What actually inspires a person to be Atheist?

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  1. crankalicious profile image88
    crankaliciousposted 7 years ago

    Personally, I was inspired by the hordes of religious people running around killing each other because they didn't like what the other one believed.

    1. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That is why faith is downright beautiful and certainly can be.  Religion on the other hand can be and is dangerous.  Getting to know God is really amazing.  Man is the one that always gets in the way.

  2. cordelius profile image74
    cordeliusposted 7 years ago

    Usually it starts when you began to seek religion and find out different interpretations of it. I grow up a christian but as my conscious began to sprout, so did my belief in religion and its teachings. There are tons of religions based off of one entity and one supreme way of living according to nature before religious based beliefs began.

  3. thishumility profile image60
    thishumilityposted 7 years ago

    Is there really a God or an Omnipotent Being? On the other hand if I will ask you, Do You Really Know Yourself? What is the Purpose of your Existence? My answer is No or negative because all of us knows nothing except MONEY then why not declare once and for all that the God of today's civilization is Money! Have you wondered why God will never ever talk or engaged in a discussion with us.....divine perception, this is the knowledge Man ignored....but not all! I say stop pretending to be religious or a believer whatsoever when you don't really know what you are talking or knowing about.

    1. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This Humilty:
      What if He is revealed to you.  What then?  My Dad should have died from cancer and he did not with no medical explanation whatsoever.  That does not make me any different or anymore special than another.  That was as real as ever.

  4. Scotty Davidson profile image60
    Scotty Davidsonposted 7 years ago

    Nothing really inspires someone to be an atheist. Basically you just realise that you only believe in the things you see. So many religions require you to believe in many things that you haven't experienced personally. I mean this is a lot to ask of someone.

    Religion is great for community and helps a lot of people out. However asking someone to be a full on believer is asking a lot. I mean I don't understand how someone can become fanatical about their religion. Are they just trying to fill another void that is in their life? Possibly.

    Anyway as I said someone becomes an atheist probably because they only want to believe in the things they can actually hear and see. And that is fair enough!

  5. profile image52
    SamuelChristianposted 7 years ago

    There is really no simple answer to this question. But I would have to say that the more people mature throughout their lives and learn that everything in life has a scientific explanation the need for God diminishes. So in essence, nothing inspires them it's just natural decision that people make from knowing the truth with a much more rational and logical approach.

    1. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Logical and rational?  Are we really supposed to understand God from our perspective?  Far too much coincidence for me personally.  I am as much of a realist as you will ever find.  Too much evidence for God for me to ignore that.  Plus, lived it.

  6. skperdon profile image81
    skperdonposted 7 years ago

    A true atheist is not just inspired to become an atheist.

    A true atheist is born to be an atheist and is always inspired by truths that can be discovered along the path to seek the Ultimate Truth.

    A true atheist is a truth seeker. A truth seeker is an individual who questions to gain knowledge instead of taking certain knowledge at face value.

    Be it the question of whether God exists or not, or whether there is science vs God, is there a possibility that God and science is the essence of life?

  7. Shehzad Mukhtar profile image60
    Shehzad Mukhtarposted 7 years ago

    As atheist I think a person is free from religion ,sectarianism and be realist  about life  style and thoughts.it gives more focus on life than other things

    1. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Once again you would have to have a total disregard for both history and archaeology.

  8. DSmizzle profile image88
    DSmizzleposted 7 years ago

    The complete and utter lack of evidence to suggest to me that I should be anything other than an anti-theist.

    1. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you should try history and archaeology.  How does one discount what the history and archaeology tells us?

    2. DSmizzle profile image88
      DSmizzleposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Damian, in what way would history and archaeology establish for me that I should adhere to any particular religion?  The burden of proof is on those who are trying to show something to be true.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    3. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this


      I always try to be as open minded as possible but if one is to consider the numerous archaeological finds including the Tel Dan Inscription, the Pilate Stone, the writings f Non Christians such as Tacitus and so much more.  It makes me aware

    4. DSmizzle profile image88
      DSmizzleposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Damian:
      I have heard plenty of arguments about this issue and have never found them to be anywhere remotely approaching persuasive.  I'm happy to be proven wrong and once someone proves god's existence I'll convert.

    5. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this


      That is fair enough.  Perhaps I would be where you are if I had not lived it many, many years ago.  My Dad should have died and there was no medical explanation for him not to.  He lived another 15 years and managed to raise me and my siblings

    6. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      With all respect for your father but why gives the same god a 4 year old cancer and this boy dies within half a year ?
      There are many inexplainable things in the world but this does not mean that God is the answer or solution to those questions.

    7. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this


      All that we had left was prayer and he somehow got better after a very difficult struggle.  You are right about the four year old but I prefer to think of them as angels in Heaven.  Sometimes God just takes home.  The pain is over.  Blssngs

    8. Thomas Swan profile image96
      Thomas Swanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      So if something good happens, it's God. If something bad happens, it's also God, but he's just taking an angel home? Seems like there will always be `proof' of God when an emotive event with an unknown cause takes place.

    9. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe we all get in trouble when we try to fit God in our little box and little world.  Trying to reason God really is quite futile.  We are finite and He is completely infinite.  Sometimes tragedies do take place.  They can be even eye open

  9. yecall profile image72
    yecallposted 7 years ago

    I suppose that they just do not see any evidence for God.  In some cases, they have had extreme religious upbringings that have turned them off.  Also, some have had no religious upbringings at all, so they do not care.

  10. Matthew Woolsey profile image64
    Matthew Woolseyposted 7 years ago

    I don't think its about inspiration. I think it is more along the lines of seeing is believing. Some people can only grasp what they can see. Having said that thought you can' see the wind but you can feel it. Or perhaps the concept of God is too scary for them to understand. Or maybe it's just a choice for them. Either way one day we will all find out if there is a God or not.

