I have noticed that an increasing number of people seem to have joined this site merely to spam religion on the forum. This would be okay if it was not for the fact that this is a forum for writers, not theists.
I am all for having a community forum, but I believe it should be a community forum for the writers of Hubpages, fictional or profit making, not for the trolls who surf the net looking for anyone out there who is willing to give them the least attention. This is not an attack on Christians, there are people from other religions as well as Christianity out there who seemed to have joined this site to do nothing more than blurt out random passages of religious text.
Maybe I am being oversensitive, and if writers on the site want to discuss religion that would be fine. However I have found myself avoiding the forums more and more as the threads are overtaken by people who seem hellbent on talking about their religion to anyone who will listen, even though they don't really do much else on this site.
My views are probably strenghtened by the fact that I think if people want to be religious they should keep it private. For this reason I would quite like to know if it just me who has noticed this, or if maybe I am being oversensitive.
I am a christian writer and believe it or not I agree with you! The religious forum has gotten way out of control. I support making knew rules that would stop such postings.
So, a site should remove a forum because you don't like it?
Suppose, I do not like this one ***************, and the next reader doesn't like this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, and another wants to eliminate the one that you participate on?
We can't eliminate all things in life that we do not like, just because we do not like them.
Some theists ARE wrtiters.
I absolutely agree. I too, sometimes, avoid the community forum because it is overloaded with religion and belief spams. Unfortunately, most people have fun trying to provoke or outsmart other people :-(
I hope the Religion and Beliefs section is retained. The topic I wanted to
post about was Jesus, but my approach is esosteric, not literalist,
evangelical or otherwise that of a christian zealot. I only found Hubstop
because I was researching Jesus as Myth Theory. After many attempts on many sites either addressed to spirituality and religion, or that allow
such topics, Hubstop was the first that actually enabled me to sucessfully
publish anything. All the others either provided no place for anyone to
actually say anything, were too technically complex/user unfriendly, or otherwise simply non-interactive in any meaningful ways.
Religion and beliefs are touchy topics. It is possile that us humans have
"God genes" or are "Hardwired for God", and some of us either have more
of such genes or are more hardwired than others. Whatever the case,
belief seems to be something for which we are extremely hardwired, belief in all of its forms; and God being the supreme form of belief, it is small wonder many of us have very strong, even irrational, beliefs about
the Divine.
I hope the rash acts of those determine to misuse this section do not result in the loss of the opportunity for discussion of these critical topics
for the rest of us
I have noticed this also. It seems some people are simply going to the forum just to attack both believers and non-believers. I believe these thoughts should be kept to ourselves because their are people out there who are sensitive to these topics.
this is what we called showing respect to each others beliefs. To avoid offending other person, i agree with going private. :-)
I do agree with freedom of religion and politics, and I don't believe we should ban or close such threads because we don't agree with them or we find them somehow annoying - HOWEVER...
There is a great new tool from Edweirdo that lets you select which forums you want to see - I have just plugged it in to my Firefox and it is amazing - I can now see things that were usually buried behind all the other stuff I don't participate in anyway - like the religion and politics forums - thanks Edweirdo!!!
Apologies if someone has already posted this info, but it's worth a second or third mention!
This could be solved just by making it possible to render the religion forum invisible for those site users who don't wish to participate in those threads, a feature that has been repeatedly requested by users since the religion forums were first created.
I suggested such a change months ago to resounding rejection by some of the very same Hubbers that are now in support of such a move, doing so with incredibly intelligent quips like
“well just don’t go there”
So I’ll laughingly pass on their “wisdom.”
if i was afraid to try match witz with the dumb christianz i'd run like the DEVIL 2,duh like it sayz religion/philosophy if the battlez 2 hot don't jump in i likes a good ol' down home brawl myself,why hell boyz u know we all do er we wouldn't b here if itz anythang i like bettern' drankin' beer an fightin' it'd b here fightin' these bone head atheist with wit and charm,as u can c i ain't got many teef lef so brang er on.
Actually, I'd love it if each broad forum had a switch on it that we could toggle to make its posts show up (or not) in out hubtivity feed.
If there's a way to do it cheaply, go for it.
The ability to customise our Home page is NOT solving the problem, because if you want to track the latest posts in several forums you end up having to scroll down for miles
The old forum set up worked well and it was possible to ignore the forums I wasn't interested in - I've loathed the new set up since day 1 and have never seen anything to convince me it has any advantages.
