Why would anyone want to let go of God, and switch to Atheism?

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  1. K9keystrokes profile image83
    K9keystrokesposted 12 years ago

    Why would anyone want to let go of God, and switch to Atheism?

  2. profile image0
    WhydThatHappenposted 12 years ago

    I think it comes from feelings of betrayal by religion. That, I think, is why atheists often refer to religious people as duped or weak-minded. "It takes one to know one," you know?

    Some atheists aren't that way, though. Some atheists hide their views for fear of stigmas. And some atheists treat atheism like a religion.

    So the answer I've given really only applies to the outspoken and zealous ones.

    Another reason people "Let go of God" is because they've never been convinced that they had him in the first place- and those atheists seem to hover around agnosticism.

    And another reason for atheism might be in the face of so much knowledge about religions around the world- so many gods that so many believe in, how can they all be true? And that makes people skeptical.

    I read once that the strong in faith can accept their doubts- I think that would apply to atheists as well.

  3. Dustin Staples profile image60
    Dustin Staplesposted 12 years ago

    I left the Christians' God, because so many questions left unanswered, contradictions with science, contradictions with a relavent 'good' society, criticisms on the sect as a whole, and the lack of fulfillment it provided.

  4. Volitans profile image67
    Volitansposted 12 years ago

    It's quite simple.

    There's no empirical evidence for God.

    There are other reasons as well. The teachings of many religions are self-contradictory; the Bible, for example, contradicts itself by the second chapter of Genesis.

    Religion fails to make a strong case to accept it as true. It has made predictions, which have repeatedly been falsified. Lacking evidence and the ability to make accurate predictions, I see no reason to accept religion's claims to truthfulness.

    Atheism, for me, is simply more honest. I'm not making the claim that all people who believe in religion are self-deluded or lying; they may and probably do have good reasons for believing as they do. However, their personal evidence is by nature inaccessible to anyone else. You may well have had a vision of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, but how can I tell that you have actually had this experience and that you are not a charlatan trying to separate me from my money? There is no way for me to empirically distinguish between your legitimate claim and the claim of a convincing con artist.

    Atheism is not a religion; atheism is literally a lack of belief in God. Nothing more, nothing less. There are other philosophies, such as secular humanism, which possess many characteristics of religion, but atheism itself is not a religion.

    For me, atheism simply boils down as the position most in accord with the evidence available. Everything else is just window dressing.

  5. profile image0
    Daniella Lopezposted 12 years ago

    I think many Christians become Atheists because they feel that Christianity has let them down. They feel that there are a great many unanswered questions, too many for them to consider giving up their lives for a deity that they're not even sure exists.

  6. zenithgrace profile image38
    zenithgraceposted 12 years ago

    i think people do so because in one or other way people are dividing humanity on the name of a god, or allah or jesus.i am indian ....n in my country.....riots on the name of god is not a rare thing many people die,many children became orphan n many ladies widow........n it starts a true viscious cycle.............those who lost there dear ones become enemy of each other  for ages.so why god dnt come to protect there child when they need them the most.people living in fears just because he is hindu living in surroundings where majority is muslim n vice versa.behind terrorism main agenda or running force is jehad...................so it will be best if there is no god but just a inner faith that we all are equal n most beautiful creation in this world so its are onus to protect life not destroy it on the name of god.

  7. Say Yes To Life profile image80
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years ago

    There are lots of reasons.  Being betrayed by their religion, lack of logic such as explaining suffering and imbalance of resources, and seeing God as a cruel bully though you're never supposed to admit that.  Some world religions are atheist.  Buddhism doesn't require belief in God, though some followers do.  Confucianism is flat-out atheist, believing in ancestor worship.
    Some people realize there's more than one way to think, and consider other points of view.  Ultimately, whether we believe in Ultimate Divinity or not, it's up to us to make this planet function and solve our problems.


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