With so many people believing in their own version of what [God] is or isn't; what [He] should should not represent, the question comes to mind if the average person could be or was [God]:
What would your ten commandments be?
How would you deal with criminals?
Would you allow your olnly child to die to save mankind?
Would there be a Heaven or a Hell?
What fate would you impose on child molesters?
How would you deal with Churches?
These are just a few questions taht came to mind off the top; that's why they are not numbered.
If you participate in this forum, feel free to supply your own questons or resolutions for life, remember You're [God].
I wouldn't have commandments.
I wouldn't define anyone as a "criminal".
I wouldn't require anyone to die.
I wouldn't put anyone in a position of needing "saving".
I would not create Heaven or Hell.
I would not impose any fates.
I would not "deal" with Churches.
I would allow the participants in my Universe to shape their own realities.
Chances are, they would create commandments, criminals, deaths, people in need of saving, Heaven, Hell, fates, and Churches.
That would be up to them, though.
In reality I believe and have a faith that I am a god.
I believe in the godliness in you.
I faith Godliness in every single craeture.
I do not need to imagine. And when u start believing you will not need.
Pls come out of the Church. Universe is much bigger.I
n this small earth there are hundreds and thousands of religions, they have their temples, mosques, pagans, caves........ But universe is much bigger. It can not be confined within the boundaries of a church.
Jyoti kothari
Combined, we are all God. Ten commandments would stay the same, the only difference is that they would be the only laws. But If I were God, criminals would be banned to their own kind, exile I guess where they live amongts people like themselves.
I would not allow my only child to die to save mankind unless it was her wish to do so.
Heaven and Hell combined, sorta like Earth.
Child molesters get stoned, hahahah, just kidding, same ruling, exile to live among their own with like minds.
Idealy though, if I were God, things like murder, death, pestulence, famine, starvatin, hunger, money, desire, too hot, too cold would not exist.
Write a masterpiece which will spread god knowledge even well after I am gone,show the similarity of religions so these foolish wars in the name of God stop and man lives in peace with each other.
Poet Mohit.K.Misra
You have yet to write a masterpiece my friend.
Your book of poetry hardly qualifies as a master piece. As a matter of fact, I think the only reason it gets any attention at all is because it is apealing to those whos intellect is that of the elementry mind. :p
like I said you have just started on the spiritual path,once you get more evolved then you will understand.A book doesnt get ranked 1 for no reason.Kahlil Gibrans The Prophet will also probaly not be a masterpiece for you but it will with time .
Yo have only seen the eagle or entered into a state of hightened awareness,there is a lot more.What you saw is not God and you keep thinking it was.
Sounds like you just started too! You are not a holy one Mohit. You are not a saint, and you are not enlightened. I reserved myself for a while to see if your actions would improve, but you have done nothing but be little everyone and anyone.
You are false. Believe in what you are as you will, but holy....you are not.
When anyone spoke truth I agreed.I cannot agree to what is not the truth in order to please that person like you do.Infact there are many here who speak with authority,like they are masters but the truth is they have no idea about life and god,they do not have the knowledge.How come I am able to answer questions which you are unable to comprehend? How can some who is false answer these questions which most are unable to understand and infact just mock? There are genuine people here who want to learn and then peopel who have their cups full,how will they learn.Like you insist you saw god-the eagle but that is not god.If one has knowledge there is no need to deviate from the topic and go into personal attacks.They would stick to the topic.
Whatever Mohit people don't answer you because they already know that you will tell them they are wrong. And I don't always agree with what everyone believe as the truth, but I do know that what exist as the truth for them and what makes them happy is the truth.
Your truth does not and is not the truth for everyone.
The truth can be studied better by understanding the persons you are speaking to, and what I and everyone on this hub will agree with is that you have taken no time whatso ever to get to know and understand anyones perspective but your own.
I may like you, but I can't stand it anymore. You make yourself look like a jerk and while I know you mean well, you simply do not have the capacity for compassion.
