a poem
Like the dark side of the moon there are places faces hidden behind forced smiles from eclipsed traces flowing from shadow to shadow like the shade of an obelisk crawling across the landscape from midday to midnight avoiding...
A poem of life's continuance.
When I take up the pen, where do I go?
I learned at an early age, a lesson from a noisy mistake... a poem
A vignette from my autobiography, "Bakersfield Blood"
Standing in line...a true story
A true story
Hub #100! The story of my miraculous escape from death!
Wind whistles...a poem
Duplicating duplicity...a poem
The first time I set eyes on her...poetic humor
I think I will write a poem about you...a poem
Mary in the fire...a poem
It's 2:00 am...a poem
Spray paint and dried blood...a poem
Twas the night before Christmas...a poem
Marching women...a poem
Well, I've tasted every brew...a poem
Is God waiting behind that cloud?...a poem
I write my thoughts...Lyrical Poetry
Last night...a poem
Dog tags...a poem
It's hard labor working these fields...a poem
At the front door...a poem
I remember when grandma held my hand in hers...a poem
What kind of man, how could he...a poem
The wind moaning through the screen...a poem
Waxing poetic on dead streets...a poem
Her face in the window...a poem
Fields afire...a poem
Blazing light bursts in on his vision,,,a poem
The man juggling chainsaws...a poem
Standing eighteen hands he was a giant of a steed...a poem
Is this the direction my mind has taken...a poem
Her velvety red lips, press against mine...a poem
Hash marks numbering eight...a poem
Command me, hypnotize... a poem
I love you...a poem
Dreaming little girl dreams...a poem
Under lichen covered stone...a poem
That mad smiling face...a poem
Twisting, the corkscrew turns...a poem
Tonight I beheld the lightning...a poem
Why does life have to be...a poem
How long this time lay I sleeping...a poem
Twelve string strum...a poem
Mournful, yet calming, she sang...a poem
"Two eggs over easy"...a poem
Down by the rivers edge...a poem
With the choppers engine roaring beneath my seat...a poem
This human mind...a poem
Like the eye of the queen...a poem
Step Father...a poem
In the misty morning...a poem
In memory of my little sister...
Tidal wave rolling, roaring toward me...a poem
Your spirit was not born on the open plains...a poem
The pendulum swings left to right...a poem
Wayne Barretts entry in, "Bilybuc's Second Creative writing Contest"
Little miss bounced...limerick
I put my ear to the rail...a poem
Is the glass half empty...a poem
He's out there in the bush...Flash Fiction
Woman...a poem
Vintage...a poem
The fading face, in the black and white...a poem
An eagle and a jet airliner cross paths...a poem
I taste her...a poem
Please do not cry, I had to let go...a poem
Zydeco, Cajun strum, Five gallon bucket, played for the drum...a poem
I awoke, my head throbbin'...a poem
Chrome lug nuts Make up the eyes..a poem
I cherish her dearly For she has watched over me...a poem
The colors on the shaded side of the pink pastel Inn...a poem
walking into my favorite coffee bar, All my friends faces light up...a poem
At approximately 3:17 in the afternoon of this fateful day, The United States of America would experience the worst school disaster in its history...and it has been largely forgotten.
When I watched that beloved movie, and Old Yeller died, My little shoulders hunched, and I cried and I cried...
The glittering gold strap of her blouse, Blended deeply into her bronzed shoulder, Trailing a wet rivulet Down...
Cutting the air, Swung in a wide arc, Battle Axe finds its mark...
Angels wing extended, Creating a protective shield, Guardian for a purpose, that reaches beyond the present...
The drunkard knelt praying, While the nun stood cursing
Breeze blowing through hair, Watching sunrise, As a stray dog humps my leg... a poem of humor and humility.
A poem dedicated to my daughters, April, Elizabeth, and Erika.
Sleep well, Weep well...
Pretty pink envelope in Georgie's dirty little hand, Thumbprints smudged over her name "Susie Lou", Thought bubble above his head screams "I love you", Shyly he hands the card to little miss..
Father clad in raven black, Praying hands across crux of silver, Polished shoes in sand powder white, Seagull chases crow, Skyward we gaze, Shadows darken upraised palms...
As I lay next to you, our nude bodies touching. Emotions exploded indescribable. There's something about the back of your neck...
Early morning. Beethoven's "Pathetique" flows to my hearing from beyond
The sun stares down at me as I lie in the bottom of the boat. The cloudless sky around her is as blue as the reflection of my eyes that do stare back at me in a mirror. I look around, but ...
I heard it....
The great, Neil Young, once said, "I know that most of you don't understand" But from the words of an unknown psychedelic's offspring, I can, Who as a child sat in purple closet shadows...
Sitting on a curb he lights a cigarette, Watching a woman walk by, pushing a stroller carrying a bag full of bottles. A small child follows, sunlight reflects off her dark sunglasses...
In memory of Jocelyn Airey. A poem written for my wife from a childhood memory of hers.
Rise and fall, Her breath
Rose petals twitch, tremble, yawn
Where children once sat, singing nursery rhymes together, dust now settles. In the ballroom where couples once danced and laughed, silence fills the air. Where bright chandeliers once hung...
Alternating through love and hatred in a state of emotional confusion, all the while wading through the mud of reality and fantasy. Dizzy, swaying on the edge of enlightenment and total insanity...