I have had many people encourage me to write a book. I've had quite a few experiences in life (good and bad) that I've come through, learning much in the process. One of the BIG trauma's of my life was raising an extremely rebellious oppositional defiant son. He has grown to be a wonderful man today - a true miracle.
So many have asked me to write a book about the experience and the lesson's, coping skills etc. I've learned through it.
I wouldn't know where to begin. What's your take?
Does your son want you to write this book? I am not asking for you to tell me the answer to that. I am saying that if he thinks it is a great idea the task of writing it will be easier and therefore more enjoyable for you. Just a thought.
and a very good thought at that. Yes, he has known for years about people encouraging me to write his story. He grins when it is mentioned. I would certainly have a heart to heart with him before I actually start the project. Thanks for your input!
Write it. Get a blank piece of paper, or new wordpad doc..and just start..write words thoughts whatever comes out..you can always go back and edit. It can all be rearranged later on. Think about one particulaly memorable event, write that down and go from there!! Good luck!
I am in the same situation.. I want to write books(i have several ideas) I just don't know where to start.. I began by making chapter ideas and just began writing down ellaborations on each chapter.. I am hoping it will come together when I learn more ABOUT writing a book.. I too have a defiant son..bipolar and ODD and would love to talk more with you on coping and all those goes with it.. I have three other kids..One of my kids passed away as an infant..so there is plenty to write about..Just need to meet the right teachers..
I HAVE written a book. It is a vampire novel based roughly on my experiences as a 20 something lad. It is called Disco Evil: Dead Man's stand by Rod Marsden. Not too many miracles in my life but I get by.
The difference between a writer and a non-writer is the writing. Take on that empty sheet of paper or blank screen and see what you can come up with. It is the only way you'll know if you are a writer. Every novel begins with word one just as every journey begins with the first step.
The compliment about your son was so nice. I felt your relief. That is what writing is all about creating feelings. You go for writing your book.
i'm still working on my memoirs. i have written six or seven chapters but as i start to write about more painful things, i freeze up and stop writing. it is a long process because of that, and it dusts off feelings long since buried.
i want to get it done though.
i just cleared my calendar and mind one day and started typing away and that's what i recommend you do - just let the thoughts out and they will start pouring out faster than you can type them.
when i finish this newest hub challenge i'm going to get crackin'
good luck.
Cosette, I am so glad you are writing out your experience (though it freezes you at times.) It must be pretty horrific. Do you have anyone that could walk through this with you? I would highly recommend you have a confidant, a trusted comrade to help you talk through the pain. It's hard to 'go back' to some tragedies in our lives. Take Care dear one - and please keep me posted!
It's funny how we often think our experiences wouldn't mean anything to anybody else, but you just never know that one life that might be positively affected by sharing them.
My first book releases this month and my next one releases in May 2010 and I feel that both of them might help people going through what I went through.
I think this is a great idea. The first step is to write down or outline (starting from your son's youngest point in life) each difficult experience and how you handled it. Then on each of those outlining points fill in further about your own personal demons dealing with the issues (struggles, outside interference) and then how dealing and solving that issue impacted both of you down the road. Then piece the sections together with fillers ... and there you go!
You will need a lot of time and patience and thick skin.
I have thick skin but i don't have the time or patience.
I, too, have been told i should write books but i get faster results having poetry and short stories and news features published.
Things I have considered are: working with others/contributing to the books of others, compiling poetry and short stories into "books" OR saving up money to get one of those software programs that writes for you while you speak.
Mind you, another reality to this is that if you personally don't know how to go about getting a real book published you may spend all that time writing a novel that no one will ever see.
I have contributed to the books of two other authors and enjoyed that very much because i didn't have to chase down a publisher and deal with the bullshit . . . even if my name doesn't appear on the cover. For example, women writers I know have had me contribute some male point of view sections and another person I know had me contribute a love scene. it takes less time and you are still writing IN a book if not the entire thing.
Have you considered recording to tape, then having someone type the dictation for you?
Sounds like you are an experienced writer and contributor. Thank you for your thoughts...
For me it's the idea of sitting down and writing the book, so in this case just write, and see where it goes.
