An assembly of my favorites by Rosina

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  1. RozlinMohsin profile image60
    RozlinMohsinposted 2 years ago

    Please read Rosina's article where she talks about her favorites. … -Favorites

    Hi Rosina. I enjoyed reading your article. Glad to know about your favorite things. Thank you for sharing your list of favorites.

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Rozlin, for sharing the link of my article. Chitrangada is also running a thread on this. But I am glad you are too. I am pleased you enjoyed my creative piece. Have a great day!

  2. ravirajan01 profile image95
    ravirajan01posted 2 years ago

    Wonderful Rosina. Your article made me go on a nostalgic trip to discover my childhood favorites- my favorite popsicle, my pet squirrel, and the guava tree in my village from where I used to steal guavas. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks, Chitrangada, for sharing Rosina's remarkable article.

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I am glad, Ravi, my piece took you a trip back to your childhood times. It was interesting to know what your favorites were.

      By the way, this thread is initiated by Rozlin. Chitrangada is also running a thread on this.

      I am happy you enjoyed my write-up. Have a great evening!

  3. ravirajan01 profile image95
    ravirajan01posted 2 years ago

    Sorry my bad
    Thanks, Rozin for sharing Rosina's wonderful article. Have a great week ahead.

  4. Misbah786 profile image81
    Misbah786posted 2 years ago

    I enjoyed reading your lovely hub, Rosina.You know who you really are. I admire that kind of self-awareness. By the way, your childhood photo is so sweet. I also like both the movies you mentioned, 'Titanic' and 'Hum dil de chuke sanam'. Both were Blockbusters. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Thank you Rozlin for sharing Rosina's hub.

    Have a great day and a wonderful week.
    Blessings and Love to you both!

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Misbah, for enjoying my write-up. I am happy to know you liked my childhood photo and that you also like the movies I mentioned. And above all, you admire my self-awareness. Thank you for the wonderful comments.

      Have a great week ahead. Blessings and love to you too.

      1. alancaster149 profile image75
        alancaster149posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Until about half my lifetime ago changes of environment, changes of accommodation and so on obliged me to shed more books than I bought, for lack of space and ability to carry between new accommodation. I was brought up between parallel cultures - British and Central European - a classical book hungry mother and a non-fiction, but mostly newspaper reading father who met each other when dad was still in the British Army. A lot of mam's books were way above my head and mostly slow reading. One I read that the (male) author Erich Maria Remarque wrote during the Depression years after his better-known 'All Quiet on the Western Front'. This book was 'The Black Obelisk', a sardonic observation of Germany as it sank under the weight of a worthless Deutschmark into the Nazi era. Pithy, very much so. Isaac Asimov was another author I latched onto, one book I got halfway through before abandoning was about life on a space station, where days of inactivity developed into the main character talking to his dead wife. A faster-paced series of books that began with 'The Last Kingdom' saw Bernard Cornwell dipping further into England's history than the 'Sharpe' series. The one phrase that jarred with me was ... "We are all Saxons ..." I said out aloud with the book in my lap, "Oh no, we are not all Saxons! From a line north of Somerset-Hampshire-Middlesex-Essex we are Angles, Aengle' (around three-quarters of the territory of England as it became less than a century later under Aelfred's Mercian-raised grandson Aethelstan (and then only shakily for another century or so, with strong Danish influx until Knut became king in AD 1016. You can see I sort of live in the past, and having written and self-published seven books of my own in the 'Ravenfeast' saga series, based around the early 'Conquest' era have become very much grounded in the history of Aengla Land (England).
        These days though I'm very much (almost) back in the present with a collection of books on the 'heirs' and predecessors of the historical North Eastern Railway (sic). A particular book caught my attention, published by Strathwood, is 'Edward Thompson, Wartime C.M.E' by railway historian Simon A..C. Martin. A much-overlooked and sometimes reviled engineer who served his 'apprenticeship' with his father-in-law Sir Vincent Raven on the North Eastern Railway. familiar material given a few new insights.
        that's it for now folks ...

        1. surovi99 profile image86
          surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I am not so sure, Mr. Alan, you are responding to the right thread of discussion. This thread is a discussion of my favorites in my life. On the other hand, you are talking about books. I hope you find the right thread to post your response. Have a great day!

          1. alancaster149 profile image75
            alancaster149posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            My apologies, I thought this was on the books issue... Keep up the good work.

  5. MsDora profile image91
    MsDoraposted 2 years ago

    Rosina, you remind us that we all have blessings to count. So wise of you to use the memory of these favorites as pick-me-uppers. Your article is inspiring. Thanks for sharing to both you and Rozlin.

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Dora, for finding my article inspiring. Yes, we can use the memory of our favorites to feel better. And yes, we all have blessings to count. I am happy my article helped you to feel good. Gratitude for your great comments.

  6. Ankita B profile image87
    Ankita Bposted 2 years ago

    Wonderful article, Rosina. I truly admire your down-to-earth approach in mentioning your favourites. Thank you for sharing this inspirational article.

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I am glad, Ankita, you like my approach in mentioning my favorites. I am so happy you felt inspired. I appreciate your lovely comments. Have a great evening!

  7. Brenda Arledge profile image80
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    It's great to know your favorite things.

    I myself can't resist John Denver's songs.  The two you listed are touching...i enjoy them too.

    The Titanic is a favorite of mine.  That song just makes one feel good.

    Flowers & I go hand in hand.  I suppose I've always liked them.
    I once picked every single flower in a neighbors flowerbed which grew along an alley & brought them home to my mother....i got in trouble.

    My favorite drink is a milkshake.  Which I'll probably be getting in the next few days. .temperatures to be 95 with heat index 105.

    Thanks for sharing these.

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Looks like you and I have many things in common, Brenda. About drinks, no milkshake is something that I do not prefer. I don't like to have it directly-maybe a bit of it in tea is okay for me. That's all the milk I like to have. Your comments are very much appreciated. Thank you so much. Have a good week ahead, hopefully.

  8. Brenda Arledge profile image80
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    Nothing beats a strawberry shake from the dairy queen on a hot Summer day.'s not Summer according to the calendar.
    I'm certain I'll be waiting in a long line as they haven't opened the doors due to covid.  Only drive thru

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Best of luck, dear Brenda. I hope you can have your strawberry shake at your earliest convenience. Wish you all the best.

  9. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 2 years ago

    I really love this article Rosina. I love many of the same things as you, like movies, music and food. It is nice you can focus on those things you love to feel happier. This is a terrific article.

    Thanks for posting Rosina's article Roslin.

    1. surovi99 profile image86
      surovi99posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I am delighted to know you love this article, Pamela. Yes, many of us share common interests. Its is possible to feel happier when I focus on my favorite things. Your comments are truly appreciated. Thank you so much. Have a great week ahead.


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