This morning I found that ALL of my Youtube videos are no longer functioning. When I tried to add a new one, I am told "You have opted out of Youtube. Update your cookie settings here." When I click on the "here" nothing happens.
When I checked my Firefox settings I have not found that I have opted out of Youtube. There have been no changes in my computer since yesterday. I am not in the EU where cookies have to be approved.
Any ideas of what is going on? Is this happening to others today or just me?
I don't have UTube videos but I'm guessing this is a computer glitch.
I just noticed this message coming up on all of the videos I have inserted into my articles. I tried changing the cookies settings on Chrome but the problem is still there. Still think it's a glitch but it needs fixing.
If it makes any difference, I changed mine on Firefox.
That is definitely connected to the EU directive, the GDPR, that forces websites to display their cookie and privacy settings and readers to accept or decline. I see it on every HP site.
It maybe that HP is seeing your location as being in the EU for some reason. Try clearing your history and cache and make sure, if you are using a VPN, that it is set to the US.
Are you still able to use Youtube videos in the UK?
I will try the history/cache clearing. Thanks.
Yes, if I accept all the cookies. I usually only accept the essential ones, so I don't see anyone's YouTube vids. I like to read the article only. Not interested in videos and I don't add them to my articles anymore.
You are probably right about the Youtube videos, but I try to add one or two if I am making a list that defies conventional wisdom. Of course as soon as I write it some Youtuber is going to copy it and make it conventional wisdom! (I am not sure WHY I still use that site since it seems to have more copies than anywhere else.)
That depends what you are using. If you are using one built into a browser as I do now, I don't think you can choose.
I used to use a browser extension that gave me options to choose the country. It worked for Netflix. Not any more.
You'll have to Google it specifically for your browser.
WHAT! I'm not in the EU. I live in Arkansas U.S.A. and that's about as far from the EU as one can get, but they're on mine, too. The last one I saw was from our friend in Washington State.
I've got the same situation on Google Chrome.
I am having same issue. I fixed the setting and it goes right back again.
Hubpages team says it is something to do with if i was traveling. I have not traveled in awhile.
I had that message several times today, too. Click on the link to update your settings. Move the personalize button to the right to activate it. You Tube videos will now play when they show up in a post.
I am having the same issue from India too. It's there since 11 October for me. I have tried everything at my desktop, no solution.
I'm puzzled. Today when I'm reading someone else's hub, I get boxes that say opted out of YouTube. I get nothing when I click on it. I have no idea what's going on. I hope somebody can solve this riddle.
I was having this problem until yesterday when I updated all of my computers to windows 10. Now all videos have returned! Don't know why, but thought this might give some insight to the problem. Also, since this happened, views have bounced up quite a bit. To me, there's a definite relationship, as I had stated before.
I have to do that soon, and for the obvious reason. Bill Gates is such a nice guy. Totally nice guy. My old Vista computer is still in here. And it worked fine too...until Bill decided it shouldn't be able to communicate with the internet any longer.
My YouTube channel is fine, and my videos on my articles look work. I'd email the HP Team and see what Matt says. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
I noticed this message when I was reading someone else's article yesterday. I just checked one of my own and I'm getting the same message.
I dont know what caused the change, but before trying Bevs solution I went back and tried to fix them without entering the edit mode. It worked, and they seem to be working again.
(Now if I could only recover all of the time wasted watching useless Youtube videos that promised to solve this problem but did not help at all!)
Thanks, DrMark. I just agreed to accept cookies on the message that came up and the videos are showing again.
We're aware of the issue (and experiencing it as well) and looking into it. Clearing cookies seem to work for some. We should have an idea as to what's going on by next week!
OK everyone, here's how we got it to work:
1. Make sure you are logged into your account on (NOT a network site).
2. Go to an article with a YouTube video on the HubPages website (NOT a network site).
3. Scroll to the video that shows an error.
4. Click the link to "Update your cookie settings"
5. Click "Accept all"
6. Click "Save"
7. Go back to the article and refresh.
Hopefully this works for you guys!