Well, if your going to write a truly effective book you'll need to remove yourself from the emotions and become the reader as you write. Many people write with too much personal emotion involved and it tends to drag the book down. Of your able to become the reader as you write , then you will be able to write a truly effective book
I read last night that only 3 manuscripts out of 10,000 are accepted by publishers. To me the best route is to expose your work to as many people as possible on the internet. I think writers forums and my web page will help at www.newauthorsandartists.com . Keep up the good work
I say do it as well. Just start writing. It doesn't matter if your starting place now ends up being the middle or even the end; what matters most is that you start.
I have written a manual for a museum, I have partly written a guide to historical hatmaking, and if I can ever catch up on my other work, I will write my book of crochet patterns if I ever get organized.
I just need to get more disiplined with my writing time - so learn from me, do it daily and set aside time to do it.
But just do it!
A diary. Good place to start. Document your daily encounters, your feelings.
A client of mine did that, we published her book, and she has become a speaker on the subject, gaining positive feedback everywhere. TV, radio, engagements.
Your expererinces may have made you an expert. Always the positive to help others.
You can write it using Word and once you have your draft, you might consider Lulu Publishing, they have easy steps to upload you files and you can even choose a cover, set your price, get as ISBN etc. I published two books this way.
Hey, I think that somehow it will just begin to flow if you don't think too hard. You can do it! Start by writing down every experience you remember. Then put it together. A Great thing to do is read other memoirs and books on how to write one. Go for it!
i'm currently working on three, no, four books (one is my memoirs, the rest are fiction)
Wow. I wasn't aware of this! I liked to see an excerpt someday
Phew cosette you got you hands full! good for you!
I have been paid to write--before the internet--and have contributed to the books of others. I have had people suggest that I write a book and have had several viable ideas. I have not yet had the time or patience to do this when it is so much easier to write other, smaller things and be published immediately.
I suggest that if you ARE going to do it then DO IT! Commit to the idea. Worse comes to worse, it's out of your system and yo have something to at least submit to publishers. Mind you, it's not so easy to do with a first book BUT with the internet today there are lots of options.
I knew a girl who used an agency similar to a vanity press in that they assisted her but did not do it all themselves and she had to put some money into it herself. Nevertheless,she managed to get he book out there much faster and still made a profit.
You have to commit though . . . I can't get past writing a sample myself. I don't have the time and when I DO I'm online now.LOL
AGAIN, writing a book is one giant step that anyone who paid attention in school can manage if they have the time--writing a book that gets published and makes money is another thing.
be realistic but commit if it's something you really want to do!
Don't be discouraged or encouraged by anyone else. it all has to come from you.
You probably have already thought about free-form journaling haven't you? That would be where you jot notes anytime, anywhere. What about using "prompts"? Although there are several sources for prompts I can't think of a specific one at the moment. Bookstores or sections of books in other stores seem to have these resources. Maybe you could search the internet for prompts. I am sort of in the same place, trying to organize experiences to write about. Good luck to you!!
I am writing a book. It is slow in the making.
Those who have never published one has to pay to have it done. Once your book sells the publishing company may charge you a little or nothing depending on the sells of your first book.
I do think that you should write the book; something you should consider when doing so is that you may be helping someone else in the world who is now facing the same problem.
That's one of the greatest things about writing is that when you write you could be helping someone else in the world. If you believe in the story than don't give up on it!
Do it! You may be amazed with yourself and you'll learn a lot. Writing is therapeutic too, you may discover a hidden well of pent-up emotion just waiting to be released into writing.
Thanks Katelyn, I do know how therapeutic writing is. I had a college professor tell me that the best therapy for anyone is keeping a journal and writing out your thoughts.
I've thought about it before! I'm a journalist, so writing is in my blood. =]
But you should write a book! Many people will go through what you did and they could go to your book for help/inspiration.
Have you considered writing a book?
Yes, I have considered it. Then, I thought about it even more then came to conclusion that it wasn't for me. There is absolute too much stuff that has happened to me in my lifetime, up to the age I am now(41 years old) and the book would be a 1000 pages. If I'm good enough to cut it down.
How ever, I would suggest YOU take your own time to figure this out and not be pressured by others. This is a monumental task, to undertake.
