This is how the left sees America after the Tuesday election.

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image84
    peoplepower73posted 2 years ago

    This is from Bill Maher's transcript and it is what I suspect will happen after the Tuesday Election

    Tuesday is election day and I know I should probably tell you to vote and what honest to God is really the most important election ever. So okay yes you should vote, and it should be for the one party that still stands for democracy preservation. But it's also a waste of breath because anyone who believes that is already voting and anyone who needs to learn that isn't watching and no one in America can be persuaded of anything anymore anyway.

    The January 6th hearings it turns out changed nobody's mind. Democrat Jamie Raskin said the hearings would tell a story that will really blow the roof off the house. No that was Hurricane Ian. The hearing's roof not blown. The committee did a masterful job laying out the case, but we live in partisan America now.  So, it's a little like doing stand-up when half the crowd only speaks Mandarin no matter how good the material is it's not going to go over.

    After all the hearings, the percentage of Americans who thought Trump did nothing wrong went up three points. That's American now, it's like trying to win an argument in a marriage even when you're right, it still gets you nothing. Benjamin Franklin said, "Our country was a republic, if you can keep it.” Well we can't and unless a miracle happens on Tuesday, we didn't. Democracy is on the ballot and unfortunately, it's going to lose and once it's gone it's gone. It's not something you can change your mind about.

    So, here's what's going to happen Republicans will take control of Congress and next year they'll begin impeaching Biden and never stop. They'll impeach him for getting out of Afghanistan and getting into Ukraine; for inflation; for recession; for falling off his bike. It won't matter and it won't make sense. But Biden will be a crippled duck when he goes up against the Trump Kari Lake ticket and even if Trump loses, it doesn't matter on inauguration day 2025. He's going to show up whether he's on the list or not and this time he's not going to take no for an answer. Because this time, he will have behind him the army of election deniers that is being elected in four days.

    There are almost 300 candidates on the ballot this year who don't believe in ballots and they'll be the ones writing the rules and monitoring how votes are counted in 24. The facts, the policies, the behavior don't matter anymore. Trump could be filmed throwing a baby off a bridge and still win.  This really is the Crossing the Rubicon moment when the election deniers are elected, which is often how countries slide into authoritarianism not with tanks in the streets, but by electing the people who then have no intention of ever giving it back.

    The Republican up for Wisconsin governor just said if he's elected, “Republicans will never lose another election.” This is how it happens: Hitler was elected so was Mussolini, Putin, Erdogan, and Victor Orban.  This is an,  "It can't happen to us moment" that's happening to us right now. We just don't feel it yet. We're the Titanic right after the iceberg hit and honestly too many Americans just don't care and won't even care after it happens.

    Because they never followed politics to begin with and were never taught in school what democratic government was supposed to look like. So how sad can they be about losing something they never knew they had? You can try and tell them that we will no longer have a system of checks and balances, but they will have an answer for that. What's checks and balances? Democracy is hard.

    Athens didn't have to deal with Fox News or the smartphone that made everybody stupid and they only lasted 200 years. So, 2024 doesn't look that bad, but before we do go I'd like to say a little farewell to some of the things that really did make America great that now we're going to lose forever; like the peaceful transfer of power; the jewel in our crown that thing that so many other nations couldn't pull off that we always did. Oh well the Bill of Rights when there is no accountability at The Ballot Box there are no actual rights. Look Generalissimo Trump is not going to bring back child labor or end Social Security or re-segregate the water fountains. He doesn't hate Jews. Ivanka is a Jew and he loves her now that she's 40 only as a friend. But make no mistake, it will be an entirely different way of life for many because our elections will just be for show, like in China and Russia and all the other places.

    Trump says a very strong free speech. Well he's a man who's always taken criticism well, but I wouldn't count on that one lasting. I wouldn't count on freedom of religion lasting. Q Anon and the other shock troops of the Trump takeover of the Republican Party are all quasi-religious entities who want a Christian government. Oh and the FBI might be replaced by an army of proud boys under the leadership of Michael Flynn even something like pot. Will it stay legal? It probably depends on whether Snoop Dogg calls Trump brilliant one day. I mean that's how things will be decided not by the rule of law. The rule of law that one was a real Jewel yeah maybe our finest Hour. As America was after World War II when we gave even the defeated Nazis a fair trial. Justice Robert Jackson said that, “voluntarily submitting our captive defeated enemies to the rule of law was one of the most significant tributes that power had ever paid to reason.” Well power will very soon not be paying any more tributes to Reason Not In America anyway. So yeah, I urge you to vote but I've always been a realist. I'm afraid democracy is like the McRib it's here now. It'll be around for a little bit longer so enjoy it while you can

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Wow.  Don't liberals ever get tired of exaggeration, of making molehills into mountains?  It never works, and they never learn from their failures - just keep right on doing it.

