What are some things you do for fun that cost you nothing?

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  1. ii3rittles profile image84
    ii3rittlesposted 11 years ago

    What are some things you do for fun that cost you nothing?

  2. profile image0
    lesliebyarsposted 11 years ago

    I have an above ground pool. It is not very big but it is free and I swim in it. Also, fishing is very fun and free or inexpensive.

  3. my_girl_sara profile image71
    my_girl_saraposted 11 years ago

    Go to a local park for a picnic and feed the ducks.

  4. SAM ELDER profile image60
    SAM ELDERposted 11 years ago

    Singing loudly and dancing in the shower...  XD

  5. TNT Husky profile image66
    TNT Huskyposted 11 years ago

    I like to walk long distances. It gives me time to think to myself.

  6. profile image0
    The Taco Taggerposted 11 years ago

    I like to sleep mostly. I don't know if it's considered fun per se but it's free!

  7. ExpectGreatThings profile image73
    ExpectGreatThingsposted 11 years ago

    I like browsing through HP questions (:  I seriously spend too much time on this site, but at least it's free!

    I also love the library and people watching at the mall.

  8. american13 profile image64
    american13posted 11 years ago

    Walking in the park, walking the malls, talk to friends

  9. Beltane73 profile image73
    Beltane73posted 11 years ago

    Read, mostly.  Swim, beadwork, long walks, photography, baking, more reading.  Hanging out with my kids or my husband or both.

  10. chucky1291 profile image59
    chucky1291posted 11 years ago

    i draw stuff for people, or i'll read a book. but ever since my husky had 8 puppies, i just play with the puppies smile

  11. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    i love going to the beach, walk on the sandy beach, collect seashells and feel the breeze.

  12. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 11 years ago

    There are loads of things you can do for free !  Go on picnics - play games - swim - read - find free museums or other places to visit - looking on the net is only free if you have free wifi !

  13. profile image0
    Daniella Lopezposted 11 years ago

    I go to the library weekly (because I'm a book worm) and my husband and I go hiking at our local park when we can. Both options are free and entertaining.

  14. Lor's Stories profile image60
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    Water flowers
    Watch stars come out
    Play in the snow
    Run barefoot on wet grass
    Catch fireflies
    Sing a song
    Walk in the woods
    Play with your niece
    Build sand castles
    Make snow novels
    Blow fuzzy dandelions
    Climb a tree
    Swing off a tree
    Swim in a lake
    Watch butterflies
    Recite a poem

  15. georgialgal1984 profile image89
    georgialgal1984posted 11 years ago

    * Sightseeing
    * Hiking
    * Star Gazing
    * Relaxing with a comfy robe and hot tea...
    * Walking at out local Riverwalk
    * Enjoying the sights and smells of our local Farmers Market
    * Playing board games
    * Chatting with family and friends.
    * Tickling (my family)

  16. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 11 years ago

    I  enjoy spending time in my garden, reading, and playing cards or games w/ my husband or best friend. I have always loved walking and hiking but can't get around as well as I used to because of worn joints.

  17. Dr. Haddox profile image60
    Dr. Haddoxposted 11 years ago

    Gathering and preparing foods from Nature is a favorite pass time of mine. Reading is fields of study that are unrelated to what I do also interest me. Very good movies and documentaries are also a lot of fun for me.
    Dr. Haddox

  18. profile image0
    Alise- Evonposted 11 years ago

    I can hike nearby trails and make it a different kind of adventure each time- looking for wildflowers one day, gathering herbs and wild foods on another, and photographing the sights on yet another.

  19. Sharkye11 profile image89
    Sharkye11posted 11 years ago

    I think learning new things is fun. I also like being creative. If I am bored and looking for something free to pass the time I will :

    *Play some music and dance with my daughter

    *Read a book

    *Try to learn something new

    *Draw, draw, draw



    *Try to find clever ways to use junk to make home improvements.

    *Sew something

    *Embroider my jeans

    *Look at photos online for inspiration

    *Read some jokes

    *Take pictures

    I have all the supplies for these activities at home, so they don't even cost me any gas money. If I go out for fun I will usually go to the library, or just over to a friend's house for awhile.

  20. liesl5858 profile image88
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    Taking photos, walking, reading, exercising at home, chatting to neighbours over the fence, swimming on the beach, and playing scrabble online in facebook.

  21. DommaLeigh profile image61
    DommaLeighposted 11 years ago

    Writing Hub pages, but lately not enough time to finish them.  Now if you have the time and want a free group thing, there is always going to the park or a picnic at a playground or hike through a natural trail.

  22. alphagirl profile image78
    alphagirlposted 11 years ago

    I jump onto Hub Pages and check out the latest. I will comment and maybe get inspired to write a Hub.

    1. profile image0
      lisasuniquevoiceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hub Pages is my favorite place on the net. I too get inspired to write hubs after checking out the questions.
      Happy hubbing,

  23. profile image48
    ellocin27posted 11 years ago

    What I do for fun that cost me nothing is spending my time with my grandparents and with my boyfriend. I spend my time with because you may never know when your time will end. Every moment spent with them are very precious to me, their smile, their voice, and the way call me. Happiness is meaningful word and no money can buy it from us. smile

    1. my_girl_sara profile image71
      my_girl_saraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      People ARE special and we need to let them know every chance we get!

  24. PatriciaBessey profile image60
    PatriciaBesseyposted 11 years ago

    My children and I attend a lot of the activities and events offered at our local library. They've been able to see animal shows, meet a shriner clown and watch him put on his clown makeup, meet pirates and  even challenge them to a duel. All of this was free and just in one summer. The quality of many local libraries and the efforts of their employees are often unnoticed and underappreciated. We live in a small town of only about 3,000 people so I can only imagine what is available in larger towns and cities.

  25. Elderberry Arts profile image92
    Elderberry Artsposted 11 years ago

    Countryside and woodland walks
    Local parks, playgrounds and other open spaces.
    Visit beaches
    Museums with free entry


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