Do you write on HubPages for the money, or for your own enjoyment?

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  1. ezhang profile image80
    ezhangposted 13 years ago

    Do you write on HubPages for the money, or for your own enjoyment?

    Or maybe even neither! What's your reason for writing at HubPages?

  2. nycgrl profile image59
    nycgrlposted 13 years ago

    I do it for the enjoyment, I have not seen much money nor do I think I ever will. But I still keep writing because its fun for me.

  3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    Both.  Some of my hubs were created PURELY for my enjoyment. . .and you know what?  My readers seem to like THOSE hubs the best!

    Really, I won't write hubs that I don't enjoy putting together - but I find that the prospect that I might make some money from doing so only makes me do a better job of it.

  4. jtyler profile image60
    jtylerposted 13 years ago

    Both.  I enjoy writing, but lately I've been trying to do a few things to bring up the money a lot, such as creating a website, blog, rss feed, and by going onto Xomba.  Hopefully it'll pay off.

  5. TheWorldNow profile image60
    TheWorldNowposted 13 years ago

    I write on HubPages because I want to help people in some way. I try to inspire people with my hubs, or write something informative. When I write about something in my life I hope that there will be at least one reader that gains something from the experiences I have had.
    I used to write on other non-paying blogsites, but I really like the HubPages community and the support you get as well as the connections and friends you make.
    I do think it is fun to see how much you have made everyday, but far more interesting is to see how many people have read each post. It let's me know which posts and topics are most interested in and so it helps me to refine my own writing.

  6. jacqui2011 profile image78
    jacqui2011posted 13 years ago

    I love writing on HP because I enjoy writing and like to see my hubs published. I wish I could eventually see some money for my efforts, but I dont know enough about SEO and backlinking. Everyone on the forums here are so friendly and helpful and I have learned such a lot in the four months that I have been here.

  7. golulugo profile image60
    golulugoposted 13 years ago

    Hubpages made it really easy for me to start to get my feet wet writing online content.  It's ridiculously easy to set up pages, so for me as a new writer there's some instant gratification to writing and immediately seeing an article be published.

    I got into Hubpages in order to get into writing, which I don't always necessarily enjoy and I think long-term it would be nice to make a little extra income, but I can't say that I'm necessarily expecting it.  Instead I'm thinking of it as a kind of blogging-internship where it's easy to get feedback on work, figure out what works well and what doesn't with very little consequence either way. 

    I'm enjoying Hubpages so far, and haven't made any money, so I suppose my present experience answers the question for me.  Enjoyment!

  8. profile image0
    Go Writerposted 13 years ago

    A little of both. Mostly for my own enjoyment.

  9. Greensleeves Hubs profile image92
    Greensleeves Hubsposted 13 years ago

    Originally I joined mainly to experiment with simple webpage design with a view to maybe one day developing my own websites. Maybe also to eventually make money.

    I soon found however, that the main appeal for me was simply the pleasure of writing, and hopefully giving some small pleasure to others when they read something I've written. It's really quite nice to get compliments for the first time in your life on work that you've created.

    Just 4 days ago I wrote a hub on this very subject, trying to analyse the various reasons why people write on HubPages.
    If you read it, hope you agree with the reasons I give for writing on this site.

  10. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I do it for my own enjoyment.  I love the community here and I enjoy having a place to post my writing and get feedback.

  11. cloudy_cool profile image73
    cloudy_coolposted 13 years ago

    At the moment its purely for spending some time on HubPages for me is like spending time on a massage chair after a hectic day smile

    Of course, in the long run I would be happy to earn something out of my writing if I could...but till then, I'm just having some relaxed fun!! Cheers!

  12. Docmo profile image93
    Docmoposted 13 years ago

    I write for enjoyment- the pleasure of creating something others may enjoy, the discipline of researching, writing, designing and putting it altogether and the pleasure of getting feedback from fellow creators.

    As Jessie J says... its not about the money, money, money...

  13. yankeeintexas profile image59
    yankeeintexasposted 13 years ago

    I guess it would have to be for the enjoyment because I don't really make any money off of Hubpages!

  14. breathing profile image55
    breathingposted 13 years ago

    I do write on HubPages for both. Although, I do not get the google AdSense yet.

  15. sonia05 profile image61
    sonia05posted 13 years ago

    I am here at hubpages only for my own enjoyment. It is an outlet for my emotions,feelings and experiences. The interaction with other fellow hubbers is a delight as their feedback and comments are very valuable and it also gives a chance to make real good friends.

  16. PAPA-BEAR profile image60
    PAPA-BEARposted 13 years ago

    HubPages keeps my writing up to speed, I try to write every day, if not on Hubpages in my projects.It is for me an enjoyment, not a monetary gain.

  17. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    Money? What money? Someday in 2012 when the world is about to end anyway. So Yeah it's for fun!

  18. rachelsholiday profile image61
    rachelsholidayposted 13 years ago

    I would say both.  I started writing for fun, and I'm currently not making any money off of it but the prospect of making money from something I love doing is pretty neat.

  19. sharonchristy profile image59
    sharonchristyposted 13 years ago

    Bit of both, but, personally, I attained neither. Anyway, for the more professional hubbers, "ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR AND HUBS"

  20. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    i write on hubpages to get and recieve feedback about my writting

  21. Bubblegum Senpai profile image63
    Bubblegum Senpaiposted 13 years ago

    Both, actually. I mean, I'm not rolling in the dough because I'm pretty new, so Obviously i do it for the pleasure. But I do have my affiliates - iTunes, amazon, Google, etc. so sure, a bit of money would be nice on the side.

    But obviously, I'm doing it for the fun of writing and sharing knowledge, and getting to know fellow anime fans.

  22. melbel profile image93
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    I used to be able to say both for the money and because I enjoyed it. Now it's just for the money. Writing seems like a chore anymore, hopefully that will change because I used to have so much fun with HubPages.


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