Apologies that we don't have a more permanent fix at the moment, but I'm glad it worked for you!
Yeah, I tried this and all I get is looped back to the article with no chance to "Accept all" so now what would you suggest?
Tried it again, but this time NOT in edit mode, and it worked. only the video link was no longer active, so I grabbed a new video link, and now it works. Thanks.
Sorry that I didn't specify, you can only do it with an article that is not being edited.
Absolutely nothing at all happens when I click the "Update Your Cookie Settings Here" thing.
Or to be slightly more specific, when I click that, it takes me to the top of the page. Nothing gets accomplished.
Are you logged into your account and on a HubPages specific article?
Yes. Do I need to log out? Also, I'm using Google Chrome. If using something else would be smoother, then I'm game for that.
I've heard reports from multiple browsers. I would try logging out/back in. Not sure why it's not working for you . . . In the meantime, we are working on a more permanent fix.
I will do this. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Of course. Apologies for the inconvenience. I'll let you know if I hear of another solution.
Hurm, while that "fix" worked yesterday, I was going back thru the rest of my postings, and found, yet another "broken Youtube link" and tried that very same fix today, and nothing, it just brought me back to the top off the page, and yes, i was not in edit mode, and tried logging out and back in. still nothing.
You need to do this with every Network Site that you visit. It does not work across the Network automatically.
It is the only "free" service available unless I am mistaken.
Yes, experienced the same this morning on my desktop while I was updating/editing. I thought it was the video so I went to YouTube to get an alternate video to switch out. But before I deleted the one in the article, something told me to check the article on my phone. The video was fine. So I didn't bother check my cookies, I just let it be. As long as my readers can see the videos, I'm cool. But glad to know there will be a fix next week.
GDPR? VPN? Browser extension? I feel like I'm in a parallel universe in which a different language is spoken. As my kids sometimes say, "It's sad when Dad gets like this. Fetch him another beer."
Well, I can tell you about a VPN. It's what allows me to use Facebook, as my IP address and actual face are banned from the place.
My virtual private network shows my IP address to be in Toronto, Canada. I've never been to Toronto. And even my internet service provider can't see what websites I'm on, not that I'm worried about that, but encrypted data is cool. I don't especially like big tech buying and selling my data. They're not paying me anything.
And GDPR is General Data Protection Regulation. It's supposed to protect our (that's we people in the EU) data from nasty corporations.
So that means they have to display options for us to see what they might be doing with our data and also offer 'levels' of cookies. In reality, most websites will kick us straight off unless we accept the damn cookies. Hubpages is one of the polite ones. … Regulation
It's all a mess. The VPN encrypts everything. Well, I mean I bought the most advanced one I could get, after having read about them, and possibly understanding what I'd read. And it can put your IP just about anywhere you want to put it.
I'm still too ignorant of how the internet works, mechanically, to know how that relates to cookies. You already pointed out there are different types of cookies, which I knew, but that's about all I know.
What I know for certain is I definitely have not opted out of anything to do with Youtube, as of course I use it constantly, and often visit the place outside of whatever I'm working on on Hubpages.
I've been following this thread all day today, even though I had not noticed this YouTube phenomenon in all that time - in every Hub I looked at (on my mobile) today, the YouTubes were showing up just fine.
Tonight at home, though, I went to start a new article (on my PC, using Chrome), and when I added a YouTube video... badoink, there it was, the dreaded "you have opted out of YouTube" thingy.
Logged out of HP, cleared my browser history and cookies, logged back in, and bada-bing, the YouTubes were fine.
Well, that was wacky.
I received the same message, "You have opted out of Youtube. Update your cookie settings here."
I clicked the "here" and enabled all.
Immediately the youtube video reappeared.
But, I don't know the effects of enabling all.
Logged back in this morning and the "You have opted out of YouTube" thing has re-appeared. Wow, that's irritating.
It seems to only happen on my mobile device. I rather it worked than having to do all this clicking. Frustrating!
I've gone into my site settings on Chrome, and I've still not been able to fix it. I do admit to being a person who isn't much in the know with this tech stuff.
