Robert Kennedy, Jr. - Spoiler? But for which side?

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  1. Credence2 profile image79
    Credence2posted 8 months ago

    Wi-Fi causes cancer and "leaky brain," Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan last month. Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones. AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times.

    He has made baseless claims about a connection between gender dysphoria and chemical exposure

    He has falsely linked vaccines to various medical conditions.

    He has falsely linked antidepressants to school shootings.

    “He’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame,” Jack Schlossberg, President Kennedy’s grandson, said of his cousin in an Instagram video in July. “I’ve listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is, his candidacy is an embarrassment.”

    "Kennedy’s recent comments that COVID-19 could have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people — which he denies were antisemitic but concedes he should have worded more carefully — also drew a condemnation from his sister Kerry Kennedy."

    (A lot of this stuff is so kooky that it has to be from a Republican)

    “I think that is a threat to democracy, (Trump) overthrowing — trying to overthrow the election clearly is threat to democracy,” Kennedy said. “But the question was, who is a worse threat to democracy? And what I would say is … I’m not going to answer that question. But I can argue that President Biden is because the First Amendment, Erin, is the most important.”

    “I’m not going to defend President Trump on that, and it was appalling. And there’s many things that President Trump has done that that are appalling,” he added.

    (If he really believes this maybe he should consider being Trump's running mate.)

    "Still, Kennedy's message has found fertile ground among an odd-bedfellows coalition of supporters, from vaccine opponents to far-right conspiracy theorists such as Jones, Stone and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, to deep-pocketed Silicon Valley magnates including Musk, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and venture capitalist David Sacks, who hold Kennedy up as a contrarian free-thinker."

    (Look at who he pals around with, these guys are not my friends.)

    Let see who is bankrolling the RFK Jr. Campaign?

    "A super PAC supporting the presidential ambitions of longshot Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reported receiving more than half its nearly $10 million in funds from a single GOP donor."

    "The group, American Values 2024, launched the same month Kennedy set out on his own longshot bid against President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary. It officially reported raising $9.8 million through the end of June and said on Monday that it had also raised $6 million in the month of July, bringing its total fundraising to roughly $16 million."

    "Its first financial report, which covers contributions through the end of June, includes donations from both GOP and Democratic donors. But the donors who have previously backed Republicans accounted for a much greater share of the money raised."

    So,why are these well heeled Rightwingers putting so much into Kennedy's war chest?

    (They believed that true Democratic voters are going to wooed by the Kennedy name. This one is a DINOsore that soils the record that his father and uncles have built to define the Democratic Party. He is not even a poor imitation. It is another dumb move by Republicans much like their use of "token" candidates and we must not be deceived. My Mom was engaged with Bobby Kennedy's Denver campaign back in 1968. She was smitten like a school girl over his tanned good looks and his progressive politics. No other Anglo politician at the time had the implicit trust and confidence of the Black community. She is quite aged now and in poor health, but she would vomit to imagine what it was that Bobby's offspring had become.)

    But, you know, I really don't know how much of a spoiler or which side he is likely to spoil the most. I don't believe he has the umf of a Ross Perot, whose 1992 third party run gave the presidency to Bill Clinton. Perhaps Republicans weary of Trump's misadventures might find Kennedy an attractive alternativea candidate as he is more Republican than Democrat. We will have to see.

    Regardless, it is imperative that the Biden campaign, flush with cash, go on the offensive and attack Kennedy and his campaign, saying that a vote for Kennedy might as well be a vote for Trump.

    Mr. President, it is time to take the kid gloves off.

    Just my opinion......

    1. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the compilation, Cred. Quite honestly, momentarily at one time I seriously pondered Kennedy as an alternative. With what was shared here I certainly will not go that route. Phew!

      Matter of fact with the limited time I have I will not even give the courtesy to follow him other than the polls indicating his effect on the other two dominate candidates.

      Like a bolt of lightening from high above I pondered the effect of all other candidates with the elections. Discovery brought me to a Jan 2024 Statista polling. The results are:

      18-34 = 41% will vote for an alternative to Biden and Trump
      35-49 = 28% will vote for an alternative to Biden and Trump
      50-64 = 16% will vote for an alternative to Biden and Trump
      65 and older = 12% will vote for an alternative to Biden and Trump

      The alternative candidate choices were:

      Toss in per a Wikipedia article that the other candidates opposing Trump in the primaries accounted for 106 delegates or one 'may' say 6% of Republican voters are not satisfied with Trump. Where will they go?

      Then there is the 'none of the above' primary voters or the protest vote for both Biden and Trump. Biden was affected more than Trump. It is a given that was a small percentage, yet how significant is at question. Where will they go?

      Lastly, non-voters for 2020 were 33% of the electorate and 2022 non-voters amounted to 48%. Are those wildcards?

      With 7 months to go as I see it, both Biden and Trump have their work cut-out for them. With current polling trends shown at The Hill they have Trump at 46% and Biden at 45.2% as of Apr 8th. That is less than a percentage point spread. That is based on 624 polls, the most recent Apr 2-3 by Emerson College showing Trump at 46.4% and Biden at 45.4%.

      Biden vs. Trump polls by The Hill (Apr 8, 2024) … p-general/

      Favorability of leading candidates for the 2024 presidential election in the United States as of March 2024, by age by Statista … es-age-us/

      Results of the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries at Wikipedia … _primaries

      1. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Tim for sharing your comment. Don't let the information I provided solely persuade you regarding RFK. Have a look around with your rich sources of information and convince yourself one way or the other. I am at odds with most forum participants coming from a perspective of left of center, thus, I am going to have a problem with him. Conservatives would probably have no problem with RFK.

        Trump has a extraordinary presence and a disinformation machine, in my opinion. Many say the economy was better under Trump, really? The economic prosperity we had in the first  two years of Trump's term was the result of Obama and his efforts to turn around an economy devestated by the 2008 meltdown. Leave it to Trump to take credit for it. Then there was the Covid of late 2019, where demand and consequently supply were both catastrophically reduced. Can Trump take responsibility for how this was managed? So, is it not natural for inflation to occur with rising demand and limited supply? Why is Biden being blamed for that?

        My opinion is that Biden needs to get the truth out over the lies and bluster of Trump. People are not well informed as they do not pay a great deal of attention to politics. With the upcoming trial Trump will have to participate in on April 15th, people will get to see a potential felon in action and decide if this is the sort of person they want in the top job. It will be up to President Biden to launch a no holds barred advertising blitz to overwhelm the ubiquitous Right ring propaganda. I can only hope that he is successful.

        This, too, is just my opinion.

      2. Kathleen Cochran profile image73
        Kathleen Cochranposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Wow! Thanks for making this effort to provide us with so many sources of information. Kathleen

      3. Sharlee01 profile image87
        Sharlee01posted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Is RFK Jr. close to getting on the California ballot?  Some are calling him a spoiler. It seems he would affect both candidates.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 3 months agoin reply to this

          RFK Jr. vs Kamala.

          Is RFK Jr. looking better for some people these days, compared to Kamala?

          And what if Robert is actually right about all he believes regarding health destroyers?

          Could he be(come) the face of the original, uncorrupted Democratic Party?



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