What's the scariest movie you've ever seenr?

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  1. profile image0
    icountthetimesposted 13 years ago

    As an adult, I very rarely get actually scared by movie anymore. I remember though when I was young I watched the Childs Play movie with the possessed doll called Chucky and it freaked me out. It seems absurd in retrospect because it's just a doll, but there was something about it that got under my skin. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?

    *excuse the typo in the title. Oops.

    1. profile image0
      Daniella Lopezposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      As a kid I was scared to death of "It" by Stephen King... To this day I'm still scared to death of clowns. =/

      1. profile image0
        icountthetimesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I loved IT. It was really scary, and the end of a bit of an anticlimax, but there's something about it that stayed with me. Lots of Stephens Kings movies aren't all that great, but the odd one (and some of his mini series) are brilliant!

    2. AshtonFirefly profile image70
      AshtonFireflyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The movie "Hide and Seek". I am a wimp and can't stand horrifically scary movies.

    3. Eranofu profile image66
      Eranofuposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A Nightmare on Elm Street!!! Creeped the heck out of me when I was little. I used to think I won't get scared now that I have grown up but that film is so psychological it still is insanely scary.

    4. Maddie Ruud profile image69
      Maddie Ruudposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Jesus Camp.

      1. skyfire profile image76
        skyfireposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    5. MartyCT profile image60
      MartyCTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      when I was young a nightmare on elm street was the most frightening thing ever!

      I watched "the ward" recently and that was pretty cool.

    6. Galaxies profile image61
      Galaxiesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As a kid, Friday the 13th (any). Now, as an adult, I would have to say anything directed by Rob Zombie (House of a 1000 Corpses,The Devils Rejects, ect). Crazy smart guy making movies that are artisticly dark..... or insanely dark.... or desensitizing dark? Im just saying.... these are some damn dark movies if you haven't seen them haha. Enjoy

    7. jaybird22 profile image72
      jaybird22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do not genuinely get scared at movies but I would have to say the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was well done.  It has actor R. Lee Ermy and Jessica Biel (who I absolutely adore) in it.  It does a great job providing back story of a group of hippie teenagers that are naive.   I also like it because it is not so fictious that it so unbelievable.  Although not based on a true story, it is believable that something like this could have happened in the late 70's. 

      Some Horror movies now days are super imposed and so unrealistic that they are not believable.  When they are not believable to me, I loose all interest.  I also do not find them scary, just a blood spattered movie with a horrible plot and bad acting.

    8. duppycon2 profile image60
      duppycon2posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you ever get the chance to watch the French horror movie Calvaire (English title: The Ordeal), 2004, do it. It's a lot more unsettling to me as an adult than the slasher films I loved as a youth.

    9. twosheds1 profile image60
      twosheds1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      When I was a kid, I saw the original Nosferatu on late-night TV and had nightmares for months. As an adult, horror movies don't really scare me; reality scares me. "Jesus Camp" was probably the scariest thing I've seen in a long time. All those kids becoming mindless drones is far scarier than any monster.

      I will say, though, that the Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity (the first one) and The Woman in Black gave me some good chills. "Scared" though? Nah.

  2. vmartinezwilson profile image62
    vmartinezwilsonposted 13 years ago

    I remember going to see The Blair Witch Project at the theater on the first week it opened.  Everyone still thought it was real and the theater smelled like vomit. I think it was sensory overload and the shaky cam that scared me senseless after watching it.  I had the same reaction to the original Paranormal Activity.

  3. Sunshine625 profile image84
    Sunshine625posted 13 years ago

    Poltergiest...I watched it once and never went back for seconds! I love the Childs Play movies, Chucky makes me LMAO!

    1. profile image0
      icountthetimesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Come to think of it, this one got to me a bit too. I think being that the TV is so central to our lives, the idea that some malevolent force would try to contact us through it is terrifying!

  4. Captain Redbeard profile image60
    Captain Redbeardposted 13 years ago

    I saw it for the first time when I was 9, pet cemetary when I was like 10. I saw horror at a young age and it played with my imagination. The scariest thing I saw as a kid though was arachniphobia* spelling. Messed me up almost as bad as What ever happened to baby Jane.

    As a teenager Blair Witch bend me so out of shape I didn't sleep for two days and on the tail end of the second night of no sleep the power went out because a drunk hit a pole. I freaked out.

    Now that I am turning thirty here shortly there has been nothing since the Blair Witch that did anything for me. Paranormal Activity was a joke as far as I am concerned. The most recent thing that messed with my head was The Happening. The thought that plants could put out a pharamone like that creeps me the frig out!! Can't anticipate that and no defense against the blowing of the wind man, none! lol Messed me up.

  5. DIYweddingplanner profile image70
    DIYweddingplannerposted 13 years ago

    There are a few that still creep me out. One is The Shining, the other is It, and the last one I saw on tv this past weekend, Silence Of The Lambs. The scene when she's in the dark and can't see him, but he can see her scares the heck out of me everytime!

    1. couturepopcafe profile image59
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I was going to say Clockwork Orange but I think Silence of the Lambs is up there.  A lot of night time drama is not 'out scaring' even some of these movies with their grossness.

