What advice and insights can you provide on cancer? (Weekly Topic Inspiration)

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  1. Simone Smith profile image84
    Simone Smithposted 11 years ago

    What advice and insights can you provide on cancer? (Weekly Topic Inspiration)

    Cancer is a scary, emotionally-charged issue, but it is something well worth discussing. What advice and insights can you share on various forms of cancer? Leverage your personal experience and practical know-how in this latest Weekly Topic Inspiration theme.

    Create your WTI Hub as an Answer to this Question. For title ideas and community support, stop by the official forum thread: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/108921


  2. Briana Faye profile image60
    Briana Fayeposted 11 years ago

    My experience with a cancer scare in my twenties, and what I've learned. read more

  3. Abbyfitz profile image71
    Abbyfitzposted 11 years ago

    Bone cancer has few symptoms. When my sister received her diagnosis, I learned a lot about the symptoms, treatments, and how to help a loved one cope with this condition. read more

  4. sharkfacts profile image92
    sharkfactsposted 11 years ago

    Do not believe the hype. Shark cartilage does not cure cancer, nor does it even help it. Millions of sharks are being slaughtered needlessly, and all for a product that does not work, and here is why. read more

  5. Tony Kickass profile image58
    Tony Kickassposted 11 years ago

    My advice would be to deal with it as best you can. My late mother contracted lung cancer from 49 years of heavy smoking and she would make light of the subject and wouldnt let it get her down. She had that British "stiff upper lip" and wouldnt let anything worry her, not even the thought of dying. She suffered a stroke and laughed it off. She collapsed in our garden and just shrugged it off. On her last days with us, she would just smile and tell me not to worry. She died on June 14th 2010 and taught me the valuable lesson that death aint the worst thing that can strike and not to worry about things that you cannot change. rip mum, god bless (-_-)xxxxx

    1. Tony Kickass profile image58
      Tony Kickassposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      btw, i am also a very heavy smoker (70 a day) and i don't worry about cancer at all (she taught me well).

    2. tirelesstraveler profile image61
      tirelesstravelerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your mother had a good philosophy.

  6. Missy Mac profile image69
    Missy Macposted 11 years ago

    My mom suffered from pancreatic cancer and had several organs removed.  Currently, the cancer has not returned.  Dealing with pancreatic was scary, but family and friends played an important role.  Family members continued to keep the normal activities  consistently and faith was crucial.

    1. greencha profile image62
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Missy Mac my good thoughts are with you and your family and of course your mom,I am glad your mom keeping well now...

  7. MissJamieD profile image56
    MissJamieDposted 11 years ago

    When going through chemotherapy (or stomach problems in general), candied ginger is amazing and can, at the very least, dull the nausea if not get rid of it completely.

    1. Pool Of Thoughts profile image60
      Pool Of Thoughtsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Candied or even raw ginger will work for motion sickness also... Herbs are great!

  8. greencha profile image62
    greenchaposted 11 years ago

    Hi Simone, Well I had cancer in 1992. As everybody is  unique and there being so many different  added factors as well.
       One answer doesn't and never will suit all. However in a general way I would firstly,get a supportive and quality interactive councillor. That I think is the base line to start from alongside,the following -Getting an Indexed folder, and on the front put 'whoevers' name on it. headed with a title 'My Recovery Programme'.     Then put time aside every day ,to do research-,ask questions-,get as much different advice from as many experts , and professionals world wide as possible on latest research etc. (This is one of the BIG pluses of the internet now for the public,its empowering ). Being careful not to swamp oneself overly with too much information,read thro your findings-digest-discuss with friends family, and your health carers.
      Come to a resume' of your factual findings,your feelings/thoughts-then also share those. Then after checking out the most suitable available,up to date ,experienced specialist you can possibly avail oneself to.
      Get an appointment, then discuss with him /her.what's the best approach/treatment he/she feels would be to get shut of this disease.
      Share with your specialist you fears,prognosis,risks of treatment offered.
    Then if still unsure get a second opinion.--  Having gone thro all this process,and you feel you want to have complimentary medicine support alongside
    or instead of, -Then go thro a research process finding out the best experienced /qualified complimentary therapist, which one feels suits them.
       I decided to go through with the allopathic approach alongside support from complimentary therapists as well as being careful with diet etc etc.Above all allways try to keep positive,remember by being at the steering wheel of your own health,its very empowering and gives direction and strength feeding through to the subconscious and physical realm of your healing process.. Good luck folks..
       As I am writing this,I think I will create a hub on this topic,,, Regards lol greencha..