Either way, I hope you do well, no matter which way you go.
Go for it...You should start all your ideas ASAP...but be prepared for the journey. It will be a journey when you start out!
So, it will be a journey - sounds like you write out of experience. Are you a writer? Thanks for the encouragement.
I'm a serious "wanna-be"...I just took a year off or more...(And glad I did) to get ready for my third draft of a two part series action adventure that I had the idea of back in '98...then started handwriting seriously in '03...and typing and expanding on in '06...thru to the summer of '08...when I took a break and discovered that I really do enjoy writing poetry! So...enjoy the journey!
The good news is I just started with my third drafting...I have to update my story...because it takes place in the near future...and much of it is coming true around me...that's what I get for taking my time With that TMI...I wish you much success...and say "It is a journey!"
ya, been there done that
check out my book somtime: freakonomics
it's wonderful tale about vampire edward cullen or somtin
Writing a book about your life is a big job. I am working on it too.
My best advice with my limited experience is to make timelines (plural) of your life. Make a timeline for your life as a parent, your work life, etc. Then line them up - it is amazing what you decide is or isn't to be in the book. It has also helped as I write sections of my life.
Good luck to you, Holly
Once you start writing. You'll figure out where to begin. Just let your thought flows.
I recommend you start with an outline of key scenes/moments. You don't have to write your story chronologically, but if you start a linear "timeline" it will help you order your thoughts so that the book project does not start to feel "too huge" or chaotic. Use a word processor and it's easy, i.e.:
Junior kicked sister in face - age 2
First puppy
Junior and the chocolate incident 5th grade
Arrested 1x
Arrested 2x
The sweet bouquet he picked for me
Etc., etc.
You can obviously fill in as you want (and at important sub-details under each entry too). You can work on your project two ways this way, one in finding "the right scenes" for your memoir (for that is what you are suggesting, essentially), and two by writing scenes.
The upside of memoir like this is that you can write scene by scene, and you can connect them later. You can shuffle them around. You will write scenes that make you think of other things you forgot, which you can add to the timeline and write at your leisure. Eventually you'll have a crapload of them, and you can pick the ones that feel right (that's the hard part) and begin the revisions and assembly etc.
The main thing is to WRITE. Just start writing. Stop thinking about writing and considering writing and dreaming about writing and just go to work. Plan out at least a half hour a day (or what you can honestly commit to in your heart to yourself) and get to it. You'll love it. It's work, but it's gratifying and, as was mentioned above, there is a journey effect.
Thanks for the great tips - the best one being - Get writing. I like the idea of writing scenes - it helps me to think of it this way. I've written little scenes all through the years - I need to go back and revisit.
I say go for it and agree wholeheartedly with Shadesbreath and the way he's told you to get started. My novel Stop the world, I need to pee! was started exactly the way Shadesbreath described. I've now just completed the first draft of my third book and I again used the method Shades described. If you want any other info just email me and I'll be glad to help.
You've had some great feedback here. You will get lots more, but the best you've had or will get is WRITE - organize, set a timeline, pick out some interesting incidents, do whatever gets the words flowing. Then build on that. You will find each bit leads to another. You can sort out the order as you go along. WRITE.
There are a lot of good and published writers here who can give you good advice! Good Luck!
I really admire you for having the gumption to even think about writing a book with regard to having raised a difficult child (son). That in itself was a tremendous challenge which required an enormous amount of patience and wisdom. Now you see that all the time and effort you invested paid off as it produced a wonderful adult human being. I know you are so proud of your son and give yourself credit. What is your purpose for writing a book? If it is for monetary gain exclusively, I would say forget it. If it is for therapuetic reasons alone, perhaps go for. If for the biggest reason which is to contribute invaluable content toward the betterment of society and humanity, now you might have a genuine reason to write. Just think about all the poor souls out there who are struggling to raise a rebellious, recalcitrant son or daughter who would benetfit immensely from your story. If this reasonates within you to the very depths of your soul then you have a purpose to write a book. All you have is time. Do it now because life is short! Start within one week. Get up at 5 AM, make coffee, write for 2 hours, only, stop at 7AM. (very important) do this for 30 days, then review your progress. Have 2 journals (notebooks) 1 for rough draft to record every thought, word and phrase. The 2nd for smooth draft to lace things together. Remember, a book is a combination of several books called chapters. It will start to come together for you but you must begin !
