What is the scariest movie you've ever watched?

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  1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
    Richard Perazzoposted 12 years ago

    What is the scariest movie you've ever watched?

    So far, mine would have to be Insidious. What about you?


  2. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    Insidious: beware of the demon who listens to old Tiny Tim records. That was a pretty scary movie actually. It's definitely on my top 5 list. I would say the first Paranormal Activity is my favorite of all.

    1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I actually like the first Paranormal Activity the least out of the three of them, but they are all quite scary.

  3. Thefilmguy24 profile image61
    Thefilmguy24posted 12 years ago

    I would have to say the directors cut of the 1973 film The Exorcist. That movie was so scary that I had to watch it during the day.

    1. DS Duby profile image72
      DS Dubyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely the Exorcist. That movie sill creeps me out.

    2. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know why but I never found The Exorcist to be scary. Gross, yes. Entertaining, Yes. Maybe something is wrong with me.

    3. Thefilmguy24 profile image61
      Thefilmguy24posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know but stuff about possession creeps me out. Maybe it's because I grew up in a Christian home and seeing stuff like that is just scary. That movie still scares me to this day.

  4. Brain Baldwin profile image72
    Brain Baldwinposted 12 years ago

    I've never seen Insidious but I might check it out now.

    The only movie that has ever truly frightened me to the point that it made it difficult to sleep was the Exorcist.  I was unlucky enough to have read the book first at an early age.  The visual interpretation was amazing.  Friedkin is a master at whatever he sets his mind to.

    1. Thefilmguy24 profile image61
      Thefilmguy24posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Insidious is pretty scary up until the end...I thought that the ending was a little weak, but overall it's a pretty good movie

    2. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ thefilmguy24 Yeah, the ending did drop the ball a little bit. I liked the direction that they took with the ending but I wish they made it as freaky as the first 2/3's or so of the movie.

    3. Brain Baldwin profile image72
      Brain Baldwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will have to check it out.

  5. mbergo profile image61
    mbergoposted 12 years ago

    I saw "the brood" as a child, it got stucked in my mind for a loong time.
    Also love the Exorcist which was mentioned before.

  6. Jon Bjorling profile image60
    Jon Bjorlingposted 12 years ago

    I love horror films, but they don't generally "frighten" me. But there are two that kinda unnerve me. The first is Takashi Miike's Audition. It's a perfectly paced drama about a widower whose friend convinces him to hold an audition for a fake movie in order to find a potential wife. However, things are not what they seem and tension builds nicely until the final 10 (or so) mins, when everything goes to hell.

    The other film is Martyrs, a French "torture porn" flick. What separates this from other films of that nature is that the tortures have motivation beyond simple sick pleasures (like you would see in Hostel) or revenge (which ultimately was what the Saw series ended up being about.) Martyrs is not that good a film, but the end that the villains seek made the film far more horrific than the gross acts that occur in the film.

    1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Martyrs is one of my favorite horror movies but I have yet to see Audition.

    2. Jon Bjorling profile image60
      Jon Bjorlingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      i just couldn't get into Martyrs. At least it wasn't just completely laugh out loud bad like Human Centipede was.

    3. Thefilmguy24 profile image61
      Thefilmguy24posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Audition is just crazy towards the end...it's pretty gritty and makes you cringe just watching it...but it's a good movie. Never seen Martyrs yet.

  7. jessramblings profile image61
    jessramblingsposted 12 years ago

    THE EXORCIST continues to always scare the hell out of me. Though I know what's coming every time I watch it, there's something about it that keeps giving me the chills. Other movies that scared me include THE DESCENT, POLTERGEIST, and THE OMEN. I'm sure there's more, but those were the four that came to my mind the fastest.

    1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Those are all really creepy movies. I hear that they are remaking Poltergeist which worries me a lot because I don't think they are going to be able to make it as good as the original. I feel that its one of the classics that should be left alone.

  8. Laurinzo Scott profile image63
    Laurinzo Scottposted 12 years ago

    Well when I grew up... I lost interest in such things...but as a child I must say...the creepiest , scariest was (and i'm aging my self now) but the old black and white original (Lon Chaney) werewolf... that old gypsy... if anyone can remember was so creepy herself...

  9. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Two come to mind and I was pretty young, teens I guess. The old black and white Night of the Living Dead and Carnival of Souls.

    Weird, surreal and left me feeling really strange.

    1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have never heard of Carnival of Souls. I guess I'll be checking it out soon.

  10. bmanwarrior profile image59
    bmanwarriorposted 12 years ago

    There are a ton of scary movies out there and some have given me nightmares so it's very hard to choose. I would say the movie that creeped me out the most was Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Shining. But again it's very hard to say.

    1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The Shining was really creepy. The scene with the two girls on the bikes riding down the hallway, that freaked me out.

  11. Pamela Kinnaird W profile image86
    Pamela Kinnaird Wposted 12 years ago

    When I was little I watched a show which was really scary and affected me for quite some time.  I don't know the name of it.  Maybe someone will recognize it if I explain it.  I'd like to see it again if someone knows the name.  It was in 1958 or 1959, I think.  The man, the main character (Tarzan? or someone) brought a blonde lady up from under the ground.  There were pygmies underground.  When the lady was brought up to the surface of land, she disintegrated before our eyes.

  12. tipstoretireearly profile image80
    tipstoretireearlyposted 12 years ago

    I'd have to say "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock.  I still get chills when I see a flock of restless birds.

    1. Richard Perazzo profile image60
      Richard Perazzoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, this was a great movie. I'm kind of disappointed that they are trying to remake it.

  13. elenagarcia profile image67
    elenagarciaposted 12 years ago

    The Exorcist by far!  I didn't sleep for months after that movie.  Movies from then were just scarier.  Also, any movie having to do with zombies.  I just can't handle them.

  14. miyagi714 profile image38
    miyagi714posted 12 years ago

    The Strangers- Before watching the movie, my house was actually broken into so this made movie got to me.

  15. visionandfocus profile image67
    visionandfocusposted 12 years ago

    Stephen King's novel, The Shining, was made into a movie starring Jack Nicholson. The memory of his crazy-angled eyebrows and his mad typing on that typewriter still bothers me to this day. In actual fact, the book was even scarier. I remember reading it at university; I had to sleep with the light on for days afterwards. *shudder*


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