Has Trump lost this election? Is it over for him?
He seems to be saying more and more things to piss people off. After the comment about the Kahn family, it appears that many Republicans are turning to Hilary, and the party is turning against him. Then he made comments about the "second amendment people" wanting to kill Hilary and some other comment that he said he was joking about. He is falling in the polls. Has he done himself in?
Trump is no longer relevant, he is no longer entertaining. Quite obvious by now that if he is not a controlled opposition for Clinton then Clinton is the better manager.
What happened to Trump’s $63m? Rump had lent his campaign $50m. Although Rump promised to forgive this loan, NBC news reported that he never filed the papers to actually do this. Perhaps Trump repaid himself from the $63m, leaving little money for ads and field staff.
What does this have to do with the Kahn, and 2nd am posed in the ?
"Delusional Donald" DESTROYED Himself & Many Republican Senators & House Representatives LONG Ago ~ YOU are Witness to Donald "Coming APART at the SEAMs" ~ AMERICANs are Realizing that he's Mentally Unstable, PARANOID, Incompetent, FILLED with Disgusting "Racist & Misogynist" HATE, DELUSIONAL, Irrational & Just not QUALIFIED nor "Fit" in any way to hold ANY Public Office ~
AP: Please lay off on the ALL CAPS, makes everything harder to read. Thank you.
Actually, it makes my writing EASIER to READ ~ BTW ~ For every little "Winey Suggestion" I get here about my "CREATIVE Writing STYLE", I get at least 100 COMPLIMENTs via Private Channels ~ So, maybe U should just try to DEAL with it ptosis ~
I do the same thing when I want to make words stand out - and get complaints, too. Silly - I mean, its not like you can really hear all caps as a yell. Calm down.
lol ~ U 2 should CONCENTRATE on your CONTENT, or lack thereof instead of Petty Little QUIRKs that are Irrelevant, Mean NOTHING & ADD ZERO Value to HP ~ Do either of U even REMEMBER what the QUESTION was? ~
"Delusional Donald" Destroyed Himself & Many Republican Senators & House Representatives Long Ago ~ You are Witness to Donald "Coming Apart at the Seams" ~ Americans are Realizing that he's Mentally Unstable, Paranoid, Incompetent, Filled wit
I read an article about Trump's early life in the Atlantic magazine. He can't help himself. He is wired to win. It may even be a disorder, but according to this article, he will fight against those who oppose him to the very end by what ever means he has available to him and it doesn't matter what the fallout causes.
He is also not a team player. He is a master at dividing and conquering, but he is not capable of playing by any rules, except his own. That's why the GOP is backing away from him. He refuses to play by their rules. I don't know if it is over for him, but it will be interesting to see what tactics he uses to stay in the game.
He has already stated that Obama and Hillary are the founders of ISIS and then he changed direction several time. He now states that if Hillary wins, it's because the election process is rigged. That plants a seed in his followers minds that will last for Hillary's term not matter if it is 4 years or 8 years. Just like Benghazi and the emails, they will not let people forget it.
"Delusional Donald" was FINISHED via Self-Destruction LONG Ago but this does not mean DEMOCRATs can now REVEL in Complacency ~ We as the Party of IDEAs & Economic Prosperity must "TURN out the VOTE" to teach this Mentally Unsound Idiot a LESSON
Then what is Mike doing? 3 paragraphs of ?FACTS?, hardly. Where is the context and the validity to any of his statements. For ex, of course Benghazi and Hillary's emails are still in issue because the lies keep leaking out.
Facts: He divided and conquered all of his opponents, ISIS was created during the Bush Admin. He stated if Hillary wins, the system is rigged. Hillary has been cleared of Benghazi and Emails. These are indisputable facts. No need for context.
Trump beat 18 pro politicians. ISIL the Terrorist Country was created during Obama, it dn exist during Bush. Hillary rigged the Bernie in the D primary, Hillary has not been cleared of anything, that is why everyday more incrim info comes out
Brad: Just because a terrorists group adds another name to its name in 2014, does not mean that it was" founded" by Obama and Hillary. Terrorist change their names and add names all the time. ISIS was created in 2006 during the Bush Admin. = fact.
Mike Russo is ABSOLUTELY Correct on this Subject & There is NO Debate ~ George W Bush's Incompetency & Desire to ENRICH his Buddies CREATED ISIS by his Invasions of the Middles EAST ~ Bengahazi & EMails? FOX Loser Channel should let it go
AP and Mike
Bush had nothing to do with ISIL and Syria. Obama let ISIS take geography from Syria, and Iraq to form ISIL. ISIL is a prob, and Obama and Hillary allowed it. Don't you understand the difference, Obama not Bush did it.