I just noticed a Forum Filter For HP, add-on for Firefox on Edweirdo's profile. It is specifically made for HP users in which you select the forums you want to show. Does anyone know about this? http://hubpages.com/profile/Edweirdo
Rebekah that's fantastic. Thanks for pointing it out.
I'm gonna try that in the morning, since this computer isn't the one I generally use. Have you tried it yet? That one needs to be broadcast.
I have nothing against the religion and/or politics forums, I believe in free speech, but it is annoying having it all in your face everytime you visit the forums.
So HP wouldn't do it, apparently, but with Firefox we can block those topics from the main forums page ourselves.
Well that's great! I hope it works the way it sounds!
Wow - you're quick! I just posted that on my profile tonight...
Let me know what you think of it!
Good marketing move Ed, you'll be the envy of HP world
Edweirdo! I love it. I feel like I'm on a different forum not seeing floods of screaming open me subject headings. For a while they didn't bother me, but recently it's just over the top. I don't want it in my head. This is wonderful. I'm going back to donate $5.00. You are a dream. Thanks!
i have a better idea, why not just stay out of forums you don't want any part of? you know the reason why hubpages doesn't eliminate those forums is probably because there's way too much traffic that it draws from people. therefore if you just don't participate in it, then it might go away. just a thought.
this kind of reminds me of all the whiny parents out there that complain about violence on tv, but they still take their kids to see movies like "the matrix" in theaters. What gives? seriously, the hypocrisy of people astounds me.
edit: seriously folks, nobody putting a gun to your head and saying "participate in religious forums or you'll die!"
It still appears on the main forum page, whether you want to see it or not. Yes, you don't have to go in and read every thread, but they are still there, and some of the titles are incredibly annoying,I would be happy to have a function to stop me being able to see the religion threads.
hmmm...maybe hubpages should implement it to where you know how you can become a follower of certain topics on here. maybe they should make it to where the topics you become a fan of, are the only topics you see in forums. what do you think?
i think a bunch o u boyz are just spoiled lil' bratz snivlin' lil' cowards scared of ur own shadow yer not quick witted or clever enough to hang,so pup either hang wif the big dawgz er get eran offen their porch.
surely it could be set up so one only sees the threads they want to follow, not all threads. Some people dislike other forums too, eg the gender/relationship one
Many of us have asked several times for it to be set up like that.
I'm not sure how complicated it is to change things, but maybe they could remove the "lastest activity feed" if it is upsetting people? Or have the option of viewing that feed or not. Then people can just click on their chosen subject on the left
It's useful to be able to see the latest activity across the forums. However, when I first joined HubPages, there wasn't one consolidated "latest posts" - they were separated.
I've often suggested that the whole problem would be solved if the HubPages forums and the Category forums, which are separately listed anyway, also had separate "latest post" lists.
Steven, I understand what you mean, but the titles of the threads alone are often annoying, and even sometimes offensive.
hmm..you may have a point a good point about that.... this forum does give me a great idea for a future hub. it's a shame i have other things to work on first; otherwise i'd work on it right now.
Just logged into HubPages, and the Forums, and what do I see - this: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/58020#post1298584
A thread called 'How are birth defects "intelligent design"?' Do we really want this sort of thing here? How can anyone ignore such a title?
And if I were to post a message on that thread letting the original poster know exactly what I think, I'd probably end up with a Forum ban - how ironic is that?
wow, your right. one would think that the original poster of that forum would've gotten ban, as that title is just straight up offensive. I mean, i can understand people wanting to discuss that topic, but even I find that offensive. that's just kind of messed up if you ask me.
so what do you think? did you make assumptions from the title without reading further? Did it hit nerves? Why did you react so?
It amazes me that a person of your education should even raise such a question. You've studied natural sciences, so you know the answer. It's also pretty obvious which opinions those of differing beliefs and levels of education would hold. So what's the point in posing the question? To provoke ill feeling? To draw attention to yourself? You were in the mood for a 'good' argument? Only you can know the answer to that one.
Did it hit nerves? Well, I wasn't born with a 'defect', as far as I know, so it didn't hit a nerve in that respect.
Oh, and that photo; a newly born baby, umbilical cord still attached, according to you born without a brain and probably died shortly after birth (so it doesn't matter, according to you) was supposed to illustrate ... what point???
Inappropriate and unnecessary ... that's as much as I'll tell you here of what I think.
Inappropriate and unnecessary ... pretty typical of Religion and Beliefs Forum Threads.
