer.

    You see yourself in the terms you see other people.

  13. clark farley profile image71
    clark farleyposted 13 years ago

    ...actually it is three categories.
    clarks, scotts and rogers. (hey,whats in a name? the traits that are assigned to each seem to show a remarkably high level of consistancy).
    Basic premise is world view: outsider, predator and herd members.

    Thank you for the opportunity to bring this invaluable gift to the members of Hub Pages lol

  14. joshhunt83 profile image60
    joshhunt83posted 13 years ago

    Completely disagree. We all like to categorize everything, everything is either black or white, right or wrong, good or evil. The truth is life isn't as simple as that, everything is multi-dimensional.

  15. profile image0
    Dandraposted 13 years ago

    Intelligent and stupid.                                                                        .

  16. fowler01 profile image61
    fowler01posted 13 years ago

    No. We build and destroy every day, with every decision that we make. You are both and, therefore, can't be one or the other.


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