Are there things that you would like to see changed in your life, things that yo

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  1. NewHorizons profile image79
    NewHorizonsposted 12 years ago

    Are there things that you would like to see changed in your life, things that you wish were differnt

    I think that the most important things in our life are our Family and our Job from which we have to earn a living somehow.  If you were to be  born again and start anew is there something/s that you would change?

  2. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image85
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    Of course!  I think everybody would like certain things in their lives to be better than they are.  For me, it's my health.  I started having health problems in my early 50's and they continue to this day.  It is a constant struggle and often takes the joy out of my life.  The irony is that I was voted most athletic girl in my high school graduating class, I was a majorette, always worked two jobs, loved to dance and was very active. be young again!!

  3. shampa sadhya profile image76
    shampa sadhyaposted 12 years ago

    Nothing in particular I would like to change except to get rid of my health problems. One more wish, let everyone be happy around me.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    How much time and space do we have here.  My husband and children are wonderful just the way they are.  Me, however, oh yes - I'd change so many things.

    Hopefully the second time around i would appreciate my body and take care of it, learn to be less fearful of life and failure and reach out and try things.

    Like TIMETRAVELER2 I once was athletic and even won a physical fitness award in high school.  Now walking across the room is painful.  Chronic pain does put a damper on enjoying life.

    So if I had it to do over, and I had some of my current knowledge--I would be an athletic thin person with healthy skin and no sun damage.

  5. ii3rittles profile image82
    ii3rittlesposted 12 years ago

    Improved health. No pain, issues, ect. with my body. That's about it. If I didn't go through what I did I wouldn't be who I am today.

  6. thost profile image61
    thostposted 12 years ago

    I look on change as the enemy of contentment; I will not pass this way again.

    The world could not handle the likes of me all over again. I may have damaged my body along the way, but I had fun doing it.

    We all do stupid things to look cool when we are young.

    Thinking is for old people, and old people were dealt their hand at birth. Your number is up, when your number is up.

  7. onegoodwoman profile image67
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    I would  wish that my big brothers ( 6) of them............

    were not bigger and stronger than me.

    WHAT, might I have become, if I had not been
    made to feel "little" and underpowered?

    My little self has a big voice............but how much was drowned out?

    At the end of the day...............they have my back......they move me, my washing machines, my motorcylce.................etc, etc, and etc.........

    Does life offer a " fair" trade....................does it?

  8. profile image0
    mcals71posted 12 years ago

    I would have chosen the ascetic life of prayer, like St. Francis. There is great freedom in not possessing anything.

  9. profile image0
    Phoebe Pikeposted 12 years ago

    I would love to have normal feet. I'm tired of being in pain everytime I walk or stand. I love my life as it is... I have good friends, the love everyone else dreams of and I am slowly working my way up the company I work for.

  10. Kebennett1 profile image59
    Kebennett1posted 12 years ago

    My first thought was, OH YES, there would be sooo many things that I would like to change or do differently if I were to be born again, BUT then like the movie The Butterfly Effect, I think back and wonder, what would be affected by those changes! Would I be the person I am today? If I hadn't married my first husband, then my son Joseph wouldn't have been conceived and born. Yes, it is true that the marriage didn't work out and I did end up marrying my first love after all but to have spared my first love the pain of me marrying someone else would have meant my first child would never had been born. So no I would not want to go back and change that.
    As a teenager a was a wild child for a while, would I have wanted to change that? What did I gain from that experience? Knowledge, strength, and wisdom! I learned that alcohol is addictive and alcoholism was a part of my family's history. I learned I had the strength to quit drinking and not follow the pack! I gained wisdom which I have shared with my children about the abuse of alcohol and alcoholism. So NO, I wouldn't want to change that.
    For every negative aspect of my past I can find a positive outcome down the line somewhere. I guess that is what trials and tribulations are all about! You have to own your past, live your present and look forward to your future, it is all yours and can't be changed, nor should it be!


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