Why are men calling women "female" instead of women? Does this bother anyone els

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  1. Elearn4Life profile image68
    Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years ago

    Why are men calling women "female" instead of women? Does this bother anyone else?

    I was speaking to a "male" associate and he said the "female" he worked with is not pulling her own weight. When your referring to one women, why not call her a "woman"? Am I the only one noticing this trend?

  2. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    You said: "I was speaking to a "male" associate..." As a man I was not offended by it. Some men have been known to call women much worse names than female!
    I suspect this "male associate" is not on friendly terms with his "female" co-worker and therefore did not want to refer to her by name or he didn't want it to get back to her by specifically naming her.
    The terms male and female sound clinical or sterile lacking in warmth but they are far from  being derogatory terms.
    Maybe it was the "tone" he used or you may have subconscious negative memory (trigger) attached to the word female.
    It's everyday we as a society adding words to "the list" of never to be used words. Nevertheless it will be sad day when long held scientific descriptions/terminology is considered offensive. 
    Rarely is about the word itself but the meaning one attaches to the word. For years there was talk about getting rid of the "N word". Later many black comedians started using the word "Ninja" and some folks got upset and now consider it a racist word.
    Last week when President Obama referred to some of the teens who participated in the riots as being "thugs"  and now it's a substitute for "the N word". Really?
    No dictionary defines the words thug or ninja in racial terms.
    However we as a society have a way of attaching different meanings to words. I imagine the word "female" might be considered the new "b word" in some circles. Where will it end?

    1. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I used the term "male" in an unoffensive manner. The way he used "female" ; like you said...lacked warmth. But when I hear more men saying "this female" or "that female" instead of woman, I feel that the respect bar has lowered. Thanks DS

    2. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like these situations may be more a matter of interpretation, attitude & perceptions. Such as: "What was the speaker's intention behind the word vs. how it is translated by the listener?"

    3. dashingscorpio profile image71
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Paula, "how it is translated (by the listener)?" is an excellent point!
      Years ago when I was around age 40 I use to go to this barber and every time it was my turn to sit in the chair he'd say;
      "Your turn (young man)". I hated it!

    4. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      scorpio.Beats the heck out "old man!!" LOL. Seriously there are pet peeves when it comes to "words," & it's just like anything else, upbringing, era, attitudes, all sorts of things. Unless it is a blatant nasty insult, we all need to chill out.

  3. feenix profile image59
    feenixposted 9 years ago

    Well, are not women females?

    Additionally, I am not aware of any men who are offended when they are called males. I know I'm not.

    In my opinion, a whole lot of "liberated women" need to grow up and stop getting all bent out of shape over the ways in which they are described and so forth,

    1. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I see..... Thanks for your unbiased opinion feenix.

    2. tsadjatko profile image74
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe men who prefer to call women females are just trying to be politically correct.After all Bruce Jenner isn't a female but he wants to be,I mean he will be,no,he is a woman.See there is a difference,I mean a woman isn't necessarily a female

    3. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      But with surgery wouldn't he I mean she be? Confusing

  4. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 9 years ago

    An interesting question. In the social setting I worked for some sixteen years the norm was 'boys and girls' for colloquial terms offering delineation between gender. Offering a bit of discovery the age grouping was say mid-twenties through about age fifty for the 'ladies' and nearer 18 to sixty for the 'gentlemen'. Today I don't have enough social interactions to make the observation of discussion.

    Does this bother me? It use to at times. One must consider it was with both the hierarchy - Vice-President and President with their staffs as well as the blue collar workers. Consider the VP was a female and the President was a male. Sides were chosen and the sexism seeped in at times for both genders at question with social interactions.

    1. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your comment Tim Mitchell. I guess as the world turns the way we address each other does also. I guess it's not what we are called but what we answer to. Just look how our President is Called "Obama" Instead of President Obama.

  5. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    Darlene....I can understand why the comment and this man's choice of a word in describing a female co-worker, left you a bit disgruntled.  I also think there's a lot to be said in HOW we ourselves interpret certain verbiage.
    Since Political Correctness entered the scene (and surely no one consulted ME about this utter nonsense)....the general public are unwittingly hyper vigilant concerning "words," and possibly MORE offended than is necessary.  In other words....does this not fly in the face of having the OPPOSITE affect all the PC insistence intended??  It does to me.
    Because I have a tendency to pay close attention, I HAVE noticed trends and I suppose an opinion for every one of them.  The good part is that we have the control as to how we react.
    Here's a brief story to confirm my attitude.  I was driving myself & 3 other women to an Assembly meeting at our State Capital. As we entered the parking lot to the building, an elderly gentleman approached the car to direct me to an open spot.  He called me, "Honey."  Immediately the women (ALL younger than I) made negative comments and were disgusted that this man was either "flirting" with me or demeaning me in some way.....ALL DUE TO HIS USE OF "HONEY." 
    Actually they scared me.  I thought I was going to a Gloria Steinem Seminar rather than an Assemblyman's meet & greet!  They were still sputtering as we exited the car.  Finally I said, "Ladies, ladies...you are spoiling my "moment."  Do you realize that man called me "honey" because he felt that compared to him, I'm a kid??!  Like maybe he equated me with his grandchild? WHY on earth should that offend me??"
    See what I mean, Darlene?  LOL......Good questions!

    1. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Makes a lot of sense Paula. I'd rather be called honey than ma'am in some situations.Lol.  Thanks for your comment!

  6. tsadjatko profile image74
    tsadjatkoposted 9 years ago


    Are men calling women "female" instead of women?

    Unless you actually have some evidence of this aside from anecdotal, the real question that should be asked is why would you even think that "men" (implying all men or at least many) are calling women "female" instead of "women?" Maybe you really mean some men? If so, I'd think you'd have made such an important distinction but you chose to accuse an entire gender.

    Sure, I can understand if you are bothered by "a" man calling a woman a female, but why would you paint all men with that brush? Personally I don't think I've heard "a" man, let alone some, many, most or all men, use female over woman in describing the opposite sex. I certainly don't, maybe men who do could chime in here, I'd like to know if there are many and why they prefer to use female.

    So it appears to me your question reveals more about how you feel toward men than how men feel toward women because I respect women and even if I used female to describe a woman I would mean nothing disrespectful by it, but that's just me, oh, and maybe most other men.

    On the other hand if there is some poll out there or proof of a sort that supports your point of view, that men are "calling women "female" instead of "women" then just write my answer off as something else men say that bothers you.

    1. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I see you missed the clarifying statement after the question. And yes there is a trend from highschoolers to men in their 30s. The 40 year old opened my eyes to a possible growing trend. Maybe a slang term in some parts. But definitly improper use.

    2. tsadjatko profile image74
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I read that statement,"Am I the only one noticing this trend?" it clarified that you meant men, more than one.A trend is many not just one associate."Next rationalization?Or can you take responsibility for what you actually did say?

    3. Elearn4Life profile image68
      Elearn4Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Oooh then it's selective reading, you can't answer the question or you may feel offended? Boredom maybe? Either way your way off target. No angry women here. Just a question TSAD.

    4. tsadjatko profile image74
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I answered the question.Selective reading?what are you talking about? Your whole comment is exactly as I said it read.You are selective reading. btw you have to moderate my comments as not spam if you want them to show.Who said you were angry?


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