What Will Our World Look Like in the Next 6 Months+

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  1. crankalicious profile image88
    crankaliciousposted 4 years ago

    Make some predictions, political or not, involving the election or not.

    What will our world look like in the next 6 months to x number of years?

    How will our lives change?

    The one thing I suspect will happen is that President Trump will push to open things back up too soon and most Americans, tired of sitting around, will support that decision, but that, as a result, the virus will come roaring back and we will end up in another quarantine state - either nationally or in hot spots like New York.

    I also predict that a vaccine will emerge sooner than a year to 18 months scientists are predicting. Most likely, the antibodies of people who've recovered from the virus will produce something that protects others, but then we'll see a mutation in the virus that will cause us more problems.

    I really don't know whether Trump will be re-elected or not. I think it can go either way because too much can happen between now and then. I think if ultimately the death count is much lower than predicted, that will work in his favor, but if the virus re-emerges, Americans will be so tired by then, they'll look to new leadership.

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I think everything is going to be fine. I agree that we will have solutions, treatments and vaccines sooner rather than later.

      As to the economy, we do need solutions. People have to work to eat and pay their bills. I doubt Trump will push to reopen without putting into place recommendations by the CDC. But whether we open it sooner or later we'll see secondary waves. I wouldn't blame the administration, unless what happens here is remarkably negatively different than what we see in other first world countries.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image86
      MizBejabbersposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I remember the polio scare that occurred when I was a child. My husband grew up about a 30 minute drive from my hometown. We both contracted "light" cases of polio, which has affected our lives. But we were lucky. I was never able to be a nimble dancer, and my hips were too weak to learn to water ski. He has similar problems with his legs. But we were lucky. We've had friends who were in those terrible iron lungs. Or who were wearing braces and using crutches to walk.
      I mention this because I wonder what kinds of problems will the survivors of this virus suffer? Will they have permanent lung scarring and early COPD or emphysema. Will they be a constant drain on their families and the healthcare system? With as much of our population being affected, how will that affect this country in the long run. We all fear that a mutation will occur, and we hope it doesn't move into our animal population to ping pong back and forth from humans to animals and vice versa. It is just possible that Trump and the economy may be the least of our worries.

    3. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      People have started to wash their hands. They understand that it is not all about deodorants. That will stay.

      People find out that Skype, Webex or you name it are quite useful tools. Homeoffice seems to be useful too. That will become more dominant.

      After the mess is over, there will be no trace found in death statistics of a country. And that leads to one prediction:
      Politics and Power forget immediately about Corona. Their way of thinking is tactical, not strategical. In democracies from one election to the other, not from one generation to the next.

      Better off is some autocratic, hierarchic system like China. China will master the crisis much better, so if the US wakes up after having dealt with itself, the shots are called by China and to some extent Russia. The world will not forget that Corona help came from China, South Korea, Russia but not from the USA.

      It will be a reshuffled power constellation after the crisis. Viruses are highly asymmetric. If i were a terrorist, i would rub my eyes how easy it was to shake up a giant. There will be much done in terms of countermeasures. Hopefully the health care system will benefit.

    4. Sharlee01 profile image88
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      What Will Our World Look Like in the Next 6 Months+

      It will return to the status quo. It may not even take that long.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    "What Will Our World Look Like in the Next 6 Months+"

    We will go back to being a mess as usual.


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