Maybe not offensive (at least not to me), but certainly very, very irritating. My top irritant in terms of religious threads has got to be the recent "Why does God allow atheists and agnostics to exist?" Talk about begging the question!
lef me c now offencive that'd b like cing a 400lb fat woman choakin' down a whole chocolate kake by herself and washin' the whole thang down with a 2liter dr pepper.yea i guess i c what u mean.burrrrip....skuse me.
Steven, I agree with you. I am not interested in participating in a sports thread. I simply don't participate. It wouldn't make sense for me to barge in and attack the people that are interested in their sports. I don't see any logical reason someone should keep their beliefs private.
I have already suggested the following:
♦ Delete religion category, or all topical categories
â™ Move religion category to bottom and break link
♣ Provide feature to exclude certain categories
♥ Instantly ban anyone starting thread in religion category
But it all falls on deaf ears.
@ Steve - You don't have to enter any of these threads to get really annoyed. It's enough to see all the stupid titles one after the other. Religious trolls have totally taken over the latest forum topics page.
that may be true, but I guess this is why i've never been a normal person. as my philosophy is if you leave me alone, then i'll leave you alone. however, that's just me. to each their own is what i always say. however, i would like to point out though that there are trolls that have shown up in the past; outside of religious forums too.
That sounds like a normal person to me. Maybe I should adopt some of your views so as to give me a cooler head. And I use the word "troll" to describe anyone who annoys me in the forums, so don't read into it.
hey hauntotaly who u callin' a troll,maybe someone thinkz ur a pinhead,and another thing ya'll r alwayz call'in christianz hypocrites,oh let me see oh its just to offensive for me boo hoo au my eyeballs most u guyz been involved in thangz that'd make a billy goat puke phssss.
I TOTALLY agree with you, Oli. I'm all for the folks here having open discussions about any subject they want, but I believe that's a privilege for Hubbers and not a right for every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants a place to spout their beliefs. Take paar surrey, for example. He's been here 7 months, has written 3 hubs and has almost 4,000 forum posts -- all of them in the religion forum.
Why would we exclude religion, when it is a thriving 'business' all over the world? We cannot deny the fact that our existence is mainly based on religion. The five Ws and 1 H are often answered by this subject. I've written hubs about the subject and I enjoyed sharing it here on HP. Other hubbers did, too.
If HP or other hubbers ban those hubbers delving on the subject, then, this virtual writing site is not fair to newbies at all.
Don't worry, HP doesn't ban based on religion. This is an equal opportunity site.
I think that's the point. A "hubber" is someone who writes hubs--not someone who joins solely or mainly to spout off in the forums.
Yup. Someone that adds more to the site than just a load of belly aching *nods*
Hi Ollie, this is an outstanding question, and an intelligent question. My partner Cheeky Girl asked me why I am browsing around these forums just now, I told her I saw this question on this forum. Your answer - she says - is a "smoking room". Apparently a room where only people who dedicate themselves to polluting themselves and the area around them with the effect of whatever it is they smoke. I use the term smoke in the assurance that anyone who reviles religious comment understands what it means. And anyone who loves religion needs to get to that smoking room and let fly.
The room should be subject to a second password protection access granting in Hub Pages. So once inside the room, people can spout whatever they wish, and since it will be a restricted area, presumably everyone is happy. It's not a perfect solution, but Cheeky Girl is a clever little so-and-so sometimes. I can't help but be impressed.
And I don't smoke, thank Heaven. I eagerly wait for the opinions and fully ready to be torn to shreds for even making this suggestion. Smoking rooms are usually off limits to anyone who does not partake in the "habit". So why not a smoking room for that subject, and that way, the church of fun and games can be removed from the state of other hubs and forums.
Over to you...
Some Airports I have passed through have glass smoking rooms and tables in them. Utterly sealed from any health-conscious passers-by. And it could be run easily by Hub Pages people, in full cooperation with all Hubbers. Cheeky says if it is ever used, can it be named after her?
Okay forget that, that's a nutty idea. She's kidding about that. ;P
I've said it before, most online forums do not have religious or political sections and forbid any post about them.
Hubpages is not a public library. It's a for profit website someone owns. It's a writing site that makes money both for the site and the writers.
This forum should be for writers with questions and answers about hubs and other related threads. I don't know why they bury themselves trying to moderate all this other stuff.
Unless it's the only fun they have all day.
Out of all the ansewrs so far the one I like teh best is simply being able to completely ignore the religion forum if you do not want to see it.
Personally I do actually like to discuss religion, but most of the people who join this site solely for the purpose of talking about religion are not looking for a discussion, they are looking for people to affirm their views. When tehir views are not affirmed as in teh majority of threads they get upset.
