What are your best tips for growing a great garden? (Weekly Topic Inspiration)

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  1. Simone Smith profile image83
    Simone Smithposted 12 years ago

    What are your best tips for growing a great garden? (Weekly Topic Inspiration)

    Are you a gardener? What tips would you share on starting a garden in a new place, choosing plants, maintaining a vegetable or flower garden, gardening with kids, fighting off pests or anything else garden-related? Share them as this week’s Weekly Topic Inspiration! For some search-friendly titles and group support, stop by our forum thread: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/95298


  2. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 12 years ago

    Well, my best tip is that I use my smoothest southern accent to say, "Honey, will you help me do some weeding?"  However, I look forward to the hubs to come in the Weekly Topic Inspiration.  smile  I've always meant to do some research on whether it is healthy to use newspaper in a vegetable garden--I wonder about the inks, etc.

  3. D Shannahan profile image66
    D Shannahanposted 12 years ago

    I would make sure that whatever I did in my garden, it has to be some place that I enjoy being and somewhere that I find pleasing.  If you don't enjoy the whole process than it is not as valuable.

  4. konni profile image62
    konniposted 12 years ago

    I used to work in a greenhouse and constantly had customers ask me questions like, "If I plant one tomatoe plant, will I only get one tomoatoe?" or "If I plant squash will I only get one squash?" I was surprised that a lot of people really did not know that you get more than one off your plant. lol.  My advice would be to know about what you are planning to plant. Not all vegetable and flowers need full sun light, and not all like lots of water. A little research into vegetables and flowers fist would be a good idea. Also determine what type of soil you have. If its rocky, sandy, clay or fertile rich soil. You may have to add bags of some good potting mixes or soil to it. I used to add miracle grow potting mix to my garden soil along with manuer and some sand if it was needed. Whatever you have to work with should always be rototilled and turned really good before planting.

  5. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    A garden is any personal space to relax and commune with nature. There are no rules, only possibilities. Here are some tips and creative ideas. read more

  6. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years ago

    This article aims to give you some of the best tips for growing a great garden, whether it is a flower garden or a vegetable garden. Just remember these tips and you too can be a successful gardener. read more

  7. Lynn3 profile image61
    Lynn3posted 12 years ago

    Growing a garden is rewarding. It is always a learning proccess. Here are some tips to help you on your way. read more

  8. DIYmyOmy profile image69
    DIYmyOmyposted 12 years ago

    My single best tip, after 40 years of gardening happiness, is to only take on the amount of garden you enjoy, and for which you will have time. It's very easy to overdo, and working in a garden is working, no doubt about it! So start slowly--with plants in containers, for example--and add plants and garden space gradually.

    Your ultimate goal should be enough gardening to fit into your life, and only that amount. Otherwise the joy will be drained from the experience, it will all be just another endless chore, and you will not feel the deep, spiritual connection to nature that gardening ideally brings into our lives.

  9. profile image0
    ksknairposted 12 years ago

    One of the best tip is going for Organic gardening. The advantages are the following: -

    1. Inexpensive way of gardening
    2. Healthy fruits and flowers
    3. It improves the health of the soil so that productivity increases

    Please go through my article on organic gardening: -

    http://ksknair.hubpages.com/hub/Simple- … nic-Garden

  10. rosika profile image77
    rosikaposted 12 years ago

    Do you have purple plants and flowers in your garden? If not I will tell you all the reason why you should have purple flowers. I will also show you the pictures of the lovely purple flowers which will make understand more about some of the wonderful purple plants. read more

  11. DeanCash profile image60
    DeanCashposted 12 years ago

    I am not a gardener but my mom is. I hated the garden before because I have to be very careful when parking my car but over several years I have finally get the value of a garden. Each time you get attached to this nature thing, please remove your shoes, it is like you never grow old. My good advice are: Keep it clean and simple. Get it trim like what you did in your hair, well some of our trees branches out from our neighbor. Do not let doggie ruin it, always separate animals from your garden - well I go out with my trained dog. Do not let the chemical companies doctor your garden, this is best advice I get from my grand parents - natural farming is not to be confused with organic farming (this one is abused), natural means no chemicals. I say abused because in other parts of the world people are always tempted to buy chemicals just like cigarette because it's cheap. Unlike cars, cellphone or ipads gardens always remains beautiful forever - it what my mom told me - L.O.V.E.

