Probably Rumplestiltskin I guess that's how you spell his name.
lol I'd be unhappy too if I had a name like that. And who the heck wants to be called Rumpy for short? Or worse, Rump.
((( Rumpy Stiltskin)))
The unhappiest people are those who have never known peace within.
Children are born with peace within them and a joy of life but adults can bombard these.
We must recognize, respect and protect a child's natural sense of peace and joy.
I would tend to think that comedians are often more unhappy than not due to their use of people's personal experience in their public showings. I know a lot of comedians are really good at what they do; but, it seems to be that for someone to poke fun at someone else's misfortunes makes the person doing the "poking" seem insecure himself/herself. I'm just saying; but, I also understand that that is not the case all the time.
People who complain all of the time and never see the bright side nor have any patience in life.
The hopeless..."A man will endure anything...if he has hope;Without it,the wait of a feather is to much to bare"~D F~
Atheists are unhappy with other humans who won't stop trying to force beliefs on them. They are quite unconcerned with God.
It is impossible to "force" someone into ANY belief.
Atheists do not believe in any God and are unhappy because others will not believe in what the atheists are trying to force upon everyone else.
They are also unhappy because they say that they have no religion but the truth is that they do. The problem eats at them inside because cannot explain it.
That's a very twisted and bitter view of atheists! Was your mother scared by one while she was carrying you?
As you might gather, I'm one very happy atheist who has never, ever tried to force anybody else to share my lack of belief in a fantasy.
I cannot tell you what was going on while I was inside and she did not mention anything to me afterward, so I do not know.
I apologize. Since I am not one myself then perhaps I should have said 'some' or 'a few' because atheist or non-atheist we are all not the same in our ways.
The only humans who try to force their religion on you are Muslims. With them, it's either submit or die. Christians know that God gave us all free will, so it's up to each of us to either accept or reject Christianity. We never try to 'force' anyone. That's a claim atheists always employ, but it's simply not true.
I would say people who are obsessed with what others think of them. You see it in Hollywood celebrities. I know when I was addicted to Facebook, I was addicted to what other people thought of me. My happiness hinged on that euphoric feeling of being popular. I was very unhappy before I got rid of all my social media back in 2011.
People who are naturally negative and pessimistic are unhappy. It is like the expression "Misery Loves Company".
Oldest children are the UNHAPPIEST, because they were dethroned by successive siblings, had to give UP their childhoods & adolescence in order to be adults before they were ready, and many had to be second parents instead of enjoying their childhoods. They also had to ALWAYS put other's needs before THEIRS. They had to postpone, even forgo their goals in order to be of service to their parents and siblings.
Poor and impoverished people are the UNHAPPIEST. They live at a primitive level socioeconomically w/o access to quality food, health care, housing, and education. Poorly educated people fall into the same category in most instances.
That may be true in some cases ,but there are different levels of poverty
Like there is in being wealthy. Some people are rich, some people are filthy rich.
But I try to keep in mind the words of King Solomon .who was more then rich or filthy rich.
Reference Bible Ec 2:11 And I, even I, turned toward all the works of mine that my hands had done and toward the hard work that I had worked hard to accomplish, and, look! everything was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing of advantage under the sun.
Ec 2:8. I accumulated silver and gold for myself, the treasures of kings and of provinces. I gathered male and female singers for myself, as well as what brings great pleasure to the sons of men—a woman, yes, many women. 9 So I grew great and surpassed anyone prior to me in Jerusalem. And my wisdom remained with me.
Reference Bible Ec 2:10 And anything that my eyes asked for I did not keep away from them. I did not hold back my heart from any sort of rejoicing, for my heart was joyful because of all my hard work, and this came to be my portion from all my hard work.
Reference Bible Ec 2:11 And I, even I, turned toward all the works of mine that my hands had done and toward the hard work that I had worked hard to accomplish, and, look! everything was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing of advantage under the sun.
Troublemakers are unhappy people. Because they are negative, they can't stand to see others happy or successful. Jealousy runs like a river through their veins.
Passive people who are victims of life instead of being proactive, accountability, and taking responsibility for their lives. Haters, negaters, and other types of negaholics who are quite poisonous and toxic! People who are crabs in a barrel, HATERS GALORE!
I'm not a big fan of lumping people into any category of any kind, and then making assumptions about them. Enjoy the game, though (and I don't mean to come across as self-righteous). l It's just that - game or not, and interesting (and maybe even "enlightening") as it may be to see the kind of things people think about any group/category of people; I think there's also something to be said for not just skipping this game and finding a thread I like better, and instead not remaining "quiet" about what it is I don't really like about it.