    1. Thomas Swan profile image96
      Thomas Swanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You can see the wind with the correct apparatus. You can determine it's made primarily from oxygen and nitrogen (air). You can determine how the sun causes it. You can see its effects on the trees. A better analogy for God would be unicorns/fairies.

  11. ms_independent profile image78
    ms_independentposted 7 years ago

    I am not an atheist, but I was raised Catholic and stopped believing in it around the ages of 10-12. Many people are atheists because they are disenchanted with organized religion, its black-and-white thinking, hypocrisy, greed, sex scandals (speaking mainly of the Catholic church here), and pushiness (there are always Christians and Muslims trying to convert you at busy intersections downtown). Organized religion has become something ugly, which is why I am a solitary witch.

  12. roselinsojan profile image60
    roselinsojanposted 7 years ago

    I think it is the religion itself.every Atheist come from a religious family.there is a saying, when these Atheist get a deadly disease, they will call out God help me.

  13. profile image53
    Manjunath7472posted 7 years ago

    We all love magic despite knowing the fact that it's not real and it's deceptive.. I believe religion is mix of magic,  fear and booklet of wisdom abt existence, and the magician is some imaginary n invisible character called god which is created by some person X in his community to maintain psychological balance amoung people of the community with God, fear n the booklet so that people stop thinking abt existence and just act like puppets according to the booklet.

    By doing so,  ppl are united, strong and productive and boost economy and also ready to conquer other community..

    Person Y does d same thing in other part of the world for same reason and creates religion Y..

    Religion is good and selfish act by a mortal person to keep things balanced..

    When there s clash between person X n Y ... ego fires up and it's world war 1,2..

    Conquer the world in the name of magic, magician and the booklet of wisdom..

    Even God comes down for real...
    Different communities detain god and interrogate him for his religion identity....

    And even God struggle which religion to accept and he would regret and run away else different communities will kill god in broad day light....

    I don't understand why America has strong military force as Jesus never fought back and he believes in peace...

    Am proud to be an atheist..

    1. Damian10 profile image61
      Damian10posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You actually bring up some pretty good points, however, what do you do with the history and the archaeology? 
      Christ taught about love and forgiveness.  The world just does not seem to get it.  Even being a
      Christian religion can be a danger

    2. profile image53
      Manjunath7472posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I also believe religion and booklet is compulsory to balance people, if not politicians can't govern. Religion is the key and scripture /booklet is the guide and people are puppets..

      A common religion "humanity" and a common god "God".

  14. Boundless Amber profile image83
    Boundless Amberposted 7 years ago

    Disclaimer: I respect all religions that teach love.
    I used to say I am an atheist, but now I have evolved to become more of a "free-thinker". I peeled away from the religion I was expected to be in was because I started to question everything. I wasn't comfortable in a religion that couldn't answer my questions. Ultimately, I still believe each "kind and good" religion has their own great teachings that we can learn from, but I can no longer submit myself under a category (air quotes). IMO Buddhism has great teachings.
    You might want to check out a youtuber: InfiniteWaters. I found a lot of my answers on his channel. But evaluate for yourself. Even the youtuber himself wants you to question everything. Even I don't agree with everything he says, although I do agree on most mostly because it satisfies my questions.

  15. Breeana Gardipee profile image60
    Breeana Gardipeeposted 7 years ago

    Nothing inspires me to be an atheist.  My parents told me and my younger sister that we could choose whatever religion we wanted.  We were never forced into a religion and I think that that is what makes it easier for me to know what I believe in and what I don't.  I don't believe that there is one person that controls everything.  Many people may look down on me for my beliefs, but I don't look down on anyone for what they believe in. 

    I live a happy life.  Now could that be because of a higher power? No, more then likely not.  I believe it is all up to us as to what our future holds. It is kind of like Newtons Law, every action has an equal or opposite reaction.  Science sometimes makes more sense then anything in any religions bible.  That is just my opinion.

  16. Ivan Tod profile image60
    Ivan Todposted 7 years ago

    Simple...There is no god, at least as per the "old man in heaven who created everything" perspective.  I don't know how the supposedly "most intelligent" creatures on the planet can even believe such a thing in this day and age. And to all those who would reply with "wait until you are dying, you'll change your mind", or you'll be sorry on judgement day", and my favorite; "jesus is coming back!", well guess what, it's been over 2000 years and no jesus, no armageddon, no judgement. Just a polarized population of believers and non-believers.

  17. LifeOffTheGrid profile image62
    LifeOffTheGridposted 7 years ago

    I've always been an atheist, from birth. My parents are atheists, my grandparents were too.
    You learn a religion. I learned about several religions at school. Judaism,Christianity and Islam. But the God theory never got hold on me.
    I've read the biblical stories at school and later with art history they were useful. But to me they were stories, cruel most of the times. Like the stories of Grimm. The biblical stories didn't explain the world and they certainly were not a guide for my life.
    I'm fully convinced that evolution is the way how life developed on earth. It is a beautiful explanation. To me, you do not need a god to explain how the world and the universe works. I don't need a god in my life. or gods for that matter.  I love nature and am in awe and respect for it. I'm in awe for the universe and the immensity of it all. It is a incredible place. But certainly not created by a god with a magic stick.
    And I do not need a book to tell me that murder and incest is wrong. I live a moral sound life with respect for nature (man is definitely not the ruler of nature on earth, a wrong point of view promoted by the bible.)
    The god theory is a theory that once worked and explained how the world worked, but over time it is replaced by better theories and better moral codes. There is much more to say but to put things short. I've always been an atheist as everybody on this world starts out as an atheist as somebody else state. And I never changed this point of view.


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