In spite of this economic crisis it has become neccessary for most to 'cut back' on non-essentials, myself included. I have come to realize that getting a manicure/pedicure and salon appointments (to get my hair washed and blow dried) bi-weekly is something I can live without. Not that I am happy about it However, I do save $180 a month..... that makes me Happy!
What have you learned to live without?
My family has cut back on eating out. We use to go out for dinner every Friday and Saturday but now we just pick one day a month instead. I have also cut out my tanning, manicure, pedicure and gym membership. I opt to use my treadmill and weights at home and walk outside when I can. The savings are dramatic! Wahoooo Go Me!
I take my lunch to work now instead of buying it. Usually the leftovers from dinner so I'm wasting less food and money!
Oh good one. We also do that now. Despite my love for sleep, I wake up at 5 to make my boyfriend lunch and when we have left overs he takes that instead.
I also make him coffee before work so he isn't stopping at the gas station every morning for a cup too. It saves us about 12 bucks a day which saves us 60 bucks a week or 240 a month.
I do the same...... but I've always done this
oOo...manicure...pedicure...sounds sooo nice. never had one, but I would like to. I do it myself, even giving myself my own foot massages but it would be nice to have someone else do that for me every once in a while. I have never been a big spender so I pretty much do without fancy stuff anyway. one thing I will NEVER do without is my Clinique lotion. I GOTS to have that.
cable tv, my own car, haircuts of any sort, conditioner, eating out, going places, caller I.D., christmas or birthday presents for myself, new clothes, soda, premade food, nail polish....
I have stopped taking milk in my coffee
I wear my shoes into the ground
I buy cheap sunglasses
I buy all wrapping paper and gift bags at the dollar store
When I fly, I search every airline imaginable and piece together different flight legs. I save about $400 per round trip.
Skype has virtually eliminated my long distance phone bills.
I still go to restaurants but only on their "special" nights
Saving money can be fun. Living within one's means also is a stress-free lifestyle.
Doesn;t make me happy I am a Hairdresser, seriously What De[pression, its only in peoples heads. People are not spending, they are holding on and why because the Media says Depression, Well Hey the Media is wrong The Depression isn't on. My Salons Clients are still as regular as, so I don't believe that many people feel as you do. In fact I am spending more.
I had to cut back not because of the economy, but because of divorce.
What I have discovered is that there is so much waste and excess when the going is good. I have learned to live on less than I used to, and I am non the worst for it. I wish I knew then what I know now, maybe I will have a huge portfolio.
Cooking more, coffee at home, own hair trims (turned out OK really), grooming my own dog, going natural on the finger tips, second hand shops (just found some great name brand stuff in new condition), pack lunch, walk instead of drive when possible, car pool, add an extra blanket to the bed or space heater and turn down the heat, added ceiling fans and turned down the air, moved the horse to a cheaper boarding barn, washing my own car, doing some home repairs (feel proud not something I would have tried before), rethinking purchases with a new need vs want list.
All together we are changing how we spend the money, its still spent but more is being spent on investments vs little daily crap that just will not matter in 10 years.
exactly those, massage even once in a while at a cheapo place, eating out less, shopping for clothes... tickets to concerts...cabs.
Well we recently took a step back in the home department and live in a much smaller place at a much more affordable price which saves us $800.00 a month.
Our new place is much smaller and not really up to date but we love it anyways.
Mostly though we stopped buying things we really don't need, got basic cable and slower internet speed etc...
Yip! I got a signal from someone elses unlocked wireless network. Hopefully they wont lock me out.
LOL Lucky you. Another method of cutting costs
how do I make sure my wireless is locked? if I have a password, they can't get in can they??? I have verizon fios.
lol, no unless they break your pass code. Which I have been able to do in the past. Seriously, I am conscious about what I am doing on the internet so to not disrupt their network.
Be careful, if they have a packet sniffer or keylogger installed on their main system, they can track where you go and get your passwords.
LOL Considering they have their network open, and it is not a kind of high trafficked place like an airport, it's highly unlikely they even have a slightest idea of what you are talking about.
But yes, in high trafficked places I would be wary of unlocked networks.
