Why are women with deep voices very assertive and confident?

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  1. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 11 years ago

    Why are women with deep voices very assertive and confident?

    Could it be something in the genes relating to their voice or do they naturally feel confident because they have that deep tone.

  2. Nell Rose profile image86
    Nell Roseposted 11 years ago

    I would imagine its because women with deep voices tend to have more of the male tostesterone in their body! lol! true fact, saw it on tv. and we know how assertive men can be!

    1. Byonder5 profile image60
      Byonder5posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes true. It is these women who are literally  "more men'.

  3. safiq ali patel profile image67
    safiq ali patelposted 11 years ago

    Well Lady E I haven't see you for a while. In answer to your question why are women with deep voices assertive and confident. Maybe they aren't all that confident really and the issue is one of how we perceive or how we see people.
    Perhaps we see women with deep voices as assertive because that deep voice gives them stature, status, presence and makes them easier to hear. So that voice it's depth create an air of confidence from that woman that may not really be in their personality but is in their natural voice.
    Maybe its what we here that makes us think of confidence and assertion.

  4. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    Hello Lady_E.......I really don't know that it's a proven fact that more women with deep voices display more assertiveness and confidence than women with a more female/higher-pitched voice.    Our "VOICE," as with 98% of our physical traits is genetically determined.  Perhaps you can recognize a "familial sound" in the voices of members of the same family.  Just in my own case, my mother, my sister and I sound nearly identical......eg.  a party at the other end of a phone could not determine WHO they were speaking to, of the 3 of us.   I might add that I am (and my mother and sister were (deceased) fairly assertive and confident, but I don't believe our voices could be described as "deep."
    I will agree that a deeper female voice, can be hormone-related (testosterone) as Nell Rose has suggested.....which would help explain the assertiveness.
    I will hope that "Vocal Coach," chooses to comment to your question.  After all, she has studied Voice and is an expert on the subject.  I would bet she has an interesting take on this!.........good question....

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Paula, every woman I have met with a deep voice comes across that way to me. Older women, even younger women in their 20s - lovely, friendly but I have observed  - very confident and you don't want to get on the wrong side of them either.:-)

  5. Abluesfornina profile image60
    Abluesforninaposted 11 years ago

    I never heard that before... voice types determining assertiveness . Not questioning it but I know so many women with normal voice tones or average that are just as or equally assertive. As a matter of fact out of all of the "commanding" women I can think of off hand, none of them have deep voices.  Interesting.

  6. LouTucci profile image76
    LouTucciposted 11 years ago

    Maybe it's not a man? Or, maybe it's a woman on steroids?

    1. Hezekiah profile image68
      Hezekiahposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Steroid can actaully affect the female vocals chords!!!

    2. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Hezekiah - I didn't know that.

  7. oceanuniverse profile image61
    oceanuniverseposted 11 years ago

    I would say something in their genes that affect their voice, but you can still be confident even if your voice is not so deep. Just depends on the person speaking and if they are in tune with themselves.

  8. Oscarlites profile image70
    Oscarlitesposted 11 years ago

    hey I've seen high pitched,or heard high pitches who were super mama confident and assertive!.      but  I'm thinking the ones you speak of recieve more attention, in different ways.. perhaps mostly in the perception others have of them.

  9. edhan profile image37
    edhanposted 11 years ago

    I don't think so. It is dependent on individual as for assertive and confident. Whether men or women, assertive and confident can be built over time. But of course there will be some that will not have it.

  10. TheAshleyDaily profile image61
    TheAshleyDailyposted 11 years ago

    Not necessarily. I would assume it probably has more to do with their genetics...

  11. MickeySr profile image77
    MickeySrposted 11 years ago

    Men with deep voices can be assertive and confident as well, I mean, more so than men with mid-range or higher pitched voices - in other words, I think one point to consider is that a deep voice simply strikes our mind as assertive and confident. I can't see Hollywood making a film where the hero has a passive, genteel type tone - when a man (on screen) speaks with a deep, resonant voice we 'get' he's assertive and confident - and we 'get' that's our hero. So, some of this, I believe, is a cultural conditioning . . . but then we have to ask why, why do we go to 'deep voice' to suggest assertive and confident? Because it's a mannish trait?

    All I can speak to knowingly is, I have a deep and resonant voice, and I am unreasonably confident, and I can be assertive. I have a very authoritative voice - and I know, and I use it. Now, that is something as well . . . a deep voice is one thing, knowing how to use it is another. I can, and have, peeked my head in a church nursery filled with crying babies, said "quiet" in an assertive, authoritative tone, and there is absolute quiet . . . the ladies used to look for me to do this. I once had 3 dogs I wanted to take a picture of, I told them all to sit and then said "stay" in an assertive, authoritative tone, took the picture and went in the house . . . a few minutes later my wife called to me to tell them they could go - I looked out the window and all 3 dogs were sitting perfectly still with their heads twisted toward me at the window, and as soon as I said "go on" they all took off.

    I do think there is something about maleness, authority, and the voice.

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks. Very interesting comment. I think I should have included authoritative voice in my question. A deep voice can come across in that way too. I really enjoyed your explanation. Aaawh... your dogs are lovely and take well to instructions. :-)

  12. ThelmaC profile image88
    ThelmaCposted 11 years ago

    You have to think about what came first, the deep voice or the assertiveness. 
    Also, your theory isn't always true.  I'm a very confident person with a soft voice.