I would be happy for this forum to be open to serious theological discussion. Unfortunately those threads are few and far between. I do like to see people from a religious mindset challenge Atheism. Unfortunately most of the threads which do this on here tend to just be blazing banners showing someones complete ignorance of scientific theory.
you can't change others, just change yourself. You have every option not to engage crazy people.
Yep I totally agree - a choice to switch off seeing religious threads on the front page of the forums would be great. Then if I did fancy delving in to a bit of debate I could just go directly to that forum. It's hard to ignore when it's completely in your face and 15 out of 20 threads on the front page are religion related.
Agreed, it is incredibly annoying that the main forum pages which used to show a rich diversity of topics is now clogged up with religious threads.
In the words of WryLilt and others,
I wonder just *why* HubPages admin is so silent on this - it surely wouldn't be a hard change to implement.
I make a policy of staying out of the "evolution is crap, intelligent design rooolz!" threads because the massive, wilful ignorance on show just sends my blood pressure into the stratosphere...
If there was just one thread for each topic that would cut down a lot. So many of the threads are questions and statements that are made at least once a week...
I think removing religion from your system would be more effective. You really can't change the outside when the inside is pretty much the same.
Don't blame people who post annoying religious forums if you're the one who can't resist them.
I personally find the people in religious forums engaging, atheists, theists, trolls, lurkers. It's a rich topic. People meet there and band together. Atheists become friends and theists become well, more religious. It is a microcosm of what's out there in the world.
Writers shouldn't just talk about writing, they should talk about all things that matter to man. That has a market. Writing is not about words, its about ideas. Religion and non-religions are very important to people because it defines the direction of their life choices.
Why would you remove everybody's right to talk about. Don't go in. Remove religion from the forum of your own mind, then it doesn't matter what happens outside.
I think you missed my point on the fact that there are a growing number of people in the religion forum who are not writers. Some of them have not even created a single hub. I have stated several times that I actually like to discus theology, but the people coming in here and writing in the religion forum merely come here to spout whatever is on their minds in the religious thread. hell at least in the politics forum it tends to be people who write for the site discussing political viewpoints (Or gang bashing Obama).
The people who are coming here to merely spout their views on religion, do not write hubs, and definitely do not listen when people do engage in debate bring nothing to the site. What they do do is scare off plenty of prospective writers who come here and only see a haven for religious spam in the forum.
One of the reasons I started this post was because one of the people I referred to the site quit pretty much straight away because the forum instantly struck him as a minefield, and he was looking for a community of writers, not (his words) nutjobs.
Removing the Religion and Beliefs Section would not work, because people who want to have a discussion or even a rant about the topics would simply do it in another forum. The section was original created, as I understand it, because people did exactly that - discussed religion in other forums. So, as annoying as the threads and the titles are (and they are!!), there has to be some other solution.
I am strongly in favor of some form of selecting the thread titles that we see in our own forum title feeds. Some good ideas have been suggested - maybe some sort of sign-up (check-boxes for the ones we want) or a form of suppressing the unwanted ones? Great ideas!
But for the trolls - they happen in many different topics, and we keep coming up with ideas to combat the problem. How about a 24-hour waiting period after signing up before being allowed to post in the forums? My personal favorite has been discussed in a different thread - allow newbies to open threads in the "HubPages Forums" section, but nowhere else.
I think selecting only the forums we want to see is a good idea too. Lately I've been contributing to the religion forums (glutton for punishment), but it really does give me ideas for writing hubs (and of course seeing what views are out there).
I skim read through all the threads I'm not interested in. some people find threads about sex, politics etc upsetting/annoying too
lets just all agree that Christians are right, and consider the whole religion topic closed
Oh bless you Greek one, now see my suggestion
I suggested there be a block that is removable for eveyone, they can choose to block it from the Forums and keep it in the left side place to choose to view it or not.
Then if you don't see it, you won't be tempted to add your 2 cents.
yeah, that does sound like a great idea.
We could do a worker's thing and demand them to do it........protest by stopping writing! I'm kidding
Now that I think of it, we could protest and stop writing and demand 70/30!!!
i'd go for that. although i doubt seriously we'd win though, but we can still try. lol.
In theory, it's more like 82/18...
If a hubber was referred, the referrer gets 10%. And if the person is browsing on a tracker, the owner of the tracker gets 9 or 12%.
Which means that HP is only guaranteed 18% of impressions, anyway.
