What is good for an upset stomach?

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  1. rlaha profile image60
    rlahaposted 10 years ago

    What is good for an upset stomach?

    I have heard that tea, toast, yogurt and bananas are good for an upset stomach. Do you have any other natural remedies that might help?

  2. Celebrates profile image65
    Celebratesposted 10 years ago

    I have heard that ginger tea is good for an upset stomach and although It's not a natural remedy I get good results by just drinking some 7 up. I am interested in what other people's answers will be, because this is a good question.

    1. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I have also heard about ginger tea. I did not realize 7 Up was a remedy though. I just read that  ginger ale is supposed to be good too.

  3. Billie Kelpin profile image90
    Billie Kelpinposted 10 years ago

    I agree with Celebrates about the 7-up and I have heard about ginger tea.  I drink diet coke, actually, to settle my stomach, but I wouldn't suggest it for someone who doesn't drink it on a daily basis.  I always have starlight peppermints in the house.  Peppermint is a great stomach soother.  However, if you chew peppermint gum, be sure it doesn't have artificial sweetners because that will make things worse.  Once last week, we had nothing in the house and I gave my husband a glass of water with baking soda in it. He had an upset stomach and acid reflux.  I also feel that the food or drink you gravitate to during the day is the food or drink that naturally eases your stomach.  That's why we gravitate to it.  I noticed this after many years.  If I ate a big meal, I always felt better after a Coke (in my case diet Coke).  I finally figured out it actually took away the "too full" feeling.  Of course, this is why diet Coke doesn't work for my diet - that and the metabolic problem with aspertame.

    1. Celebrates profile image65
      Celebratesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I forgot a small amount of baking soda is really good for my stomach when I have indigestion. I have also heard about peppermint being good too.

    2. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I too have heard that peppermint is good for digestion. Is it good for acid reflux too?

  4. peachpurple profile image81
    peachpurpleposted 10 years ago

    yes, definitely tea and porridge to sooth the irritating tummy

    1. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What do you make porridge with?

  5. Sparklea profile image60
    Sparkleaposted 10 years ago

    When I have an upset stomach I throw up multiple times.  That in itself gives me SOME relief...However an upset stomach flattens me for at least 24 hours...I have to lie down as I am so weak.  In my opinion there is nothing worse than nausea.  Of course, I start to get dehydrated, and the only thing I crave or can tolerate is grape juice and either 7 up or ginger ale.  Keeping hydrated, resting in bed and riding it out has worked for me.  Within 24 hours I am usually back on my feet.  We refer to it here as the 24 hour virus because the nausea usually leaves within a day.  I may feel a little weak the next day, but within 2 days I am back to normal.  Thanks for a great question.  Sparklea smile

    1. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I usually have diarrhea more than vomiting when I have an upset stomach unless I am sick or have food poisoning. Do you drink red or white grape juice?

    2. Sparklea profile image60
      Sparkleaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      riaha I drink the purple/red grape.  And sometimes I do have diarrhea with the vomiting.  Nightmare, isn't it?

    3. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh okay thanks! Yes it is! I have to be near the restroom for fear of not being able to hold it in!!

  6. profile image0
    genuineaid lmposted 10 years ago

    I'd say Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is my favorite choice. Just two table spoons per one glass of water, mix it, chug it, and enjoy feeling better again smile

    1. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks smile

  7. cat on a soapbox profile image94
    cat on a soapboxposted 10 years ago

    For an upset stomach, I usually go for sipping ginger tea. Peppermint is good too if it there is no acid reflux. If vomiting is involved, I don't eat or drink anything until it subsides, then I only consume clear liquids: tea, water, flat soda, jello, popsicles, apple juice, or broth for 12-24 hours. If there is no more vomiting in that time, I'll eat banana, apple sauce, rice, dry toast, and soda crackers before adding plain chicken, yogurt, and cottage cheese. If dehydration is involved while vomiting, I'll suck on ice chips only.

    1. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks cat on a soapbox. Those are great remedies!

  8. profile image46
    mackie88posted 10 years ago

    As for me, I really like some creamy soup recipes from http://foodjj.com website. I've cooked some of them, and they are very good for your stomack and digestion in general.  It is a real delight as well

    1. rlaha profile image60
      rlahaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm lactose intolerant so I would have to make them with lactose free milk. However, soup does sound good. Thanks for the input!


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