On the other hand (and in fairness to this "game"), there is also something to be said for bringing out into the open the kind of automatic assumptions or reasoning that people use when they assume one or another thing about any group/category of people.
Sorry. Ignore me. I've got "issues" with this in my personal life, either because I belong to one category or another, belong to too many categories, or just throw people off in general.
People who have just realized they have been cheated out of hundreds of dollars by a fake psychic.
Besides being the UNHAPPIEST, they are also the STUPIDEST. Must be real here!
Reference Bible 1Ti 6:17 Give orders to those who are rich in the present system of things not to be high-minded, and to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment;
Mr 10:23 After looking around, Jesus said to his disciples: “How difficult it will be for those with money to enter into the Kingdom of God!”
Mt 13:22 As for the one sown among the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, but the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Reference Bible Mt 19:24 Again I say to YOU, It is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God.”
That was the case then and it still is.
Who wrote the Bible? It has been rewritten so many times that how do you know which one to turn to?
Examiner Good question will post details to you soon.
The hopeless man/woman is unhappiest. They go through life without a reason to live.
Poor people find happiness in little things. You do not miss what you never had.
Since there is a superlative on happy. I guess that 1 will do...
No sense trying to slick a point across by adding people who forget who they are/where they came from; attempting to fit in with others who seem better than self. Much better.
People who are mired in the scarcity/poverty mentality are UNHAPPY. Rationalize being poor all you want, poor people who struggle from day to day AREN'T happy. Please DON'T kid ourselves regarding the issue at hand! No right thinking poor person is happy! This is REALITY!
Jesus was poor and happiest.
They who follow him find joy and peace that some people of this world do not have a chance at.
Money clouds the issues. And plenty of it, can be blinding.
...have you thinking that one may be "happier" if they had just a few more dollars, and extra stuff.
It is the trick, most tricky.
So you would rather be poverty stricken? Really, inverse logic at its best!
Judgmental people.
Narrow minded people.
Authoritarian people.
Bigoted people.
Envious people.
Underachieving people who refuse to use their highest potential, living a vicarious life through more successful and famous people.
People who make excuses ad infinitum.
People who sabotage others either covertly or overtly because they feel threatened by those others.
EVIL people.
Wow! It seems that bitterness (unhappiness) has seeped into your posts. Have you mentioned the unhappiness you feel???
It's therapeutic... and it might feel better to release.
Judgment of poor/black people is telling...
Oh!!! You did mention judmental. So maybe there's hope.
The "STUPIDEST statement"'you made earlier, was evil sounding.
You ok???
Posted the thread with the sole purpose of making people think. This ISN'T the usual games thread. I LOVE to make people THINK OUT OF THE BOX so to speak!
Yeah. "Making people think" about what YOU like???
You and I are two Black women. Probably from the same class. And most likely, have the same education. And we could not be further apart in thought.
Does that automatically make ME wrong, in your mind?
The way you speak, speaks...
Now, if you wanna highlight the way I speak and continue to throw labels that degrade and diminish; I have no problem wit dat.
Let it out. But, what goes up... uh, you know cliches right???
The unhappiest are materialists who must have more and more to feed their unfulfilled spiritual lives.
-1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-we DO live in a MATERIAL world. One must be a materialist to live a civilized life or he/she will live in..........POVERTY. Poverty ISN'T noble nor a good thing. Poverty is socioeconomic hell. There is NOTHING WRONG with wanting ........MORE.
Do you have a spiritual life? If not, you are missing out on a big part of life.
Just look at the way you write... POVERTY.
It's like you have a thing against poor people. Oh!!! I forgot...
Poor people are the socioeconomic D students in our society. They AREN'T respected, they are POWERLESS, & they are OWNED/SLAVES. NEED I say MORE! The name of the game in this society is ECONOMICS. Economic power means leverage, the rest is well, $%^&%$!
Somebody get my oxygen! Lol...
Yes, let it out... you must be QUITE pained. I'm sorry. But I'm here. With my poor and happy ass. you want somma mines???
I AM NOT PAINED. Thankfully, I wasn't born poor but into a solid middle class household. Not to digress. Yes, I am angry because there is little excuse to be poor in America. People are poor in America(excusing certain extenuating circumstances) because they act irresponsibly and adopt destructive patterns and habits. I am pissed because poor people in America CAN DO BETTER but they elect NOT TO DO SO.
I do not believe you. I know many who work hard and end up with nothing, but the smiles on their faces.
I think I have a whole lot of reasons to be poor in this country. I don't have nothin.
But that's temporary.
