What do u feel your spirit animal is.....seriously

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  1. Lovepocket profile image60
    Lovepocketposted 14 years ago

    Mine is most likely a dragon*

  2. Hookah profile image59
    Hookahposted 14 years ago

    A sparrow, a lot of the time I advice and guide others on the right path or so I've been told.

  3. Lovepocket profile image60
    Lovepocketposted 14 years ago

    The song of the sparrow is a powerful guide...or so I've heard

  4. Larry Gee profile image57
    Larry Geeposted 14 years ago

    I think my spirit animal might well be a tiger

  5. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Mine IS a Dragon!! yikes

  6. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    I feel like a wolf. But look like a frog. Meh hmm

  7. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    I feel like a measly worm, but not today as I have big snake yes!!

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol Hope You're Only Trying to Please Yourself With THAT! yikes

  8. profile image0
    Justine76posted 14 years ago

    How do you know? I was a dragon recently, but now Im a mushroom.

    1. profile image0
      philip carey 61posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Amanita muscaria var. formosa, to be precise. (I'm a mushroom taxonomy geek.) That particular species is toxic, but has psychoactive properties. A man named Gordon Wasson has a theory that this particular mushroom (the var. muscaria, which is red but otherwise similar) was the ancient "soma" used by the peoples that called themselves "Aryans". In any case, your avatar is a powerful ethnogen (but don't try them, they WILL make you sick beyond imagination, according to the literature). Only the yellow 'formosa' form grows here in Pennsylvania, where I live.

      1. profile image0
        Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ha haha ...  smile thanks. Ralwus told me as much yesterday. I never eat wild mushrooms because I dont like the idea of dying. They grow in my yard. I have alot of wierd things in my yard. I have wondered for some time if they were "magic" mushrooms, but had no clue of how to find out. I really like mushrooms and toadstools, and I took this picture because I thought it was pretty, all yellow, orange and red. Thanks for the info again. But I still dont knwo what kind of animal I am?

      2. WRKennedy profile image60
        WRKennedyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, Philip, you seem more like an amanita virosa - a destroying angel - but who am I to judge?

  9. Daniel Carter profile image62
    Daniel Carterposted 14 years ago

    Definitely a horse.

  10. Black Lilly profile image60
    Black Lillyposted 14 years ago

    I am definitely a domestic cat. For sure.

    PS. Justine - I told you you're poisonous big_smile

    1. profile image0
      philip carey 61posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I adopted the lowly cockroach as my spirit animal. Yes, that's right. I wanted to upgrade its reputation, but it's been an uphill battle, and I've received lots of angry emails from cockroaches who object to being associated with me...

      1. Black Lilly profile image60
        Black Lillyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ehm.. you received angry emails from cockroaches... what did you say you've been taking?
        mushrooms maybe?

    2. profile image0
      Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      and physcadellic!!! woo hoo.  smile

  11. profile image0
    Jessica Jonesposted 14 years ago

    I'm 100% convinced that my spirit animal is a cat. They possess the type of qualities I would like to see more of in myself: freedom, independence, contentment and loyalty. On the other hand they can be defensive when ruffled and completely indifferent at times. They are also prone to laziness, sleeping and eating.

  12. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    A black panther

  13. profile image0
    blatvaposted 14 years ago

    A wolf. Plain and simple.

  14. dyonder profile image72
    dyonderposted 14 years ago

    spider, just like grandpa

  15. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    A bear

  16. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago


  17. lain profile image59
    lainposted 14 years ago

    Mine is a lizard.

  18. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    What  else but....

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  19. Jonathan Janco profile image60
    Jonathan Jancoposted 14 years ago

    A wolf. Strength, stealth, stamina.
    Family comes first, but I try not to smother.
    Most compatible with otters and swans.

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Completely incompatible with Gingerbread men lol

      1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
        Jonathan Jancoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know why . . . wolves don't eat gingerbread. We like raw meat:) Yumyumyum!!!

  20. myownworld profile image69
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    bird...I just love soaring high in wide open spaces....!

  21. Richard Craig profile image60
    Richard Craigposted 14 years ago

    A monkey! i've always been good at climbing trees.

  22. SandyMcCollum profile image65
    SandyMcCollumposted 14 years ago

    Mine is the Raven. Lots of old world stories about Ravens. I didn't like it when I first found out, but since, I've learned the Raven is a great totem!

  23. Ivorwen profile image66
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    I am a playful vixen.

  24. torimari profile image69
    torimariposted 14 years ago

    Moose *nod*

  25. Lovepocket profile image60
    Lovepocketposted 14 years ago

    Great answers....I think I feel mine morphing into an owl...the watchman of the forest

  26. bojanglesk8 profile image60
    bojanglesk8posted 14 years ago

    An animal with a strong spirit, that's for sure.

  27. sannyasinman profile image60
    sannyasinmanposted 14 years ago

    There are various "find your animal spirit" quizzes on the Internet. In one I came out as a spider, in another a porcupine. Once on a seminar we divined our animal spirits and mine was a dog.
    However, like most people, my animal spirit of choice would be something more grand. A dragon for instance - which is also my Chinese astrological sign. smile

    1. rebekahELLE profile image84
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      that is my chinese sign also, the dragon.

      don't know my animal spirit, I'm rather cunning at times, could be some kind of cat.

      1. sannyasinman profile image60
        sannyasinmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Dragons make great writers! smile

  28. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 14 years ago

    What I "felt" mine was turned out to be something entirely different. Ego will do that to you. lol

  29. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 14 years ago

    Crow and rabbit.

  30. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

    I have dreamt of mine many times, I have twin white tigers, both male, one with bight crystal blue eyes named Tor and his brother with deep navy blue eyes named Thor. smile
    But truthfully I have dreamt all creatures and we all have talked to one another and they have always saved me and I them. but mostly it has been my sweet Tor and Thor

  31. love my yorkies profile image61
    love my yorkiesposted 14 years ago

    Well, i dream a lot about dogs so figured it might be a dog.  but took an on line quiz and it came out an owl.  Go figure.

  32. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    hmm, for whatever these quizzes are worth, I came out an owl and second was hawk. 

    I do like to fly~~~~~

  33. spiritactor profile image60
    spiritactorposted 14 years ago

    A dolphin. In situations where darkness serves me, a tiger.

  34. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    It has to be a cat

  35. sunforged profile image76
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Mine is a rabbit that dresses like a dolphin..at least that is what i always see during guided meditations

    how does a rabbit dress like a dolphin? idk..but this one does, its like a sea rabbit or something

  36. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 14 years ago

    My spiritual animal is a Cougar and on my good days it is a kitten! big_smile

  37. WRKennedy profile image60
    WRKennedyposted 14 years ago

    My spirit animal is the wolf and my motto is "When the wolf dines, everyone dines."  It stems from the fact that wolves take only what they need and leave food for other animals.

  38. Ivorwen profile image66
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    Open question to everyone who has answered or has an answer to the original question:  How have you discovered you spirit animal?  Is it based on how you view your self?  Is it something you see inside of you when you reflect?  How did you come to your conclusion?

    Several have mentioned quizzes, but surely those lack variety...

  39. Himitsu Shugisha profile image72
    Himitsu Shugishaposted 14 years ago

    My spirit animal is the Eagle. They have great vision, are strong and independent, and are creatures of habit.

  40. getitrite profile image73
    getitriteposted 14 years ago

    The Snake.


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