Hillary hasn't been cleared of Benghazi or mishandling emails, she's still on the hook, and she KNOWS it.
ONLY those Residing in FOX Loser SNOOZE "Republican PRETEND-Land" believe that NONSENSE ~ FOX needs to PAY their RESPECTs to the Victims of Benghazi & MOVE On because it's HURTING Donald ~ FOX should STOP using the Familes as POLITICAL Footballs
Get serious, you think that it was OK for Clinton to unleash Mr. Kahn on Trump. Clinton voted for the war that killed his son, Trump was not involved at all. The reason that Libya, and Benghazi, and the emails are still in ? because Hillary lied
As Usual ------> lol @ bradmaster ~ GOOD Luck with FOX Loser Snooze & Their Disgraceful "POLITICIZATION" of both Benghazi & the FAMILEs of those who were Unfortunately Taken from us in a VERY Volitile & DANGEROUS Region of the WORLD ~
Answer the comment instead of the script. I am not a dem or repub, and I don't even get Cable News on my TV, and I don't watch broadcast news. So answer my comment for once.
LOL @ AP and your self delusional thought process. All the garbage about Hillary has simply been brushed under the carpet by a lying media combined with a complicit Obummer administration. It's almost enough to make me vote Trump, but hopefully not
SORRY Hxprof but I Deliver FACTs ONLY ~ Sorry if said FACTs Interrupt the "Delusional Donald" "Parade of LIEs"
Fact: All the garbage about Hillary has simply been brushed under the carpet by a lying media combined with a complicit Obummer administration. Fact!
It was always going to be an "uphill battle" for Trump.
Anytime a candidate doesn't truly have the support of his/her party leaders and the big donors along with the former presidents of their party it's going to be tough to win. They're still looking for alternatives!
It only adds fuel to the fire when there is a "daily comment" that seems too shocking for many of his supporters to overlook:
The Kahn family whose son made the ultimate sacrifice, jokingly telling second amendment people (they) could do "something" about Hillary if she wins, and accusing a sitting U.S. president of (founding) terrorist group....All of this in less than two weeks!
In addition he has suggested more countries should have nuclear weapons, threatened not to participate in the debates and has accused the general election process of being rigged.
One has to wonder if he {really} wants to be president.
Will he choose to drop out in order to save face rather than lose to Hillary in an Electoral College landslide?
People in both parties are speculating what his motives really are.
There has been mention that he doesn't really have much of a "ground game" or "get out the vote" strategy along with campaign office headquarters in numerous states.
According to political insiders Trump doesn't heed the advice of his own campaign strategists. He wants to go with what got him the nomination. Tossing "red meat" to his (hardcore followers) is one thing but in order to "win" he will need to win over some independents and swing voter states. He has less than 85 days to turn it around.
I am disappointed in your comment. There is nothing valid in it. It is all left democrat muckraking. When you believe or say you believe this stuff, it questions the validity of your comment. No facts, just emotion.
There is nothing "valid" in my comment? Seriously?
I read a wide variety of accounts and watch interviews from both liberal and conservative leanings, I've seen the words coming out of Trump's own mouth.
The Bushes & others don't support him.
@ brad , You live in a world of denial, and you don't know what the truth is anymore.
Speculation? lose to Hillary in a landslide? Obama gave the green light for Iran to get nuclear weapons! Mr Kahn is not his son, and Hillary not Trump voted for the war that killed him. "There has been mention"? "one has to wonder", not facts at all
Brad: Obama did not give the green light for nuclear weapons. He lifted sanctions because the IAEA certified Iran scaled back their nuclear program. By your reasoning, Bush, Cheny, and Rumsfeld should all go to jail for killing thousands of troops.
Iran has been given the green light. And what are you talking about Hillary and many democrats voted to go to war! Mike do you have any valid arguments?
DS don't the voters make the decision not the "Political Insiders" unless they are sheeple
Brad: What does the green light mean? The last time there was a formal declaration of war was in 1942. All other conflicts have been without the voter's approval, including Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Invasion of Iraq.
Obama started a process that will eventually give Iran Nuclear Weapons. do you really think Iran needs Nuclear Power for the country. A formal constitutional decl of war is done by congress not the people, we lost all those wars decl or not.