So they're being very nice.
btw, I didn't get to give you a halloween treat, here:
Happy Halloween, aren't the pics pretty? See if you can find the differnces there are 3
Agreed. The lunatics have definitely taken over the asylum. As a resource for hubbers, there is very little reason to visit these forums anymore.
And you can't ignore them, because they are too numerous, and quickly wash away threads of any value, in terms of actual hubbing/writing.
Threads such as 'God' hates you: because you're gay, have a tattoo, have had an abortion, etc. etc. (but we hate the sin not the sinner), are not only offensive and drive people away, but serve little purpose on a writers site.
Keep the religion and beliefs section and the politics section--- but move them to the bottom of the list, right below the hangout and the sandpit.
This site is primarily about writing, marketing,and sharing experiences related to HubPaging, blogging and internet articles.
I wouldn't care one way or the other if the religion forums are here or not. But I do find it odd that the same person who asked for the removal of religion forums I have seen in those very forums, many, many, times.
maybe some people are gluttons for punishment.
No so much recently, as I said, I do like to discuss religion, and have actally enjoyed a couple of debates in there. However when I do visit those forums now looking for a discussion, the majority of what I find is spam from users who are low on hubs but with thousands of posts (Mostly in the religion thread). THere are plenty of forums out there, I kind of wish the Hubpages forum remained a community for the writers here.
Which goes back to the idea of limiting forum participation to real hubbers.
Which would become difficult and troublesome itself and could likely never be fairly applied.
Again, all I ask for is the ability to NOT SEE FORUMS AND PEOPLE of my choosing, so that when I clicked on Forums, none of those religious forums would even appear and if I go into some other thread that does interest me and certain annoying fools have posted there, I won't see their posts.
We had those abilities way back in the early Usenet groups. Why oh why can't we have it here???
For example, this is taken from the "trn" page at http://net.gurus.org/shell/trn.phtml - I used trn myself way back when:
If you find an article to be totally uninteresting, you can skip both the rest of that article and any other articles in the newsgroup that have the same boring title, by pressing k (for kill). You can arrange to have articles with known boring titles killed every time you enter a newsgroup."
In most newsgroups, a bunch of running discussions go on, and some of those discussions are much more interesting than others. You can arrange to permanently ignore the uninteresting ones by using a kill file. When you're reading along and encounter a hopelessly uninteresting article, press K (capital K, for KILL!) to kill all current articles with the same title and to put the title in the kill file for the current newsgroup. In the future, whenever you enter that newsgroup, rn or trn checks for any new articles with titles in the kill file and automatically kills them so that you never see any of them.
Using kill files can save a great deal of time and lets you concentrate on discussions that are actually interesting. You can edit kill files to remove entries for discussions that have died down or to add other kinds of article-killing commands. If you press Ctrl-K while you're reading a newsgroup, it starts the text editor (usually vi or emacs on UNIX machines) on the group's kill file. Kill files look like this:
THRU 4765
/boring topic/j
/was Sir Paul McCartney in another band before Wings?/j
The first line notes how many articles have been scanned for killable topics (to save time by not rescanning the entire group each time). Subsequent lines are topics you don't want to read. You remove a topic by deleting its line in the kill file. After you're finished, save the file and leave the editor, and you're back where you were, reading news.
Sometimes you may also find that certain people write articles you never want to read. You can arrange to kill all the articles they write! Press Ctrl-K to edit the newsgroup's kill file, and at the end add a line like this:
/Aaron Burr/h:j
Between the slashes, type the author's name as it appears in the From: line at the beginning of his articles. You don't have to type the entire contents of the From: line -- just enough of it to uniquely identify the person. At the end of the line, after the second slash, place the magic incantation h:j. Then save the kill file and exit the editor, and you're set. Sayonara, pal.
See how wonderful life was then?
You know, when they (that religious sect or sects you can't abide because they're so one-eyed) come to your door you can either not open the door at all; open it and take their pamplet, then throw it away without reading it. Welcome, listen and read - or call the cops! It's far less trouble not to open the door.
It is a false premise to make "writers" and "theists" two mutually exclusive things... In European history it was the "theists" who crafted and perpetuated writing, was it not?
There are many posts in the religious forum that I think are ignorant, bigoted, and hateful, but we and the hubpages staff can have them removed if they prove harmful. Then again....I see equally harmful postings in the political section...
I have not read all, but some of the responses, but i tend to agree with your OP.
i have always beleived that religion and politics are to heated for general forums.
For those who want to actively partake in these discussions, then they can just as easily be accessed from the side bar and behave as entirely independent forums.