Chris, Your last description on the "why" of writing the book describes my soul's ambition. My main purpose is to write to help other's who are lost in the battle and wounded by the child for whom they would give their very life to protect. It was the most confusing, heart wrenching, disappointing and desperate time of my life. I had to learn new ways of relating to my son by setting very tough and unmovable boundaries while balancing the ability to be tough and tender at the same time. I learned to be patient in a way and to an extent I never thought possible. I learned to be patient because my son needed me to listen patiently as his words and emotions were spinning out of control. If I would keep still and listen quietly, it would eventually bring him back down to earth where we could talk. I knew that his life was out of control and he desperately needed the security of knowing I was could keep myself under control. One of my son's physicians (a specialist in ADHD) had me write articles for his newsletters on different ways I handled difficult situations. I truly believe my story could be both an encouragement and a tool to help other parents who feel hopeless and need help.
Yes, I have absolutely considered writing a book, several actually. I've had friends to do it and they tell me it's amazing high once complete.
Why don't you consider co- writing a book with your son. this format would appeal to a much wider audience and it would be a fascinating family document.
My brothers and sisters and Mum co-wrote our family history. We all contributed one chapter each. ( I have four brothers and 3 sisters). My older brother Joe gets mad when I inform friends that we got it "vanity published". But he goes strangely quiet when I tell him I'm thinking of writing a book called "My brother Joe.
Good luck
Until you start writing a whole book, you have no concept how many words that involves - around 70,000 of them. And that's just the first draft - then you have to edit and polish, edit and polish. Then find an agent. Then find a publisher.
Even writers who feel driven to write a book often have trouble getting to the end of that journey, so I'd be a tad concerned about your ability to stick it out. Have you considered writing a series on HubPages and seeing how that goes? As the series builds, you'll get a clearer idea how much material you have. If you decide, ultimately, to write a book, you can delete most of the Hubs but leave some as "tasters" to advertise the book.
That way you'll get a sense of achievement as you go along, and have the satisfaction of an audience, without closing the door on the book idea.
Marisa, Yes I have considered the amount of commitment it would take to write a book. It seems insurmountable and I knew I would need to take it a piece at a time. I like the idea of putting 'scenes' as hubpages to get the process started. GREAT idea! Thanks dear girl!
I wrote my memoirs from my experiences in Tonga. We lived there for thirteen years, and I knew when I finally made it back to America that I would soon forget my adventure unless I wrote it down. I finished it, gave a copy to each of my children for Christmas, and they each cherish it because it was part of their life too. Of course, it was not a published book, but it means a lot to me to be able to look back on it from time to time. Good luck on your decision.
Hey go for it, for me I better write a few more hubs first!
It is a very hectic needs team ef job I guess. It needs a team effort.. so possibly when I get a team then will do
Yes, I have been working on one for about 5 years and another for about 3 months. My main problem is juggling too much, next year I plan to really knuckle down. I say go for it, it can be so rewarding.
I have written a book and am editing it now. then hopefully send it to literary agents and find one who is interested in it, then find a publisher to publish it. So have I considered writing a book? Yes I write stories all the time to hopefully make more books that readers can enjoy.
And as for you to write a book I say go for it. Where to start? start from the beginning. first thing you should do is get a journal and write your feeligns and experiences there. then when you are ready, get on your computer and type away using your notes as help.
Good luck to you!
Hi Crazd, hope you can get a good publisher, how you doing??is that you on the pic, good day,
I thought about writing myself, but I need to have more time to do that, I will start this coming year, 2010
Hey PDH...good luck with starting on your writing next year or well this coming year lol.
And yes that is me and my husband at Disneyland.
