Has writing Hubs changed your life in any significant way?

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  1. Rock_nj profile image90
    Rock_njposted 13 years ago

    Has writing Hubs changed your life in any significant way?

    I don't mean this question to pertain to such things as:  it has made me a more confident writer.  The question is:  have you made good friends or perhaps met a significant other or been able to change your lifestyle due to earnings or changed jobs, due to being a writer at Hubpages?  Since you started writing Hubs, has it caused any significant life changes?

  2. swb64 profile image61
    swb64posted 13 years ago

    Yes, I am learning how to write much better, and also take more of a note of things going on around me including the world!

  3. Rooskaya profile image47
    Rooskayaposted 13 years ago

    It has certainly changed my life but I haven't earned anything. Don't have any earning account here.It helps me remain busy as I always felt bored sitting alone.It helps us become a polished writer.

  4. guy1973 profile image55
    guy1973posted 13 years ago

    in some ways yes, it has kept me busy, and it has also helped me improve my writing

  5. silverlungs profile image59
    silverlungsposted 13 years ago

    I signed up to improve my writing, get a chance to read other people's work and build up connections. So far, the first two are proving possible. I've only been on HubPages for a short while, so building connections hasn't happened for me as of yet.
    I also signed up to google ads, I have also earned £0.00 but at least HubPages gives me the chance to write whenever I want. So yeah, I would say it has changed my life, not significantly yet but I believe it has the power to do so.

  6. TheBlondie profile image60
    TheBlondieposted 13 years ago

    The main change is that I spend my free time writing instead of watching tons of tv or surfing the web. I've grown to love writing even more, and the positive feedback is absolutely amazing, since I've been criticized for my writing my whole life. I get to write what I want, and people enjoy it for what it is, not what they want it to be. I feel like expressing my opinions and getting involved is easier than I used to. It sounds corny, but I feel more free smile

  7. Abhaque Supanjang profile image73
    Abhaque Supanjangposted 13 years ago

    Yes, really. Even though I haven't been able to make money in this way yet; but at least, I feel, my writing, my ideas have been able to be accessed by many people on the whole world. I will be so happy if the ones that I wrote are appreciated by the ones who read them. It is my first aim to be a hubber at HubPages. Furthermore, this activity also improve my English to be better and better day by day like the flow of water as well as the blow of the wind. I am sure, if later on the ideas of mine which are published by HubPages can be accepted well by many readers or people in general, I am sure, money will approach automatically, it will do...............!

  8. StephanieBCrosby profile image81
    StephanieBCrosbyposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely. Prior to Hub Pages, my reward to myself was a sugary carb and watching one or two episodes of anime. Now my treat is potentially writing a hub. It has made me become even more efficient at juggling all the things I have to accomplish in a day.

  9. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 12 years ago

    I  wouldn't say writing Hubs has caused any "significant life changes" for me, but it HAS accomplished a few things:

    1.  After  3 1/2 years of Hubbing, I finally started earning enough this year to pay for our monthly satellite Internet hookup fee.

    2.  Just this month, I suspect in response to now having my pages in a subdomain, views and earnings have both skyrocketed.  Daily view count has more than doubled, and earnings look like they may be on the way to quadrupling.  Too soon to be sure, but looking promising.

    3.  Yes, I have met some new friends, and good ones at that.

    4.  Writing at HP has given me a political voice, a megaphone I never had before.  The direction this country has been headed for some years now has had me alarmed for literally decades.  I've been intermittently politically active--but never as EFFECTIVE as I've been since my HubPages-backed articles began finding top-ranked slots on the search engines.

    So:  Has all this changed my life?  No.  But it has made it more productive.

  10. starstream profile image41
    starstreamposted 12 years ago

    Definitely!  Now, I wake up energized to read more hubs and think about topics all day at work!


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