Switching the heating on all day - we just have it on for an hour in the morning. Luckily it's really mild here at the moment.
i gave up my cellphone, am just using my phone here connected to the internet, just stay home anyway, plus I do my own manicure/pedicure
cellphones, and multiple trips into town.I wash clothes every other week in cold water, and don't do dishes until the machine is full. I installed filters on the sink and bathroom, to cut down on bottled water, and leave the windows open instead of running the heat and AC.
We are cutting back on eating out so much...and doing our best to not buy things tha we don't need i.e. books, movies, video games, etc. BUT IT"S SO HARD!!! lol
Well it's my second time, so I hope it sticks...don't know why I started back. It was actually easier this time. Smoked for 15 years, quit 3, smoked 1 1/2 years, and now it's been, oh i dunno, a couple of months. I used gum and e-cig this time. Chantix is supposed to be good if you don't mind pills, but it gives some wild dreams and crazy thoughts from what I hear. Wife tried it a couple of years ago. Anyway, we spend a lot less $ on burning sh*t.
brings new meaning to burning money. We quit smoking during a budget crunch it sucked at first but its been 8 yrs now and getting better.
When times get hard, we cut back on high $ coffee and don't buy new clothes unless absolutely necessary, and spend less on gifts.
This last summer we took steps to cut back on as much debt as possible, so that our overall needs were less. My husband is currently looking into several jobs that would provide housing, and still allow him to work full time, so that we could rent our home out.
cook more at home~
no daily starbucks~
travel less~
eliminated some of the premium movie channels~
spend more time with friends/family at home instead of going out or spending time at beaches/parks~
all is good except I do miss the daily trip to sb~
Funny how Starbucks has been given the boot by so many. No wonder they closed so many stores. I always gave the wife a hard time about spending so much on a cup of coffee.
I gave up cable and went with a DSL internet package. I decided that having 4 channels opposed to 80 is kind of boring. I did it for a year now. But I am going to break down and get cable. I miss having variety.
I also parked my car for the last 9 months and rode my bike or took a bus. Now that it is winter I will probably use the car though.
I probably saved in and around 1,000 dollars for the year. Now I will have to see what I can downsize come winter.
That was my first answer, too--Starbucks. I'm surprised those folks are in business anymore. You'd be shocked how much we save per week by NOT going.
a lot of people go there to work, study. I go there a few times a week to read or do some writing, but now all I get is a basic cup of coffee.
it's just not the same brewing starbucks at home.
We gave up eating out so often, rarely go to movies anymore and have cut out our lovely trips abroad for now. I still need my Starbucks though. I told my husband I will give up Starbucks when he quits smoking! (Starbucks forever)
Let's see..
1- I got rid of things like unlimited texting on my cell phone, and also reduced my talk time to the smallest plan. (I still need my phone since I don't have a landline)
2- I don't eat out at places much anymore. Maybe once every month or two. Same goes for movies, it has two be one that really catches my eye and I go during the day when it's cheaper.
3-I've learned to appreciate walking again
4-I take my own lunch and all to work. I also leave my money at home so I am not tempted by the evil vending machines!! >
We've had to make some big changes to our preferred lifestyle. At least for now. We signed up for netflix instead of going to the movies so often. We don't have cable anymore. Instead, we use Hulu other sites to watch the shows we really like. We buy generics (store brands) for almost everything from food to clothes and cleaning supplies. That alone saves us between $1,800 and $2,000 a year. We have 4 kids so we buy fun things that we can do over and over again. We love to have Nerf wars and we only spent $40. We used to spend about that much every time we went out and did something fun. My wife shopped around for a less expensive hair stylist. It was a scary process for both of us. But, she loves the one she's using now and it costs $60 less. Other people have already mentioned a lot of the other changes we've made.
Well, we had to let some of the servants go - one of the chambermaids, a pantry girl, and one of the gardeners. Lord knows, how we'll manage without them! Thankfully we were able to retain the butler, chauffer, chef, housekeeper and the rest of the household staff.
Had to cut back on the annual order of Petrus and Chateau Latour too. Can't visit the villa in Mustique as often as we'd like, and for the trips to Paris for the fashion shows, well we still stay at the Georges V, but we had to let the suite go, and settle for a deluxe room instead.
And other sacrifices? Well the grouse shooting was a casualty, and also the membership of the polo club. (sigh).
Yes, times are hard, but we'll struggle through somehow.
My crack habit... er daily Coffee purchasing habit (my work provides free coffee though... I got a lucky out ).
