Is /was Mohammed a false prophet?

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  1. days leaper profile image59
    days leaperposted 9 years ago

    Is /was Mohammed a false prophet?

    An Asian taxi driver says to a Christian patient "We follow the same god, but with a different name, we have the same old testament (but not the new, it seems), we have Jesus but put him below Mohammed."
    Mohammed allows is followers three or four wives, but in the old testament God made Solomon choose between being a Spiritual leader if he divorced his thousand wives, concubines etc.  but Solomon chose to stay a secular leader.  If Mohammed was a real prophet therefore, surely he would've taken notice of this famous biblical rebuke!  I suggest therefore that Christ Jesus is above the others...

  2. Mariasha profile image33
    Mariashaposted 9 years ago

    Have you read the Qur'an? I hope you have read it all as you would know what islam believe in Jesus peace be upon him and the holy book of bible

    1. days leaper profile image59
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No, I am making my way through an English translation of it.  I do wonder though, if, as you say Jesus is accepted, why is it I read in chapter 4 or 5 that Christians (and Jews) aren't?  And why the Jihadist beheadings of Christians who won't convert

    2. abdussalaam profile image79
      abdussalaamposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The Jews say that the Christians have nothing (of the Truth) and the Christians say that the Jews have nothing of it, though both read the Scripture... [Quran 2:113]

  3. abdussalaam profile image79
    abdussalaamposted 9 years ago

    I think education may well be the key to your question. This is a brief introduction to the religion of Muhammad (pbuh)

    1. days leaper profile image59
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      very true, each religious organisation is divided against the other.

  4. Terrex profile image66
    Terrexposted 9 years ago

    I've become very interested in Eastern religions of late.
    What I can tell about the Christianity-islam relationship is that muslims say that they accept Jesus etc.....but they don't really.
    It's sort of like this:
    You say your name is 'days leaper'.
    I say, "I accept your name is 'gays leper'.
    You say, "But my name is 'days leaper'!"
    I say, "I accept that. Your name is 'gays leper'".

    Now, am I accepting your name is 'days leaper' (which may or may not be the one from facebook)?

    Sort of like that (lame) analogy, islamic scripture says it accepts Jesus. puts the caveat that Jesus was a prophet - completely at odds with Christian doctrine. It's like telling a muslim, "Oh, I accept the Quran....but I think Mohammed was mistaken about the drinking and the four wives bit." Muslims wouldn't accept that, so why would Christians?
    Like Christianity absorbed certain pagan rituals to attract followers, Islam has done the same - it 'absorbs' bits of other cultures to make itself less of a jarring concept. Making Jesus an 'accepted' prophet works to that end, as did the acceptance of the Torah (with similar caveats).
    In Islmaic scripture, Mohammed is presented as the 'final' and 'foremost' prophet, thereby eclipsing and superseding everyone else. Whether he is false would depend on your opinion of his life and actions.
    Like Christians ask 'WWJD?' What would Jeses Do?, think 'WWMD?', What Would Muhammad Do?
    Google that for a variety of answers.

    1. abdussalaam profile image79
      abdussalaamposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The Quran is rather self explanatory on this matter and speaks for itself. See Quran 2:136 and 2:253

    2. Terrex profile image66
      Terrexposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hmm, clear example of Quran being self-contradictory rather than self-explanatory in those two verses - 136 says 'no distinction' between prophets, 253 says some 'exceed others' because Allah made them.
      Googling WWMD i still the better option, imho.

    3. abdussalaam profile image79
      abdussalaamposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      We as Muslims do not distinguish between the Prophets; but God obviously does. When Muhammed (pbuh) went on the Isra Miraj; he travelled the 7 heavens, and at each heaven he found different Prophets, thus God ranked the Prophets.

    4. days leaper profile image59
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for this analogy Terex, I think I get what You mean.  No, lazy sunday on farcebook, but rarely use it!

    5. Terrex profile image66
      Terrexposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      @Abdus Salaam
      Well, seeing as you would defer to Allah in times of doubt, that leaves you with Muhammad>Jesus, according to your last comment.
      It would also mean Allah contradicted himself in Quran 2:136.

    6. abdussalaam profile image79
      abdussalaamposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I as a Muslim do not say Muhammad (pbuh) was greater than Jesus (pbuh), nor do I say Moses was greater than Jesus (pbuh). But, God placed Moses (pbuh) in the 6th Heaven and He placed Jesus (pbuh) in the 2nd Heaven. God does what He wills.

    7. Terrex profile image66
      Terrexposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      In the same Quran story, Mohamed leads the other prophets in prayer, thereby cementing his position at the top, right?
      Do you want to address the contradiction in the Quran in verses 2:136 and 2:253?
      Maybe, I'll make a Hub of it. lol


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