Leave yourself because what you are right now is no more than a person who wishes to be acknowledged as a saint.
You seek monetary gain, you seek praise, you do those things which Jesus never did.
Jesus asked for nothing in return for his loving acceptance. Tell me, with the money you recieve for your "book", what do you do with it?
Do you donate it to people who really need it? Do you feed the poor? Do you devote anytime to the things that are really important to life...ie....people?
Your actions here show that you do not. You scarsly give kind words or words of encouragement, you relate things as they pertain to you, you call others not enlightened when truth be told, almost every single person on the forum is way more enlightened and genuine then you are.
I didn't want to say these things to you, but you can only push so many buttons before you get under my skin. So repent or something, if you can't then obviously you feel no need for God, for forgiveness for anything that will humble you back down to were you need to be.
The knowledge I have imparted to you and others will help in saving souls and thats my job.My job is not to please others who do not speak the truth.Poetry is a spiritual work carried out only by an enlightened one who spends years on the book.It is a spiritual work and not material.Poeple says Mohtis heart is too big, if he has he will give he doesnt care about himself.Not one of you and I mean this bunch and not outsiders have any idea or knowledge about god.If you did have knowledge you would stick to the topic and not deviate from it into personal attacks.This is too childish for me and I will ignore some of you from now on.
Poet Mohit.K.Misra
Well, I can't claim to be "enlightened," but one thing I have learned is that the first step anywhere involves a sense of humor.
Which our poet is sadly lacking.....................
You were heading towards disaster by thinking that the eagle was god.I may have just saved your soul with the knowledge I have imparted.You should be thanking me but you are ungratefull.Has anyone given you this knowledge-no.Your time will come to thank me.
Poet Mohit.K.Misra
You are angry because I corrected you and you dont like that,your ego cannot handle it.For so long you have been shouting I saw god and now it is all gone poof! It will take you time to understand truth ansd when you do you will appreciate what i have told you.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra
There was only one sin unforgiveable by God himself or Jesus himself, that was to blasphemy the spirit. You can blaphemy The Father, you can blasphemy Jesus and you will be forgiven, but blasphemy the Spirit is unforgiveable.
Say what you please, I am not Jesus, however you should be aware that whatever ill actions and voodoo spell crap you do towards me will fall back on you. So sorry I said the "f" word, good thing I know what it means to be forgiven.
I am a poet and I praise the spirit I cannot tell you the eagle is god and you must worship the eagle.If you bother to do some research you will be able to verify what I am saying.You are misleading people by saying the eagle is god.Like I said you have much work to do and seeing the eagle is not enlightenment.You are very confused.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra
Dude, shut up about the Eagle, I don't think it is God! Your assumption make you look even dumber than you already are.
You have much to do..., reading a book or two is not enlightenment, neither is an epiphony at sea.
What you can't see is your saving grace. In your case, ignorance is gonna save your soul.
Whatever spirit you have in you, is not a good one. Your a wrathful, hateful one. You play like you are good, but no one is Good but One.
Shiva is wrathfull when rubbed the wrong way-its normal.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra
No, I said, I saw God in the form of an Eagle as God appeared to Mosses in a burning bush. Or, I have said, God sent me the Eagle, or showed me the Eagle etc. You don't pay attention. Anyways, I am done commenting with you.
I once offended gammergirl because my choice of words wasn't clear and I felt really bad about it and I still do. So I do the best I can to not offend someone of thier beliefs because I do know that where there spirit dwells there is a lot to be loved and understood.
So I will leave it at that, wish you the best on your journey and pray that you realize the things you can't see about yourself and maybe one day, if it be the will of God, you become a saint. Until then you are nothing but one on a journey with many mistakes under his belt and you are just like anyone else.
