Should we create a buddy system?

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  1. figment profile image78
    figmentposted 14 years ago

    Should we create a little buddy system, maybe in a forum, where newbies (under 3 months) can pair up with older hubbers?  Pick your buddy and kind of teach them how it works and what we've learned.... just a silly idea

    1. leeberttea profile image56
      leebertteaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't mind you showing me a few things! wink

      1. Fluffymetal profile image79
        Fluffymetalposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        1. leeberttea profile image56
          leebertteaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Don't blush hun, we're all adults here. I'll be gentle, I promise! wink

          1. figment profile image78
            figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I forgot I was signed in as my alias... my secrets out.  figment aka fluffymetal

            1. leeberttea profile image56
              leebertteaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I won't tell if you won't!

              1. figment profile image78
                figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Do you need a buddy?

                1. leeberttea profile image56
                  leebertteaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Sure! I'd love someone showing me what to do!

            2. Dense profile image62
              Denseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              You've been giving out too many hints! wink
              Don't think I don't know. wink

              1. figment profile image78
                figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this


                1. Dense profile image62
                  Denseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Btw, have you read The Nature Of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts? Posted in reply to a recent post in "Personality Disorder" topic but you'd probably missed it.

    2. Greek One profile image63
      Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      you may mentor me...

      thank you

      1. figment profile image78
        figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        you've been here longer than me silly

        1. Greek One profile image63
          Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          yes but I only have 7 cents of Adsense revenue, so I need your help

    3. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Probably not.  We all have individual agendas of why we are on HubPages, some of which are not for positive purposes.  However, we do have a tremendous resource to do our own research into perfecting our hubs.  We have the ability to quickly visit other hubs and we also have these forums.  Combined, these platforms support the best ways to aid a new hubber.

  2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
    Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years ago

    If any nubile Swedish newbie hubbers need some pointers, I'm available.

    1. Greek One profile image63
      Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Lars acceptes you offer..

      1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
        Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I specifically said nubile, not gentile.

    2. figment profile image78
      figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      who's that a pic of?

  3. TMMason profile image61
    TMMasonposted 14 years ago

    Leave Lars alone. He is Bi-Polar and will crash into suicidal deppression at the first sign of rejection.

    Bigots. Pikin on crazy Lars. Good thing he got that swedish Obama care.

    1. figment profile image78
      figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      awwww.... he sounds like me

      1. TMMason profile image61
        TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        hahahaha I am in hysterics.lololol

  4. Shadesbreath profile image75
    Shadesbreathposted 14 years ago

    I think Nellie Hoxie should be my buddy and write like 40 or 50 hubs that are totally SEO'ed and stuff for really profitable, highly searched, evergreen content that I could then study carefully forever afterwards to learn from.

  5. raisingme profile image75
    raisingmeposted 14 years ago

    Sounds like a good idea.  And I think there should also be a Forum about how to keep your forum topic from descending into absolute drivel!

    1. figment profile image78
      figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    2. Shadesbreath profile image75
      Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Not possible. 

      Drivel is inevitable.  You get your choice of which kind, but that's about it: polemic drivel of the religious or political type, or drivel of the absurd, silly, sexual or snide.  That's it.

  6. leeberttea profile image56
    leebertteaposted 14 years ago

    You say that as though it were a bad thing.

  7. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    We've kinda got it. Hub greeting. Some hubbers spend time greeting new guys, try and make them feel more welcome. As a rule, those that have been greeted start emailing the greeter. And greeters are nice folks and help out, behind the scenes *nods*

    1. raisingme profile image75
      raisingmeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Good point!  And your "name" intrigues me so much that I'm going to have to dip a toe in the pond and see what you are up to!

      1. raisingme profile image75
        raisingmeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, oh, oh - I did peak and you like dragons too and you have all kinds of pregnancy info that I can put my daughter onto as she is expecting my first grandchild in the late fall.   Good Stuff!

      2. frogdropping profile image76
        frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Did you find filth and debris? *sighs* So much pond water, so little time hmm

        1. raisingme profile image75
          raisingmeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          filth and debris no but quite a number of droppings that are worth dropping back for!

  8. myownworld profile image70
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Somehow, I don't trust that word 'buddy' too much...

    1. Greek One profile image63
      Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      why is that, buddy?

      1. watchya profile image61
        watchyaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I don't trust buddies either. Less if they're virtual LOL

    2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
      Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Why?  Skipper had a little buddy.

  9. Paradise7 profile image68
    Paradise7posted 14 years ago

    It's a thought.

  10. profile image59
    logic,commonsenseposted 14 years ago

    As long as they weren't butt buddies, it might be okay! smile

    1. figment profile image78
      figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile LOL

    2. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  11. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years ago

    Hi Figment,

    I think you have a great concept to help newcomers, but rather than commit to such a partnership, I am hoping that, and do see this happening already.

    Meaning older hubbers taking the initiative to welcome newcomers, read and comment on their hubs, follow them and offer any help via email.

    I have read, as I am sure you have, some great threads from old timers spotlighting a newcomers work and introduction.

    AEvans and Fastfreda and Faybe I find are constantly donating their time to expose new members and their work.

    I have been doing this quite a bit lately, minus the forums and really am amazed at some of the very talented writers becoming members.  However, maybe we can have a thread where an older hubber posts a new hubbers profile page and highlight a hub.  Example; thread named;  LOOK WHO"S HERE

    I dont know

    Just some thoughts

    hi btw

    1. figment profile image78
      figmentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I really like that idea.  I just know that I didn't know just how wonderful hubpages was for the first month.  Then it took me two months to figure out what was going on, and how to write better hubs.

      Its great to see you big_smile

      1. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        you know you raise another good point.

        With so many new members, only a few will get the time of a busy hubber.

        But more so, like you, over a year ago, I hid for a good month, then slowly started reading hubs, even too nervous to leave comments.

        Completely lost.  Too proud to ask questions.

        I remember I followed yoshi as my first fan,I couldn't believe how much his hubs helped me.

        And I couldn't believe how he reached out to me and helped me, still does.

        Then at 41/2 months rmcrayne kindly held my hand to make my first forum post.  I had never seen a forum before

        Hilarious-just before I deleted my account I think I had 12 000 + posts

        My point is we get there but when people like yoshi and rmcrayne and AEvans and Intimatevoluion step in with no conditional agenda, to help, it just comes together.

        That's why your thread here is so important to discuss ways to help ones like you and I when we signed up and were lost in confusion



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