Which is the truer statement? Everything is beautiful in its own way or...

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  1. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 7 years ago

    Which is the truer statement? Everything is beautiful in its own way or...

    Everything is Not beautiful in its own way? Which statement is in accordance with reality, in your personal opinion? Why so?


  2. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 7 years ago

    Yves, you've given us a tough one....or at least, a complex question. The visual you have provided can certainly suggest there are deeper meanings to any one statement that require equally deep contemplation.
    You specifically ask for our "personal opinion in accordance with reality," which leaves me with one option to express.
    There can be beauty in only goodness, love, kindness & compassion.  All that comes from the heart, supported by intention to advance mankind in positive helpful ways can be seen as "beautiful in their own way."
    That which has as it's intention or result, destruction, harm, injury, even death, has no beauty to be found at all.....To the loving, stable & protective individual, to find beauty in such atrocities is ludicrous and incomprehensible.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Amen, sister. Thank you for giving this question some honest thought. I hope to receive more answers. Will be interesting to see if some choose one or the other, given that I know some who have strong feelings that life is perfect in its own way.

    2. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Well said, Paula.

    3. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Life" is given to Human Beings~~Imperfect, mortal man. It is, of course, "perfectly wonderful to be living"~~but alas, since we are imperfect, so is Life itself....and Amen sister!  Thank you& as well to Terrie & Talloni.

  3. Terrielynn1 profile image84
    Terrielynn1posted 7 years ago

    Hi ladies. Paula I love the way you put things. You took the words right out of my mouth. I think humans with all our issues, imperfections and different abilities are what make us beautiful. Not the outside apperance but the true essence that makes us who we are. People look at my children and make judgements because of there disability, they truly are missing the basic beauty they truly hold. Pure unconditional love. There true beauty only shows when people take the time to know who they truly are. Thank you for the thought provoking question. I see beauty in everything that is good, kind and compassionate. Nothing is uglier then those who think true beauty is only on the outside.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that's true. My hope is that we look at this question philosophically. For example, I know someone who was horribly abused in Every way as a child by her father, yet she still honors him and believes he was here to teach her something.

    2. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      T.L.: The shallowness wrapped up in the thinking of your last statement on true beauty is so common today. So glad you brought it up in this discussion.  Y: The lady you mention must have a tremendous understanding of suffering and God's sovereignty.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes and no, respectively. She is into metaphysics and "spirits."

  4. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 7 years ago

    This should be a neat discussion to follow. Good to think through the questions and answers.  Some things we are supposed to just take for granted.  We know that the first statement couldn't possibly mean hideousness such that we see in the picture, or could it to some people?  Then there are more questions...is the picture posed…what's the whole story behind it.

    It all reminds of a couple things. First, a picture may paint a thousand words, but are those words true?  So much could be said…but the simple fact is that a picture is just that and does not tell the whole story, good or bad.  Surely some great pics have done a good job of summing things up, but there's more to stories than their summations, accurate or not.

    And then issue re the movement to ditch the Christian moral code comes to mind.  Not the record of some who called themselves Christians and committed atrocities in the name of religion.  Not today's live and let live thinkers who promote the idea that everyone should be free to do whatever they want in the name of love.  But the moral code of the Bible that true Christians have lived and died to preserve throughout history.  It's good for society in general, not just Christians, but if a society will not generally follow it and only shut down Christians' freedoms to live it out in their blindness they will wind up asking why things aren't working out like they thought they would.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I mentioned to Dashing, the picture is of a Taliban fighter. It was taken from a PBS series. I only used the picture to make people delve a little deeper, but not necessarily into the Taliban. Your answer is "beautiful." Thank you, Talloni

