Rightwing Intelligentsia now says America needs a King?

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  1. Credence2 profile image78
    Credence2posted 21 months ago

    A little background:

    https://theconversation.com/an-antidemo … ics-182581

    Neoreaction is the latest fad for the Rightwinger. The position of Chief Executive is of insufficient power and authority and that the current government is run by psychopaths.

    This is not some fringe thing as Carlson hosted one of its proponents, and you Righties all watch Carlson religiously, correct?

    Who was it that spoke to me about Democracy being akin to mob rule? Hmmm.

    It always seemed that with the Righty, what was once on the extreme of political thought finds its way into the mainstream. The idea that democracy does not work is now being embraced by those that stand to acquire power in the government and who cannot be considered "fruitcakes".

    This is just another nail in the coffin and a ominous indicator of a racist, tyrannical bent demonstrated by conservatives and Republicans. And we all had better take note. When we look at the totality of what happened with Trump, the authoritarian nature of Republicans in State legislatures and their temerity in wanting control every aspect of an individual's private and personal life, it all begins to come together. Where would someone like Rep. Goetz have to opportunity to vocalize his blatant misogyny while the GOP rank and file look the other way? No, it is not the exception, but the rule with you folks. It remains an underlying subconscious thought (racism-misogyny) that people like Goetz and Trump put to words, that why you love them so much. They openly say and do that which you would not dare.

    I won't allow anyone to rule over me without my permission, translated into the preponderance of voter preference. Any attempt to move away from that are grounds to soak the soil with blood of tyrants to insure that liberty. The Rightwinger needs to be aware of that.

    Again, I say without a major correction or reassessment, we and any vestige of what America was intended to become from its inception is in grave danger.

    I have obviously made my opinion quite clear, what are yours?

    1. wilderness profile image93
      wildernessposted 21 months agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure I would call them "intelligentsia", not with the pretty dismal record of Kings throughout history. 

      But I particularly found one of the final paragraphs resounding with me:

      "But more broadly, public trust in government has eroded to the point where only 2 in 10 Americans say they trust the federal government to do the right thing. A Gallup Poll published on July 5, 2022, found that only 7% of Americans had “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in Congress – the legislative body’s lowest recorded rating in 43 years of polling. A Monmouth University poll released that same day reported that 88% of Americans believe the U.S. is on the wrong track. And in a July 2022 New York Times/Siena College poll, 58% of those polled said the government needs major reforms or a “complete overhaul.”

      It reinforces what I feel, and apparently I am far from being alone.

      1. Credence2 profile image78
        Credence2posted 21 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your comment.

        "I'm not sure I would call them "intelligentsia", not with the pretty dismal record of Kings throughout history."

        I don't know if that record has been so bad, as absolute monarchy and its equivalent was the way of governance over much of the world for centuries. What legislative bodies that were there were rubber stamps that could be dissolved at will by the King, Emperor or what have you. Tzar Nicholas II of Russia was the last of such prominent monarchies to have fallen early in the last century.

        When you read the article, the advocates are speaking of the advantages of having all decisions made by a single man much like the CEO of a Corporation. They point to the Chinese premier and China's economic miracle managed by the firm autocratic hand of one man. Trump expressed interest in this type of leader, as one that cannot be held accountable to anyone and rules indefinitely at his or her pleasure. The beginning of such an idea is replacing current Federal employees with those that are on board with the Trump agenda. Today's federal cadre is nonpolitical and free of patronage influence that replaced an older spoils system. Employees are to give fealty to professionalism in service to the United States and the American people, not to the whims of a single man.

        Yes, I agree that there is a lot to be disatisfied about regarding how the government is currently run, but autocratic and authoritarianism solutions are certainly not the answer as that is not part of the American Tradition. We need to find answers within norms established by Democratic government and its operations.

        1. wilderness profile image93
          wildernessposted 21 months agoin reply to this

          Kings (emperors, dictators, etc.) are wonderful...when that rare, very special, individual is at the helm.  Unfortunately the key word is "rare" and when such a person is NOT the leader there is nothing worse than an autocratic government run by one person.  Which describes most of the world's history.

          In a way, this reminds me of the liberal utopia where everyone is equal, everyone gets whatever they need or want, and no one is either rich nor poor.  A fine dream, a wonderful fantasy, but something outside reality.


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