Brad: Under the deal, Iran will lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium. It will also give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium, and agree to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for WMDs.
Come on you know that isn't Iran's goal.
Brad: It may not be their goal, but it is a UN sanction that is under their scrutiny. https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/forei … /iran-deal
When has the UN done anything useful? What we have here is a pathway to getting Nuclear Weapons in Iran. But you stick with your story. Once upon a time......
Trump had a good chance, he still has a chance but he needs to control his mouth and go the BS political route. I am not sure he can lie and steal like real politicians do.
I am with Trump because I DO NOT WANT Clinton. She has committed a list of crimes with the worst being Treason. She is owned by the muslim countries. We are in big Trouble with her.
Vince my latest comment to AP got flagged
"Answer the comment instead of the script. I am not a dem or repub, don't get Cable News & don't watch broadcast news. So answer my comment for once. testing
This comment is currently awaiting moderat
I think Trump's chances of winning this election have taken a sharp turn for the worse in the past weeks. However, his spokesperson Katrina Pierson may have lined up the nails for his coffin, if not down right slammed the nails shut herself. Her interview was cringe-worthy at best. Toward the end, even if you were a Clinton supporter, you almost felt bad for Pierson at her complete lack of understanding about what she was talking about. This interview was supposed to be a chance for her to help explain certain statements by Trump and appeal to female voters. Instead she came across as woefully un-knowledgable about many important facts "at best" or someone who believes facts are not important at worst. Then when corrected instead of acknowledging the misstatements and trying to readjust her position, she either doubled down on the statements or tried to shift the blame on the reporter. I have said this before about both of the main political parties, and some of the lesser parties. It is important that the people you present to the public come across as knowledgeable about the subject matter being discussed at hand. These people know the subject matter prior to the interview and in many cases set contractual boundaries concerning the nature of topics which can be discusses. If these individuals cannot even prepare for the topics which were contractually discussed prior to televising the interview then the campaign has bigger issues. The campaign is now coming across as being ill prepared. If the Republican party is going to turn this around they need to convince Trump to turn control of the campaign to those who have been here before.
None of that is true. You are just parroting what the left media has been dishing out. Kahn was a setup, Trump had nothing to do with the Iraq war, and especially the death of Kahn's son. Hillary however did vote for the Iraq War, so indirectly she was responsible for his son being there.
The death of one Muslim American, doesn't justify in any way why Trump's statement of not letting in unvetted Muslim Immigrants from Terrorist infest countries.
Kahn attacked Trump not vice versa. He had no grounds to do it.
A few years ago, a Muslim American who was a Major in the US Army in OK, killed and injured many American soldiers. I didn't hear anything about that at the DNC Trump fest.
How was Mr. Kahn's provocation in attacking Trump valid?
Shouldn't Mr. Kahn have been more pissed at Hillary Clinton for voting for the War that killed his son?
Also, Trump never used the word Kill, but you put it in your ? as if he did.
Instead of parroting the left media, do some independent reporting.
I am disappointed.
bradmasterOCcal , You failed to answer the question.
"Has Trump lost this election? Is it over for him?"
Do you believe he is going to win or not?
Brad: What you are saying is not true is there for the world to see and hear. Hillary and Obama founded is ISiS is what he said. Using the 2nd amendment people to defeat Hillary is what he said. Why do you not accept the truth? GOP pulling away = T
Kahn is not a 'setup', nobody forced T to attack in response. Blaming others for one's own reactions by calling it a 'set up is what sociopaths do to avoid responsibility of one's own actions.
I thought that it was obvious from my comment that there is no reason to believe he won't win this election.
It dn matter the pt is that Obama and Hillary allowed ISIS to create ISIL, a terrorist country with real geography.
Brad: ISIS and ISIL are one and the same. They are the names assigned by their creator and leader, al Baghadi. The L stands for the Levant, which means the coastal countries of the mid-east. Their long term goal is to conquer them.
ISIL is the country, and ISIS are the terrorists. So by your definition then Obama and Hillary are their founders.
Brad: What country? al Baghadi sees himself as the Caliph of a Caliphate. He wants to return the mid-east to the time of the Ottoman Empire before WWI, before the French and the British carved it up with borders of today.
HUH? ISIL is a Terrorist Country with real geography. Created during the Obama presidency, and also the Syrian War happened during Obama!