Hi Crazd, cute couple, yes, but I need to have more time
hate to say it PDH but if you want to get serious about writing a book you actually have to make room for everything else around your writing.
yes youre right crazd, making living is all, thanks
But in the end it is totally worth it. and it is very relaxing. so if you ever get really stressed out take it all out in your story. make you characters have to deal with the stress and let them unravel it so that they and YOU can handle it with a plan or something like that.
good advice again, dont worry crazd i will make it happen, you will be one of my inspiration,,,
and if you ever need help like just throwing ideas out there. Email me...just go to my page and contact me and I will help out I love helping others.
thanks crazd it is good to know that you want to help, youre an angel..
Actually in the process of 2 1 for adults and 1 for children that tie in together - the hilarious part is I keep forgetting what book I'm in and end up with a chapter in the wrong book - doesn't work well lol
Do you mean that after little Jonny walks out of the ice cream shop, he and his faithful dog aren't supposed to go home to a drug and booze fueled orgy?
Good for YOU! The comment above is too funny - keep me informed - I'd really like to know how you are doing.
oooo lyrics! me thinks it's time for you to get to seperate notebooks and write down where you left off and for which book. Might help ya!
Write your book, but first visit some writers' forums (there's lots of them). Don't think about publishers or agents until you have finished the book. Just get on with it. I have had a hell of a life and I've put four books together; two are published and the other two are with publishers right now, but that means nothing. It's when they're published that counts.
Best wishes,
I'm trying to write one now. my writer's block is what led me here to Hubpages. I'm sure your story would be interesting for many people. I know I am intrigued. I will keep watching your hubs.
Welcome to hubpages bat...and good luck with your writer's block. If you need help as well let me know. I am always ready to help out fellow writers
I have done so and got it published which took about two years of sending it around. The publisher then packed up and I had to start again and have found a new publisher and it will be out again at the end of 2010.
It's a lot of work but well worth it for the sense of achievement as well as any potential income.
I've thought about writing a sci-fi book before. I have some cool ideas, but I don't think I'm a good enough writer.
Don't worry too much about how good a writer you are, it's the story that sells it. Look at the guff some of these so-called 'celebs' put out... and some of them can hardly sign their name.
If your story is good the editor will make it better. You simply concentrate on getting it all down on paper and if it reads good to you, you're in with a chance. The hardest part is finding an agent and a publisher. I don't have an agent, I submitted my work directly to the publishers and one of them took it on. The same publisher (Random House) published my second book as well!
I used to think like you. Now I am writing a script for one of my books because a production company are interested in making a movie. Stop shilly-shallying, get writing... if I can do it, anybody can.
Christopher Chance.
Christopher - that is so exciting. ok I will stop shilly-shallying and get started today! See there how you all motivated me? :-)
Great advice and well done!
Re: the sci-fi topic, look at philip k dick, some of his work is utter trash but he is also notorious
Read down the page to what Christopher said ....
If you are asking about the actual mechanics of writing and where to start, I had the same problems at the beginning of my book.
Get an idea of what you want the story to be about, and then from that on a tablet, make an outline of what you want to say in each chapter, so that you can get it in some kind of chronalogical order.
Continue adding more ideas and thoughts to each chapter, until your outline is complete enough to have most of the main ideas down, the just begin typing at the beginning.
Once you get started, you will be suprised how quickly it goes. Whatever you do, do not give up, and have fun ...
oh hey.
this is the sort of thing you have to work out on your own, and i wouldn't burden a confidante with it. it wasn't "horrific" but it was profound nevertheless. i've worked through a lot of it but when you start writing it, feelings come to the surface and you have to decide at that moment if you want to get your feet wet or just stay on the beach until you feel braver, that's all.
it's funny, this thread made me pull that book off of my flash drive. i won't publish it here because there are thieves everywhere, but it is a pretty amazing story.
i hope you write your book, and of course you have my support and encouragement. good luck!
I love writing but the fact that my creativity sucks big time stops me from doing so.
Start writing Mekenzie; if it comes from your heart and personal experience will be easier than what you may think.
When I started my books I never thought they will ever be published. I was wrong. 8 of my books have been published and I am working on other projects involving more books.
Do not postpone; start now and re-live the experience, make it personal. Don’t look for special word or “special effects”; make it real. Tell the story the way you will tell a friend or your pastor.
You will be surprised how easy will be once you start. The best of luck; you can do it!