      Sadly, I do think there is a strong possibility that Biden, and any future president without Congress on their side, can expect to be impeached.  Well, we can all blame Democrats for that, too - their exaggerations during the double impeachment failed as much as the impeachments did.  Those farces were never about truth, just the politics of removing a political rival, and once started I don't expect it to go away because the other party has the power.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image84
        peoplepower73posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Wilderness:  Which parts do you think are an exaggeration?

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          You can start with democracy is ending because someone challenged an election.

          Next might be the riot that is termed an "insurrection".

          Next is 300 people on ballots that don't believe in ballots.

          We might move to becoming authoritarianism next

          Elections just for show (as opposed to their current use by Democrats in their primary "election") has to be in there

          Freedom of religion will die out

          Actually, nearly every sentence is exaggerated.

          1. peoplepower73 profile image84
            peoplepower73posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Wilderness:  I don't care what you call it.  The truth and the facts are Trump tried to steal an election from a duly elected President of The United States of America by having governors create a fake slate of electors that showed Trump winning the election, trying to stop the certification process by storming the Capitol with a mob including the proud boys and oath keepers.

            They were looking for Pence and Pelosi.  Do you think they were going to make nice with them?  If Pence didn't do the right thing, Trump would have become president by mob rule.  According to Trump, Pence did the wrong thing. They even built a gallows for Pence.

            As far as the 300 people who don't believe in ballots goes, here is proof of the election deniers.

   … f-success/

            As a matter of fact, I believe all Trump supporters are deniers.  Trump has done a great job of brainwashing them.

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              I know you don't care what I call it, just as I don't really care what YOU call it.

              The fact remains that you and people taking your path today are just as delusional, just as fraudulent, just as conspiracy laden as Trump is.  Even as delusional as you claim Trump is.

              The sad part is that neither you nor Trump nor his rabid followers can recognize it.  Both continue down the same path, both claiming conspiracies everywhere, both grossly exaggerating reality in order to spread discord, dissension and hate.  Neither is willing to back off even a little, neither will stop the name calling and the demonization of the other.  And neither cares one whit what their tirades are doing to the nation.

              1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                peoplepower73posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Wilderness:  I didn't grossly exaggerate reality about Jan. 6. For God's sake, there are videos and news casts of every angle and focus that shows what happened on Jan. 6.

                You want to talk about peace, how about the peaceful transfer of power to the duly elected president? Right now, you are the one exaggerating about everything to do with the political landscape.  What is your position right now?

                1. wilderness profile image89
                  wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Of course you do.  Right where you suddenly turn a simple, small riot into an "insurrection" to "destroy democracy" and "take over the government".  Anywhere else it would be "civil disobedience", but not if Trump is nearby - then it becomes an effort to overthrow the government, using a flagpole and fire extinguisher as the weapons of choice.

                  That's a gross exaggeration, and is just one of many whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. 

                  If I may ask - assume for a moment that those rioters succeeded in what you say was their goal; the killing of Pelosi and Pence, and stopping the count.  What do you think happens next?  They occupy the building for the next 4 years while police and national guard do nothing?  The other thousands, not connected with the dozen or so violent idiots, sit by and watch?  Trump takes up the reins and everyone in the country follows his orders?  The rest of congress rolls belly up and simply rubberstamps his every wish, telling police, military, FBI Secret Service and every other form of security and law enforcement to stand down and let them be?

                  No?  Don't think it would work that way?  Then what in the world makes you think that dozen or so violent ones were "overthrowing the government"?  (And no, don't try and tell me that there were thousands of violent "insurrectionists", all armed to the teeth and slavering to murder someone.)

                  1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                    peoplepower73posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Wilderness:  You don't get it do you?  It doesn't matter how many people were there on Jan. 6 and what they used to breach the Capitol.  Trump tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to the duly elected president.  That is an unconstitutional act and a threat to our democratic republic.. 

                    Trump had been planning this for months.  It started when he decided to run for president and said, " If I don't win, the election is rigged."  He advertised that mantra through every channel that he had available to him.  Then when he did lose months later, he tries to steal the election from Biden.  I don't care how he tried to do it.  It is his intentions that are criminal and in violations of the peaceful transfer of power.  Which in my estimation has never been done before in the history of this country.