Brad: Where is this country? How do you define it? Where is the country of ISIL. How did Obama found it? Where is it on a map? It is an additional name of terrorist group, that defines their further goals to their supporters.
offshoot of AQ in Iraq. ISIL adopted different strategy from its AQ What distinguishes the new armed group is its capture& occupation of swaths of territory, stretching from outskirts of Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, eastward beyond Tikrit in Ira
The wise one control his mouth.the subject matter is unfortunately Trump is walking into big trouble.
The wise one controls his mouth-- sure. A lot of con artists and dictators get away with that because they know just how to talk. Doesn't mean they're good people, or make a good leader.
I am not voting for Trump, so this is not meant to endorse him, but I don't think it's that he has been saying more and more things to piss people off.
I think his critics (liberal media, conservatives who hate him, etc.) take what he says, often out of context, and twist the meaning. For example, wanting to stop illegal immigration gets twisted into 'Trump hates Mexicans!' Or he jokes about how maybe Russian hackers can find Clinton's lost emails and people act like he's just taken out a contract. The hyperbole and drama are staggering.
And then people just keep beating that dead horse until it's bones are ground into dust.
Seems to me a lot of people have just chosen their side and firmly planted themselves there, and what they really want to hear is a lot of dramatic hype so they can 'rah rah rah' for their team and boo and hiss the other team (both sides do this, I mean). They don't care if it's at the expense of facts, intellectual honesty or even coming peacefully together for the sake of our country. They want to be right, they want to jump on a bandwagon and point fingers and villainize the 'other guys' (or gals, as the case may be).
Personally I think Clinton and Trump almost equally suck and I'm voting for Johnson... but while Clinton has the edge, as they say, it isn't over until it's over. Who knows what will be revealed, some big story could break, and we haven't even started the debates yet, so I think it's still anyone's game. Things can turn on a dime.
If he keeps putting his foot in his mouth, this election won't even be close.....
Why do you say that he is putting his foot in his mouth. Examples??
Trump can still win this campaign, if only because Hillary Clinton is just as despised as he is. Arguably, this election is between the two worst possible candidates that could have been selected by their respective party, and that tells me the current campaign could swing around readily. If Trump can still win he'll do it being the Trump we've already seen. But I believe it can only get worse for Clinton, as more and more is revealed about her emails and the Clinton Foundation. Has Trump done himself in? Probably not.
Matters are not so simple as made out. Gallup polls fail most of the time as they just take a sample from a very large base. Trump in my view is going to win as he has greater support among the less educated and lower income whites. These constitute the majority. Remember the educated and well off who are criticizing Trump are NOT the majority. This makes Trump a formidable candidate.
There is still a lot of time left before the election. Much can happen between now and then. I think it would be a mistake to think Trump has no chance of winning. It isn't over till it's over.
We have had much stronger opponents in other parties in the past, but they still lost. Ross Perot, Ralph Nadar, among others. The simple fact is any Republican who votes for a second stringer is voting for Hillary, like it or not. Any Democrat who votes for a second stringer is voting for Trump.
With so many complicating factors, people need to think about what they are doing and remember what I said above. It's not over till it's over. So everyone get out and vote!
The election isn't over until the day after the election.
And the sheer bias on the part of every tech company to work to keep him from being elected is beyond RICO level crime.
WikiLeaks Makes DNC Look Bad - Banned on Facebook and Shadowbanned on Twitter
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Apple, Twitter, Google, Instagram collude to defeat Trump
http://observer.com/2016/08/tech-compan … eat-trump/
You are dumb if you got for someone that lies about everything..
Trump has defeated himself with his extremely careless comments. Every politician is accountable for both what that politician said and for the connotations of what that politician said.
Trump has had many years of college education. He knows very well the many connotations of his statements. This is not about being politically correct. It is about being held accountable.
The voters will hold Trump accountable for fulfilling all his promises regarding the wall and the illegal immigrants. He must speak very carefully about this issue and not say anything that could be interpreted as softening his position on these two extremely important issues.
Trump might be down now, but he can still win this. His base is very loyal and will never leave him, regardless of what he says.
He is also running against Hillary Clinton. She is a weak candidate and she is constantly dealing with allegations of corruption and inauthenticity.
He will rebound.
"Delusional Donald's" Primary Problem aside from the FACT that his Obvious Mental ILLNESS Disqualifies him from the JOB of President of the United States, is the FACT that his FAN Base is "SMALL & Shrinking" Daily just like his Hate Fest Crowds
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