When did u first start writing and were there any incidents in your life that ma

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  1. jay2jay profile image61
    jay2jayposted 14 years ago

    When did u first start writing and were there any incidents in your life that made u want to write?

  2. BobbiRant profile image59
    BobbiRantposted 14 years ago

    I first started writing, working on two books, a couple years ago.  I worked nursing homes and was fed up with how people there were treated.  so I guess that is an incident that made me want to write.

  3. uniknurse profile image71
    uniknurseposted 14 years ago

    well,I started writting so many years ago when i graduated from high.Infact an international exam I wrote then which also comprises of writting logical articles for just few minutes boost my morale for writting and made me see how it was very possible for me to improve.

  4. profile image55
    tlmntim9posted 14 years ago

    As a child I was an avid reader and was inspired to write by my heros, the great authors that I read. I wrote my first short story about the age of 10 or 12. At that time I had no pain nor experience from which to pull. That was then! Been writing ever since. It is something I cannot, not do. It is just in me, or a part of me or perhaos...is Me!
    Tim W

  5. Just Ask Susan profile image91
    Just Ask Susanposted 14 years ago

    I started writing in High School. I was taking a course all about Edgar Allan Poe and for the final paper we had to write a story in the same writing style as Poe. Wish I still had the story as I did quite well on it. The teachers remarks were probably what kept my interest going.

  6. home witch profile image69
    home witchposted 14 years ago

    I've always written. It's just a way of expressing myself and my way of seeing the world. I think my first stories were when I was about 8 or 9 and it's continued every since. I write most when I'm feeling low - it is a way of getting a handle on the way I'm feeling, but I write all the time, so that's not really saying much.

  7. Elefanza profile image70
    Elefanzaposted 14 years ago

    I've seen writing as far back as second grade. I remember in third grade I began working on a story and convinced a friend to help me out. Along the way, I've had people tell me they liked some of my stuff. Mostly, I enjoy seeing the reactions of others when they read something good that I wrote. I think why I like writing is because I think and daydream so much that I feel happiest when I can slip into the deep writing mode.

  8. sugz profile image65
    sugzposted 14 years ago

    occasionally something inspires certain phrases or words into poems or songs for me, but my novels, they just write themselves, no idea how or why, htey just do. when i started writing.. i guess when i got my first assignment at school. i wrote about florence nightinggale, then the orca whale, then the titanic.. then i wrote a few kids comics based on woody woodpecker, that got lost over the years.. then never wrote another thing for bout 15years.. then suddenly heaps of songs n poems an then 12mths after a certain poem.. a novel which turned into a series of 7.. no idea how, it just happened.

    nothing makes me write.. writing just is.

    what bout you? what makes you want to write?

  9. jay2jay profile image61
    jay2jayposted 14 years ago

    To sugz, writing just comes naturally for me. I look at people and things and then suddenly I just feel the urge to get a pen and paper and the words just miraculously flow. It's amazing! My thoughts, feelings and moods push me to write about them. I write because there's a message in each feeling that I know can reach out to others. The zeal is buried inside of me, so whenever it is ready, I cannot control myself. All I can do is just get the materials together and start to write. Just like you have no idea, I do too. Everything just happen and I love when it does!

  10. Veianet profile image59
    Veianetposted 14 years ago

    writing is a way of expressing and high school classes with lessons in poet make it encouraging to write poems.

  11. Neverletitgo profile image63
    Neverletitgoposted 14 years ago

    I used to write very rarely before hub pages. When did I start? I stated after my graduation of the college.

  12. xxojokermanoxx profile image65
    xxojokermanoxxposted 14 years ago

    My best friend was murdered, I had been writing since elementary school, the catalyst that made me decide to be a poet was a horrible loss, and through poetry I tried to figure out what had gone so terribly wrong, writing doesn't help me make sense, but it helps me cope

  13. Loveslove profile image60
    Lovesloveposted 14 years ago

    When at school I always had good marks for English,although over the years I have become a bit rusty....I have always enjoyed  talking about experiences but never really written anything down..until earlier this  year when I had the privilage of being taken to somewhere very special ,I enjoyed it so much that I just had to share the experience with others, I was a memeber of HUBS but hadnt written a HUB myself so decided it was a good place to put down how I felt about  'That special day'  so  the memories of  it became my very first HUB  entitled .....MY SECRET PLACE

  14. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 14 years ago

    Writing for me consists of so much more than just my personal experience.  It involves, what I see, my experience and others experiences whether I see it or hear about it

  15. yareli34 profile image58
    yareli34posted 14 years ago

    i started writing when my dad passed away because that inspired me to write


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