Has anyone noticed that some company management are treating their employees bad

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  1. TheHoleStory profile image70
    TheHoleStoryposted 10 years ago

    Has anyone noticed that some company management are treating their employees badly in these times?

  2. profile image0
    Anonymous00posted 10 years ago

    Isn't that the norm with huge conglomerate companies. The highest paid, best treated employees with all the perks - being top-end executives. Meanwhile the "workforce" - on the front line - which makes everything happen,  gets the raw end of the deal.

  3. profile image0
    Copper Manposted 10 years ago

    This is not new. Working conditions have fallen way short of an ideal situation since the beginnings of civilization. Where those in charge could not acquire actual slaves to do the work, they managed to keep wages low and workplace environments unsafe to put it mildly.
    When workers finally were able to organize and collectively demand better working conditions and better pay, take home pay gradually rose to something like a living wage.
    A very few enlightened companies have seen fit to pay their employees an adquate wage with automatic increases without the workers having to demand more compensation.
    The sweat-shop situation recently revealed in the Bangladesh building collapse shows how far some employers will go to make a profit off the efforts of their employees.

  4. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 10 years ago

    In all fairness to businesses I will say it's not just the companies but the employees also. As a small business owner I run across more lazy, want everything handed to them, work very little while expecting a lot, and foul employees than good hard working employees. I saw the same back when I managed a restaurant.
    Maybe if employees acted like they cared about hard work, loyalty, and dedication companies might change their tune.
    Everyone always harps on businesses while failing to think about responsibilities of the employees. Plus companies only put out what is put up with. If people demand better work environments, by refusing to work for companies with bad ethics then the companies would have to change. The thing is that will never happen because there will always be those willing to put up with it.

    1. AlexK2009 profile image84
      AlexK2009posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes Hard work is needed but smart work is better. Sometimes I spend two hours working out how to save ten minutes a day, though bosses often reward that with more work sad . But anyone who just wants to AVOID work deserves whatever they get.

  5. IDONO profile image60
    IDONOposted 10 years ago

    Keeping in mind what Peeples and Copper Man said, it's all part of a cycle that goes full circle every so many years. Management work people cheap and hard until employees get sick of it and form unions. As the union strengthens, the work performance diminishes. Employees will only do their exact job description and just barely meet quotas. So the company has to hire more people to do the work of a guy standing there, doing nothing, because it isn't in the description. Then wage increases are bargained higher while productivity declines. And in some cases, strikes happen, which is a losing event for everyone. It gets to a point that the unions bargain themselves right out of jobs. Companies close, jobs are lost and all is bad. Then these companies re-emerge, under new names or new ownership and know that the guy that was there before, making $17 per hour, is about to lose his home, spent the kids college fund and is about to bankrupt. Since these companies transformed after time, they no longer have unions. Unions have been "busted". So they offer the experienced guy his job back at a much lesser wage, because they know he is desperate enough to take about anything. Now they have him by the butt just like the unions had the management, in years past. End game: Employees are treated badly because they are vulnerable. So completes the cycle.
         It's happened time and time again throughout history and will continue until we end up with some other deal like everyone is a contracted individual that for all intent, is self employed. Who knows.

    1. AlexK2009 profile image84
      AlexK2009posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      One answer is to give a fair (not maximal) day's work for a fair (not minimal) days pay.  And reward workers who increase efficiency, or innovate, with a higher hourly rate and the option to work fewer hours (subject to business needs) if they wish

    2. IDONO profile image60
      IDONOposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Alex. I hope you are hiring soon. Or running for president or something.

  6. AlexK2009 profile image84
    AlexK2009posted 10 years ago

    What's special about these times?

    Business models: 


    Provide a fair service or product at a fair price, live long and prosper.

    American model ( also exported)
    Charge as much as possible for a little as possible. It things get hot close down and open up under another name

    Employee treatment

    Ideal: treat employees as weell as possible, involve them, go for a good work like balance

    American ( Imported from UK then exported. Uk Model then moved closer to ideal )

    Treat employees like dirt, work them till they drop then fire them for not working. Any complaints, fire them.  After all there are plenty more where they came from and We are about to close down and open under another name


    But there are always some who  will take advantage. Usually  such a company is run or managed by someone who is  subclinically mentally disturbed or sociopathic

  7. AMFredenburg profile image72
    AMFredenburgposted 10 years ago

    A friend of mine once mentioned that health care coverage was the company store of the 21st century - that employees were afraid to walk away from abuse, bad pay and poor working conditions because they couldn't afford to lose their health insurance. One big argument for a single-payer public system of health care coverage is that it would allow employees to walk away and still pay into a health care system by cobbling together a few part-time jobs if need be. Once employees in large numbers started voting with their feet, you might see a change in how workers got treated.

  8. Ericdierker profile image44
    Ericdierkerposted 10 years ago

    Yes it is worse. No question. We have removed all incentive to be nice and caring from corporate policy. And we are working on removing it from strictly personal relationships. Equality is a damning tool when used to create sameness. When we go down that slippery slope of treating everyone equally, we too often become robotic in order to conform to a uniformity. People are not all the same. Some need a carrot and some a stick and that can change on any given day. A manager that treats men and women equally for instance, misses the fact that they are different.
    If a parent treats all of his children the same they are missing out on the talents and diversity and even extra help that each child has individually. No child can grow to full potential if he is treated the same as a sibling with different potential. Ask a good coach. No way do you treat the fastest delicate athlete the same as the 300 lb gorilla athlete.
    Our schools of management and schools of schools have become so institutionalized in PC and sameness they abuse everyone because there is no sight of the individual. I do not want to be treated like a 22 year old, I am 55. I do not want to be treated as a woman, I am a man. I do not want to be treated like someone sensitive because I am a brute. I do not want to be treated as a GED person, I have a doctorate. I do not want to be treated like a physically challenged person, I am fully able. I do not want to be able to pray toward Mecca several times during the day, but I want a break to walk every morning.
    Mostly I want an opportunity to reach my personal best in a job. And I do not want an award for it, I want honest pay.
    They should change the moronic name of "sensitivity training" to Autonomic Training.


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