  5. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 7 years ago


    An old adage: "Beauty is in the eye of (the beholder)."
    I suspect those who commit atrocities find a way to justify it or see their overall objective as being a noble one.
    I can't tell in your photo if the man is (teaching) children how to use guns to protect their native land from aggressive attacks, or instructing them to kill innocent people, or if he plans to kill these children. Few people believe they are (wrong) about much.
    It's pretty much a "judgment call" when it comes to culture and behavior. Most people are products of their environment.
    I personally don't believe there is "beauty" in everything.
    However I do realize my opinion doesn't speak for all.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The picture is of a Taliban fighter teaching children how to kill the infidel. I agree, dashing, that people find all kinds of justification for believing everything is beautiful. I appreciate your opinion, believe it or not. wink

  6. profile image0
    threekeysposted 7 years ago

    I think dashing and paula did a good job here.
    Beauty is not in everything I see; and it is because of my culture and the various types of environments I have experienced. Beauty is a judgement call and I do favour being part of that group that is aspiring towards mercy, understanding and adding to the world in a constructive way. That's my personal preference only. Call me a hedonist who wants to feel good from her actions? Then I am guilty of that:)

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      One's culture would definitely have an influence on one's belief system. For example, if I was born and raised in Sudan, there is no way I could find everything to be beautiful. I am glad that you aspire to mercy and goodness despite your environment

    2. profile image0
      threekeysposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I just don't get how one could train children to shoot and kill.
      And I remember a media footage of Hilary Clinton inferring that a child under 5 "knew" what he was doing when he pulled the trigger of his daddy's gun that was lying around.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's a horrible shame about the children, but the jihadist mindset is warped, to say the least.

  7. faith-hope-love profile image72
    faith-hope-loveposted 7 years ago

    I think this could be a misleading "Question" and "Answer". There are very bad things in this world I would have difficulty in calling Beautiful. However there is a saying that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I would also suggest that to find or determine "Real Beauty" one has to delve "Deeper" than the "Skin" or "Surface". Landscapes are maybe much more apparent as are Animals. Animals in their natural habitat do have a grace that is all their own. The "Beauty" of all animals can be very striking, Beauty can be both "Tangible" or "Intangible". There are very, possibly as many answers as humans on this Planet.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      John, I would think that there are many answers to this question, depending upon one's worldview. Thank you for "delving deeply." I do not mean for this question to be misleading.

  8. profile image0
    Bella Allredposted 7 years ago

    I think that the idea of there being no beauty in anything that's end result is destruction or pain is a flawed one. On the one hand, yes there are terrible things that contain no beauty in and of themselves, but ultimately I see beauty as the potential one has to find meaning in their suffering and strength from the struggles they've been afflicted with. For example, my arms have multiple scars and a large scarred gash on my leg from a difficult time in my life. At the time there was no beauty in that destruction, and even after it took a long time to accept that they did not make me ugly. Through the destruction I was able to grow and become a stronger and more empathetic young woman and I find beauty in that metamorphosis even though the means it took to become that person were painful and destructive. That is not to say I would encourage that sort of thing, I certainly do not. All I am saying is that the arrow of time flows only forward, and once that mistake was made I was given the choice whether or not to turn the result into something beautiful.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What a lovely and most inspiring answer, Bella. Sometimes bad, and even evil things happen to us. It is the rare individual who rises above. That being said, I do not, nor must anyone believe that evil is good. And I realize you are not  saying that.

  9. wba108@yahoo.com profile image78
    wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years ago

    Everything is "not" beautiful, evil is real. There are cultures that promote oppression, fear, hatred and perversion vs those that promote virtue, freedom and godliness. Not all culture's or lifestyle's are equal, "a bone through the nose is not equal to putting a man on the moon" and there's usually a reason that some cultures remain backward.

    Third world countries are poor not because they're under the boot of a colonial master but because the culture promotes the wrong values. Bribery and violence are rampant, sexual promiscuity destroys the family structure. More often than not these countries were better of as European colonies were they benefited from the virtues of the Christian west.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Not politically correct, but true. Thank you for telling it like it is. Even learned atheists know that society, indeed, all of North America has benefited from Christian values. There is a reason why other nations do not progress.

  10. Annam Dragons profile image57
    Annam Dragonsposted 7 years ago

    There're alway two sides of a story.
    All depend on which side that you take.
    On one side, you might see as "Taliban fighter teaching children how to kill...". On the other side you'll see it as "Those children are being trained to protect their country", wouldn't it beautiful?