If your conscience is wrestling over whether to form your thoughts into a book, go with that momentum and roll with it! You can always change your mind and shift to poetry, chronicles or even a journal later. Those could eventually form a book as well.
Keep in mind there are countless formats to write in. It could be a collection of stories, possibly with the message of how a parent's life experiences effect their child's development. I feel there may be more intrigue in that format than a simple linear, chronological documentation.
Meditate, contemplate or pray on the subject. See if it brings Joy to you.
Best wishes!
I've always wanted to write a novel but it's too hard and will take way too long.
Do it =]
If I can write a book then you will find it no great difficulty =]
Anyone can get a book published. Even if you are unsure how. Once you look you will realise. I have not published a novel but I know I can, when I am ready. None of us here are so special that we are not or were not at one point a little self-sceptical. That is the nature of the art. Good luck all.
Not sure where everyone lives but I am in Australia and you can buy a book called the Australian Writers Marketplace (http://www.awmonline.com.au/Home.aspx)Link to the Web version.
I wrote a novella, finished it a couple of years ago but I hated it so much I destroyed it, it had consumed me for so long and I couldn't look at it anymore. I actually still have a copy, a friend still had one
It isn't worthy of publishing but I bought the Aus. writers marketplace, I have spoken to people who do editing, appraisal, never an agent but it all is within reach, will cost money, that is the catch. I also looked at the royalties, they are not huge, so after costs to get it in print and what you might make... Trying for a traditional publisher might be a fruitless venture.
We all know of brilliant authors, already in print and they don't sell enough to make a living. for me, self publishing is a better option, a mix of online content and eventually I will use something like booksurge. Booksurge has no outlay for publishing, but they will charge if you want editing and so on but of course. It is print on demand so a very good option, particularly as it is owned by amazon. If you are making money with online content you probably have the skills to self promote your self published book also. There are very good royalties if you go this way and if you do the maths, I think you will agree.
Hello there - I actually live in the USA, Michigan. So nice to meet you. You have some very good comments... thought provoking ideas to consider. I have never heard of print on demand.. but of course Amazon very well known. I'll check that out. Thank you for your input.
I am in the process of attempting to write about three books to start off with: a pop culture documentary, a dramatic fictional novel and a horror novel. I've started work on the the synopses and outlines on all of them. That way, I'll have a very small idea how I intend to write out the actual manuscripts. Hope you have better luck with your book if you decide to go that route.
Thanks for the 'Word' - Your interests are varied and starting three books at once is courageous! I can see the advantage of shifting from one area of interest to another. If you should get a writer's block in one area - you can shift to the next. Keep in touch - I would love to know how you are doing! :-)
Write because you love to write. If you are forcing yourself to do something you are not comfortable with, it will come out in the end product and your readers will know it is contrived.
Since I have joined hubpages I have gained more confidence in my writing abilities. I have been encouraged by many of my friends and family a lot and have been told that I should write a book several times. I have considered it myself and I even at this time considering writing a Book of Poems, to get published. I would love to have a book published, it would be quite an achievement, especially when you are sick, to be able to say you wrote a book and had it published. I guess I will just have to see how things turn out.BB
I love to read good poetry. I wrote one poem in my hubs called "A Mother's Grief." By no means professional - but from the heart to a friend in such pain from the loss of two children. Your author score is quite high - why don't we start together??? :-)
My thought are somewhat like some of the other answers but only you know if this is something you want to do. Everyone with children could benefit from it this day and time. We parents have each had our bout with children one way or the other and it always helps to see how other people have made it through the rain without drowning. I have a 39 year old, never married still living at home.(son). He is not gay, he loves women, works hard but cannot for the life of him manage his money. We are always paying something he should have paid to save name as we live in a small town. There is also a story about this life...to long here to tell. See, it never hurts to try to help others.
Good Luck
Thanks for the encouraging words.. Our situation was horrendous and I feel it took years off my life... I'm reclaiming those years now and learning how to 'think healthy thoughts, eat healthy foods and supplement with whole food nutritionals.' It has made a big difference. Our story has a happy ending really miraculous. Today our son is responsible and a great Dad and husband.. I had to see a happy ending before I would even consider publishing a book... Never liked stories (in print or on the air) where there is no resolution. God Bless you as you continue to struggle with the issues of a grown son's pain... Blessings
I think I'll write a novel - just for fun. And if I think it's good enough I might just send it to a publisher...