  12. sjwigglywoo profile image72
    sjwigglywooposted 12 years ago

    If you grow vegetables, only grow what you know you will eat or like as otherwise it's a waste of time, effort and space. Try to grow at least 1 new thing a year that way you will know whether you like it and can add it to your crop. It's a good way to try new things at very little expense.

  13. momster profile image60
    momsterposted 12 years ago

    http://momster.hubpages.com/hub/TipsFor … enceGarden

    Still learning my way around the contest pages. Here is my hub for the garden weekly topic.

  14. profile image0
    Arlene V. Pomaposted 12 years ago

    My interest in gardening comes in waves.  Sometimes, I want to have a garden, and sometimes I only want to grow things in pots.  Or maybe I just want to concentrate on my roses.  This year, the weather here in California is not working with me, so I am looking at growing my garden in pots.  When you grow your crops in pots, and the valley heat comes in the late spring and into summer, you need to get out there and water each day.  It is a pain.  But as long as I am home, I make sure to water my plants so nothing dies under my watch.  I do love to go out in my yard or patio and pick my own herbs and vegetables when needed.  A lot of pride comes with growing your own produce.  Nothing wrong with that!

  15. K9keystrokes profile image82
    K9keystrokesposted 12 years ago

    Find a great chart for the best hanging plants for baskets. Also, plenty of information around plant hardiness zones to help you choose the right plants for your area! read more

  16. Jojosi profile image61
    Jojosiposted 12 years ago

    To create a garden or landscape you must combine design, science technology and art to create a space - or even several spaces - that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

  17. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    Having trouble finding the perfect plant for shady spaces? This list of shade plants will help you with your garden if you're in partial sun or full shade. read more

  18. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    Create a beautiful garden with only a few tools. This list contains the must-haves that will allow you to create the garden of your dreams, whether you're on a budget or are new to gardening! read more

  19. Sage in a Cage profile image78
    Sage in a Cageposted 12 years ago

    I think the key is to plant the garden for yourself and stop worrying about how it appears to neighbours or passers-by. Tending a garden should be a passion and it's hard to keep up motivation for a garden when your heart is not truly in it. I try to go on gut instinct and pick flowers and plants which make me smile rather than what's currently 'in fashion'.

  20. marcJ profile image77
    marcJposted 12 years ago
  21. Daisy Mariposa profile image72
    Daisy Mariposaposted 12 years ago

    Over the years, I have read a number of suggestions regarding growing plants indoors. One popular theory is that if you talk to a plant, the plant will grow better. read more

  22. rebeccamealey profile image92
    rebeccamealeyposted 12 years ago
  23. adjkp25 profile image84
    adjkp25posted 12 years ago

    Before you plant a vegetable garden there are a few things that you need to know to ensure the garden meets the expectations you might have, you don't have to be a master gardener either. read more

  24. Turtlewoman profile image90
    Turtlewomanposted 12 years ago

    Easy vertical garden ideas for the beginner gardener. How to build a garden trellis with a piece of wood and some nails. read more

  25. Janis Goad profile image80
    Janis Goadposted 12 years ago

    These organic gardening tips will help you use green manures to condition your soil and reduce need for water and chemical fertilizers.  Incorporate green manures into your new garden design to make the beds easier to dig in the spring before first planting. read more

  26. seh1101 profile image71
    seh1101posted 12 years ago

    I wrote a hub a while back about Preparing Soil for Planting

    http://seh1101.hubpages.com/hub/How-to- … r-Planting

    I may consider writing another to better fit the question, but I am in the middle of another gardening hub at the moment.

  27. Janis Goad profile image80
    Janis Goadposted 12 years ago

    Perennial plants for sun with summer flowers are the backbone of the garden.  This is an illustrated guide to  22 great perennials  that need little care, divide easily, and last for many years. read more

  28. angela_michelle profile image95
    angela_michelleposted 12 years ago

    Want a beautiful garden or at least a beautiful bouquet. It's helpful to know what flowers flourish in what month to know how to enjoy beautiful flowers all year long. read more


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