I got the videos working for a while. Then without me doing anything they stopped working. Now the videos have appeared again. It's frustrating, but I think we need to wait for HubPages to solve the problem, since they know about it and are investigating it.
I'm beginning to think that the video problem is linked to our drops in views. I doubt Google is happy with this mess, especially since they run the videos! The team really needs to get on this. It seems now like every few weeks something is coming up as a glitch that is affecting our views...aka also known as our income. Pretty upsetting.
I'm not sure it has to do with us as a site or as individuals. I could certainly be wrong.
But the thing to do would be to log out, Google for one of your things, or one of anyone's things on any of the sites, a page with a video, and see if the video plays as a visitor.
I just did that to see what would happen. My first video worked fine but I thought I would check a few. The second hub had the videos showing but as soon as I pressed the button I was told that I had opted out.
That could be a major problem. If the situation only affects us when we're logged in, it's annoying but not as serious as it could be. If it affects our readers who aren't logged in, that's a much bigger problem.
Then I'm convinced it's a glitch on Hubpages end. I mean, I'm sure we all agree here we did not do anything to opt out of anything related to Youtube.
That might be true. I have very few videos, mainly on old hubs. My traffic is the same as usual. Slightly up from two weeks ago and on its routine Monday rise already.
I am getting the same error. I have no VP. I am in the US.
But, when I click on the "update your settings" nothing happens, it goes nowhere. Hmmm.
I've had this same experience. And I mean multiple times.
I was wondering the same thing -- "what if we can see this glitch but outsiders can't?"
I then pulled up one of my articles while I was still logged in, the YouTubes were not showing. I logged out, searched for same Hub I'd just been looking at via the "search" box on the HP home page, and voila -- this time, the YouTubes were visible.
Make of that what you will.
Either way, the only conclusion I can come to is it is a glitch the team has to take care of. None of us have a clue WTF with 'opting out of YouTube.'
I didn't opt out of anything. You didn't either. Nobody did.
i checked account as an outsider on another computer. all videos work fine so far.
so i guess it's just on our creator platform.
I've got it. Hang on. What you need is a cannibal shrew, a sprig of witch hazel, and a small bowl of maple walnut ice cream. The sweet treat attracts the shrew and then you whack the little rodent with the twig. Well, it might work as well as "update your settings." No, please remain seated, no applause. My reward is to be of service.
Actually I read a hub that said that you could use rutabagas. They are good for so much!
Today...mine seem to eork on Hubpages site but not when you use chrome to access the site.
Hope it gets fixed soon.
Set aside the cannibal shrew advice. It doesn't really work even if you can find the required rodent.
There's a bit of a work around for existing articles. In view mode (or whatever it's called when it's not edit mode), click on the offending video and a screen comes up with an "accept all" button. Click on it and the video can be seen again.
For new articles you insert the video capsule as usual and it says that "you've opted out" nonsense. Then go to view? mode and repeat the procedure described above. Labourious, but it worked on one article just now.
I've checked several existing articles; some have blocked videos, some don't. Bloody annoying if I'm going to have to go through all 500+ to fix them.
Perhaps, a naked mole rat would work better than a cannibal shrew.
I have fired it with this hub: … e-research
Dr Mark. I do believe you've hit on something there. Rutabagas rule cannibal shrews drool.
All due respect, that is a lot off work for those who have tons of videos and articles. Can't support fix it on their end?
Not immediately, so this is the fix for now.
You don't need to do it for every article, just one on HubPages.
Mine seem to be working fine today, on network sites and HP.
I never did get it to work. I don't restart my computer or close a browser unless I have to, but anyway, I'll see what happens with Firefox instead of Chrome tomorrow.
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by Chitrangada Sharan 5 years ago
The YouTube videos are not visible on my articles. I checked in 4 or 5 of them. The message written in the capsule is,‘You have opted out of YouTube. Update your cookie settings here. But when I press the given link, nothing happens. It’s back to the same message. Just wanted to ask, if anyone else...
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