God Bless,
God bless you too.Superconsciousness is not the same as Christ or Krishna or Buddha or God consciousness.It is easy to get confused if one has not come across the light.There are many entities gaurding god and the eagle is one of them.You have started walking the spiritual
path.You are lucky to see the eagle but there is more to be done.Everyone does not get to see the eagle,you are fortunate to have come across it.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra
If you praised and new the Spirit you would know where it dwells. Incase you misuderstood, Mohit the Pohit, The Spirit dwells in everyone.
well I have written
Who is god?
He ,she and it is god.
God is ,has,was,will.
Where is god?
Everywhere is God,Nowhere is God.
God is love,god is the light.
I wouldnt be writing this if I did not know the spirit exists in everyone.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra
Obviously there is a difference between an intellectual understanding and integrating that understanding into one's habitual speech and action, then, because you don't speak or act as though everyone is Spirit.
OK, let's look at this offering from Enlightened Poet Mohit:
L1 - it is conventional to capitalise 'God', but not imperative.
L2 - the comma is misplaced. Poets are expected to be careful of such things.
L3 - the first comma is misplaced. Two spaces are missing. 'has' in this context appears to be wrong. Correct would be 'has been', unless the intention is to attribute ownership to God (but ownership of what?) Similarly 'will' is wrong and should be 'will be', unless we are to take 'will' as a noun. If this is the writer's intention, then 'has' could be correct. But such ambiguity smacks more of carelessness than mysticism.
L4 - see L1 comment.
L5 - inconsistency in capitalisation - we are now reverting to convention. Missing space after the comma. Incorrect capitalisation on 'Nowhere'. The correct punctuation in a counterpoised sentence of this nature is the semicolon, not the comma.
L6 - missing space, inconsistent capitalisation, highly unoriginal content.
Could do better. I'd give this offering about 3 out of 10.
I thought you had better taste in sexual partners, Sandy.
So much for ignoring Sandra - that didn't last very long.
That's the problem with the self-realised - they are so lacking in self-discipline.
If were the God, I think I'd be pretty bored. Knowing everything that's going to happen would remove some of the spice from the whole gig. I doubt I'd even bother with the whole creation thing, seems like too much trouble for too little reward.
I'll assume that the question is asking what would we do if we were the God in our current universe under our current perception of time.
My 10 commandments would be similar except for all the worship me stuff. If I'm going to be all cloak and dagger about my existence to the creatures I create, I'm not going to mandate that they worship me with no real proof of my existence. Even if they did know of my existence, why make them worship me? Seems a bit tyrannical, they didn't choose to be created and it's not like they all voted on me being in charge. I'd let the laws of nature as we understand it currently, take their course.
As for the rest of the questions, I'd be pretty hands off, much like our supposed current god is.
I would grant immortality to Stephen Colbert and his writers under the condition that they keep the Colbert Report on air for all eternity and that their writers never include me in their jokes. Alf would come back on the air. I'd give the earth a never ending source oil and clean out the atmosphere every few years and maybe appear in an engineers dreams every now and then to reveal to him the secret of building an even more badass car engine. I'd still have life and death and an afterlife, if anything just to mess with my created beings for a little while. The afterlife would be a huge party, atheists would be invited too. Hell would be for people who purposely cause harm to others with no remorse. Hell would be a dance club that only plays crappy music and serves luke warm Coors Light for all eternity. I wouldn't have saints, and anyone who thinks that they are or should be a saint will be denied top shelf booze in heaven for a probationary period of no less than 10,000 years. I'd create aliens and have them be kinda hostile towards humans and play the two sides against each other to guarantee that human kind has at least one kickass space war that they eventually win. The space war will be won by a rag tag team of misfits and the whole thing will be chronicled, filmed, and shown in heaven in a large theater alongside a mixture of never ending episodes of the Simpsons, Family Guy, Southpark, and a new transformers spin off called "Far-Tron".
So it appears I lied earlier about the nature taking it's course thing. Perhaps my only commandment will be, "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. Deal with it". If you think long and hard enough about it, that's basically the Bible in a nutshell anyway.
Oh, and in the tradition of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, my heaven would have a beer volcano and a stripper factory.