It has caused many hubbers to boycott the forums entirely due to the number of religious and political issues being discussed and ending up on page 1 and 2 of the forum activity.
I add politics due to the age old opinion not to discuss religion and politics in public.
Hi Oli,
Perhaps you should be like me, I got so fed up with the absurdity and sheer level of arrogant ignorance of it all that I stopped responding to their evangelical claptrap, it was after all making a Happy Man very Old !
Why give them a platform ?
If all of us who attempt to use logic, reason and common sense were to make a pact here and now to simply ignore them surely they will get fed up and go away. After all if all they have is to spout their brand of ridiculous rhetoric to each other they’ll get pissed off just agreeing with one another.
Confucius he say, “ Better to keep moth closed and let the World think you are a fool !”
Sooner or later they will work that out for themselves, and if they don’t who cares, we won’t be listening.
I havnt the time or the inclination to read every post on this hub,I never get involved in discussions about Religion or Politics both cause arguments and lose friends...stay well clear if you are not interested in the discussion whatever it may be about.
Some of the other long-time hubbers can correct me if my memory is faulty, but didn't the religion forum get added in the first place because people were discussing religion topics in places like the Hubber's Hangout and hubbers wanted a way to confine them all in a more appropriate place?
In light of that, I don't think it's a good idea to get rid of it entirely, but some way to block threads from certain forums from being included in the Latest Activity page would definitely be nice. I'm not as averse to participating as some of the others here, but I would waste a lot less time if I couldn't see the threads without actively seeking them out.
I also like Unvited Writer's idea of combining similar and related threads. A lot of forums do that and though it would create more work for the moderators it would be nice to have fewer duplicate threads. Especially now that we have threaded forums, there's really no reason people should start duplicate and spin-off threads as often as they do.
Yes, the ability to ignore certain users would be (no pun intended) a God-send.
Just make anything that is NOT from the religion forum still show up after the newly listed posts.
If people want to talk about religion they can still go to the forum, it will leave much more space for other threads to get noticed on the main page as well. I've been in 2-3 religion threads out of the 100 in the past few days, as most are completely not worth it. And all turn into hate even if its not the authors original intent.
problem solved.
Google likes activity and HP survives on Google. Religion forums always provides lots of activity, whether this is deemed negative or positive. Personally, I would like to see a change of lable - 'The Love And Respect of All Religions And Creeds Forum'. That would sooooo much nicer!
Why Are You Stirring Up Things?
There's NOTHING WRONG with the forums...
Just Those That Don't Agree With Me!!!
I'm sure many also feel this way
IF the Religious Forums aren't to your liking, don't go there. WHATSAMATTA U got a broken computer?
Druid, the point is that the titles and the sheer numbers of topics started, make it impossible to avoid the titles which are many times designed to inflame and anger or convert.
It's giving many people a pulpit, because I have to come here and check out the topics to make sure that none of it is leaking on to my hubs - if put in the wrong category - which happens.
I think if people like me weren't forced to look at them, many of these posters would stop with the titles. They want the captive audience to preach to - and I think it's very wrong of HP to make me read them.
It's not just religion or politics forums, mostly is the sexually explicit topics that end up in the wrong place.
If it was put off to one side and isolated from my hubs - I'm perfectly okay with anyone saying anything to anybody. I just don't want to have to be an unwilling witness. But I think some of the people in those topics would not have as much fun, if that were the case.
I agree Nelle. I have a pregnancy hub (just a quick look through) that has a forum title at the side declaring 'I hate being knocked up' at the side. It looks bloody awful, more so when I've had an email or two due to that hub from women that have been desperate to become pregnant and have asked if I know of something that would help.
I can imagine many more women that would love to find they're pregnant would not appreciate such a thing in full view
and that's not that difficult if you simply click on the forum you want to check.
I do agree it would nice to opt out of seeing it if we choose. probably some wouldn't post as much if they knew they didn't have such a large audience.
I do think forum posting should be limited to those who have at least published one or two hubs.
but I just ignore what I'm not interested in..
The problem with going to the direct forums you want is that sometimes you want to see what is happening in a large number of forums. I like to browse through the front page which encapsulates a lot of activity, but even now the majority of those threads seem to be about religion. Infact there is not a single post up there (When I looked and before I started posting) that had anything even remotely to do with writing, online marketing, or some of the subjects which should in theory be the most popular.
All you need to do is look at the number of great writers who have been banned because of the religion forums and that should be enough direction to place religion in a different forum.
It has taken away many good ideas from the writers who have made a success out of hubpages,and helped hundreds of others succeed in their quest for success.