Hate and disdain can kill you. Poor people will always be here. We outnumber the haves by many. So one must hate and sneer a long time. It causes physical sickness to match..
How dare one to look down upon another for not having extra???
There's a problem there. And it will fester... that one is headed for a great destruction. Pride...look it up. Biblically, unless...
Those who worked hard and ended with nothing are acting imprudently. They DIDN'T prepare for their future educationally and socioeconomically. Being poor is a MINDSET which translates into being poor socioeconomically. THINK please! If one wants to advance and succeed socioeconomically, one CAN and WILL. My parents DID IT, they were born impoverished, not just poor, and advanced into the middle class through education, strategizing, and working SMART, not hard. I was taught that in order to succeed, to have a PLAN and implement a POSITIVE plan of action!
My parents inculcated in me the IMPORTANCE of doing things constructively educationally and socioeconomically! You have got a lot to learn; I knew this at 11 YEARS OF AGE! My late father was a Black Caribbean while my mother was from the south. She grew up in a segregated south and STILL SUCCEEDED, there is NO excuse for people in America to be POOR. Oh, puhleeze, stop with the victimology mindset and psychology. I'M DONE, discussing this with you is an utter exercise in futility!
Have you ever thought that some people choose not to be greedy materialists?
OH BOY, another one who espouses the culture of POVERTY, NONACHIEVEMENT, and FAILURE. Yes, THOSE are the people who are in the streets literally or are living from hand to elbow, wondering how they are going to pay their rent, pay their bills, if they are going to eat or starve, or will they fall through the socioeconomic cracks. There is no such thing as a greedy materialist-that's HATER'S talk!
I only fail to live my life based on greed and owning more and more material possessions that do nothing for me.
I grew up in a poor family, but we were VERY happy. I had an exceptionally good childhood. It was awesome, having the freedom to be creative and make up games to play with my siblings.
DENIAL is a river in Egypt. By the way, there is an apartment duplex selling for $10.00 a month. Oh, puhleeze, no poor person is HAPPY. I simply love people rationalizing being poor, NEVER wanting to improve themselves. You are indeed the POSTER child for being ANTI-SUCCESS and content to be in POVERTY! Well, some people have THAT SCARCITY and FAILURE mindset and consciousness. Oh well............
What HIGH MINDED lunacy IF YOU ASK ME! NO ONE wants to be.....poor!
Some people just ......DON'T KNOW.......
(annoyed gasps and hisses) I have AN OPINION on this but ladies are present......
Oh CRAP, not THIS again. Everyone in his/her right mind wants to SUCCEED......
Well, THERE are THOSE who DON'T KNOW.....any BETTER, what else can I SAY!
NO ONE likes POOR....OH GOD....
Really how would you really know personally who are the poor and rich on HP ,you are assuming by what your opinion, but you could very well be speaking to Donald trump relative, or a CEO of a big company, there are people who have it but do not throw it in people's face. These I respect.
Not supposed to throw it in people's faces, that is not class. We ALL know this but no one in his/her logical mind is happy being socioeconomically poor. That is THE REALITY of the situation at hand.
Writing is all caps doesn't make you right, no matter how much you want to be. Who are YOU to judge another person's happiness?
Live in an UNREALISTIC, FANTASTICAL world if you wish. I'll ....WAIT! The world BELONGS to those who have SOCIOECONOMIC WEALTH.........that is the influence especially political and social, no doubt about it! When will PEOPLE wake up and......REALIZE THIS! Then talking to some people is UTTERLY FUTILE........if they want to live on socioeconomic scraps, FINE WITH ME. If they want to be POWERLESS and PUSHED AROUND, FINE WITH ME. In essence, poor people are personae non gratae, FINE WITH ME! Have a LOVELY DAY, Jane and CG, one day you will WAKE up to socioeconomic reality!
The world belongs to God, ma'am. And you definitely need to know that even money will not ensure you have a voice. Though being black cuts your chances dramatically. Case in point, you obviously have a lil cash, I hope. And you are here... using your "voice" just like me. we're even here. You could be lying and typing from Africa while sneaking on your madame's corner computer. And I could be Paris Hilton.
How far are you in education??? You seem quite misinformed or naive, maybe. I guess you probably shouldn't tell me...
You know gmwilliams I give it to you ! you are good at what you do ! You either bring out the worse in us or the best
But I must remember the many kind comments you have made, the wonderful upbuilding ones.
So really you are greater then what you post behind the scenes.
Do not believe all you read from this good person.
My poor dear child, economic power determines this world. Please read some books. I knew ALL this when I was a child. My parents taught me the importance of economics. My parents also inculcated me in the premise not to let being Black be an excuse for not succeeding. You are the author of making excuses.