Haha, seriously though. I've learned to live without a FAST but gas guzzling mustang. After it was totaled I bought an economy car. I miss my baby .
Yea, I'm on my "second" time as well. Smoked for 3 years (up to a pack a day) quit for 1.5, smoked for half a year again, then quit... It's been about 2 years now. Used the patch. It helps!
Here's a simple one. I changed my mobile fone from bill pay system to pre-pay system. It's a wee bit more fiddly, but I save ÂŁ40 per month on average. That has got to be good.
Another tip friends gave me is - drink at home, not down in the pub, coas its much more expensive. (UK people that is...)
Check eBay out. We are all spenders but we don't have to pay a fortune for anything, do we? That's me.
Cable TV...ouch...I've learned to enjoy myself in other ways..wait, that doesn't sound right. (although, that is ONE of the ways) hrmmmm
installed a tankless water heater( costs money to save alot more money ) and cut cable out completely. no need for tv shows or anything like that. We own plenty of movies anyways. Definitly shop at places like biglots more often for unique kitchen or cleaning items. Most things are alot cheaper.
I've learnt to cut down on whinging and moaning. When I had more, I was looking at what everyone else had and felt ungrateful for my lot. Now I have less materialistically but more appreciation.
cokes and smokes are all that are left and they are both on their way out as well. colas first, been drinking them for 45 years and I'm totally addicted. then smokes... after that not much else i can cut. i simply won't cut our internet.
yeah, cant cut the internet, cant live without it, cut my cellphone already, have a home phone anyways, stay at home me. cant cut weekend eat at Chinese restaurant though...cut eating MCDONALDS, what a life....
having my nails done is now a thing of the past..
and I have a cigarette roller ( a one time cost of $45.00 ) and now roll my own filtered cigarettes for around $12.00 a carton...
wich saves alot considering a carton of generics in ohio are around $30 plus dollars!
I set a goal for myself come January.. and I mean it.. to
go to Basic Cable.. might save $50 mthly
** Get rid of one of my phone lines.. which I never use. save $12Mthly
** Quit taking the $2 cab - saves $10 wkly
** Don't buy coffee from the coffee truck, cuz I get free coffee at work. saves - $5-$10 wkly.
** Bring my own lunch.. will save me at least $30-$50 wkly..
** Head straight to the subway after work and don't go to any stores - will save at least $75 wkly.
** Forget about the cell phone.. gonna switch to that whatever plan T-Mobile has..
a new handbag. the one I have is fine. who cares? it's just a bag.
canceled premium move channels, use netflix, much cheaper.
being more 'creative' with meals.
now I love not spending $.
I don't do anything to my hair but get regular cuts. No perms, no color.
Don't get as many channels on my cable TV.
Got a great deal on my landline phone because I have high-speed Internet thru the cable company.
No fun trips. Visits to family only.
Eat out less.
Hardly ever buy new clothes or new shoes these days.
I've given up Starbucks as well. Actually only occasionally. I've now switched to gas station coffee - but I love it! Fat Free French Vanilla from one button push,it gets me up in the morning and tastes great...nothing to lose.
To save bigger money, though, I now plan better. I've had to cut back on vacations, but when I do go I plan in advance and go during low season.
I don't go out as often as I used to but to be honest I don't miss it much.
Turning the heating down, giving up smoking and started refilling my toner cartridges for my printers. Also try to use the food we have before buying more !
Quite easy to save loads when you start thinking about it.
We had already cut back on spending because we are nearing retirement and thought it would be good to accustom ourselves to living on less. Little did we know that my husband would be laid off in February of 2009 and forced into early retirement in November.
We were already in the habit of driving used cars bought with cash; never going into debt for a "two income" house; dressing simply, as "fashion contrarians"; going for the natural, fresh-scrubbed look rather than using expensive personal care routines or products; and, doing a lot of cooking from scratch at home.
After the layoff, away went:
Satellite television (we kept the mid-priced satellite Internet, dumped the TV and went with Netflix)
Shopping at full-price supermarkets (we switched to Aldi for most things and we think it's great)
We turned down the thermostat a few degrees and positioned space heaters that can be turned on when rooms are occupied; we also wear warmer clothing indoors in winter.
We found out that we still had "internet" service and unlimited texting on our cell phones, and what that was costing every month even though we weren't using those services (except for the crank, junk, and abusive texting that unidentified sources were sending to my phone from time to time). Eliminating those services and having both the phones blocked to text messages saves more than $30 per month.
