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Emmanuel O ADESUYI (uniknurse)

Joined 14 years ago from Nigeria

  • 47
  • 14
  • 1
  • Are the Elders in Heaven Angels or Human?

    Are the Elders in Heaven Angels or Human?

    8 years ago

    The human race had been made to wonder what creatures in heaven actually looked like. So many views exist as to whether the twenty four elders in heaven were actually humans or creatures unimmaginable

  • The Mystery of Worship

    The Mystery of Worship

    8 years ago

    Most times there are several things we often referred to as worship in our religious circle. The many polysemous meaning given to this practice had masked the true meaning of this concept in the light

  • Can Seeing God Now be the Secret of Immortality?

    Can Seeing God Now be the Secret of Immortality?

    8 years ago

    The issue of whether the subject of immortality has been for long referred to as a myth of the religious ones is an matter to quibble on. Why on earth will God ever promise man eternal life

  • My First Experience as a Male Nurse in the Priestly White Uniform

    My First Experience as a Male Nurse in the Priestly White Uniform

    8 years ago

    For two years post-graduation that I had been practicing as a nurse, I had often wonder how or what it feels to nurse a patient in the white nursing uniform. It really looked so sacred in my eyes.

  • Must I Wear the White Uniform as a Male Nurse?

    Must I Wear the White Uniform as a Male Nurse?

    8 years ago

    I had passed my time all through the 5-6 years spent in the nursing school thinking that the dress code for a practicing nurse is the white uniform. To a person like myself, a male in nursing, it feel

  • Against Disunity Amidst Nigerian Health Workers

    Against Disunity Amidst Nigerian Health Workers

    10 years ago

    Most people have often wonder at the disunity that occurs amidst the Nigerian health care providers. this discord however has been said to have been spare-headed by the doctors while other health per

  • The Exhorbitant Demand of Nigerian Doctors

    The Exhorbitant Demand of Nigerian Doctors

    10 years ago

    The problem of rancor and discord amidst health workers in Nigeria has been a major problem responsible for the downward trend of the Nigerian health sector. So many people have wondered about who is

  • Christianity versus Islam

    Christianity versus Islam

    10 years ago

    The question of which one is real or true has been a major question asked by people who belong to the two fastest growing religion in the world, Christianity and Islam. In doctrines, these religion is

  • Wanted! Wanted!! Wanted!!!: Pioneers in Nursing

    Wanted! Wanted!! Wanted!!!: Pioneers in Nursing

    4 years ago

    Nursing profession in Nigeria has been somewhat stagnant in almost all aspect. The stagnancy and better still retrogression can be traced to the rigid policies formulated which could do no more than maintaining the status quo and barricading every route for advancement.

  • From the Beginning; It was One God, One Faith

    From the Beginning; It was One God, One Faith

    4 years ago

    It has been quite difficult for man to fathom God's divine purpose. But we do know there is just one God, One purpose for sending his son, one Spirit, One faith and one pathway to Him! Interestingly such unveilings has gone into the word on the laps of babes these end time

  • What Dreamers Should Know

    What Dreamers Should Know

    11 years ago

    As I sit in the shadows of my dreams, It’s all full of darkness, I knew I was a dreamer, But this must not end in the dream land. I will wake, up into reality, And walk in the light of my dreams As it become a vision for me, I...

  • animals in shirt and trousers

    animals in shirt and trousers

    11 years ago

    We are all animals; higher or lower, it doesn’t matter. What makes man higher is not totally the complexity of his brain. For an average man uses only 10% of the capacity of his brain while a dolphin uses 100%. In terms of complexity, a dolphin is...

  • the folly of the same sex marriage

    the folly of the same sex marriage

    11 years ago

    Man especially, the modern man has been referred to as a rational animal, meaning that man stands as a animal that is with extra-ordinary sense or intelligence. Now, the scientist did not ordinary come into this conclusion, the sense or intelligence...

  • Endtime Young Apostles Versus the Tireless Fathers

    Endtime Young Apostles Versus the Tireless Fathers

    11 years ago

    Obviously a matter needed to be addressed is the relationship of the young apostles and the fathers as the church has failed in teaching these young fellows the path and pattern of operation!