I may have to reinstall Firefox just for that!
But, Edweirdo.... would you have a way of coming up with an answer to the problem Nelle Hoxie mentioned? That is, that on our Hubs there are sometimes links to forum topics that don't sound very nice - or at least not what we would want our readers to see. What's the fix for that?
That's not something that can be addressed at the browser level - it would have to be handled by HubPages, themselves...
Thanks, though.
Are those titles in the sidebar generated by the category that the Hub is in? That is, if we changed the category of a Hub, could that eliminate some of the forum titles displayed?
Congratulations on making the Firefox Add-on. I believe it will be a huge hit! (Uh-oh, I said "I believe"!)
Honestly, I just never write in the Family category, Relgious or Political. Usually that keeps the worst offenders off of my hubs. If I do see a really explicit topic for example in the House and Home category, I just email HP and they act quickly to put the the topic back where it belongs. That hasn't happened in a while though.
Edweirdo you're brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
I have just installed the plug-in and it worked like a charm. And for me that's amazing, because I'm always screwing up installing my wordpress plugins.
THANK YOU for my sanity. I will never have to see another raunchy headline from the Gender and Relationships crowd, and I will never have to look at another upsetting headline religious or political group. I can simply forget they exist, thank you- thank you thank you thank you again.
BTW I'm not a freeloader - sent $5.00 worth every cent.
Thank you, and you're welcome
I knew the add-on would be easy to use (I used it myself for weeks before going public today!) and I'm really glad it helps!
And thank you very much for not freeloading - it's folks like you who make "free" software possible by picking up the slack
I requested this before in other thread and requesting again in this thread as well - Please move religion and politics category under sandpit section. Those who want to preach or flame can do so this way without worrying about their opinion being indexed by G or threads causing any issue to hubs-sidebar in any way.
Yeah that's one of the good things about using multiple accounts.
Got your Forum Filter for HubPages add-on, and I'm loving it. The difference is amazing.
Now, can you fix the no foreign sales problems?
Just kidding. Unless of course you can..
Thanks for the filter!
I think it is great that we have a plugin (will check it out when support for Firefox 4 becomes available) but it is not solving the problem. What that code does should be built into HubPages.com or the forums should be removed. Everyone agrees that the discussions about religion are raging rampant here and nothing is done about it.
I just installed it and it's working great. The subforums I removed are not shown! It's very nice.
No actually it is solving my problem very very well.
I am keenly interested in politics and religion, but not in having pointless conversations with people only intent on spreading their propaganda and misinformation.
Unfortunately just seeing many of the thread titles is enough to raise a person's blood-pressure, and actually giving in to the temptation and talking with stupid people is never a good idea.
I;m not for censorship. HP likes the heavy traffic the drama threads create, because of course it looks good to google, so they're not about to close the pol and rel forums completely. They'd need an army of learned moderators to effectively patrol them.
I do think they could sandpit them and let it be a free-for-all, and at the same time provide the option to hide them from the main forums page, but until HP chooses to take action on this issue -- if ever -- the Forum Filter will at least save me the trouble of looking at them.
Nobody has the time to deal with all the rampant stupidity.
You are missing my point: having to install a plugin for your browser to hide stuff you don't want to see is not a solution for this problem on HubPages. Does everyone have to install a plugin to stay happy here at HubPages? Also, we would need to develop plugins for all browsers, not just Firefox.
Thank you, Edweirdo!
Now I see all but one of the Forums, and it makes a huge difference.
You really are amazing.
You know it suddenly occurred to me that maybe the people posting in the rel forum under id's with little or no hubbing history are merely second accounts. Not created to be sockpuppets per se but simply to avoid having their writing ID's come under such scrutiny in the search engines.
I created secondary id's for money making purposes solely because of all the hatefests that were happening last spring when bunches of people were ganging up on individuals. I know I make christian enemies in the forums, and I didn't want them stalking my money-making hubs like I'd heard they were doing to certain people.
I wasn't smart enough back then to know forums posts show up in searches and all that, but I'm sure others are.
So after realizing that I thought that skyfire's suggestion of sandpitting the rel forums and maybe the political ones makes really good sense.
But I do guess that would hurt HP's overall traffic, and probably by a not insignificant percentage either.
It wouldn't hurt traffic for logged in users to be able to filter out junk we don't want to see, though.
I only posted the observation here because others here including the OP had bemoaned the fact that there are alot of posters with little or no hubbing history, just forum posts.