Set down and do it. It's not as hard as you think. I'm working on my fourth book. I write and write and write, then, I bring in some fresh eyes and start editing. that's the hard part.
I know I've always made up stories, but never thought anyone would be interested in anything I had to say - fiction, poetry, or otherwise. I've made a resolution to put myself out there and just write - so I started a hub and plan to start a few more. Hopefully, I will lose my fear and be able to finish some of the stuff I've started and send things to a publisher.
ALWAYS write when you feel like writing - don't let your life or your responsibilities get in the way of your creative outlets!!!
casey, so funny you should mention not letting anything get in my way. I get consumed with writing and have a hard time balancing the other things in my life... which is good for me I guess if I want to be an author... Not sure of the rest of the people in my life though.. LOL
To keep yourself focused is the first step, it is very easy to write a lengthy and boring book, than a short and interesting one. Use illustrations/pictures also. Try to write it in a humors style, if the theme of your book allows
I will be honest... I have TOO many diaries with unfinished stories in them.. notebooks lying all over the place, the key to writing a book is planning almost everything- Characters-Storyline etc etc
I've written several books, published some, but the only autobiographical effort was done "anecdote-style". The reason for that was (and is) my belief that I couldn't put the true "power" of my overall experiences in print without hurting a lot of people. To me, that made it simply not worth it.
To you, especially describing a true miracle in the transformation of your son, it might be well worth it.
In my case, as a compromise, I picked out a number of experiences that propelled me in a positive direction...and let it go at that. I'd still like to tackle some of the tougher stuff, but it seems I'd best live for another two or three hundred years first. Then the original characters would be long gone, the stories could be written as authentic "period pieces", supposedly fiction, and everyone would marvel at how accurately the "voice" of the period (the 1950s, for instance) was captured by this amazing writer.
But until then....
Char-Ann's point about planning is a good one, but I've never been able to do that. My mind doesn't work that way. I get a rough idea, often write Chapter One with no clue what belongs in Chapter Two. This is true whether what's being written is fact or fiction (science fiction being my favored genre). But then, I'm building our home the same way. Rough idea, went from there, adjust course as I go. By the time we move in, I'll have produced an entire house with my two hands and never so much as a quick note or sketch on a piece of paper.
Which may explain why two of the earthbag walls fell to high winds about a month back! Still, the damage inspired a moderate change in design which is making the end product much superior so....
I forget, what were we discussing?
Oh. Should you write a book.
Heck, yes!
Ghost, I know what you mean about wanting to write some raw realistic works but not willing to hurt people. In my son's case - he is ok with my writing the book .. but I have some other very captivating and intriguing information I just can't write.. though it would be a hit and I know it! You have a great sense of humor. Thanks for the encouragement.
by wj-writingjockey 7 years ago
I know that book writing is not an attractive hobby because if your attention drags in between it will lead you no where. And it is obvious that for writing your first book you do not need any age limit. But what should be the appropriate age to write your first book if you want to be a famous...
by Travis Aaron 11 years ago
Anybody ever thought about writing a book? Just asking
by Alessia Amnesia 15 years ago
Don't worry. I'm not daft. I'm just wondering what the best way to go about writing a book is. I've been wanting to write a book for awhile. I have the story in my mind, but I need some advice on how to go about actually doing it.So... any advice for an aspiring author?
by jay2jay 14 years ago
When did u first start writing and were there any incidents in your life that made u want to write?
by Peeples 12 years ago
Where to start on writing a book? Several questions.I want to write a book (yes I know seems to be the popular thing right now). I really don't care if I sell one copy. This is more for myself since I have been wanting to do so for many years. Where do I begin when I am not the best of writers? Do...
by 777prettygirl 14 years ago
You ever think about writing a book? I think you have an awesome sense of humor! I'm a writer,...and I know from experience how tricky it can be writing about yourself objectively, while still maintaining a sense of dignity. Good for you!!! PS: I often find myself looking back at pics from when I...
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