    1. Missy Mac profile image69
      Missy Macposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks greencha, you are correct; staying positive and research are invaluable tools.  These allow one to have some control over the situation.

  9. travel_man1971 profile image64
    travel_man1971posted 11 years ago

    How to avoid Lung Cancer seems a myth for everyone, including me. We may be affected by it even we're not smoking. How to quit the habit? We have to educate  ourselves on how to evade it. A choice. read more

  10. profile image0
    cartondamageposted 11 years ago

    18 months ago, during a routine physical exam, my internist thought he felt a lump in my left breast.  I remember laughing with him.  It had been a quick, “did I feel something there?”  It didn’t seem serious, and I told him that if he had kept his hands to himself I wouldn’t have to bother with the mammogram he was arranging.  That was the beginning.  Since that day I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about surgeons, radiologists, and oncologists.  Waiting rooms, hospitals, and labs are as familiar to me now as my own living room.
    I hate to think what would have happened if I’d missed that appointment.  I do regular monthly self exams.  I never felt that lump.  Even after knowing where it was, I couldn’t find it.  It took a professional exam followed by mammography and ultrasound to save my life. Are you doing everything you can to save yours?
    The key to survival with breast cancer, as with all cancers, is early detection. 
    Some of us will find a lump through self-exam.  Others will be diagnosed following routine mammography.  Some during a professional physical exam.  It doesn’t matter how.  It does matter when.  I was lucky to be diagnosed while the cancer was in its earliest stage.
    We need to be aware that a lump is not the only red flag signaling a potential problem.  Any discharge from a nipple, or dimpling of the breast, needs to be evaluated.
    80% of lumps are benign.  That’s excellent news, and reason not to panic.  That’s not reason to ignore them.  We all need to be actively involved in our own health.  While no diagnostic measure is foolproof, we’d be very foolish not to make use of the tools available for early detection.
    Use those tools to build your future.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and demand answers.
    Most of us here today have been touched by breast cancer in some way.  A family member, a friend, a neighbor’s mother or sister.  I know the statistics.  I never thought I’d be one.
    In many ways, my experiences are universal.  In many ways, they are unique. There are as many different stories as there are breast cancer patients.  Just as each tumor has it’s own characteristics, each woman being diagnosed will have her own saga of treatment. 
    The importance isn’t in common treatment.  The importance lies in obtaining the best and most accurate information pertaining to your individual case, and getting the treatment that’s appropriate for you.
    It's okay to be scared.  It's okay to ask for help.  HELP!

    1. greencha profile image62
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting/important wht you say here.In tUK Unison(Trade Union),had a big campaign on for women-breast cancer-causes etc,to get a pesticideLindane banned. As high residues have been found in our watercoursesesp in EEng,link tobreastcancer prvd

  11. spartucusjones profile image77
    spartucusjonesposted 11 years ago

    Cancer is a disease that has impacted most of us. Since making and listening to music is one way people deal with hardship, it's no surprise that a number of songs have been written about cancer. read more

  12. tirelesstraveler profile image61
    tirelesstravelerposted 11 years ago

    I already have a bunch of hubs on surviving cancer. Having survived cancer, for the 2nd or 3rd, time with great vigor guess it's time to think up a new hub.  Don't know how many times since the first event was when I was five and the hospital where the surgery was done lost the pathology reports.  I tried looking for them when I was 28 and they were gone. Senseless to look 50 years later.

