Has anyone else noticed that the stats/views seem to be frozen here for the last

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  1. Faith Reaper profile image87
    Faith Reaperposted 11 years ago

    Has anyone else noticed that the stats/views seem to be frozen here for the last 20+ hours or so?

    My views seem to be frozen since yesterday, when I have received a ton of comments on a particular hubs, and the views are so low, that it is as if no one has viewed the hubs, but that is not the case, as so many have been coming in.  Has anyone else noticed such and, if so, does anyone know if HP is experiencing some type of technical problems as far as views being frozen?  Thank you for answering!

  2. billybuc profile image88
    billybucposted 11 years ago

    That's pretty normal for the weekend of late....by Monday morning they should be updated.  In the meantime, enjoy your Sunday.

    blessings always


    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Bill, oh, really.  Thank you for informing me of such.  I will know to publish maybe before the weekend, as it is disturbing that the views are absolutely frozen when it should not be the case!  Have a lovely Sunday too.  Hugs, Faith Reaper

    2. ChristinS profile image36
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, this happened to me the past couple of weekends, freezes sometime on Friday evening and then on Monday catches up.

    3. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi ChristinS, wow, good to know for sure that others are experiencing such!  Will not publish on the weekends any longer for sure!!! Thank you!

  3. MG Singh profile image62
    MG Singhposted 11 years ago

    Frankly I have stopped bothering about views etc on hub pages as I just concentrate on writing. Hub pages views have little relevance as the payments are so low. Does it matter?

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi MG Singh,

      Thank you for your honest answer here and good point, but there certainly seems to be a problem as they are frozen, and I mean frozen.  It is disturbing as to whatever is going on here at HP of late.  I am not a technical person, but...

  4. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 11 years ago

    Seem like the normal weekend around here.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Just Ask Susan,

      Thanks for answering.  So your views are not frozen is what you are saying?

  5. CraftytotheCore profile image72
    CraftytotheCoreposted 11 years ago

    I've answered about two other questions just like this one Faith.  I truly believe this glitch is a weekend pattern.  But this time seems different.  I don't pay much attention to scores and all that, however, the last two Hubs I've published now have 0 views.  My profile score has dropped and the Hubs are ranked lower than any of my other Hubs.  I'm just curious if this is because it's showing 0 views.  On the ones I'm referring to, I also had comments so I know there must be views!

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi CraftytotheCore, Oh thank yo very much!!!  Yes, I have had tons of comments on hubs, but the views on one just say 18 since yesterday, when that cannot be the case at all.  It if is a weekend thing, then we should be mindful to not publish then!

  6. Dreamhowl profile image94
    Dreamhowlposted 11 years ago

    Yeah, a hub I published that I know has received views is still frozen on 0. Try not to worry about it, like everyone else said. It will catch up soon.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Dreamhowl, thanks for answering.  Oh, good, I thought it was just mine!  Appreciate you.  Yes, hopefully it will catch up!

  7. jainismus profile image69
    jainismusposted 11 years ago

    In my case, it is more than two days, but I hope this problem will be solved today.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi jainismus,  thanks for answering, yes, I believe mine has been for a longer time too, and hope this is resolved soon!!!

  8. liesl5858 profile image87
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    My views stopped since Friday I think and the new hub that I just published has 0 views but I know it had been viewed because there is a comment already. This happened before and when I asked a question about it, all my questions were deleted until now and at one point I was not able to ask questions. So I don't bother asking questions about it anymore. I am only here for 5 months so I consider myself still new and learning a lot from other hubbers. How do I know these happens if I don't ask like you do.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi liesll, Yes, that seems to be when they stopped, and my newly published hub as 39 comments and no views since publishing. My another hub with views up to 400 and tons of comments stopped.  Now, my score dropped!

  9. Rosemay50 profile image60
    Rosemay50posted 11 years ago

    Things are normal here too, no problems with views

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Rosemary, maybe it is stateside then?  How odd or maybe it is the new hubs published during the weekend?  As that is what the others are saying.


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