I believe Heaven and earth are what "we" make of it. There is a Universal Law and Order...we just need to learn about it and accept that is the way "it all works", and if we don't follow it "it doesn't work out" for love, joy and beauty and all forms of goodness !
Yes to all you wrote [SJ.] But the question on the table is : If you were [God?] You could arrange [the Universal Order] however you wished, and we want to know; what that [Universal Order] would look like, form [YOUR] point of view.
As one of the more, intellectual, and prolific writers; on this and other forums; I know you have ideas of your own of how, to make things better, that's what we're looking for. Other than that there are no real rules to this thread. No coloring with-in the lines, just [Express Yourself.]
how could any human improve on perfection, as it is...the only things that could improve are human listening for one's own highest guidance, and learning greater understanding and acceptance of the divine order...but as far as I understand, those are still in the realm of free will.
I think we just have to rely on those who do find "the way" to continue to put forth their "knowing" and spread it around in the best ways possible...and to keep praying for soul evolution uncovering/toward the Unity. Oh, and not give in to cynicism and not believing there is a possible better way for humanity to do things.
So, if I were the "ultimate Creator...the Initiator of the Beginning" I would have instilled in the Soul that is pure, but can become corrupted, greater awareness of the potential "evils" of free will. They are too hidden in mystery of the original/ancient texts.
I wouldn't take away evil completely because then there is nothing to use as catalyst to discern and desire to seek Unity...but then again if I were the Creator of theBeginning/God, I just would have made the Soul incorruptible, none of this ever would have happened and we would be living in the Garden of Eden still, in the joy of nakedness!.
If I was God, 'Just a stranger on the bus', I would-of created the universe exactly as is. Anything else would have been a mistake, and the definition of God I believe, is one who does not make mistakes, especially such a mammoth one, as a universal blunder.
The problem with making it incorruptible is that there is a PURPOSE to becoming separate. We get to experience one very small part of the Universe very intensely, without the Universal perspective that basically takes the edge off both the sorrows and the joys of that experience.
I suspect that eventually you would want that intensity back - the opportunity to really believe that you can actually die.
And we would end up with the same Universe we have today.
When I was a little kid, riding in the car I was in the car, in that moment. When I got older I am no longer in the car but outside. Now I can identify with what is around me. The inside intensity is gone.
This is quite enough.
Sandra, I have meant to tell you long ago that I forgive you. I got angry, I got offended, and you come across as a supreme oddball at times, but you do seem to want to find the very best in everyone, including yourself.
As a consequence, you are far better than this current roundabout conversation.
Mohit - I have watched you elevate yourself from signing your posts as Mohit Misra, to Poet Mohit Misra, and now to the lofty and arrogant "Enlightened Poet Mohit Misra."
Yet.. for a man who has supposedly communed with God, for a man who has supposedly become enlightened, frankly - you are acting like a total flaming idiot.
Here are the things you need to stop doing, reflect upon these things that you do and meditate on them well:
Insulting people
Claiming that others are not spiritually awake
judging people
insulting people more
insulting the religious beliefs of others
providing false information regarding faiths you clearly have never researched
I may have participated in your little tit for tats previously, but you really are a shining star of intolerance and arrogance in these forums and I'm heartily tired of seeing your name because I know that if I look at the post you'll be saying one of three things:
you're more enlightened than us
your ebook is amazing and awesome
you're right and we're wrong
Get over yourself!!!!!!! For a man who has reached self-proclaimed enlightenment, you need to spend far less time on the computer, and more time trying to teach in your community, more time reflecting and constantly focusing on all but yourself.
An enlightened one seeks to be a conduit for that which is Godly. Not the other way around.
I'm sure he'll give you some vague piece of circular logic to counter, something like, "It is only when you truly think that I am an idiot that you will find out that I am not(insert some reference to light/the heart/or god)"
Anyways before the thread got derailed by the enlightened idiot, did anyone else have a "if you were god" deal to post up? Maybe something a little bit more light hearted like my first post, it seems to me that people are taking this thread a little to seriously. Why not have fun with it?
