Does being on hubpages encourage you to write more often than you were writing b

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  1. truthfornow profile image68
    truthfornowposted 12 years ago

    Does being on hubpages encourage you to write more often than you were writing before you joined?

  2. rajan jolly profile image95
    rajan jollyposted 12 years ago

    Yes. In fact, I'd never written anything online. Now that I have been doing so, the reader feedback encourages me to not only write more but write more useful and comprehensive content - one that readers of my type of hubs are looking for.
    Thanks for asking this good question.

  3. Dreamsinger profile image67
    Dreamsingerposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely, I am often considering different ideas that pop into my mind, that I would have previously discarded.  Now I tend to write or type up at least the outline for these ideas, which will hopefully be submitted as hubs, or maybe as articles for various other places.

    As Rajan says, the encouragement from others, is really motivating, not to mention reading the other interesting hubs on these pages and meeting others with similar interests.

  4. profile image0
    WhydThatHappenposted 12 years ago

    Definitely, it's always on my mind now. I think about whether something I'm doing would be a good hub subject. And I think about how to improve my writing in general.

  5. surefire profile image68
    surefireposted 12 years ago

    Sure. I have been writing since long. But after Hubpages, I have written more than I did before though I definitely feel that I am not doing as much as I could.

    Usually when I get an idea, I note it down for developing into an article. It is another matter that I have not taken action on all of them.

  6. kathysdiary profile image61
    kathysdiaryposted 12 years ago

    Great question! Yes it does! That is why I wrote my hub about thinking too much and no place to put it! Now I do! lol. I figure why not share it with others who just like to read! I also figure why not write about what I know about best. ME. LOL... I don't want to claim I know a bunch of stuff I really don't know about, just my own personal experiences I think! Could be a great outlet! Plus it kinda reminds me of when I kept a handwritten journal and geeze, nobody wanted to read it except my mom! smile

    1. Gerg profile image81
      Gergposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've used that analogy too - HP is like a diary written for an unseen audience of strangers!  ;-)

  7. profile image0
    whowasposted 12 years ago

    Not exactly, in the sense that I have been writing for quite a while now - a number of years - but I find that it is a wonderful format for 'getting the writing going' for the day.

    So it is now part of my daily routine and I'm always working on another hub or three...

    I would heartily recommend Hubpages to any writer for all manner of reasons too many to list here. It certainly helps 'anchor' the writing day, yes.

  8. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 12 years ago


  9. traslochimilano profile image57
    traslochimilanoposted 12 years ago

    Yes off-course hubpages encourage me to write more useful and informatic which is helpful to others. I write here mostly technical post and after read comment on hubs i being happy that they increase the technology related knowledge of many readers.

    Thanks for asking such a nice question

  10. ytsenoh profile image59
    ytsenohposted 12 years ago

    Belonging to HubPages has really enhanced the value of the commitment to writing and as such, I write nearly everyday now as opposed to when I "had time."

    1. ytsenoh profile image59
      ytsenohposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've noticed every response to this question was voted down, every single one, and I'm curious as to why.

  11. GoodLady profile image96
    GoodLadyposted 12 years ago

    Yes.  I write every day for hours since joining Hub Pages.  I didn't before, unless I was on an MA or writing a script or a theater play.

  12. myownlife profile image39
    myownlifeposted 12 years ago

    Certainly if you are on dinner party you expect to eat different dishes with full curiosity alike I have joined hubpages to write since I found here a good environment as each and every one is trying create new things via writing so I can do something that is never done by me. cheers

  13. bockshiner profile image75
    bockshinerposted 12 years ago

    Yes. The reason I joined Hubpages was to encourage myself to write more.

  14. Anju Arya profile image61
    Anju Aryaposted 12 years ago

    Off course very much. Now I think all the time about writing. Hub pages are as a tonic for my writing work. Thanks hub pages.

  15. SidKemp profile image72
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Yes. I've been writing for over 40 years. The quick response in getting appreciation from people I don't know is a totally great buzz for me, and keeps me writing daily like never before.

  16. Joyette  Fabien profile image85
    Joyette Fabienposted 12 years ago

    As a matter of fact it does. I have always been writing, but now I write with the objective of sharing on Hubpages. I value the feedback and enjoy the warmth of the Hubpages family and for me it is a tremendous source of encouragement. When others appreciate what I have written it inspires me to write more and also, their constructive feedback helps me to write better hubs.

  17. Gerg profile image81
    Gergposted 12 years ago

    Yes, and mostly I believe because you get instant feedback - not something a writer normally gets.  Like "The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner", writing can be the same way - very solitary.

    On the less positive side, it can have that distracting quality that pulls me from starting writing my next novel (although an argument could be made if not this, something else less interesting may have stolen my attention!)

    Great question...

  18. profile image0
    Team Leaderposted 12 years ago

    Hello truthfornow,

    Yes definately. I just discovered my passion for writing and I love reading about other people's thoughts and experiences. If I could I would do this as a full time job. I am working very hard on achieving this goal and I know that in a few year's time I will get there.

    Your 'Team Leader'

  19. Matthew Weese profile image60
    Matthew Weeseposted 12 years ago

    Not at all, Hub-Pages is just a place to filter ones work.

  20. Amy Becherer profile image67
    Amy Bechererposted 12 years ago

    Yes, writing at the hub creates an ever-expanding circle.  I wrote my first piece and BobbiRant was my first link by reading, commenting and then following.  She taught me how it's done, which provided me with the excitement of my first reader, which I reciprocated and the circle continues to grow. The commenters are a dynamic, diverse group of writers that are a continual source of inspiration, encouragement and support. Prior to hubpages, I only wrote Letters to the Editor at the STL Post-Dispatch.  It was a thrill to be published, but the feedback tended to be more vitriolic, as the topics were usually political.  The best compliment I received from those endeavors where from the local representative for the Hillsboro, MO district where I lived, who surprised me with a beautiful, handwritten thank you of appreciation for my published letter on her official stationery.   Hubpage writers are very consistent, kind, generous and effusive with their words of encouragement. Everytime I publish a piece at the hub, I feel like a kid at Christmas. 

    I write far more often now than ever before becoming an active writer at the hub. I have accummulated better skills and confidence through the support of the many writers I now call friends.

  21. profile image60
    ElleBeeposted 12 years ago

    Overall I would say I am writing more, being here on Hubpages.  Even though I make very little money, the chance for earnigns is an extra incentive to write! I also like the questions/answers, and the opportunity for comments all of which make writing a communtiy activity instead of a solitary activitiy for me.

  22. FatFreddysCat profile image61
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    Yes, it does. Prior to HubPages I had been writing music reviews for a small e-zine, which closed up shop, so I was looking for a new outlet. In my year on HubPages I've probably written more stuff than I did for the 'zine in the previous two or three years. It's addicting!!

  23. Deborah Brooks profile image60
    Deborah Brooksposted 12 years ago

    Yes I love writing but I am so encouraged since I have been on the HUB to do more and try and do better.

  24. p10kabhijita profile image40
    p10kabhijitaposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely, It helps me think more. In fact, I am generally very weak at spellings and punctuation. At HP I am making a constant effort to better myself.

  25. a2aoptima profile image60
    a2aoptimaposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely yes. The uniqueness of hubpage is that it provokes the inner writer in me. I still remember those days some years back when I used to write two articles in a year - each for my B-School magazine published half yearly!!! And now, the volume is like more than two in a month.

    Hubpage definitely rocks... Let's keep up the spirit.


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