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Those children, some as young as four, are being trained to hate. There is nothing beautiful about that. These are CHILDREN! Two sides of a story is not applicable here. The children have no voice.

    2. Annam Dragons profile image57
      Annam Dragonsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If your question was bounded on one side, everyone would have the same view, then there's nothing to discuss. Otherwise, you would need to step into those children's shoes to see their view. This is how you can also explain homegrown terrorist motive

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps my comment offended you. I appreciate your having shared your view. My point is that "two sides to a story" include reasoning adults---not children as young as four, who have not been given a choice about anything.

    4. Annam Dragons profile image57
      Annam Dragonsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      And I quote from your question: "...in its own way". Not yours, nor mine.

    5. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's a yes or no question. Duly noted that your answer is "Yes."  Thank you for participating, Annam.

  11. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    There are people who believe that everything is beautiful in its unique way.  They maintain that beauty shouldn't be judged by finite, human standards.  They contend that God or some Supreme Entity declared beauty in all its creations & facets of lifeforms. 

    There are others who strongly assert that there are standards of beauty, based upon societal norms & culture.   They contend that as there is beauty, there is ugliness both in nature & humans.  They are of the school that beauty & ugliness co-exist.

  12. Tusitala Tom profile image66
    Tusitala Tomposted 7 years ago

    Beautiful infers some sort of approval which is, of course, based on our emotional response to what is being observed which, in turn, is based on our psychological conditioning.   Same goes for what we say is NOT beautiful.  And here we have it.

    "Have what?" you might ask.

    Have the 'Contextual Field,' from which our preferences are chosen.  We live in a universe of relativity.   For example, hot is hotter than warm but warmer than cold.  Black, dark gray, lighter grays, white.  Or good and bad; high and low' bigger and smaller - all relative and all subject to our choices as to what we prefer.   

    So in answer to your quesiton: if you are of a mind to feel that everything is beautiful it will seem so.  Likewise, if you think everything is unattractive, you will obviously feel so.   The deciding factor is what YOU decide.   

    My question:  Do you prefer happiness or unhappiness?   That, too, in the long run, is a choice which we all continuously make.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      A most articulate and thought provoking answer, Tom. I would agree that beauty/comfort/happiness is relative but that morality is not relative, as in the case of rape, which is never 'beautiful or good.'Thanks for a very interesting answer.

  13. Omar Eldamsheety profile image74
    Omar Eldamsheetyposted 7 years ago

    Not everything ... There are things which is not beautiful at all.

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Short and sweet. Thanks for lending your opinion, Omar. I appreciate it.

  14. cebutouristspot profile image77
    cebutouristspotposted 7 years ago

    I think both are true.  It just a matter of perceptive. 

    For me it share the same philosophical value as those people who describe a glass with half content. 

    Glass is half full or glass is half empty.

    It really depends on the one who is looking at it.  Optimistic or Pessimistic.

  15. AshutoshJoshi06 profile image83
    AshutoshJoshi06posted 7 years ago

    The word beauty or beautiful itself is something that is appealing to the eye or soothing to the senses and not everything would fit in that definition. May be in a la la land everything can be beautiful but then again that's a fallacy, so as to even speak of. Although, some people do tend to perceive it differently like those that claim to see 'how beautiful one is inside'. Probably they have either developed the ability to see everything with rose-colored glasses or  may be its an inherent ability to sugar-coat their words and lie through their teeth. I guess I got a little carried away there....

    Anyways coming back, the example above - Little kids being trained to become 'death squads'. How on earth can something as atrocious as that be beautiful? or How can killing in the name of religion be beautiful? Even in a general view, ignoring the obvious examples I don't think that the statement would stand true.
    Everything is not beautiful in its own way period

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Wonderful answer, Ashutosh...and you are welcome to get "carried away" with your explanations anytime. I think that in the US & other politically correct societies, people are more likely to assume that beauty in all things is a choice...


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