Survival Preparation for the Solar Storms
What would you do when the EMP storm hits!
Could an electrical grid collapse happen? Click here !!!
For the information that is coming out, the sun is beginning its stage of mass coronal ejections, where the sun spews out tremendous amounts of energy in the form of solar flares. Solar flares are supposed to increased activity of these events, increasing and climaxing during these years. Similar solar flare storms happened before, during the days of the telegraph. The solar flares of this period of history burnt and fried the telegraph wires and disabled the communications of the era. Being that we are so much more complex, with so many micro-electronics, satellites, microwave towers, cell phone communications, TVs, radios, transformers, high power lines and generation stations, to believe that we would not be affected by such a massive solar storm is like putting your head in the sand with disbelief.
If a massive coronal ejection hit the Earth, there would be substantial communication damage, the electrical grid would be disrupted, major electrical outages, possible car, truck, transportation damage, and most likely financial meltdown. With these in combination with riots, shortages of food, panic, loss of jobs, loss of transportation, loss of sewage service, no refrigeration for food, limited transportation to transport the food, and the tensions of people being hot, cold, hungry and scared, citizens of Earth could see events that they had never witnessed before. In the big cities, the water systems could be cut off, the sewage systems could stop, the gas pumps might not work and anything that requires electricity to operate would possibly cease to function.
In a matter of hours, because of panic, sense of survival and being terrified of what is happening, the instinct of staying alive would kick in to many people. What would you do? We have been brainwashed, so to speak, to stay calm, to obey laws, to follow directions and not to ask questions. This could all suddenly change, especially in the large cities like New York, Atlanta, Chicago and Huston. Each city has about 3 days supply of food, water and supplies, when things are going good, but take out electricity, refrigeration and the mode of transportation, then the mentality of humans would change.
For anyone living in the South when the possibility of snow, hurricane or shortage of gas is announced, can think of how the mentality of people change. Every single loaf of bread, every shelf of bottled water, all the charcoal, all the processed meat, all milk, all candles, all matches and any other preparedness item is gone within a matter of hours from stores. These are just announcements of a coming storm, not an actual storm that has hit. Also all of us saw of the New Orleans hurricane that hit and of what actions that turned some of the normal everyday people into rioters and looters..
So what is the best way to approach the coming solar storms? The first thing is to evaluate where you live. The big cities will be a death trap, for sure if the electricity goes out for any length of time. The sky scrapers will run out of quality air and water in a short time, leaving the residents to fend for themselves or to muggers if trying to escape. The stores with food would be cleaned out in a matter of hours,whether bought or stolen or set on fire by vandals. One should pick a living place far from the walking distance of a large city, a place that food could be raised and a site where fresh, clean water could be obtained. The living conditions, with out electricity, would deteriorate very quickly with out electricity, inadequate transportation and the restricted means of getting needed items into the city.
No matter where you live, a bug-out bag, get-out-of-dodge or survival bag should be assembled and kept in the car, the house or where ever you spend time. These bags contain the items that you would need to survive 3 days or more. The one that should be placed in the car would contain matches, string, rope, high energy food, water, cutting utensil, medical supplies, toilet paper, tooth brush, paste, floss, and a tarp to begin with. Other items might include a hatchet, survival/space blanket, poncho, extra clothes, shoes, fire starter, candles, CB radio, fish hooks, line and personal items, like soap and towel.
If the solar flare is intense enough, the effects would short out even the coils, computers and electrical systems on the buses, cars, trucks and transportation. The energy that is released from the sun could be so massive, that it could melt coils, copper wire and strung electrical wires and scorch the Earth, start fires and create havoc with the environment.
Since we have not experienced any thing like this in our history, with the billions of inhabitants, complex electrical grid, the immense communication network and the compound transportation system, the outcome will not be known until the storm hits. The results of any solar storm have many variables, such as the intensity, the angle, the shields around the Earth and the projection of the impact.
The bottom line? What would it take to live? What would you do for survival? Think that what you have, might mean survival for another, so this might mean that defense might be on the agenda. If the lights were turned out where you live for an extended time, could you survive with out water, food, clothing, shelter, light, baths or transportation? These are questions that should be pondered and answered. The solar storms are coming and the time is fast approaching.
Outside Grill
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Solar Storms
Solar storms could be in the form of pure plasma from an CME, electrons-protons from a solar flare or from a cosmic collision. Any of these events could bring devastation to the Earth in the form of electrical outages. In the United States, most cities and towns depend on electricity for daily survival. All water and fuel systems require electricity to operate. The country's production uses about 85 percent electricity for operation, which equates to about 85 percent manpower. The food, water, transportation and waste must have electricity for operation and transport.
Any disruption of electricity could cause the economy, infrastructure, medical and banking systems to collapse. Also, any solar storm that would hit the electrical grid could collapse the grid nationwide, causing brownouts and blackouts. A grid collapse could take years to correct because there are not any manufacturers of transformers in the United States and have to be imported from other countries.
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