What is the most painful pain that you have ever felt, either emotional or physi

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  1. rosika profile image76
    rosikaposted 13 years ago

    What is the most painful pain that you have ever felt, either emotional or physical?

    Tooth pain has been the most painful pain I have ever felt in my life, do you something else that you felt?

  2. marwan asmar profile image68
    marwan asmarposted 13 years ago

    Yes tooth ache is pretty hard to endure but the body is subjected to all kind of real physical pain that is hard and raw. Back pain lower at the base has reduced may helpless screaming if I so much moved. At one time, my bladder stopped releasing and I badly wanted to pee. It was excruciating. When I was young red hot tea was accidently poured on my righ thigh. That sent terrible shudders of screaming pain.

  3. glenn wallace profile image69
    glenn wallaceposted 13 years ago

    For me, I'd have to say when I first dislocated a kneecap. Not pleasant at all. After hours in a hospital, a doctor surrounded by medical interns came in to see me. The doc said, "well here we have a pretty standard (insert medical jargon, meaning 'dislocated kneecap' here). He then grabbed my leg and gave it a violent yank, apparently hoping to show his students how to pop a kneecap back... it didn't work, and I howled in agony.
    Doc finally got everything back in place by yank three or four, but by then people were poking their heads in from the hall to see who was making such loud shrieking noises.
    The painkillers they gave me for the ride home made the rest of the day much more pleasant though.

  4. shamani67 profile image60
    shamani67posted 13 years ago

    My worst pain was when I had my second child by c-section. The spinal block they used did not take affect, and even when I kept telling the staff I was in pain, they went ahead with the surgery (I am wide awake).
    I felt the catheter being inserted, I felt them cutting into my abdomen (I was screaming at them).
    I felt them pulling my child out of my body (I was in absolute agony).
    They later admitted that they dismissed me as a difficult patient at the time, and could not apologise enough.
    At the time they were singing out for someone to bring them the drug that is supposed to make the patient forget.
    Not likely.
    I also have this all on video tape.
    I would not want to put my worst enemy through the pain I endured in this procedure.
    Other than that, I agree that when you have abcesses under many of your teeth at one time and cannot eat, talk, sleep or do anything, would come a close second.
    I have also broken my ankle, again, in lots of pain.
    I would not like to rule on what is the most painful, as it is different for all people.

  5. clintonb profile image60
    clintonbposted 13 years ago

    When I fought with a friend..and didnt speak for a year..that year was a BIG emotional pain..

  6. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    Physical -- drug-free labor and delivery with a kid that had a 20" crown

    Emotional -- finding out my 3 1/2 year old nephew was shaken to death

  7. Shawn Scarborough profile image70
    Shawn Scarboroughposted 13 years ago

    I was in a serious car accident a few years ago.  I had a fractured vertebrae and a brain stem contusion.  I had several stitches on the back of my head and numerous bumps and bruises.   Because of the brain stem injury, the doctors would not give me any pain medication.  I was in agony for about ten days with the worst headache I have ever had along with excruciating back pain.

  8. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    Yes, a thooth ache is painful.............

    An earache is also..........we all know not to put home remedies in our ears!

    The most painful?

    At 17, the Grandmother, who reared me.............simply sat down in her recliner and died...............

    At  20, I laid my own newborn ( 2 months old) to rest

    At 30ish .............I fought the " drug war" for my first born child...............years, later, we still can not declare a " winner"........

    At 35..........just bring the baby in the house and love him or her..............NO intimate questions asked..........JUST love the baby

    At 40...............saying goodbye.,,,,,,,,,,again

    At 50...............you know what.........this is who I am, this is where I am, and this is what I have to offer..................

    I am me,............if you have a problem, then, simply go in  peace

    THE singlest Most painful?........................NO, it is not for  you or this forum.

    I have already, shared all that I can,.

  9. aliciajfarinoli profile image60
    aliciajfarinoliposted 13 years ago

    Honestly, we each think that we have felt the worst pain. We hold it in and brew upon it. But if we look beyond ourselves, we see a whole world in pain. Emotionally and Physically. So my worst pain is nothing in comparison. But I also understand the curiousness that this question is asked in.
    For me, my worst physical pain was when I was 10 years old. I had a very long procedure done and was on the operation table without enough padding for too long. I bruised my tail bone. I could not lay on my back without being in pain. I could not sit up without pain. And for a ten year old, it was horrible.
    My worst emotional pain what when my daughter was bit by a dog. It happened three days before her 1st birthday and I had left her with my mom so my sister and I could have a girls day. We were in the middle of our pedicures when I got the call. The poor thing was bit at least twice on the face. We had to transfer her to another hospital so plastic surgeons could work on her face. (Granted she just needed stitches) 
    A few days later the big gash on her cheek got infected and they had to open it up again. Her father and I had to wash the wound out each day and pack it so it would heal right. Having to hold her while she struggled against us because of the pain we cause her to help her was heartbreaking. That had to be the worst.
    I know to some this would seem awful, while to others, this seems like a walk in the park compared to what they have experienced. I know there is a bigger picture out there. And I still have a lot of life left ahead of me.

  10. SamboRambo profile image81
    SamboRamboposted 13 years ago

    Physical: Kidney stone.
    Emotional: My favorite girl left me.

  11. profile image0
    lostwithinmyselfposted 13 years ago

    Physically pain was having a c-section and being allergic to the stitches and mental bits each end of the stitches it was the worst pain i have ever experienced.

    Emotional pain is losing someone who i love dearly, My heart literally aches so badly it feels like its going to explode. x

  12. Michael Graves profile image59
    Michael Gravesposted 13 years ago

    Physical pain is hard to gauge, but I would have to say the sledding accident I had in my teens, breaking my leg badly and bruising the rest of me head to toe, was probably the worst I have ever had to endure.

    Emotionally... Well, that's not something I can really share in detail, but in the broadbrush, it was a deep betrayal, on multiple levels, by a person I loved and trusted very very much.


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