                    One man who can't accept the fact that he lost an election has influenced millions of people into believing his lies and now they are taking control of congress with people who are not even qualified to be in government. 

                    But Trump has endorsed them because of they show loyalty to Trump.  And to him that is more important than qualifications because they are beholden to him and he can manipulate them as he pleases for the next two years. They will become the army that Maher talks about.

              2. Sharlee01 profile image87
                Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                So well put. There is this segment of our population that won't move past 2020. But thankfully, I feel the majority of Americans have moved on and are looking to usher in a new Congress, and eventually a new president. I am very excited about the possibility of a Republican House, and hopefully a Republican majority in the Senate. We need a Congress that will work on solving the many ongoing problems that are pulling down the country. I truely feel I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image87
            Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            He just used a mess of left media talking points. I mean nothing new, in my view. Just a well-soft-spoken Bill M. rant. Hey, he keeps them coming back with that Bill M. demeanor.  And I will say he has his shtick down pat.

            I feel his shtick is running thin, and I think he may well know it. I mean the late-night talking heads are all seeing ratings plummet.
   … index.html

            And IMO, he is very wrong when he said policies don't matter. It is much the opposite. The Democrats lost sight of what policies matter to the American people at this very point in our history.   They pushed policies that disturb many Americans, and are not presently important to Americans. Trump promotes an America First, I think it is time some realize many America's appreciated the agenda alone and will support candidates that are on board with that agenda.

      2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly, and well putted.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      What a nauseating bunch of biased dribble.

      I was beginning to like Bill's schtick as he seemed to become willing to criticize the idiocy seen in the positions of the Democratic Party these past couple of years.

      That hyperbolic nonsense did away with that.

      The Boogey Man Trump is coming to steal your election away!!!

      The Nazis are taking over our country!!!



      How about Biden/Democrats will lose because of how F'd up the economy is!

      Democrats/Biden will lose because the majority DON'T support transgender athletes competing in women's sports, because the majority DON'T support children being allowed to take sex change hormones or be mutilated.

      Democrats/Biden will lose because they are incompetent at running the country, because they are on the verge of starting WWIII, because they are not in touch with the MAJORITY of Americans. Period.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image84
        peoplepower73posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Ken:  What you are calling the "Majority" are election deniers who have been brain washed by Trump.

        Here is the proof of over 300 election deniers.  It is amazing how Trump supporters are in denial about anything "Trump." … f-success/

        Here are number of antiemetic attacks just this year. … in-america

    3. Sharlee01 profile image87
      Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      First, I will admit, I am not a fan of Bill ...  He is a talk show host, and he knows very well how to say what he feels his audience wants to hear to provoke thought. he did this in spades.

      Reading the transcript you offered truly provoked a picture of a man that sat by his desk, took all the latest rhetoric from meida, and wrote a sappy monologue. There were keywords to attract any and all from the left. Good feed. 

      It was soft-spoken dribble, that's Bill's thing.  If he said it right and looks the part, they will eat it up. And they do, he is a very successful talk show host.

      But please read the transcript and realize, it's just what the media has been feeding up 24/7.  Pretty easy stuff to sell.

      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."   Joseph Goebbels

      Projection is a tool that he used very successfully.  Bill, just borrowed that tool, in my view.

      Please take my comment as being my view. We all have one.

      1. Fayetteville Faye profile image61
        Fayetteville Fayeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."   Joseph Goebbels

        This is playing out in our society today.  Politicians who cultivate followers based on a cult of personality have absolutely proved this out.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image87
          Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          It is unfortunate, many Americans can be cultish, I think mindset and actually, personality have a lot to do with the whys of it.  Some find it attractive or easier to follow the crowd. I think one sees this in people that cling to celebrities.

          It's evident if one hears information over and over some tend to believe what they hear. Not sure we have any control over this kind of societal problem Faye.

          I do think more Americans are recognizing the cause of why we are seeing the extreme mindset of many citizens.  In my view, the problem has developed due to politicians joining with the media to push any and all narratives, ignoring the full truth, and being very repetitive in pushing a narrative.

            I certainly wish we had the power to find some solutions to stop politicians and the Government from using a gigantic forum to promote lies. At this point, all we have is voting and protesting. We do have the power to take away media, and social media power, but it well appears we have no taste to do that. I guess it all circles around to us ---  we the people.  I guess we need to ask, what have we become?

