Do you feel the internet has made us more gullible?

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  1. Blond Logic profile image89
    Blond Logicposted 11 years ago

    Do you feel the internet has made us more gullible?

    Many people are quick to believe that the internet is the quick road to riches with very little work. My question is,do you feel that more people are gullible than ever before?

    photo and adamr

  2. phtech profile image77
    phtechposted 11 years ago

    I feel like the Internet has made gullible people more gullible. You almost have to be judgemental and use your gut to avoid being tricked.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are right. The old adage of  'if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is' still works in the digital age.
      Thanks for your answer.

    2. phtech profile image77
      phtechposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's pretty easy to trick the uneducated though. Especially people who are looking for a get rich quick idea.

  3. Alecia Murphy profile image66
    Alecia Murphyposted 11 years ago

    I automatically thought of that State Farm commercial with the neighbors talking and then the girl goes my date's a French model when it's obvious he's not.
    Like phtech said, some people fall for anything offline so changing the setting only enhances that. Just because it's on Wikipedia or on a Social Network doesn't make it gospel just like whatever your coworker said about your boss may only be the result of big ears and no common sense.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Alas I don't know the commercial you are referring to. It's true, "Don't believe everything you read." Thanks

  4. Shinkicker profile image54
    Shinkickerposted 11 years ago

    I doubt they are more gullible, the fact that mass populations swallow the nonsense and lies that governments and advertisers put out suggests many have always been gullible.

    Personally I think the interet has made me less credulous about information. I certainly don't believe that it can be the easy road to riches. Not with my Hub earnings that's for sure LOL

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There are so many stories how people work part time on the internet and earn tons of money. Then for just $25 they will share their secret with us. WoW, where do I sign up? LOL Great to hear from you.

  5. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    It has simply made people lazy people lazier and given  all people the ability to say anything they want without being challenged for accuracy.
    The gullible will believe anything they hear that in any way agrees with their own ideas no matter how feeble and weak the evidence is.
    Even here on Hubpages I see so many questions asked that would take 10 seconds on Google to get answers for.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh goodness, I hope not this question. They feel any exposure is better than none I suppose. Those that are well off, normally are the ones who have struggled, and worked for it.  Thanks for your response.

  6. portables profile image67
    portablesposted 11 years ago

    I think the opposite - at least now everyone can easily check for facts.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Never have we had so much information available to us and yet many people don't use the internet for that, they use it to chat. Thanks for your answer.

  7. profile image0
    Justsilvieposted 11 years ago

    The internet offers us the opportunity to research information without leaving our chair. If we do not choose to we are not really gullible just lazy. We should know by now nothing worth having comes easy.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes we should, but the carrot of easy money is always appealing to some. Thanks for your answer.

  8. jaydawg808 profile image78
    jaydawg808posted 11 years ago

    Not sure if it has made us more gullible.  But I have learned there are a lot of uneducated and dumb people on the Internet.  I also notice that people can't spell, too.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When people speak socially with friends, it seems to matter less. When they try to express themselves by writing their education or lack of it shows through. There is a generation that is technically advanced and socially inept, I fear.

  9. calmclinic profile image59
    calmclinicposted 11 years ago

    I don't think it's the internet that made people gullible; we choose to become more of who we are or worse with the tools that we have or are available to us. It's man's intentions and sometimes greed that pushes them to do crazy things.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it has created a more exaggerated version of ourselves. Thanks for your response.

  10. RachaelLefler profile image91
    RachaelLeflerposted 11 years ago

    No, being exposed to lots of scams means you spot one a mile away.

    1. Blond Logic profile image89
      Blond Logicposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is true for some of us. However, I think there is a portion of the population who continue to fall for them. Thanks for your input.


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