Who is your favorite fictional female character?

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  1. wayne barrett profile image73
    wayne barrettposted 11 years ago

    Who is your favorite fictional female character?

  2. embarrett91 profile image59
    embarrett91posted 11 years ago

    Susannah Dean, and not because she is the main female in Dark Tower, it's because she is strong and powerful even though she is handicapped physically and has multiple personalities, she strongly made it through a LOT of crazy shit!

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very good choice. She was definitely not someone to mess with!

    2. David Trujillo profile image53
      David Trujilloposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A very original character, probably one of the reasons I finished reading the series even though it sucked at the end.

  3. Theater girl profile image68
    Theater girlposted 11 years ago

    Has to be Miss Katie Scarlett O'Hara herself. She was so beautifully flawed, she never apologized and she took care of her family (okay, herself too) A strong take no prisoners woman!

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I knew I would get a least one Scarlett!

    2. Theater girl profile image68
      Theater girlposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not exactly original, I know!

  4. jponiato profile image88
    jponiatoposted 11 years ago

    I'll have to go with Stephanie Plum from the numbers series of books (like "One For The Money") by Janet Evanovich.  Especially when the series was new.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      she's a new one on me! might have to check that out.

  5. bravewarrior profile image87
    bravewarriorposted 11 years ago

    I really like Samantha Stevens.  She's sexy, quirky, pretty, tries hard, but can change any situation with the twinkle of her nose.  Wouldn't that be grand?

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh boy was I in love with her when I was a boy!

  6. wayne barrett profile image73
    wayne barrettposted 11 years ago

    I'm going to go with, Rowan Mayfair of Ann Rice's Mayfair Witches.

  7. Shaddie profile image77
    Shaddieposted 11 years ago

    Neytiri all the way wink I love everything about that gal. She is my role model for sure.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I saw the movie but have to admit...I had to look that one up. Good choice!

  8. Willsummerdreamer profile image63
    Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years ago

    Nynaene al'Mera from the Wheel of Time series...come to think I'd add every female character from that series lol. Robert Jordan really knew how to make a strong female character IMO.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      She is another that I am not familiar with. I'm learning about a lot of new characters.

  9. Solaras profile image94
    Solarasposted 11 years ago

    Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged.  She was smart, independent, efficient and could out do the men in a man's world.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very good book as well!

  10. TNT Husky profile image64
    TNT Huskyposted 11 years ago

    Call me a fanboy, but it'd have to be Samus Aran, the main protagonist of the Metroid series

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thats a new one on me!

  11. lilmissmeg profile image59
    lilmissmegposted 11 years ago

    Princess Zelda! i love the fact that she is an edgy elf like princess.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good choice. i have always liked sexy elves ; }

  12. thost profile image62
    thostposted 11 years ago

    My favourite fictional female character would be Jane Eyre, that woman had it all.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was wondering when I would here from a Jane Eyre fan. She is definitely one of the tops!

  13. ScarlaBlack profile image78
    ScarlaBlackposted 11 years ago

    There are far too many great female characters to choose from!  One of my favorite is Namine from Kingdom Hearts, since she grows so much but doesn't have to become spunky or 'tough' to become strong in her own right (maybe that's why I have such respect for Gone with the Wind's Melanie as well).

    That being said, my favorite female character from a more popular medium would probably be Katniss Everdeen because she was so strong and caring.  I think she's a great contemporary character for young girls to look up to.

    1. wayne barrett profile image73
      wayne barrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very good choice!

  14. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago


    Uh...'scuse me.  Not laughing at the question.  Laughing at the difference in viewpoints on Nynaeve from The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) series.  NOT my kind of girl; Lan can have her (as if I or anyone else could come between those two). 
    But I do have a favorite character, and she IS from the same series:  Min.  No wizardly type powers, but a powerful seer, handy with a knife, and all girl at the same time.  That girl, I would not kick out of bed for eating crackers.
    Second place:  Katniss Everdeen of Hunger Games.  (Not the actress in the movies.  I've only read the books.)

  15. profile image0
    Alise- Evonposted 11 years ago

    Anne of Green Gables, definitely!  Such a zest for life in all her intense perceptions of it at any given moment she has; I just love that "aliveness."

  16. Diane Van Hook profile image73
    Diane Van Hookposted 11 years ago

    For me its a toss up between Dana Scully and Buffy Summers, with Xena a close third, and my choices get geekier from there...

  17. lifetips123 profile image56
    lifetips123posted 11 years ago

    Obviously, Little Audrey whose real name is Audrey Smith

  18. David Trujillo profile image53
    David Trujilloposted 11 years ago

    Lady Brienne, from Game of Thrones.

    An ugly, male-looking women that follows knightly principles and fights for honor while being despised for her looks.


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