          1. tsmog profile image87
            tsmogposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            "It is unfortunate, many Americans can be cultish, I think mindset and actually, personality have a lot to do with the whys of it.  Some find it attractive or easier to follow the crowd. I think one sees this in people that cling to celebrities."

            If you ever have an inclination look into the 'self', identity theory, and social identity theory. One thing that does take place is social identity will become more important than identity. One element is the clash between doing the right thing and wrong thing where the social identity wins out. For instance the summer of Love and Jan 6 could fall into that.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image87
              Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you for sharing, I will look into self, and identity theory.  Appreciate your suggestion.

        2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          The repeative big-lie-complex, or make-believe is playing out right in every society.                            Actually, the other party left or right, or centre knowrp the truth from the lie. They's nothing they can do better karma.

    4. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      The very attempt by Republicans to illegally change the outcome of the 2020 election and persist in the lie is enough for me to not give any of them the time of day next Tuesday.

      I, like you, am concerned about the fundamentals beyond what could be considered politics.

      Franklin was right and the very principles that define this Republic has been placed in grave danger, by those that believe in power over and beyond that granted through the popular will.

      So much of the public have been enticed by outrageous lies, and conspiracy theories that don't hold water.

      The Left and Democrats have a duty to resist tyrannical tendencies, regardless of its source. So, my mind has been made up and wild horses could not keep me from the polls this coming November 8th.

      That's is a rub I going to get that McRib, pretty tasty, while it is still available.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Does that mean that all Democrats are alike as well?  All consider average people to be no more than "deplorables" and all are as clueless as Biden is?

        Or only some of them, leaving a great many of upstanding, good character and able to run our country?

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          The problem is that "some" is too many.

 … ion-fraud/

          And you can't have that many people clinging to the lie without that revealing the overwhelming true nature of the Republican Party. The few like Liz Cheney that wanted to call the party back to its conservative roots and cease the fealty to just one man were totally trashed. In that sense, that puts them all in the same barrel.

  2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 2 years ago

    PeoplePower, methink you're always neutral in the Trump connection.                                       But here the tone of your write seems to be in favour of Trump and the Repulican party. Are you now a rightist?                                      Last week I post a reply to a thread in another forum. I wrote that I saw Trump won the 2024 presdential election just looking into my crystal ball! Well, you've listed some of the detail.

  3. MariaMontgomery profile image89
    MariaMontgomeryposted 2 years ago

    @Peoplepower73: Thank you. I just started following you. I am so disappointed in the millions who still don't understand that Trump doesn't care for them, except for what they can do for him. The man is a psychologically damaged person, a mysogamist, a racial bigamist -- he has displayed these things multiple times, and doesn't seem to care who knows it. I read a biography of him, and I almost felt sorry for him because of his childhood that damaged him so much.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Unfortunately Biden as well as the majority of those who spend their lives in DC, are no better.

      "The man is a psychologically damaged person, a mysogamist, a racial bigamist..."  I'd sum up Biden the same way.

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Biden is even more psychologically damaged than Trump.  He is also more addled. Shame that Biden voters refuse to see this.

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I am with you on this one, Maria....

  4. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 2 years ago

    Yes I know about Bill Maher's transcript.  However, America has an exorbitantly high inflation rate.   The cost of living is high & Biden's stupid inflation reduction plan will do nothing to remedy the situation.   Economic studies show that one needs from $500K-over $4M in retirement savings to live comfortably.   Inflation will never be reduced; in fact, inflation will become much worse.    The middle socioeconomic classes will be wiped out as a result of inflation.  The socioeconomic classes who will be least affected by inflation will be the upper affluent socioeconomic classes from the uppermost middle to the upper socioeconomic classes.   Inflation will NEVER BE REDUCED, let's face this.    The value of currency will never return to what it was previously.   There will be even more homelessness & people who will be displaced socioeconomically.   That is now a part of life now. Welcome to future shock.

    Blue collar jobs will disappear.  Unskilled & semi-skilled jobs are of the past. There will be an increasing demand for high-level technological & computer jobs, not to mention jobs/careers in STEM.  Bachelor's Degrees will mean increasingly meaningless.  Master's Degrees will be required for entrance into professional positions.  There will be further divisions based upon education & socioeconomic levels.  Those who are socioeconomically affluent i.e. the upper socioeconomic classes (uppermost middle & upper classes) will flourish while those in the middle & lower classes will suffer.  If you believe that the politicians will solve this socioeconomic problem, you aren't being realistic.  They really don't care.


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