  6. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    The Entity, not least because it was based on a true story of a poltergeist haunting where the poltergeist kept on raping the woman and her Husband could see the hand prints appearing on her breasts as the poltergeist pressed on them. It got so much weirder though, and was addictive viewing (I recall it even messed with her car brakes when she was driving). Not sure how much artistic license was used, but it was really scary.

    1. Will Apse profile image89
      Will Apseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think 'The Entity' was a true story. It might be someones interpretation of something a woman experienced but to conclude that poltergeists are real is something else.

      1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
        mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well it said it was 'based on a true story' like I said in my comment. Obviously artistic license always tends to come into play to some degree.

  7. cre8ivOne profile image67
    cre8ivOneposted 13 years ago

    Copycat was CREEPY!  I just remember how disturbing it was to me.  Also, cannot stand the memories I have from The Strangers. YUCK!

  8. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    Gothika scared the cr*p out of me! Poltergeist too. The Ring was also unbelievably scary!

  9. olodarkwriter profile image60
    olodarkwriterposted 13 years ago

    Don't a "scarey" movie, but The Deer Hunter scared me badly because I realized if I were 2 years older I could have gone to Vietnam

  10. Gordon Hamilton profile image98
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 13 years ago

    Funny, I can't remember the last time I watched a movie, of any type. One of my favourites, however, is "The Cruel Sea," documenting the struggles of the Royal Navy during the course of the early days of World War II. That was and remains both scary and fascinating for me as (according to my late grandfather - twenty-six years a Royal Marine Commando) it was the closest made to depicting what life was really like during those dark and horrific days for the men who served aboard the ships. The movie was made in 1953 and is in black and white but it is its ring of truth and its hard hitting subject that makes it scary...

  11. FatFreddysCat profile image59
    FatFreddysCatposted 13 years ago

    The original "Amityville Horror" (1979) scared the ever lovin' poop outta me when I was a kid. I didn't sleep for about three days after seeing that one.

  12. profile image0
    andycoolposted 13 years ago

    The Ring

    1. profile image0
      icountthetimesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I thought The Ring was pretty good. I admit that the odd moment did make me a little edgy!

    2. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Same for me...

  13. TRSTN1 profile image60
    TRSTN1posted 13 years ago

    I would say The Shining

  14. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 13 years ago

    Poltergeist and The Exorcist. Oh, and Race with the Devil!

  15. Nickalooch profile image58
    Nickaloochposted 13 years ago

    Exorcist. not nearly as much now, but i saw it when i was younger

  16. profile image0
    OMGirdleposted 13 years ago

    The Exorcist as it was the very first horror film I'd seen on the big screen.  It affected me for several months.

  17. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 13 years ago

    It was DreamCatcher. It was so gruesome, I physically wanted to throw up and had to stop watching it. (those horrible red walls)

    Never got to see how it ended.


  18. timburton287 profile image61
    timburton287posted 13 years ago

    I'm scared to death whenever I see any Japanese or Korean horror movies. How good they are at making people's hair stand up!

  19. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 13 years ago

    The Exorcist!  What scared me about it was not the idea of possession since I don't even believe in that.  What scared me was the part of the movie where Regan is being tested in the hospital for some possible physical or psychosimatic origin for her condition.  Just the thought that a person's mind, on a subconscious level, could have that much power over their physical body horrified me.

  20. melpor profile image90
    melporposted 13 years ago

    When I was in college back in the 70s "The Exorcist" was the scariest movie I have ever seen of all the horror movies I have seen up to that point. The theater was cold and that made the movie seem even more scary. Horror movies don't really scare me because movies are just  entertainment to me. It was a good movie and I enjoyed it. I personally do not believe in demonic possession no more than I believe in Satan.

  21. RANDOMTHTS4ALL profile image60
    RANDOMTHTS4ALLposted 13 years ago

    I live for scary movies, suspense thrillers, and true crime stories. I have seen so many over the years I cant remember them all. There have been a few that have really scared me.  The Messengers, Dead Silent, and recently...Insidious. I have to say though the scariest one still on the top of my list would be Stephen King's "IT"

  22. manlypoetryman profile image80
    manlypoetrymanposted 13 years ago


    Scared me the most...ever...and judging from how everyone screamed in theater where I saw it...I wasn't alone. Since then...no movie has ever gotten to me. That might be bad for business...now that I think about it. Scare people right out of ever being scared in a movie again...hmm

  23. mtkomori profile image83
    mtkomoriposted 13 years ago

    Without a doubt "Jacob's Ladder" (1991). "Silence of the Lambs"(also 1991) is a close second.

  24. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

    Gross yes but not scary - Saw

    No movie scares me

  25. Indi.kreations profile image60
    Indi.kreationsposted 13 years ago

    Hands down I am a movie  NUT  and FUNNY GAMES is the scarest most intense movie ever!!

    1. Max Dalton profile image75
      Max Daltonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Good call. I think the original version of the movie is Australian.

  26. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 13 years ago

    Grave Encounters (2011)

  27. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 13 years ago
  28. Max Dalton profile image75
    Max Daltonposted 13 years ago

    I just watched Kevin Smith's "Red State" on Netflix a few weeks ago, and if you haven't heard of that one I suggest you check it out.

