Will you/would you let your children choose their own religion as they grow olde

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  1. nmdonders profile image71
    nmdondersposted 11 years ago

    Will you/would you let your children choose their own religion as they grow older?

    Even if your children were raised in a particular religion or you do not agree with the religion they choose, would you let them choose their own religion without interferring?

  2. TheLifeExperiment profile image59
    TheLifeExperimentposted 11 years ago

    I'm not necessarily planning on having children, but if I did, I definitely would let them choose their own religion. I'd raise them ass agnostics- not believing anything specific, but letting them know that there are several religions out there and to find one that fits them best, or not having one at all, if that's the case. I am an atheist, and one of my biggest issues with religion is that many kids don't get a choice and are raised from birth as one thing. This is setting them up for rejection and sadness if they decide to leave the religion and their families don't approve.

  3. sarmack profile image62
    sarmackposted 11 years ago

    When people are adults, they make their own decisions.  However, there is a reason that a person is born into a specific family. The best thing is to go back to the source of the religion and see if it is not what you are all about.  A belief system should never be considered belonging to or coming from another person, such as your parents.  There is much deeper meaning to what we believe. It's too easy to blame parents for our inability to live up to things.

  4. nochance profile image87
    nochanceposted 11 years ago

    I will absolutely let my children choose their own religion.

    I was raised without religion but both sets of grandparents are Seventh-day Adventists so I went to church maybe once a year growing up.

    I researched religions in middle school and decided to be Wiccan for a while while occasionally attending church with my friends. Now I'm sort of an agnostic/Christian who celebrates Wiccan holidays.

  5. Chris Neal profile image79
    Chris Nealposted 11 years ago

    In a very real way, you cannot prevent your children from choosing their own religion (or moreoften, their lack of religion.) Parents can exert some influence and even some pressure, but at least in America eventually the kids make their own choice (albeit perhaps well into adulthood.)

    A loving parent will take  the time to explain to their child why they should choose the religion of their parents, and be willin to listen to doubts and questions.

  6. Teylina profile image60
    Teylinaposted 11 years ago

    Of course, and I should know. I reared mine with definitive religious viewpoints. Neither took to them as they grew older. My son informed me at 16 if he was old enough to choose it he was old enough not to choose it! He shoulda been a lawyer, but he moved to another planet and comes back to recharge when he wants.
    But he's always told me the basics of love, justice, wisdom, power, honor and honesty came from his childhood, and he is an awesome person. Sibling simply grew up and went her own way,  but agree w/him on early childhood. She stayed firmly on this planet, has taken another religion part-time, and I still love them both tremendously because they did learn to be their own persons, and good ones. I'm very proud of both of them--no matter how different or opposing religions.

  7. kj force profile image61
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    Why would you not allow/let your children choose their own religion ?
    My philosophy in life is we have choices and decisions to make for ourselves and must feel comfortable with them..there is nothing as " one size fits all "...as long as my children believe in something...and do right by others...

  8. Beata Stasak profile image80
    Beata Stasakposted 11 years ago

    that profound tenderness
    and security
    that the child feels
    in your protective arms.
    Life is so short,
    childhood so brief,
    it not only encapsulates
    the love we all need,
    but just how much better
    we are
    for receiving... read more

  9. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 4 years ago

    Intelligent & enlightened parents let their children follow their own paths.  However, there are authoritarian parents who believe that their children should follow the familial religion.  Such parents find it totally abhorrent that their children would choose their own religion or not as they grow older.  Such parents are toxic.

    1. Live to Learn profile image59
      Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Toxic, yet few and far between in a free society.

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The vast majority of parents would do almost anything to prevent their child from entering the hell of hard drug addiction.

      Yet you expect them to allow their child to enter Hell itself, being burned and tortured for eternity?


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