How about that? http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/3289
Its not about being more enlightened or less ,its about being enlightened or not.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra
Well, I despite the self-promotion to "enlightened," I have given up speaking to the third worst post in the universe. I know when I'm beat
If I was God -
I know what I wouldn't do.
I wouldn't have created the world and then left a massive amount of evidence around that it was a natural occurrence and I would have made my existence a little more clear.
I would want some proper groveling though. Not this Sunday-morning-drive-to-church-in-an-SUV-wearing-your-best-suit-and-make-sure-the-
neighbors-can-see-you kind of groveling.
Proper groveling. Human-sacrifice quality groveling. With burning torches and beating drums and prostrated virgins. Serious groveling.
There is a computer game I think you would positvely enjoy Mark. It is called Black and White. It came out in 2002, in it you get to play God and can sacrifice humans. It is drop dead hilarious.
Its not about being more enlightened or less ,its about being enlightened or not.
Enlightened Poet Mohit.K.Misra>>>>
Have been lurking, and can't sit on my typing fingers anymore. LOL! I can see you are interested in spiritual matters, mean well, and you probably have a good grasp with several spiritual truths, but you are not yet enlightened. When an individual becomes enlightened they have the capacity to see the connection to everyone and everything in Creation, they are literally aware of being God in expression, and with this comes a profound humility as no being or creature is higher or lesser, a trait you do not yet posses. I recommend, Jed McKenna's "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing"; its a blunt book written by an enlightened American master who wears jeans and sneakers, likes to sky dive and felt joy when he thought he was going to be killed during a jump; sounds weird but he is not, he doesn't fear death because for him it doesn't exist; he is hilarious at times. He gives one a view of how he experiences his reality- from an enlightened state and shares the pitfalls that some who are on the path to enlightenment may fall into.
My mate and I have met two enlightened men personally, and both share two traits, which is a good sense of humor and an endearing humility; this is a result, I think, from their non attachment to this world.
Peace I do not have a problem with you and I also wear jeans and sneakers.I have never been arrogant or harsh with you as you have given me no reason to be.An enlightened one doesnt fear death beacuse he is a dead man walking.What I have been doing is sharing.
The enlightened never find "reason to be" arrogant or harsh. Such "reasons" are only visible when one's consciousness sinks to a mere human plane. They are the product of feeling separate.
We are all one, and therefore we have no more need to be arrogant or harsh with one another than our heart has reason to be arrogant or harsh toward our liver.
At the times you are you are enlightened, Mohit, such reasons stop appearing to you.
Enlightenment is not a badge you earn once and then you remain enlightened forever after.
Enlightenment is a state of being, and it is exceedingly tricky to stay in it 24/7, especially if you are self-realised and don't have the years of discipline which precede enlightenment for traditional monastic seekers.
There is no shame in this. Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. Everything changes, yet nothing changes.
You clearly have moments of being enlightened. You also have moments of abject maya. We all do.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn to recognise the difference.
Seeing reasons to be arrogant or harsh is a useful indicator that you have fallen from grace. When you see those reasons, you have the choice to respond from maya or to return to a state of enlightenment.
There is no harshness or arrogance in enlightenment.
Get enlightened and you will understand till then you will not.You are an uncut diamond like sandra.Expect the universe to cut you up so you become a priceless solitaire.When I do answer harshly I am doing you a favour and nullifying the karmic consequences .If I leave it to god belive me he can be merciless.
If you were ranked at 1 in poetry for that year and I kept telling you,lousy poems,book,these rankings are lousy what are you going to say-thanks.
Earlier on you said there is no right and wrong for an enlightened one.An enlightened one is very concerned over right and wrong .Both exist right and wrong and the perfection of this universe.You are only speaking of the perfection.God is love at the same time merciless ,he is beyond the petty emotions of a human.Creation and destruction go together.Very often to create one needs to destroy what is old.
