Are you afraid to go to your place of worship?

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  1. nina64 profile image68
    nina64posted 11 years ago

    Are you afraid to go to your place of worship?

    Another mass shooting has taken place at Sikh Temple in Milwaukee Wisconsin leaving 6 people dead along with numerous injured people. All this occurred on yesterday at about 10:30 am. Whatever your faith, does it make you more scared to attend services for fear of possible criminal activity? What are your thoughts? I think it's a sad state of affairs when we as human beings cannot practice our religious freedom in public churches, mosques, and temples.

  2. whonunuwho profile image55
    whonunuwhoposted 11 years ago

    We must take precautions in our places of worship and armed guards are not out of the question. Any public place is subject to attack by crazy nuts and terrorist types who have no respect for human life. I do not feel uncomfortable in church, yet the thought still is own my mind about possible intruders. We should all now be on our guards and still feel free to worship in our buildings that are for worship. Don't allow a few to harm the best for the masses.

    1. nina64 profile image68
      nina64posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hello whonunuwho, If we cannot feel safe in our places of worship, where can we be safe? We might as well be prisoners in our own homes. I thank you for reading and answering my question.

    2. Matthew Weese profile image60
      Matthew Weeseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't kinda of like they win if you put armed guards in your houses of worship, I mean hasn't there been enough liberty's lost since 9/11, the terrorists win if they make you surrender your liberty's.

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    No, Not at all. In our congregation there are several off duty police officers as well as a uniformed officer at all times. If it does happen? It's my time to go.

    1. nina64 profile image68
      nina64posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's sad that we have to hire police officers to watch over us while we exercise our right to practice our freedom of religion. Thanks for responding to my question.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes it is!!

  4. Matthew Weese profile image60
    Matthew Weeseposted 11 years ago

    People do what people do when they feel threatened, Mosques in America frighten this  in-bread, corrupt, murderous, jealous, deceit filled nation that I have lived and learned to loath. These days are the beginning of a truly unruly generation, some call it the "END DAYS" I call it an awakening from this polluted dream the Governments of the world have tried to in-doctor in our minds, and society's since the birth of capitalism in America. The Government seems to be making sure we as people know just how the African slaves felt, because that is exactly what they are doing to us all as we speak, en-slaving us through whatever means they can muster, In this day and age it is Technology mixed with the Capitalist mode of production.

  5. edhan profile image37
    edhanposted 11 years ago

    My place of worship is everywhere as long as my heart has its faith. Personally, it does not really matter where I am, I have my faith and prayer with me all the times.

  6. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    I do understand your fear and concern. I do not feel it myself, in part because, when I go to church with my wife, we are in a very safe neighborhood. When I lead worship (2x/week), I do it from my own home, to a very small group of loving friends.

    The world may not become any less violent any time soon. Let us all grow in peace and in strength, releasing our fear of death that we may serve Life.

  7. onegoodwoman profile image67
    onegoodwomanposted 11 years ago

    No, I am not afraid to go to my house of worship,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.to the PTA meeting, to the local fair............................

    I will not live in fear......................

    WHEN our society STOPS protecting the crimminal...............we will have less of them.

    Nor , will I be stupid.......

    crime is committed in every single facet of our society.

    We do not need " protection" the numbers that we need penalty.

  8. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 11 years ago

    No my friend. I'm afraid of governments who do not care for their children (their nation). They make parents work long hours away from home (if they can find work), they make them over stressed and unnecessarily while they use the country's funds in ways that are not always beneficial to the people. Once the constitution read 'for the people and by the people'. That has been long forgotten in the US and in a number (if not most nations) it never existed.

    The problem is beyond religion or race. The problem is that humanity no longer functions within human criteria. We no longer cultivate our offspring through proper education and equal opportunities for all. That's what frightens me.


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