Yes, there is a widening chasm between the more educated, socioeconomically more affluent Black and the Black who is less educated, socioeconomically poorer who sees racism as an excuse to be mired in negative circumstances. If you wish to be happy on the periphery of society on socioeconomic crumbs, GO AHEAD, BE MY GUEST! Being Black DOESN'T dramatically reduce one's chances for success. My parents rose themselves from poverty to middle class at a time when segregation and racism was OVERT.
Please stop with the WOE IS ME, I AM BLACK excuse. Blacks can succeed if they want to. The reasons why so many Blacks fail to succeed include: the crab in the barrel mentality; the negative/stupid attitude that it is cool to be ignorant/being intelligent and striving are acting like Caucasian people; having a passive instead of a proactive mindset; still having a slave and plantation mentality-expecting and wanting to achieve little, being happy with socioeconomic crumbs; and having pathological life habits. Again, this may be over your head, Anyway, have a NICE DAY!
Awwww...indoctrination. .
Sorry. They got to you early...
Well! All is not lost... Remember how well you recently remembered that some of it has to do with ...isms??? You may concentrate on that!
Thank you for your permission to live the way I've decided is best for me, right now. I knew you had a nice bone!
My poor, dear, child, economic power, in the wrong hands, determines how this world turns out. See how well!?!?!?
Exercises in futility are relatively determined... uh... I feel the same way you do there.
Seems you've taken a LONG time with those thoughts.
I have no bad feeling about you. But you do have my sympathies.
I'm sorry...
And I wish you well.
No way, will you NOT sing my song, within a few years... and I promise not to kick you when you're down.
You exemplify the typical crab in the barrel mentality of the Black masses. I was not indoctrinated, I was TAUGHT! I do not have the socioeconomic angst you do. I am HAPPY, not whining about my conditions. You made your educatioinal and socioeconomic choices, so do not blame society for your choices! Your choices are YOUR FAULT, AGAIN GOOD DAY! America has been GOOD to me, no complaints at all!
You exemplify the crab somewhere. It is horrible that you have your opinions because the higher you are ..
I have, no problem with my choices.
America is good to me too. I'm happy too. I got education too. I'm black too. You have not heard me "whining" about ME and how much BETTER I seem to be than the masses. And you won't. I boast in the Lord. I'm too vulnerable. I have NO idea what tomorrow holds.
Good day, already...
Well, that's is the passive attitude towards life. I believe in talking a more proactive approach to life. You have just inspired me to write a hub! There are those who let life HAPPEN to them while there are smarter people who make life HAPPEN. See the difference, my dear one?!
Yes Dear, I see. You doers are really doin it while we not-doers are sitting and doing nothing... MISinformed, just as I figured.
I'm glad to have been an inspiration to you.
Please do not forget to add my name to the CREDITS of your hub.
NOW, good day??? or have you not finished tooting your horn?
Jane, I would have to agree with your sentiment. I think poor people can definitely be happy! They are also sometimes much stronger people to overcome the other hurdles in life.
I have heard some in my own family say, "we never even knew how poor we really were! We had it all, as far as I was concerned." That sort of thing.
If someone were to suggest that happiness was to be equated with money or being rich, then I would have to disagree. Money isn't the kind of thing that MAKES a person happy. This would mean that when they lost their money, they become unhappy? People lose their money, lose everything sometimes. I believe and truly think that happiness depends on much more than that, even though I can't deny that it can be harder if you are wondering where your next meal comes from.
When people lose their money (often suicide follows). It is a bad situation, but it is hard for some to separate money from happiness. For some, money IS happiness. But I know different.
Yes, it is difficult when you wonder about the next meal, but again, it does not take the place of happy. As we've seen time and time again, people who never worry about meals are some of the most unhappy inside.
Unhappiest... thank you for the illustration. I don't think we were quite grasping the concept before.
I think a point was made here. We have a poor person willing to give all they do have. While sneers and hisses are hurled in her direction.
People who endured/are enduring abuse are the UNHAPPIEST. No one should ever endure this egregious disrespect.
People who are the MERCY of OTHERS.......
Well your words are not encouraging people to reach high rather it is very irritating, it is like a Doctor telling a patient look at you You are sick ,you should be like me , very healthy, you are not trying, that is why you are sick not knowing this person inherited a sickle cell, cancer, or any other , no one wants to be sick. But it is very unkind to to remind them that they are. The doctor does his Job by helping and encouraging. You are taking a hammer and hitting your patients in the head as example. That is not helpful at all.
