by cookingdiva 13 years ago
Hi,My name is cookingdiva and I am hubpage and hubpage addict. I have spent last 2 weeks about 15 hours day (yes I know, there are only 24 hours in a day) here. I am reading, questions/answers, sometimes participating and commenting but mostly silently trying to learn from great and some...
by Tina 15 years ago
You know you are addicted to hubpages when.....
by Allie Mendoza 14 years ago
Many hubbers admit to being addicted to the forums and I've been afraid that it would happen to me. I'm sure it's difficult to overcome this addiction. I know it's a lot of fun to participate, but I still want to be very productive and write as much as I can. I think I maybe at high risk for...
by Mary Hyatt 12 years ago
Do you routinely check the Forums on HubPages?I think it's a good idea to check the Forums, especially the announcements from HP staff. That way you have no surprises as to any new features.
by Tanya Jones 10 years ago
When you log into HP for the first time in a day, what do you look for first? Stats, comments, other posts, what?I look at the comments next to my userpic so that if I am able I can reply to that first. Then I look at the most recent notifications. After that I switch over to HP email.
by Rochelle Frank 7 years ago
When you check into HubPages, what do you look at first? Feed? Earnings? Forums? Other stuff?