  13. livewirez profile image71
    livewirezposted 11 years ago

    As far as I know for Breast cancer, there is already a vaccine.. Women can know avail this vaccine just consult their Doctor about this.

  14. WriteAngled profile image83
    WriteAngledposted 11 years ago

    Facts about cancer drug trials. What happens when new cancer treatments are tested. Are clinical trials risky.  Should cancer patients consider clinical trials.  How to find a cancer clinical trial. read more

  15. platinumOwl4 profile image72
    platinumOwl4posted 11 years ago

    I think people should stop giving money for cancer research until they the researchers tell the truth. That they have had a cure and are fully aware of what is in the food that is causing millions of people to die needlessly each and every year. Many people jump on the band wagon of cancer research. If it were not for cancer those people would be out of a job. So, I am saying it is not cost effective to produce a cure with a constant water fall of money coming in without any accountability.

  16. Denise Handlon profile image84
    Denise Handlonposted 11 years ago

    Did you know that esophageal cancer affects more males over the age of 50, than females?  Here are some of the common precursors of this disease, as well as suggested treatment. read more

  17. SaraGardner profile image69
    SaraGardnerposted 11 years ago

    Thirteen years ago stage 3 ovarian cancer was discovered, I had 7 tumours in 3 different locations and a fairly bleak outlook, although all the tumours were removed, along with a lot of my insides.

    The whole cancer thing was new to me and so I just followed the doctors advice and went into chemotherapy. It was reading a support magazine one day which seemed to be filled with obituaries that I finally and suddenly realised just how sick I was.

    Although I plunged into darkness for a while I'm not one to sit in the corner and wait to die. I figured that if on average I had 1-2 years before I died then I had better make sure that I lived my dreams for those short years.

    I had previously dreamt of taking very early retirement and going to live in my grandparents old home in Finland, the Finnish dream of the wooden house by a lake in the forest.

    Now seeing that I probably wouldn't ever reach early retirement I decided that I would go and live my dream right there and then.

    It wasn't easy, there were court battles as my ex tried to stop me taking our daughter but I knew it was the right thing for me, nothing had ever been clearer to me in my life.

    My life completely focused on getting to Finland and finally after 3 years my ex conceded and we moved.

    I set about restoring the house which had lain empty for about 14 years and I established a healing practice, Mairela Retreat.

    I've known other folk with the same bleak outlook, including my partner who died just 18 months ago and I notice one difference in our outlooks. When I recognised that I had but a short time on this mortal coil I completely immersed myself in what I wanted to do.

    Others that I have known have spent their short time "battling" cancer and trying to beat it, they spend all their time focusing on cancer and fear....and all of them have died.

    My advice to anyone in this position is to follow your heart and your dreams, you have been given a beautiful gift because the lack of "tomorrow" makes it much easier to see what is really important to you. Find the thing which you always wanted to do and then go and do it.

    I've been so busy enjoying myself and living my dream that I simply forgot to die.

    1. greencha profile image62
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent comment,-what a story- best wishes..

    2. artist101 profile image66
      artist101posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      wow, what awesome advice, and so true. I suffered with seizures of unknown origin. My son was just starting Kindergarten, he is what kept me going. That child like innocent trust in knowing things will be alright, I had to pull through for him.

  18. kansasyarn profile image86
    kansasyarnposted 11 years ago

    Probably the best advice I would give to any patient or family experiencing cancer would be to make the most of each physician visit.  It is so important to understand the goals of treatment as well as what the treatment is.  Questions to ask the physician include:

    1.  What are the goals of my treatment?
    2.  Do you expect my cancer to go into remission?
    3.  If my cancer will not go into remission, how much medical therapy will I need to be comfortable?
    4.  How will you manage my pain?
    5.  What are my options for care?  Hospital?  Home?  Nursing home?
    6.  How many treatments will I need each week?
    7.  What resources are available to help me and my family?

    All too often the patient and family are left with questions unanswered when leaving the physician's office.  As consumers of healthcare, we buy and pay for the services of the physician and should be totally satisfied after the visit.


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