    1. vmartinezwilson profile image62
      vmartinezwilsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I never have.  Thanks, I'm going to have to catch that.

  29. hush4444 profile image59
    hush4444posted 13 years ago

    The Brood - a movie about strange little mutant children who go around murdering people.  It creeps me out just to think about it.

  30. Smokes Angel profile image61
    Smokes Angelposted 13 years ago

    As an adult, I watched Jeepers Creepers.  I lived all by myself, down a deserted road and not a block away was an old decrepit church.  That movie kept me up at night.

  31. mel22 profile image61
    mel22posted 13 years ago

    I can't remember because I was so traumatized !

  32. anjperez profile image67
    anjperezposted 13 years ago

    Night of the Living Dead still gives me the creeps.

    1. bloggernotjogger profile image61
      bloggernotjoggerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That is a classic!

  33. Just For Fun profile image71
    Just For Funposted 13 years ago

    "House of 1000 corpses" was disturbing. I had never heard of it. It was night and I was out of town, in a large empty theater.

  34. ishwaryaa22 profile image78
    ishwaryaa22posted 13 years ago

    I am always scared of any horror film. The Exorcist is the scariest film i have had  ever viewed in my entire life. This film gave me sleepless nights after i viewed it!

  35. emievil profile image66
    emievilposted 13 years ago

    The Eye, The Grudge, One Missed Call - Asian horror films smile

  36. blondepoet profile image75
    blondepoetposted 13 years ago

    Good golly miss molly it has to be dum dum dum...'BP is humming the music from the opening scene......'JAWS'
    Truly I was scared to hop in the bath after that you just don't know what you are going to find in there apart from your foot brush.

  37. Rachelle Williams profile image83
    Rachelle Williamsposted 13 years ago

    The scariest movie I have ever seen was The Exorcist, but The Silence of the Lambs scared me as well, because I would have stopped to help the crippled man (seemingly) put the couch in the van, and I would have ended up in the bottom of a hole begging for my life just as she was.... but my mama isn't a Senator, so I would have been gone baby gone....

  38. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 13 years ago

    When I was a child, I saw BLACK SUNDAY.  It scared me so much that each time I saw it, I had to sleep with my mother.   Then as a young adult in college, I saw THE EXORCIST- after I saw the movie, I had to sleep with the lights on for one week.   My pick of the SCARIEST MOVIE- THE EXORCIST won hands down over BLACK SUNDAY by far!   Now, NOTHING scares me at all.   I usually am lulled to sleep by scary movies.

  39. Kael Myril profile image62
    Kael Myrilposted 13 years ago

    The movie I remember having the most effect on me was "The Omen" starring Gregory Peck. That was a while ago, but I still remember it fondly.

  40. LeanMan profile image72
    LeanManposted 13 years ago

    My first wedding video!

  41. bloggernotjogger profile image61
    bloggernotjoggerposted 13 years ago

    I too, have had my scariest movie experiences as a child.

    Baron Blood
    Terror Island
    Black Christmas

    They seem pretty lame now.

  42. rLcasaLme profile image68
    rLcasaLmeposted 13 years ago

    The Ring - Japanese Version

  43. lukeuk profile image64
    lukeukposted 13 years ago

    I don't know about scary but the film that made me the most "jumpy" would have to be "the decent"

  44. vparker profile image62
    vparkerposted 12 years ago

    I can never watch those Saw movies, way too gory and disturbing.

  45. billd01603 profile image73
    billd01603posted 12 years ago

    As an adult I am not scared by horror movies. I don't watch too many of them now, but I am occaisionally creeped out by them, but not scared. The movie that upset me the most was "Saving Private Ryan", especially the first scene (landings at Normandy) War movies are some of my favorites, but I've never seen one that was so realistic (or as close to it as I imagined) This really happened! Not like the other horror movies.

  46. Jonathan Janco profile image61
    Jonathan Jancoposted 12 years ago

    Two movies I saw when I was in 3rd grade scared me so much at the time I was never scared watching a movie ever again.
    The Shining

  47. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 12 years ago

    I watched Saw - with one eye open.

    Also: DreamCatcher but felt nauseous while watching the horror of it and couldn't watch it to the end. Eeewh...

  48. Mighty Mom profile image76
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    "Game Change" with Julianne Moore, Ed Harris and Woody Harrelson about how Sarah Palin came to be John McCain's running mate. I still shudder to think about it.

  49. profile image0
    Arlene V. Pomaposted 12 years ago

    What's the matter with you people???  How about "Carrie" with Sissy Spacek?  It may sound mild to you, but I am such a big chicken when it comes to scary movies that I hide behind people or furniture.  It was that last friggen' scene with the hand coming out of the dirt.  Oops, sorry.  But there was a row of movie goers behind me who had seen the movie before, so they all screamed at the same time.  I became totally unglued, and I still remember this incident decades later.  In fact, it was damn traumatic!

  50. Shaddie profile image74
    Shaddieposted 12 years ago

    I'm a baby... The 6th Sense and Paranormal Activity scared me.


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