Jesus was praying to god to relive him of his pain,how much more abuse ,insult must I go through?He picked up a whip and beat the moneylenders-was that polite behavior or harsh?
Enlightenment is not a badge you earn once and then you remain enlightened forever after.This is exactly what it is -enlightenment is forever.Like Jyoti said earlier -Mohit agrees with me why is it not with some of you?I never attacked anyone I only defended when insults were hurled at me.Someone keeps saying I should not put poet before my name ,then its like who are you to tell me? What are your qualifications?This is a petty problem of that person.If I am not a poet with my book rankings and credentials who is?Dont tell me you are on three web sites or moderate one thats so tiny compared to what I have achieved.This person wants to order me isnt it a joke? Peace
Mohit - you are raking old coals. I suggest you desist as there's nothing to be gained. But I only suggest. I don't order. You may do whatever you like
Peace I do not have a problem with you and I also wear jeans and sneakers.I have never been arrogant or harsh with you as you have given me no reason to be.An enlightened one doesnt fear death beacuse he is a dead man walking.What I have been doing is sharing.
Sorry, if I sounded harsh, didn't mean to offend; was just expressing my perspective.
No probs.Remember there allways has to be a reason.
If I was God I would make a dictator to rule the world for me and all those questions are up to him, I just keep all power ^_^
If I were God -
I would ensure that cricket was always played in the correct spirit.
I would disable wasps.
I'd rethink my earlier 'chosen people' idea
Two of the above are entirely serious
If I were God, I would create humans with no other option but to treat one another with utmost respect and kindness. I would give no room or capacity for negativity. I want to see what a world based and behaved solely out of love would do.
All people would know me, their creator, and I would give absolute sign of my action in creating life so that everyone could just know, instead of speculate or out and out disbelieve. In this vein, there would be no false prophets, no false gurus, no false enlightened ones, because all would live in my Godly glow.
Why do you keep insulting me? Why are you not kind to me? You have a long way to go.
The athiest and his cheap comments as he has no knowledge of god and cannot contribute in any other way.
As you wish.
Your reaction to gamergirl's desire for a better world demonstrates a complete lack of self confidence and demonstrates a total absence of enlightenment.
You have now promoted yourself from third worst poet in the universe to third worst poet in the universe and charlatan. Get thee behind me.
After you have looked up the word in whatever online dictionary you have to use to understand these things, I defy you to prove me wrong.
Saint Mark, prophet of Roddenberry, healer of the sick, insulter of the ridiculous and all round good guy.
You and gamegirl have no idea what enlightenment is.
Voice1: Hello, is this Kettle?
Voice 2: Yes? Wait, is that you Pot?
Voice 1: It is indeed! You know what?
Voice 2: What's that, Pot?
Voice 1: Kettle.... YOU'RE BLACK!!
At this point, I am only responding to the insults you continue to sling into my email box. Cease insulting people needlessly, and you won't receive the responses you do. I have been absolutely courteous with you and have, thus far, been attempting to raise your awareness in how you come across in every single message you send.
You wrote to me and were nasty as usual.Please stop harassing me and stop emailing me.You have been insulting me since I got in.First it was you are not enlightened then it was my rankings you kept going ebooks ,ebooks,ebooks you kept trying to find some excuse.I do not know you,whats your problem? Also when you give a review next time leave your name.I cannot help being ranked at 1 if you were the better poet you would be.Like I said before I never wanted to get enlightened or become a poet-the universe has its plans and while I have conquered this universe the universe conquered me.Today it works through me.You have a problem take it up with the universe and not me.
I know you have been trying as well like everyone else, but like we all come to agree, there is not point in pointing out the things he just can't see.
Really, the only one that looks bad is himself and if he is comfortable with that, than he is, so let him serve Gods purpose as to what not to do.
Now I think that what he has brought to the plate of enlightenment has been fullfilled and we can move on to better discussion.
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