We eliminated one train trip for vacation per year, opting instead to drive for our two-week trip in the fall. We still take the train in the spring and during the winter holiday time.
We applied to refinance the mortgage on the little cottage to which we're planning to retire, which will push out the maturity date but cut our monthly mortgage payment by more than half. When I finally retire (should I be so blessed) the sale of our full-time residence should bring enough to wipe out the small mortgage on the cottage, allowing us to become debt free. The cottage is just that, a cottage, small and cheap to heat, with a tiny yard, in town and close to everything. This is not most people's romantic dream of a retirement destination, but it's what we will be able to afford and we knew this before the economy tanked.
We've worked to cultivate the attitude that being frugal is fun, and we've about got ourselves convinced of it.
A long time ago I started to rethink the items in my shopping cart. Traditionally we always tend to view the meat as being the most expensive item in our cart. But actually it's the pre-packaged stuff we find so convenient that costs quite a lot more than even that T-bone you decided to leave in the grocer's meat case.
For example, a bag of Pasta Sides® is 4.5 oz. and sells for around $1.20 each. Seems economical enough, and they usually sell often at a discount as well. But that's around $4.27 per lb. for noodles. Betty Crocker® specialty potatoes are sold in an average size of 6 oz. per box, depending on the variety, for around $1.89 each. That's $5.04 per lb. for potatoes.
When you start breaking things down like that you can see the real value in made-from-scratch cooking. Yeah it is more time consuming. I've also concluded that most people are working more to pay for more stuff and so time can be limited which makes these types of items more attractive. But in this case it's WORKING more to PAY more for LESS stuff, and that to me seems a little backward. If you can reduce your expenses, especially BIG ones like these high priced grocery convenience items, you may not have to work as many hours and therefore will have the extra time necessary to cook them.
We cut back on the alcohol on the weekly shop, plus being a lot more careful about impulse shopping.
In order to cut some business costs I started using Magic Jack for my land line. This is cutting out about 11 normal monthly payments and you do get caller ID and other features you would normally pay for with a land line.
I think I can do with a little less of everything I consume. If I ate less, I would weigh less; use less electricity, my budget improves; less material stuff, and I can focus on the real important things, the things unadvertised and not sold in the store.
shopping for clothing and shoes (did not go shopping for 3 weeks already, will make it one month)
There are quite a few things I have to do without, considering that I only have enough money left until the end of February
before I become homeless. Here's the list.
Live in my apartment. No money for the rent
Possible loss of my Car. No money to pay car payment
No insurance on car. No money to pay insurance.
Mounting Credit card debt. No money to pay bill.
Loss of cell phone: No money to pay bill.
Here's what I have done to stick around just a bit longer.
Stay home, so I don't have to spend money on gas. Let my laundry
pile up, so I don't have to do laundry in the coin machines at
my complex. Don't spend money on anything that I don't need.
Spend a lot of time hoping for a miracle.
I currently have around $700.00. Then I will have nothing.
Learn to live with only one Credit Card... It's simple for me I guess. I mean my moto is, "Don't spend money you don't have, and if you have to, pay it off that month".
I learn how to live without Starbucks for almost 3 years now. It saved me about $4000 which I put in my retirement. I am pretty happy about myself for doing that.
pre-packaged foods. I have saved a lot by buying from the butcher and incorporating pasta and rice to meals.
by JP Carlos 13 years ago
What is one modern day technology you can not live without?
by Prince Maak 14 years ago
Can we live or can we work without Computers? How will be our Life without COMPUTERS.
by collegedad 11 years ago
Would you live without money if given the opportunity?I have been researching frugal living and am finding more people who live on a meager existence than I expected. I am frugal, but I don't know if I'd want to go money free. Would your live without money if given the opportunity?
by mommyneal6 13 years ago
What is the one thing that you absolutely can not live without?
by bluegreengirl 13 years ago
How to show you can live without him/herI have a 3yr relationship now.. and I'm so much inlove! The thing is, I made her my world. I always want to be with her, (whenever were apart) -- I want to know her whereabouts -updates, I always check her inbox to I even check her Facebook accts to see,...
by StellaSee 12 years ago
What are 3 things you can't live without?Mine would be 1. Friends and family 2. music 3. creative expression. What's yours?
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