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not saying all ladies with a soft voice lack confidence, Thelma. Ofcourse not all women with soft voices do. Thanks for commenting.

  13. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    If that is true, then I would say the unpopular answer (but likely so) would be that a deeper voice denotes a higher level of testosterone - which could also mean more a more aggressive person - or it could translate to assertiveness.

  14. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

    I'd agree with those who have suggested "more male-ness" in the chemistry could play some role in some women.  Then, too, a lot of women (especially of my generation) were told (by people like human resources specialists teaching women how to "be taken seriously") to learn to lower their voices and have a more assertive tone.  I, personally, never wanted to do that; because I don't want to have a "fake voice". 

    BUT, I've had real problems with not having a deep, louder, voice (or not working to fake one).  I always figured "the world" needed to figure out that a strong, confident, woman didn't have to sound like "a fake man" in order to have something to say that was worth listening to.  I was wrong, though.  "The world" doesn't, on its own, always figure that out.

    As a result, I've always had real trouble (particularly outside of a work setting, where the work at least shows some of my capability and ability to be trusted with responsibility, and trusted to provide solid information) having what I say taken seriously.  In the non-work setting, it's awfully often that someone else just doesn't assume someone who sounds like I do might possibly know what she's talking about and/or even know more than they do about something.  So, I've lived my adult life frustrated and feeling as if even when I say something about ME or MY OWN life the person I say it too will so often second-guess what I've said; and act as if my statement was "up for debate".

    This, in turn, has taken a toll on my own ability to approach the world with confidence (even though I have plenty of inner confidence that doesn't show in the way I deal with the world).   Why the confidence (maybe even self-esteem - not sure) has been damaged is that living with others so often always questioning/doubting what one says (and acting as if she's pulled some wild idea out of think air, rather than realizing she has learned the information through education, being well informed, research and/or careful reasoning and logic) is frustrated and leave a woman (person) feeling invisible.  A strong and plenty-smart-enough woman who can't manage to make herself "non-invisible" will learn to dislike who/what she is.  Living with it long enough will make her feel very small "on the inside".  So, there goes things like "external confidence" and self-esteem.

    I think this is a huge, huge, problem for a whole lot of women; and it is being strong that makes women refuse to use a new, fake, voice.

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Lisa. That was interesting and thought provoking to read.

  15. midget38 profile image88
    midget38posted 11 years ago

    I think it's because that deep tone makes them sound more dynamic. That alone increases their confidence.

  16. ibbarkingmad profile image57
    ibbarkingmadposted 11 years ago

    Because studies show that on average a person who has a deeper voice is more often listened to. Not all ways the case, but as a rule of thumb it is true. Skilled sales people don't raise their voice tone, but rather speak in lower tones.

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      True - I was just reading Mickey's answer. Kids tend to obey  a deeper voice too. Thanks

  17. flashmakeit profile image60
    flashmakeitposted 11 years ago

    I have always had a deep voice and my doctor told me I had a lot of male hormones,  I learned how to be confident from vocational training which taught the class to be confident so that you will be able to pass the class,  You must have confident in what you are trying to achieve. I do have a deep voice but I never feel assertive because I think of myself as being passive,

  18. mariasial profile image68
    mariasialposted 11 years ago

    I agree with you Lady E and honestly believe that i am one of a kind ........... means assertive and confident smile

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Cheers Maria :-)

  19. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 11 years ago

    A deep voice, attracts attention and does present itself as being more confident. A man with a high pitched voice, can say some very meaningful words but the lower, more robust voice that is not necessarily louder, but carries better will receive the most attention.

    The quality of your voice can have tremendous impacts. Because of my speech impairment, and the fact that my voice is higher than it seems to me, I had no chance of a career in radio or television. Yes, I could have worked in the background, but ego wanted to be on camera. I think the reaction by people to the stronger, deeper voice is natural and not something done on purpose. In addition, if the higher pitch voice does not have the proper volume, the people are not going to hear it.

    It is probably one of those quirks of nature that we just have to live with.  Some people who achieve an outstanding status in their field, can get buy with having a voice that may be too high, have an accent or something similar. However, even those people have to work a little harder to get their message across to an audience.

  20. phillippeengel profile image81
    phillippeengelposted 11 years ago

    Women and men who have high-pitched voices can also be assertive and confident. I do not mind what is the tone of your voice as long as you can articulate. Confidence emanates from the person's mind, and though it is true that part of the impression that people have of you depends on your voice (whether it is sweet or hoarse), it must be noted that some people who have a pleasant voice are feigning to be good, when actually they have an ulterior motive, either to defraud you or to seduce you.

    It is best to give up one's stereotypes and accept the diversity of life.

    1. ibbarkingmad profile image57
      ibbarkingmadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The depth of ones voice does have an affect. Empirical evidence has been found to prove this. That does not mean that there are no exceptions to the rule. Abraham Lincoln was a perfect example of that exception.

  21. Byonder5 profile image60
    Byonder5posted 11 years ago

    Basically a higher level of testosterone in the woman. A point here being it needs a special effort on the part of the husband of such a woman. She will make special efforts towards the male side of a marriage and it's important to remind her of her role as wife and this means guiding her towards wearing skirts, dresses and nylon lace slips and petticoats


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