Not every Hubber writes for money. I don't. Do you?

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  1. Russell-D profile image77
    Russell-Dposted 13 years ago

    Not every Hubber writes for money. I don't. Do you?

    Some of us who wrote for money in our professional lives, like the freedom of writing for our own pleasure. Reader's invited. At 82, I write for youngsters 2 - 8. My pleasure and I hope, theirs.

  2. mactavers profile image91
    mactaversposted 13 years ago

    Like you, I have written and published with money as one goal, but I joined Hub Pages five weeks ago with the unusual mission of generating interest in Arizona's  history and Centennial which will begin on Feb. 14th  2012.  It is my hope and goal to tell about the interesting characters and places in Arizona, then, as the Centennial events unfold next year, I will edit in the times and locations of the events in the hope that people will attend them.  Happy Hubbing,  Mactavers

  3. ginjill ashberry profile image79
    ginjill ashberryposted 13 years ago

    It wasn't the money that got me started. it was the need to upload and the passion to do so. I am an under achiever person; as of now. A week ago, though; I tried to put a name as beneficiary just in case it has monetary value- my work, bad as it is. But Google didn't accept my application. All I know is, so heart is in the hubs i wrote, so which should matter?

  4. aslanlight profile image64
    aslanlightposted 13 years ago

    I used to try to earn money online writing articles and taking surveys but I found that due to the amount of stress, hard work, and long hours for little reward it wasn't worth it. If I wanted to earn money writing it wouldn't be here. I like hub pages for fun and also use it to write about serious topics.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I don't write here for money.  I enjoy having my work read and exchanging comments.

  6. Tamila Roberts profile image37
    Tamila Robertsposted 13 years ago

    Life is difficult, that's why for certain writers it's important to earn money. I know for a fact other people will just like to spend time here and chat as a hobby. Personally, I'm marketing oriented, but, not at 100%. I try to maintain stay as honest and user-friendly as possible. I have a little baby to take care of so it's difficult. It's only with a positive attitude that you can really reach out to the people and really help them. As long as your heart's true intention are good then your on the right path.

  7. Seeker7 profile image74
    Seeker7posted 13 years ago


    If I make a few quid on Hub Pages then that's fine. I see that as a nice bonus. But my main aim is not to make money on Hub Pages but to write about topics that interest me and hopefully other people. Or to write Hubs that will help other people. That's what makes Hub Pages such a joy and a great community, it gives the freedom to be creative. But I also think Hub Pages is a wonderful platform for new writers to develop their skills and get advice from more experienced Hubbers. Since I've been here, I can't recall the amount of people and hubs that have given great advice and support and they haven't mentioned money once.

  8. Gypsy Willow profile image64
    Gypsy Willowposted 13 years ago

    No I got dissallowed by Adsense a year or so ago and had to forfeit the $ 30 odd dollars I won over the previous year! sad

  9. daydreamer13 profile image60
    daydreamer13posted 13 years ago

    No, any money I may recieve is seen as bonus. I write for many reasons but money is certainly on the bottom of that list.

  10. chasemillis profile image68
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    Honestly, f there wasn't any money involved, then I probably wouldn't have started. But after writing for a while, I've started to like to do it just for fun. And I actually learn a lot from it! That's what keeps me on Hubpages; all the new information. But I also like the competitive idea of trying to get tons of people to view your site in order to click on the ads. Idk, it's all fun to me, just a different kind of fun than playing video games or sports.

  11. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    i write because i want to get feedback on my writting and hubpages is a great place to do so i aslo write because its my pashion and i feel im good at what i do

  12. Exotic_Kitten profile image40
    Exotic_Kittenposted 13 years ago

    I don't although I could use the money lol = ]

  13. Richard Craig profile image59
    Richard Craigposted 13 years ago

    When I was just getting my writing started I was looking for a publisher when I found Hubpages.  I was eager to earn money here but soon I realised that there are a huge mass of people who enjoy writing, just like me, so I'm just happy if somebody reads my hubs.  I think people's feedback is more important to me than money.

  14. Matty Says profile image61
    Matty Saysposted 13 years ago

    I joined a few days ago.  I thought I'd be a star.  I wrote 5 hubs and I have an author rating of 9.  Hahaha.  Apparently, what I think is awesome is just shy of a "non-existent" rating. 

    Fortunately, the enjoyment of writing is much more satisfying than any money made.  (Spoken like a true 9/100 wink

    Also, two of my favourite past times are golf and ignorance, so I'm pretty sure that the lowest score is the best score!

  15. Bud Gallant profile image59
    Bud Gallantposted 13 years ago

    I'm absolutely here primarily for the money.

    I love writing and I think the community here is great, but my primary purpose here is build up a reliable source of passive income and take advantage of the PageRank and backlink potential.

  16. RandomThoughts... profile image66
    RandomThoughts...posted 13 years ago

    I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts, ideas, stories and opinions. If I had to write for money, I might lose my interest in it. I enjoy accolades and comments and the community I can comment on. I enjoy seeing a new writer, a young writer putting themselves out there to be read and commented on. It is like coming home when I sign in and peruse the questions and hubs. I suppose if I make money just by setting it up, and not on how well I write, it would be ok with me...but I'm not here for that.

  17. profile image0
    Dandraposted 13 years ago

    I do. The thousands I earn on Hubpages has afforded me many things.

  18. bswan17 profile image60
    bswan17posted 13 years ago

    In the beginning, it was about earning money. And while that would be nice, my priorities have changed a lot. Now I'm just here for fun. Anyone reading and commenting on my hubs will make me happy.

  19. anemometers profile image60
    anemometersposted 13 years ago

    I have not signed up for revenue with HubPages and don't intend to make money here. My time is very important and I am a highly paid person so I cannot spend too much time here.

  20. KateWest profile image64
    KateWestposted 12 years ago

    It is nice to have a forum to write (almost) whatever you want and the earnings end up a bonus, but no, not the main reason I write.

  21. An Aberrant Taste profile image71
    An Aberrant Tasteposted 12 years ago

    I saw that you could make money, but I knew it would take a good amount of time and work to actually make some. Although, I did think that I would enjoy to write, put a little bit of meaning to it (because you can see how many people actually read it) and make a little bit on the side, too. It wasn't all about writing, yet it wasn't all about the money either. If that makes sense.

  22. Obscure_Treasures profile image57
    Obscure_Treasuresposted 12 years ago

    Same here....i dnt write for earning...i write because I love 2

  23. daskittlez69 profile image78
    daskittlez69posted 12 years ago

    I write to be social and to see what others are doing or saying in the world.  But if someone wants to pay me for that, then all the better.

  24. felicitylovespari profile image38
    felicitylovespariposted 12 years ago

    I write here for economic reason,nowadays were unemployment is  high i should do something that would help me out to gain money.The other reason is i like reading different opinion from different people throughout the globe

  25. nemanjaboskov profile image69
    nemanjaboskovposted 12 years ago


    I like writing and I didn't join HP to make any money.
    What's more, I cannot even open a PayPal account in my country, so I couldn't earn anything even if I wanted smile


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