  • Geniusity versus Witchcrafty

    Geniusity versus Witchcrafty

    4 years ago

    Developing the intelligent quotient popularly known as IQ has been one of the most unsuccessful task taken by humans. Similarly, the issue of whether one is born a genius or made a genius has been a very controversial issue even among the most braniac scientists. Follow me closely as we explore

  • lee thompson young’s death; a notable sign for holly wood

    lee thompson young’s death; a notable sign for holly wood

    11 years ago

    the holly wood entertainer The holly wood star Lee Thompson Young’s who was confirmed dead by his driver was a shocking surprise for most people. A 29 year old young star with a promising future ahead of him. The evidence of his great...

  • The State of the Church Today

    The State of the Church Today

    4 years ago

    This is the apostolic age of the church in which God will come and take his rightful place in the church but this cannot be without judgement which must start in the church yes from the shepherds and all who have been chosen to perform God's sacred duty and then it will extend to the whole world!

  • micro chip agenda

    micro chip agenda

    11 years ago

    Obviously, so many things escape our notice in this generation simply because we have not paid rapt attention to the purpose behind what we see. one of such is the new micro-chip agenda claimed to be

  • The Law, the Prophets and the Spirit

    The Law, the Prophets and the Spirit

    4 years ago

    From the beginning, there was a divine order of operation of God with man which was necessary for us to exhume. God started the interaction with the Law, then the Prophets and finally the Spirit. This is not a guess method but a perfectly structured progression in God's eternal agenda.

  • Just Before the Rapture

    Just Before the Rapture

    4 years ago

    It is now clear as we speak by prophetic revelation as well as our understanding of the scriptures that the time has come when the Lord's end-time apostles must begin to emerge in power never seen before on earth. Talks about this matter usually appear incredible but it is not!

  • Increase your IQ Now

    Increase your IQ Now

    8 years ago

                      Many misconceptions exist as to whether a genius is made or born. I may not be able to dwell more in the argument of which of the two but with no iota of doubt most of the genius produced by this contemporary age,...

  • Sickness in the body of christ

    Sickness in the body of christ

    12 years ago

    One evil which I have seen under the heavens is the malady that has crept into the church over the years and difficult to be ridden off; the ailment of eternal security, this evil like the HIV aids has now developed to a mature state and started...

  • Men are perishing while the church is partying

    Men are perishing while the church is partying

    12 years ago

    Is it nothing to you? While the sons and daughters are being slaughtered, the church remains in merriment! Is it nothing to you? That while souls are perishing, saints are folding their hands? Is it nothing to you? That souls are not been won...

  • Apostolic Revelation

    Apostolic Revelation

    4 years ago

    Most of us today do not yet understand a bit of what Christ did on the cross for us. The church who has got the sacred responsibility of making us see this great bestow of priviledges is busy doing something else other than making us understand our place!

  • 84

    Scientific Discovery of Heaven

    8 years ago

    The 21st century scientist has arrived with a notable and remarkable discovery with an amazing proof that heaven, a celestial city exists. This discovery was made with the development of a spectacular Hubble space telescope which has beamed pictures...

  • Greatness: The Greatest Enemy of a Great Man

    Greatness: The Greatest Enemy of a Great Man

    4 years ago

    So many times, we have often been limited by this complex we call fear! Obviously our eyes have been closed to the fact that in the place of our greatest fear lies our greatest strength. We are only limited by what we fear

  • the freedom of Nigeria

    the freedom of Nigeria

    11 years ago

    Our heart beats faster as we anticipate and try peeping through the windows of event in waiting for Nigeria’s jubilee. I keep my eyes wide opened, trying to observe and evaluate the aftermath of the toils of this God owned nation. Nigeria as a...

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    Discovery of the True Face of the Holy Spirit

    4 years ago

    There has always been a conflict as to whether the Holy Spirit is a person or a force. The bible clearly portrays him as a person first by the usage of the pronoun 'he' and also by his ways of his interactions with the apostles. These culminating days of God's purpose in this current age are his day

  • times when nurses go to war

    times when nurses go to war

    13 years ago

              I do not think that these are the times when nurses need to hang up their heads and begin to think, weep and wail . I don’t think these are the times when people feel unfortunate for being a nursing student or professional ...

  • nurses and prostitution

    nurses and prostitution

    11 years ago

    It is pathetic to note that nurses are tagged with immorality by most people just because of drawing conclusion from the observation of a few bad ones. We fume, nurses are not prostitutes!