I'm fully with you. It would be considerate, respectful and helpful if HP would implement it. But I figure they won't since after all the more we get sucked in the more traffic registers, so perhaps it does help their traffic more than one might guess.
It's the only explanation as to why they won't. I still think they should of course, but if and when is anybody's guess.
Why do you dislike firefox? I ask to be pre-warned, I know you're far more knowledgeable about such things than I. I don't ask to argue. I haven't used it a great deal, but I have had it for quite some time now and haven't had any issues. I like certain of the add-ons.
I dislike Firefox because it has become a bloated pig that stalls and freezes. Yes, you get back all your pages when you restart, but I'm tired of their foolishness. Chrome has some warts, but it is lean and fast.
I've never experienced what you describe. I haven't used it daily but I'd say at least weekly and when I do use it it's always with several pages open, and with explorer running as well. I've often noted it's faster than explorer.
You're comparing it to chrome more than explorer it sounds like, which may explain the difference in perceptions as well. I've no experience with chrome.
I use it everyday, computer is on all day with at least 6-7 pages open. I don't have that problem. could it be your internet connection?
having this add- on is wonderful. I can't believe the difference already.
No. If I only had 6 or 7 tabs open I wouldnt have even started working yet
now I have 10 open, but I generally close them when not in use.
LOL I normally have about 50 tabs open in 5 instances of FF, and 10-15 tabs in one instance of IE. Oh, and a handful in Opera
you got me beat - I have 22 tabs up currently on 3 PC's
but, i only have two eyes
I raise you one eye sunforged. Bet you don't got the one in the back of your head that I got
Oh ... and in keeping with the OP - yep, filter the non-HP stuff, this is a writing site
If you don't like religious forums why do you read all the religious forum topics. If you feel bored with that , go to Emdi's hubs :-)
I support religious forums.
"In God We Trust”
I agree.
If you don't like the religion and beliefs section just don't click on it. It's interesting that some people have such strong views toward equality and freedom of speech/writing on other threads, but are quick to agree with closing the religious forum/section.
Gosh I read through this whole thread last night, edig, and I really don't recall anyone pushing for the closing down of any forums.
I guess you didn't read the 13th post on the first page then etc, along with the title of the actual thread from the OP. Or maybe we are mixing section/forum/category? I will just write the religious area then.
I wrote forum, because when I click on the word forums they all come up.
This is what you consider really pushing for the closing of the religion forums? A post offering 4 different possible solutions, only one of which is to close. And I think the OP speaks for itself.
Nobody here was as you said "quick to agree with closing the religious section."
Personally it's the hateful pettiness and purposeful misunderstandings of the political forums that annoy the heck out of me. Please let's you and I not go there.
Delete religion category, and Remove Religion and Beliefs Section as the title of this thread? Yes, I would consider that pushing for closing the religion forums. Additionally, that is only one comment off the first page of eight other pages with some that have a similar sentiment. I go to all the forums, and if I don't like one I just ignore it, or maybe comment on it.
So I stand by my original post:
It's interesting that some people have such strong views toward equality and freedom of speech/writing on other threads, but are quick to agree with closing the religious forum/section.
As you wish edig, as I said I'm tired of purposeful misunderstandings.
Of greater accuracy and relevancy are the figures you posted. A quarter a million posts! Counting search engine hits, check-backs, multiple page threads and lurkers, how many pageviews you reckon that is? And what do you think it's worth?
"Of greater accuracy and relevancy are the figures you posted."
I'm not sure what you mean by this?
I posted the title of the thread Remove the Religion and Beliefs Section?, and one post off the first page, because I didn't feel like going through the other eight pages again of what you said you already read. Do I really need to cut and paste every post with the same sentiment in relation to the Title of the thread to increase my "figures"?
If you read the OP, you'll see that Oli's beef is not with the religious forum in general, but with the folks that apparently start up accounts with HP apparently just to participate in the religious forums. I have to say that I agree with him. It's a writing site -- not a pulpit.
I wasn't specifically addressing my original post to the OP, but to caveat, the title of the Thread is Remove the Religion and Beliefs Section? Based off the title of the thread I think that's what it was about.
If I click on the word Forums, on the left side of my screen it has the following listed among other forums:
By Category
Forums Topics Posts
Religion & Beliefs
3,769 240,528
World religions, theology, metaphysics, and the paranormal
I too would be happy to have a function to stop me being able to see the religion threads.
I don't participate in politics and religion. When I have nothing to do and I am not cooking or hubbing, I can comment with one liner only. I learn to ignore those forums.
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by Renz Kristofer Cheng 12 years ago
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