Should government inspire loyalty, freedom or dependence in citizens?

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  1. cam8510 profile image88
    cam8510posted 11 years ago

    Should government inspire loyalty, freedom or dependence in citizens?

    It seems to me that my personal attitude toward government and the attitude toward government which that government itself attempts to instill in me, should be one and the same.  Which is most fitting for men of all nations?  Is it most appropriate that they be inspired to loyalty toward their government, that they be inspired to live in freedom, with as little government interference as possible, or that they be inspired to be increasingly dependent on government?

  2. brblog profile image78
    brblogposted 11 years ago

    To your question, I say Yes - we should be loyal and government should want that from us, we should be free and government should allow that and yes, we all do depend on government as well (even those who don't think they do). The question is how much dependence. There is a balance and the debate is where the balance should land.

    1. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree brblog.  The first two parts are obvious.  Loyalty and freedom are a part of being a citizen in some countries.  Dependence is the scary one.  We depend on govt to protect us, build and maintain roads etc, but it can become a control tool.

  3. someonewhoknows profile image70
    someonewhoknowsposted 11 years ago

    Saw this saying recently - fits your question - "Respect  my existence or expect my resistance"

    We have to be careful about who we want to govern U.S.
    Loyalty is a two way street.
    Should we be loyal to lie's and pandering ,pay to play mafia type government?
    Freedom  is earned by being forever vigilant in rooting out bad government and having and keeping the ability to do whatever it takes in order to do that.
    Gun control is one thing .Gun confiscation is another.
    Freedom also demands that we the people respect each other as well as those we vote in to govern.
    We need to be aware as well as responsible enough to prevent government from taking away our Independence. We also need to recognize the need for a  social safety net whether the support for that comes from family ,charity or the people as a whole as social security provides.History has shown that our economic system is rigged.A sound money supply which we do not have is necessary for savings to have the same value as when they were deposited rather than losing value due to inflation over the years. Governments shouldn't have to use those funds for paying off "other" government obligations as America has done ever since social security came into existence.
    Rome fell due to over dependence on government.
    Of,these three types of government - Capitalism , Communism or Marxist Socialism. Capitalism and Communism together are far better than Marxist Socialism.
    We don't have pure Capitalism. If,we did the too big to fail banks would have failed.In Communism those who govern  lord it over the rest of the people.
    Sounds a lot alike to me! Big business controls government and big government  controls the rest of the people. Marxism is control over everyone rich or poor by I would say a military and who ever they are loyal to.

    1. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      swk, I was impressed by one thing in particular.  You placed responsibility for free society on the people.  When there is a vacuum of social responsibility, every bad thing will try to creep in and take control, and they come from both parties.

  4. Epleeba1 profile image60
    Epleeba1posted 11 years ago

    Government should inspire security, freedom and independence. Security that citizens are protected from threats, both internationally and within the country's borders. Freedom to  move about, congregate, express ideas and practice religious beliefs. Not freedom to impose beliefs, morals, expectations...etc on other citizens. Independence means the government should inspire citizens to be responsible for their own well-being AND  responsible for their own actions. The United States constitution sets forth the government's expected stance on freedom in the first ten amendments added by the founding fathers. While interpretations vary according to point of view, the intentions of these  amendments are still valid.

    1. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent input Epleeba1.

  5. swordsbane profile image61
    swordsbaneposted 11 years ago

    People don't need to be loyal to their government.  Government should be loyal to it's people, true to the country that created it, and protect it's people's freedoms.

    1. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well said, swords bane.  Thank you.

  6. Becky Katz profile image80
    Becky Katzposted 11 years ago

    Loyalty and freedom definitely. Dependence should be avoided at all costs. They should realize that THEY are dependent on us. We pay them and they should do what WE want them to. They seem to do what they want, take our money so they can get a raise and still don't want to do their jobs.

    1. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Becky, things do seem to be a bit upside down at the moment in the political arena.

  7. Levellandmike profile image80
    Levellandmikeposted 11 years ago

    Freedom is not something "inspired" by government. Freedom is a birthright. Freedom, however, can be affected by government.
    Loyalty? Yeah. Government, by its actions or lack thereof can most assuredly inspire loyalty in its citizens. That's how Obama, Bush, Clinton, et al, get themselves reelected. Loyalty is what has kept our "Government, for the people, by the people" in place all these years.
    What government SHOULD inspire is self-reliance, responsibility, involvement in one's community and the various processes by which the nation moves forward.
    It should NEVER, under any circumstances, inspire dependency......damn you, just inspired another hub!
    I'll be sure you're appropriately credited...

    1. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      L&M, great comment.  I fully agree with you about freedom.   As for a hub, I'll watch for it.  "Someone" may have an interesting hub out there already.   Thanks for the thoughts.


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