  • lautech ownership

    lautech ownership

    14 years ago

    LAUTECH OWNERSHIP The heart cries of the students f the ladoke akintola university of technology teaching hospital is like the cry of a mother watching a knife go through the neck of her child. As they watch the present government in Oyo state and...

  • Females in the Nursing Profession

    Females in the Nursing Profession

    11 years ago

    Most people argue on whether nursing is for females or for both sex. The disagreement as gone on and on. But what we must consider is that there must not be gender inequality in a standard profession

  • Natural Family Planning Method

    Natural Family Planning Method

    11 years ago

    Often than not, most people have considered the common family planning methods as tedious and makes sexual intercourse unpleasurable. It is therefore neccesary that we consider a natural method

  • How females think and behave

    How females think and behave

    11 years ago

    So many times we have often wonder why female behave the way they do and the inability to understand this has made it normal for us to mis-handle them. It is therefore necessary to know how they think

  • Tips for Parenting Brilliant Kids

    Tips for Parenting Brilliant Kids

    11 years ago

    It is pathetic to note that the main cause of many children roaming about our streets lies within the house. Most parents do not know that their parenting in one way of the other affects the child

  • The Origin of the Problem of All Humanity

    The Origin of the Problem of All Humanity

    11 years ago

    From the beginning, deception had been the major weapon we that the devil has often used on man. obviously, the main reason for all this action was to change the true order of things.

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    Discovery of the True Face of Jesus Christ

    4 years ago

    The image you are currently seeing displayed in this article is the image on the famous shroud of Turin, perhaps the most famous Christian relic of all but is this Jesus? Scientific experts have examined the shroud in detail and this is what they found...

  • Principles of Success

    Principles of Success

    6 years ago

    Essential Life Quotes, Most of which were formed by Emmanuel O. Adesuyi. When you dream alone, it is only a dream but when you dream along with others it is the beginning of realities. Then you can make others dream along with you. Go...

  • what the past genius did not forget to do

    what the past genius did not forget to do

    11 years ago

    It is sadden to note that majority of the people here on earth are just existing and not living. They just exist as matter; having weight and occupying space without contributing anyquota to the world

  • Nigerian universities on fire: LAUTECH

    Nigerian universities on fire: LAUTECH

    14 years ago

    uniknurse hubpages NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES ON FIRE:  LAUTECH                 It is not surprising that anything could be expected and gotten from a game of probability like that of a chess game. The future of the young...

  • lovers note

    lovers note

    11 years ago

    Most of what we refer to as love today is far from love. seriously a very thin line exist between love and lust as such it becomes so difficult for must people to separate love from lust.

  • The God of Battle Is Also the God of Success

    The God of Battle Is Also the God of Success

    4 years ago

    The fact that the God of battle (Jerem 51: 20) is the same God of success is a not a matter to quibble on. In his mandate unto the house of Naoscm,(National Association of Osun State Christian Movement), he made this very clear to us and relates this to every true followers of Christ.

  • the cry of love in your heart

    the cry of love in your heart

    14 years ago

    google THE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT TRUE LOVE PART 1             Love is not wicked like a monster, but love is gentle, meek and powerful. Love is a desire; he desires pleasant and good things, as...

  • christmas gifts for free; courtsy father christmas

    christmas gifts for free; courtsy father christmas

    14 years ago

    CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR FREE; COURTSY FATHER CHRISTMAS. Father Christmas who was regarded as the first to imbibe and practice the idea of giving to the needs of humanity at Christmas in celebration of the birth of the son of God Jesus Christ is...

  • the weeping king

    the weeping king

    14 years ago

    google image google image THE WEEPING KING Never should you think that my loving saviour was weeping at Gethsemane because of those humiliation and things he was to go thru at Calvary. He is not a child that would start crying because He is to...

  • Governor of osun state:either good or bad, who knows

    Governor of osun state:either good or bad, who knows

    14 years ago

    GOVERNOR OF OSUNSTATE: EITHER GOOD OR BAD WHO KNOWS The strive and fight for position and popularity is an important quality of every rational human being. In the proper definition of man this qualities is often omitted by most authors...

  • universities in Nigeria on fire!!!

    universities in Nigeria on fire!!!

    14 years ago

    ladoke akintola university of technology     NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES ON FIRE!!!!!!!             It is pathetic and disgusting to see the future of young and agile minds of the state universities in Nigeria being...


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