This response does make me rethink the question. I cannot disagree that people who endured abuses might have a true struggle with happiness, compared to the person that didn't suffer any abuse. On the other hand however, some of THOSE people that have been through the most, strive to rise so far above, that they seem to appreciate the goodness in life, and all the richness it offers! They can appreciate and find happiness in the smallest of things sometimes, that someone that grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth, might not ever even consider or encounter! Some of the most unlikely people, can be downright miserable!
The person that has been through severe abuse, might just find the joy in super simple things, and even find healing in them. Just wanting to look at all sides of the coin. The more well to do person that has always had it all, may have a way more COMFORTABLE life, but comfortableness doesn't equate to happy. We just often think it does I think. Its like a "that grass over there is so much greener" syndrome, sometimes.
Super Duper Bingo!!!
Pain... possible bottom of the barrel syndrome at the artsy fartsy high school of "real" snobs.
Black people, not from this country, have certain ideas about black people from this country... then they teach their children...
"We are MUCH better than they, and we have a duty to make the distinction publicly."
Unfortunately, it makes things much harder for those children, mentally. For when you elevate yourSELF, things go awry.
I AM being HELPFUL, THAT'S my STYLE.....ssssssssss
People ARE responsible for THEIR OWN lives. The reason many people are in dire circumstances is because they ELECT to be. No one has to be negative if he/she DOES NOT wish to BE.
Those that choose views that they want to be good ones, when they are not good ones. This is evidenced in their trying to defend them, or having to twist or lie about them. Also, they go after others views they oppose, mainly using arguments that turn out to be ad hom or strawmen. I have observed this for at least a full decade and a half now.
Well, Kiss andTales, gm and gm (we even have the SAME initials) have spoken before.
I don't think she's playing.
She is not playing with her methods, if you pay real close attention she always ask questions not common to regular post. Like a Doctor would in a mental profession . Sorry gmwilliams but people are building up bad thoughts about you. When it is not so.
It's a bait. Lately, the questions have been from ideas not fully expressed in the forums. Certain points must need be fully conveyed. I know personally, two people with these views, and I understand where they come from.
No problem for me. I've got enough to concern myself with.
I will pray, it is obviously warranted from my viewpoint, but that's all I can do. And I'm fine with that.
Now you may convey how you REALLY feel. Lol...
Yea this is so True when people here use to use the the one with the mouth open laughing historically !
I use to feel that one ! And would take that personal. But I got over it quick! lol!
gmwilliams just use life size pictures on me so I will not miss the face at all!
Wilderness and Jonny and Atm (who's the new Jonny? I know he's here)
A smile says so much. Give it to 'em! Lol...
Oh yeah. I got the face too. Tho I wondered why the pics. Those last ones were scary.
People who are THE ODD PERSON OUT.
People who are discriminated against because of their particular protected class whether it is age, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Or rather, people who believe themselves to be lesser because of such discrimination.
People who generally have LOW self-esteem.
People who strive to be accepted by a particular ingroup.
UNFAVORED children who are/were marginalized or worse by their parents and siblings.
SCAPEGOATED children who were singled out by their parents for differential treatment.
FAVORED children who were hated on by their siblings because they received preferential treatment by their parents much to the chagrin of their other siblings.
People who DON'T have a conducive plan for their lives-living for mere immediate gratification without any thought of their future.
People who complain, comPLAIN, COMPLAIN about their life circumstances and situations yet REFUSE to do anything constructive and improve their particular situation and HATING on those who are more successful.
Did I add.........UNSUCCESSFUL people.......oopsy!
by Monica Langley 9 years ago
Paste the last thing you copied into the comments.... (No Cheating Please) =PI'll start- the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.
by Misbah Sheikh 12 months ago
Let's share some two or four line poetry here or just write something poetic. Let's have some fun. Cheer up everyone.
by Nicola Thompson 23 months ago
I find that it is so easy to get wrapped up in the little things and get down by them. There are a few of us in my work situation and in my personal relationships that practice the "I Like" game. When we get flustered, we list 3-5 things we like, or are happy about or that is going good...
by Jennifer Arnett 10 years ago
We all know how important encouragement is to new writers. Go find 3 Hubs that have zero comments and leave an encouraging note. All of your followers will see that you commented on their Hub and hopefully a few will leave a comment as well. Go find some new Hubbers and send them...
by x 12 years ago
...posts the most life-inspiring quote. Wins.I will start."Go placidly amid the noise and haste."
by mtsi1098 15 years ago
this hubber has a total of 5 characters, including 2 vowels, in the hubber id?
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